RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (Full Version)

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Demonotrix -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 21:30:56)

Another archknight, eh? What, do you guys come off an assembly line or something? I will keeping an eye on you BLUES.
:o...... Homer is watching YOU!!!! :P

joseph the great -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 21:38:07)

Ok first up congrats on being a AK is it fun?
Thx. Yes itīs fun most of the time.

1 Which staff weapon would you have?
We get no Staff Weapons

2 light blue or dark blue?
dark blues

3 irish mohawk or mullet?....he he...
Then mohawk.

4 do you like donuts?

5 coffee or tea?

6 cookies or cake?

7 favorate looking armor? (in game)

8 favorate looking weapon? (in game)
The Pumpkin Weapons

9 favorate looking pet? (in game)
I like my snowman

10 am i halfway through already?

11 fire or water?

12 hamburger or fish sticks?

13 do you like sushi?..............eewww
Yes, I like it!

14 yogurt or bacon? (i like bacon)

15 DF MQ or AQ?
All 3

16 what does your character do after he or she logs off?
I hope nothing that i wouldnīt do :P

17 lion or tiger

18 what would you do if you where a dragon?
Fly around

19 do you like deleting posts?
Not really. But itīs necessary sometimes.

20 ok my last question is have you eaten blue cheese before?
Yes. You can make a good pasta sauce with it!

Foligo -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 22:11:16)

Hello blues I've seen you've been AK'd though why now you are making this guide. Enjoying the most loved drug. . ."life"?
I always try to enjoy Life!

2. Well I'm a big fan of hip-hop (yes there is a difference from rap it depends who you listen to >_<). What's your favoirte genre of music?

3. Life. . a drug or STD

4. So your a SoO this possioson is very similar to KoO or are you their (one of) assistant's
SoOīs are KoOīs in training. We help them with some things.

5. So have your shackles rusted up yet? The 1 1/2 times a month feeding of old/modly bread and seeping water from the walls, has it affected you once at all or are you an ArchSoilder? ("strong").
Our Shackles are rustproof, donīt worry.

I've used up all of my good questions (with a little bit of psychosis entwined). I hope you find your new possion on these boards enjoyable. ^_^
Iīm sure it will be fun!


Shobu Shikashi -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/12/2008 22:15:29)

Do you like monty python and the holy grail Pie?? (and gratz!!)
I LOVE Monthy Python!!!!!

xaxtoo -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/12/2008 23:12:17)

Klose or Podolski?
Hehe... Klose.

What do you drive?
A really old car.

What's your favorite duerner place? (spelling is most likely off, but it works phoenetically ;p)
Hmmmm....xax, thats hard. Do you mean Döner?

Steak or Fish?

Scakk or Rayfish?
Scakk of course!

Do you think scab when you read Scakk? :p
:O. I will tell this to Goofy!

What other games do you play?
Only AQ, MQ and DF for now.

I'm usually more linear with my thoughts, but it's okay to let loose once in a while, enjoy your stay and congratulations on getting conscribed for more work.
Thx xaxtoo. Now, instead of asking me questions.... go and do some ratings lazybone :P

jimbo32 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/12/2008 23:19:23)

Note that from here down you can pester interrogate grill question both of us. Anything prior to this post is for blues alone. Folks who already used up their question allotment get a special, one-time-only gift: they are entitled to 10 additional questions aimed at me!

Ah, here is the Evil Thread-Hijacker :P

Shobu Shikashi -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/12/2008 23:41:32)


What gave you the idea for that avatar? (Jimbo)
The avatar is actually Darth Nihilus, from Knights of the Old Republic II. Clicky! I had Boba Fett on there until recently, but I couldn't come up with a decent title that would fit in my little remaining space [after DF S/EC (SoO)]. It had been "Fugitive Recovery Specialist (SoO)" but that's a little long unfortunately.

Do YOU like monty python and the holy grail?
Yep, although I haven't seen it in ages.

do you and blues get along?
Yes indeed. And since we've both been frequenting the AQ EC board for ages, we also tend to think somewhat alike.

have you ever seen an AKpower struggle? (thread hijaking)
I wouldn't call it a power struggle - there has to be some sort of resistance in order to qualify. ;)

have you ever hijaked someones clothes?
Naw, I usually have my own clothes...

if you could be a superhero which one would you be? (or what powers would you have)
I'm fond of Deadpool - some of his lines in "Marvel Ultimate Alliance" are priceless.

do you watch T.V.?
Yep. Battlestar Galactica FTW! (Only a few more short weeks 'till season 4!)

Do you play all three game? (AQ, DF, MQ)

do you play any other game?
Nothing on-line, though I've usually got a single-player game on the go. I just finished the PC version of "Jade Empire", which I'd been meaning to get around to for awhile.

is this my last question?

Thanks for coming!

nosey123 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/13/2008 0:40:28)

Grats blues

Grats jimbo32

...What? Not everyone has questions ^_^'
Oh, too bad.
You couldn't even come up with *one*? ;)

Saojun -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/13/2008 0:53:03)

Congratz to blues and jimbo32!
Thank you!

I've loitered around AQ Equip Comparison and it has nice guides. Hopefully DF EC will become similar to it. ;P
I hope so.
We've got a bit of work to do before we can get to that level. Hopefully it won't take too long!

Questions? What questions? No questions as well. :p
too bad.....

Bye for now and I'll loiter around DF EC as well.
Cool, see you there!
If you're interested in starting to do comparisons, blues and I would be happy to answer any questions...

