RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (Full Version)

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masterwolfie -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/16/2008 5:39:14)

Hey blues and hey jimbo32 (for both)

hows life as a AK?
Good, really!
Pretty good so far...

Who is more evil Reens or Scakk? :P
Both are really nice!
Well, Scakk *can* be a *bit* evil. ;)

What is the most random question you had in this thread?
There were random questions?
I'm certain that everyone put a lot of thought into each question. Sorta like our answers. ;)

Donuts! mmmm or Cookies Yum!!
Donuts for me too please!

Paladins or Necromancers :P
Ncros, I like the dark side!
Paladins for me - I've got to offset blues' evil.

Ohwell thats all, Bye blue Bye jimbo32
Bais wolfie!
Later wolfie!


Viking_Jorun -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/16/2008 10:27:05)


Congratulations on becoming an AK!!!
Thank you very much VJ!

1) How much do you like being an AK?
Veeeeeeeeeeeeeery much!

2) DF, MQ, or AQ?
All 3

3) Do you like the new release in DF?
Yes, itīs a good storyline

4) Did you enjoy defeating Zhoom? *Yes I know you've defeated Zhoom already*

5) Do you play any sports?
I ruptured a knee ligament so not much sports for me

6) What sports do you play?
I played handball, basketball, badminton

7) How is your day going today?
Good, itīs Sunday and I have vacation next week

8) Are you looking forward to the responsibilities that overcome you as an AK?
Iīm already used to it since 7 months

9) Red or green?

10) Last's life?

Congratulations again, and thanks for answering my questions!
Thx and youīre welcome!



Congratulations on becoming an AK!!!

1) How much do you like being an AK?
Good so far - no disastrous accidents!

2) DF, MQ, or AQ?
Can I pick all three?

3) Do you like the new release in DF?
Looked good to me.

4) Did you enjoy defeating Zhoom? *Yes I know you've defeated Zhoom already*
He was a bit too easy I thought.

5) Do you play any sports?

6) What sports do you play?
Football (American) sometimes - though I had a bit of a mishap Superbowl Sunday. My top front teeth pretty much went through my upper lip. No mouthguard ftl!

7) How is your day going today?
Good so far.

8) Are you looking forward to the responsibilities that overcome you as an AK?
I have responsibilities? *runs away screaming*

9) Red or green?

10) Last's life?

Congratulations again, and thanks for answering my questions!


xaxtoo -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/16/2008 13:30:51)

So this will be separated into jimbo and blues sections.


So then, Klose's experience over Poldoski's youth? Arsene Wenger is proving otherwise. ;p
ah, Wenger....

And yes I do mean Döner. So repeat of that question. I can't be expected to type stuff that's not visible on the keyboard!
I like Döner, but the real Greek Gyros is far better

Sundae's on a Sunday?
Ice cream! YAY!

Favorite Car?
Ferrari or Porsche

Radio Show?
Iīm listening Antenne Bayern, you probably donīt know it :P

Why do you keep on taking on more and more responsibilities? :p
Itīs fun and I like it!



Congrats first of all on SoO, didn't really get a chance to say that, and then congrats x2 for getting promoted to AK-status.
Thanks xax!

Favorite Word?
Hmm. I think I'd have to say "Ka"

Any gaming you do outside of the immediate BattleOn family?
Yep, lots. Mostly PC RPG's and RTS's.

If you can put a Pizza on a topping, which kind of crust would it have?
If you were to make the pizza in reverse, it would cease to be a pizza. Therefore, it would have no crust - I'd just be a mass of dough and cheese. :D

Finally favorite TV show.
Right now? Battlestar Galactica.

See you around.
See ya!

blueblock -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/16/2008 17:10:48)

Do you like Tool?
Any particular type of tool? Personally, I prefer the phillips-head screwdriver! ;) (I know you meant the band - I'm just being difficult)
A band? Then I donīt know it, sorry

Esori Itaka -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/16/2008 17:24:43)

@ blues

Congragumulations on becoming an AK
Thank you very much

1) How are you?

2)Who would win a fight between a howler monkey and a Panda bear :0?
Monkeys are mean!

3)Sweet or Sour?

4)Right or left-handed?

5)dark or light meat?
dark of course :P


@ jimbo32

chello and Gratz
Hi, and thanks!

1) How are you?
I'm good, thanks...

2)Kangaroo's or Koala bears?
As pets or for dinner?

3) >Random Generic question<

4)Right or left-footed?
I tend to use both equally

5)uhmm.. i ran out of questions T~T *psst* next time ill give u more questions than blues >.>
Make sure you don't go over the limit - baaaaaad things may happen! ;)

master dragon lord -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/16/2008 17:40:35)

hi blues
Heya MDL

cake or pie

soup or salad

i hate love your avatar
Me too!!!!

gears of war VS. god of war
god of war

bio shock VS. halo 3
Donīt have the console but Bio shock looks good

favorit tv show/movie
Friends/Groundhogs day

fav color

^_^ or >_<

who inslaved your soul i mean made you an AK
I got Scakkīed. Then Kalīed, then alacīed and Morgensturnīed, then IMYīed and now Reensīed.

hi jimbo (same questions i want to hear your opion to)

cake or pie
Depends. Coconut cream pie > most cake, although Devil's Food cake > most pies. :)

soup or salad
Again, depends. Greek salad > most soups (a good Caesar ftw as well), though I like spicy soup as well.

fav halo game
Never played any of them, believe it or not.

gears of war VS. god of war

bio shock VS. halo 3

favorite tv show/movie
Battlestar Galactica (the new one), and the Star Wars movies. Some of my other favs are The Usual Suspects, most of the Tanantino flicks, and a whole bunch more that I can't think of atm. ;)

fav color
Green, I suppose.

^_^ or >_<

who inslaved your soul i mean made you an AK
This time, it was Icemaster Yeti, though Kalanyr and Rayf got there first.

ok by you 2

Sano -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/16/2008 23:25:26)

NO WAY!!! It's BLUES!!!
Itīs sano :) Hello and welcome my friend!
He's an AK...yet again.
Congratulations Blues...and very well done Mind Slave er...old friend.
Now that you control-er...look over a good amount of the forums...don't stop there....
make your way to the top and then...we WILL take over the WORLD!!! Muhahaha...oh yeah, the questions.
Well...I asked you all that I needed in your last MtAK, so nothing left but the congrats for the both of yous.
*And don't forget the whole world domination thing.*
So have fun....and I hope you're still able to rate with us.
Have fun and see you around the forums.

Thank you very much my friend.... and I started the domination getting better thing already! I will still rate a bit, donīt worry!

whitewolf 12 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/17/2008 12:27:13)

Blues rated me once. :o
Did I phail you? :o

So you finally became a mod, eh Jimbo? Does that mean I won't see you in the OOC anymore? :(
Uh, I can't recall *ever* posting in OOC...

10 for each, mm'kay?

And Jimbo, you know you were just trying to get blues to pull some of the MtAK questions. Don't deny it! XD
I'm not sure what you mean, but I won't deny it either! :)


1. will you still be rating?

2. Favorite Hobby?

3. Favorite dessert?
blackforest cherry cake

you had better say cookies!

4. Ok, you are now a dog. What do you do?

Half-way done with you. :(

5. Is jimbo a lazy pants?
No. Weīre a good team!

Well, he is old. :o
Old? Why do you say that?

But I didn't say that! >_>

6. If you had to lebel yourself, what would you be? Example being, nerd, jock, etc. etc.

I hope to be a nerd. :o

BBQ sounds good! I want steak

8. Do you play an MMOs?

9. If so, which ones?

Last question for blues!

10. Pity da foo who doesn't respect his momma?
If you say so.....

Ok, blues is done. Shoo Blues! It's Jimbo's turn! >:o


1. You're still Geezer of the forums, right?
I think you're thinking of someone else...

2. Will I still see you from time to time?
I've never seen you before in my life! Or spoken to you on the forums, so far as I can recall. I *really* think you're thinking of someone else!

3. Or will you avoid me? :o
Not necessary, since I've never seen you before!

Don't avoid me pl0x! D:

Keep it clean please!

5. Do you have good luck?
Naw, luck is for rookies. ;)

I don't. -steals yours-

6. Do you play any MMOs?
Nope. I've thought about it, but none of them really interest me. EVE Online may see me pay a visit at some point (maybe)

7. If so, which?
See above^

8. Favorite hobby?
Reading I suppose.

Almost done! :(

9. Favorite food ever in the whole wide world?
Hmm. Something spicy. Let's go with....burritos

10. Favorit word and it's meaning?
Ka: signifies life-force, consciousness, duty and destiny.

That last question was so one question, not a cheap two in one. >_>
Yeah, I'll let you have that one. :)

Mm'kays, all done now. I hate how fast these go. :(

mastin2 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/17/2008 18:01:23)

1+2: Oh, no...Another one of THESE threads...when will AK's/SoO's learn to each have their own threads? Or maybe do the reverse with ten (I believe the current record is 4) in the same thread?

Never because we are special

Well, this is nice! No need to add my edit colour/bolding! Cool!

3+4: Anyway, I suppose congrats are in order. Soo(jimbo, you remember that old pun very well, if I recall your SoO thread)...Congrats! (Does anyone NOT say that?)

thx a lot!

Thanks mastin!

5+6: Anyway, Most of my questions shall be directed at both of you, though because jimbo already had a chance to answer many of these questions, a good portion will be at you, blues. You can tell who it is at by the editing color I put in there (and if it's both, both are there and it is two questions, not one)

lets start


7: Do you hate people repeating themselves?

Oh yes

8: Do you hate people repeating themselves?


9: Do you hate people repeating themselves?


10: Opinion on Reresponses?


11: Do you ever respond to them?


12+13: Do you prefer random questions (Like say 5+10-100*3/0+2*5=?), or quite organized ones?

Organized please

I like the organized ones - the random ones take some effort to come up with a clever reply. ;)

14+15: Well, I'll save the rest for later (AKA never) and await your response. See ya!


Thanks for coming to the party!


Edit: Oh, how could I forget this one?

16+17 (or whatever number I'm on): What's your opinion on people asking you a question you answered already?

I forget the questions immediately when I answered them :P

I don't really mind (much) :)

Sarak -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/17/2008 18:49:03)

Hello Red! Erm I mean Blues!
Hello Rasak

1. What's your favorite color? Wait let me guess!! orange! :P
you Phail!

2. Cats or dogs?

3. Fav game other then DF,MQ,AQ
The old Zelda games

4. Favorite holiday?

5. Math or Art?

And Jimbo!

1. What made you pick your username as Jimbo? :o
Well, I wasn't really trying to come up with a cool RPG-type name (like Kalanyr for instance). I had used that one before on other forums and it seemed like the easiest way to go.

2. Coke or 7 up?
Coke ftw!

3. [sm=twill4a.gif]or[sm=xb9yx3.gif]
Those are my only choices? o: I'd have to go with neither!

4. Snow or Sun?
Sun, in a heartbeat. I don't think I could live anywhere with sun year-round though.

5. hahaha or Muhahaha?

That is all :P [:)]

mark bair -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/17/2008 18:55:30)

Hi blues & jimbo32!

1. How do you like DragonFable?
Just fine!
Fine for me too

2. How do you like MechQuest?

3. How do you like AdventureQuest?

4. Why isn't the sky a vortex?
Because AQ spells are only make-believe. You *do* know that right? ;)
In case you donīt, take the blue pills please!

5. How do you feel about critics?
Like Roger Ebert? I don't think I have any feelings about him...;)
No feelings

6. Do you think I asked that because I am kinda one?
Cool! You do movie reviews?
I donīt know you good enough

7. What is your favorite color?
Green I suppose.

8. When did you become AKs?
Technically, last week. but I've been a Squire of Order since last summer.
August 2007

9. What is your favorite class?
Hmm. I'm liking Ranger quite a bit.

10. What is your favorite Artix Entertainment game?
I like AQ and DF equally. I'm not playing MQ much, but I'm sure that'll change when they add more content.
I like all 3 and play them equally. Maybe a bit more MQ for now.

Well those are the most sensible questions I have!
Sounds good!
Ready? Cool!

Avro -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/17/2008 19:12:33)


/me needs a patpat!
Not again. Ask Circe!

Gonna memorize the DF pedia too? :P
ah no.

/me hops into pouch and kicks around
I knew this would come sooner or later

How do you not know what SSBB is?
I have no Wii

/me smacks blues

/me tickles blues

Favourite type of ball?

Since you're a DF AK too, you're pouch gets bigger, right?
Iīm really no kangaroo

Favourite number?

Favourite type of annoying Avro?
the crying one

Dumbest IRC moment?
All Moments with Avro :P

Dumbest IRC moment with Avro?
There was only one?

Take Avro to park!
Itīs skoobys turn today!

/me slaps blues around with a large trout!
/me slaps Avro around a bit with a large swordfish

Favourite type of forums?
AE Forums of course

Favourite NHL team?
Have none

SSBB stands for Super Smash Bros Brawl!

/me tickles blues for now knowing
not again.....

Hmms... I need to stay away from you on IRC or you'll hurt me :P
Yeah, I can kick you :P

Okayz, bai bais!

/me bye snugs blues
/me baisnugs Avro

Wizard Dragonwind -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/17/2008 19:33:53)

Is this a waste of a question?

Have you ever met an exploding penguin?
No, but westward has probably been close to exploding at times. ;)
You like to tantalise animals?

Class/House in the AE games?
AQ: beastwarrior build; DF: my main is a warrior; MQ: my main is in Wolfblade.
AQ: Warrior, DF: all 3 classes, MQ: all 3 houses

Do you have a mind of your own or is it taken like your soul when you become an AK?
Well, since I'm a Squire of Order, they had to leave my mind intact. I'm not sure about the other AK's though. ;)

How do you feel about the color green?
Well, I don't really have any feelings about it.
Itīs too.... greenish for my taste

Can you answer this question in a non-pointless way?
How's this?

Write out eleven thousand, eleven hundred and eleven?

Are these questions annoying?

Have you ever found it strange that all polar bears are left-handed?


Nope! Oh, wait... bye....
ah... Bais!

illkillu -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/17/2008 20:54:28)


Favorite holiday??
Boxing Day

Home state???
State? There's no American AK's in *this* thread!
hehe, yepp. Not American

chocolate milk or regular??
Chocolate I guess, though I prefer the regular stuff on my Rice Krispies!


pizza pie!!!!
Pizza *and* pie? Yes please!
First Pizza, the Pie

favorite comedian? mine is dave chappelle
Derek Edwards
Kaya Yanar

save me jeebus!!!!!
ehmmm... No

uhhh bye!

hi again!!



chocolate milk with cereal!!
I like it

do these statements make you laugh???
Some of them

Do you enjoy jokes??
I love joles

ok bye (again)

FC -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/18/2008 15:34:07)

For jimbo32

so you too have marvel ultimate aliance
How the heck did you know that?!? I didn't think I mentioned it here anywhere! Ah, the Deadpool comment. good to see that you're paying attention. ;)

whats your fav mision in it
Hmm, not sure. Arcade's part is kinda interesting though. Although I *hate* the stupid cannons at the end.

whos you fav charter
Deadpool or Black Panther I suppose. they're all pretty good though.

good or evil

black or white
Not just white, but *The* White. Win a pat on the back if you can figure out what I'm talking about!

Thats it and I almost forgot congrats

Anon Y. Mous -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/18/2008 17:11:39)

WHOA, MAN! The AKs are everywhere! It's a conspiracy! But don't tell them!
Thatīs part of the evil SoO plan to.. We just try to help as much as we can

Now that I've demonstrated how rational my thinking is, let's get to the questions:

1. Do you question the truth?
The truth is out there...

2. Are you getting smart with me?
With you? Never...
Ehm... next question

3. Am I awesome? (Hint: Answer is "Of course".)
Hehe, that was good joke

4. Would you Crank That Soulja Boy?

5. Did Alac say your soul tasted salty, sweet, sour, or bitter?
alac doesn't have the proper clearance to access my soul.
RAWR! Tastes like numbers. Numbers taste like purple. - Alac
Geez, I was hoping she wouldn't see that little tidbit. ;) I guess I should've known better!
Never underestimate a Triangle jimbo :P

6. ?!?!?!

8. LIEZ?

9. What would you do if I forgot to put #7 was to lazy to fix it?
Doesn't really matter how they're numbered. As we're about to find out... :)
We can count, donīt worry

10. Fake # 10?
Sorry, it counts. I'll be ignoring everything else!
As jimbo said

Time for some randomosity!

7. If 87=35 and three men walk into a bar, what time is it?
12.87 Homer time

11. Can you count to three?

12. LIEZ again?

13. If Jen is three inches taller than Jim, how tall is Jim?
not too tall

And that wraps up my Emtack post. I know you're sad it's over, and I'm sorry.
That doesnīt describe it exactly .... :P

Thank you very much!

Jr Paintballer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/18/2008 17:38:52)

Hey blues
Hey Mr. Paintball

Are you having fun?

Hows life?
Good so far

Favorite sport?

Have you seen the mysterious siggy eater around?
Siggy eater? Where? Tell me WHERE!!!!

What if he comes for me next?
/me goes to munch the Sig....

Hold me[:o]

Favorite vacation spot?

How special are you?
Unbelievable special

Liez, no one is specialer than me!

Ummm yea...

Favorite NPC?
Reens. Looks great now

Do you play runescape?

congratz anyway

Thank you very much!

johnc_alcos -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/18/2008 18:20:56)

Hey! Nice to meet you two!
Thank you!

List for both of you

2)Chocolate or Strawberry!
Chocolate. Although Vanilla Chocolate Almond is the all-time champ.
Strawberries covered with chocolate

3)Dragonberry or Mechberry?
you mean these games are named after actual berries? Cool!

5)What is/are your favorite song(s)? Here's mine.
I don't really have one. If I had to choose, It'd probably be something from Temple of the Dog.
Bat out of hell is one of my all time favourites

6)If I ask the same question twice, will you give me the same awnser?
Try it

7)If I ask the same question twice, will you give me the same awnser?
You really done it

9)Level in MQ? AQ? DF?
15, 100, 37
16/15/15, 108, 40/40/12

12)Do you think global warming is a myth?
Nope. The winters where I live are *much* different than when I was younger.
Unfortunately not :(

13)What does the z stand for in lolz?
Itīs an abbreviation for Z.324. You should know this!

14)Favorite movie?
Hmm. Too tard to choose.
Groundhogs day

15)T.V. show?
Battlestar Galactica

Well... congratulations and I hope to see you later.
Thx and see you!


Edited for length :)

draketh99 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/18/2008 19:26:46)

Since you posted 20, I have to assume that half are for me and the others are for blues. Otherwise, you'd be breaking the rules stated in the first post. And we know that you would never do that, right? :D
Argh, jimbo beat me to it and took the good ones....

hmmmm sup and congrats.

1.why the avater?
I'm a fan of the Knights of the Old Republic games. Besides, it looks cool.

2.naruto cool or lame

3.if answer yes japanese or american.
neither...nor caffine drink

5. df aq or mq
I like all 3

6.ninjas or pirates? choose wisely*puls out knife*

7.why do i ask questions
Why is the sea salty?

8.will armadillos really take over the world.
Look behind you... Quick!

9.c@n u undrs1@nd m3?
Yes, but it's still annoying ;)

10. if answer no then sad
We understand you, donīt worry. /me takes out the yellow pill

11. am i psycho?*twich**twich*
I hope not. /me takes out the blue pill

12.pie or cake?

13. how did u get to b an ak?
I was *born* an AK. ;)

14. did you sell ur soul for some shiney buttons like other aks say?
Not optional, they just.....No..we...still...have...our....souls!

15. how maney questions have i asked?
Fifteen. You can't fool us! about now?
One more than before

17. sorry for teh torture but its been a boring weekend
Go out playing!!!

18. how do you become an ak?
Well, there's not really one set way. You *really* don't want to actually try for the job though. See the FAQ in the Newbie Help forum for the actual official answer.

19. why limit people to twenty questions.
We'd be answering questions for months otherwise. ;)

20. what sould i ask for my final question.
Well, you could've gone with something like: "What are next weeks winning lotery numbers", but it's too late now!

well c ya and congrats and sry and ty(takes breath)

jimbo32 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/19/2008 2:45:47)

OK, folks.

It's been a week already (how time flies!), so we'll lock the thread and catch up on the questions we haven't answered. We may leave it here for a few days, so everyone who's interested can take a peek. After that, it will be moved to the archive which is located here.

Thanks to everyone who visited to ask some questions, and we hope to see you all in Equipment Comparison!

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