Acravius -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/13/2008 1:07:57)

Congrats blues and jimbo32
Thanks Acra!

I'm glad you guys are in as AK's.
Questions are for both -
Please use your "edit" colors to answer with.

1. If you could be the butterfly that flapped its wings, and eventually created a Tropical Storm. Where would you have it have landfall, and what strength would you want it and why.
Choices include: Tropical Depression, Tropical Storm, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4 and Level 5.
Tropical Storm, level 483 over the house of a certain President .
Geez, that's a sort of violent question isn't it? I'm a man of peace!

2. Human Torch, or Iceman - Which would you be?
Human Torch.
Iceman - X-Men ftw!

3. Green Lantern Corp or Sinestro Corp - Which would you be?
Green lantern.
But Sinestro is a bad guy! Hal Jordan GL hands down.

4. What is your favorite letter?
R, donīt ask me why
The one that tells me that I've inherited millions from a long-lost relative. Unfortunately, it hasn't arrived yet!

5. What is your favorite tree or shrubbery?
Palm tree
Pine tree

6. Limbo or Elysium?

7. Exobiologist or Microbiologist?

8. Physics or Astronomy

9. What is your favorite Pencil/Paper/Dice RP system and what edition?
Never played one. It was not common here when I was younger.
AD&D 2nd Edition - the newer versions have potential, but there's some parts that I don't care for. The Storyteller system from White Wolf is OK as well.

Have fun....
You too!
Thanks for coming!

SiLvErWiNg -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/13/2008 1:53:15)

welcome guys! :D i just wanted to say thanks so much for helping out! :D and no welcome and congrats would be complete without a snuggle tackle right? ;)

*snugglehuggletackles both of you :D* keep up the good work and see you both soon! :D

*snugglehugglewuggleattacks* Silver! Iīm glad to work with you!!! :))))
Thanks Ag!

Mechster Chief -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/13/2008 2:12:11)


expect to rate me in the near future :D

df ak? awesome!

i wanna make a MQ rating center it that possible yet :D
Hehe, not yet. theres really not much to rate right now.

do you like Japanese food
I like Sushi!


rate me!
You get..... 0.8 out of 10. Sorry, you PHAILED!

What is your quest?
To find the holy grail

Look out theres a dragon behind you!
Donīt worry, thatīs mine :)

i got another AK to Dobb talk too
Good for you.

I miss astral ! :'(
Me too!!!!

See yah blues!

The Trobble One -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/13/2008 2:26:59)

These questions apply to you both.

Congrats on your recent AKship(s)?

What's your favortie video game? Besides online games?(Don't know why I ask this questions for everyone)
The Zelda games and mario.
Hmm. That's a tough one. I'm a fan of quite a few games - PC RPG's mostly. The Fallout games (yay for Bethesda and Fallout III), Baldur's Gate II (classic), the "Vampire: the Masquerade" games, the "Knights of the Old Republic" games, Freelancer, Titan Quest, RTS games like the Civilization series - the list is a long one.

Bye and Enjoy.

srinivas -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/13/2008 3:54:12)

More people to bug ask questions!

This is for the both of you :D

1. Do you like your jobs?
I love my job!
You mean in real life, or here on the forums? ;)

2. What makes AE so great?
Interesting games, wekly updates and a great community!
What he said ^

3. Do you hate Ash?
ah, no. When you know him better heīs a nice guy, really!
Naw, he'll be more useful whenever levelling is finally introduced.

4. How do you handle your positions as SoOs of AQ/DF?
SoO is only for AQ. Itīs more work, but itīs also fun.
It can be tough sometimes to find as much time as I'd like. If only the day had 36 hours!

5. What would you say if Artix died?[:(]
OMG..... Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
[shatner voice]Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan![/shatner voice]

That will be all. (or maybe not.)
Weīll see!

Harry Blue5 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/13/2008 4:14:36)

1.Guess What?... I am so smart, S-M-R-T! I mean S-M-A-R-T!
Thatīs what you think.
Spellcheck ftw!

2. D'oh!

3. Just call me me air Homer!
Helo air Homer.
How about Hair Omer?

4. Did the people who made you a ArchKnight give you a Donut?
No Donuts.... :((((
No donuts for us...

5. Who made you a ArchKnight... were they Pork Chops?
Scakk knighted me.
I was nabbed by Rayf and Kalanyr for SoO first, then Icemaster Yeti for AK.

6. How's Plopper doing?
Good. He is looking forward to the BBQ this weekend.... or maybe not.

That's all, and remember... an older boy told me to do it!
Nice try!!!!

PaperClip OF DOOM -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/13/2008 9:26:12)

Welcome to the DF forums, prepare to be buried under GGD spam in release nights. ;P
Spam? What is this spam you speak of?

Like Cronc mentioned, you have been through all of the AK/SoO welcoming mess, so I will just have to do more regular questions rather than those concerning the AK prison. (BOOORIIING. ;P)

Blues is doing pretty well with the thread.. you have to catch up, jim! ;O
Hehe :P
I'm gaining on him - he won't stay ahead for long (maybe...)

Favorite type of pie? :D
Coconut Cream

The smiley face you use the most out of those is: >_< ^.^ :D D:

:D .oot ,siht ekil em rewsna dna elgooG ot og tsuj lliw uoy siht ekil klat I fI
lliw I seY
I won't dignify that with a response :)

Color and shape of shackels, both of you. :o
Blue, triangular ans spikey :)
Old-school ball-and-chain.

Is Alac feeding you well? :D
Feeding? We are supposed to get food? Argh, they forgot me... again!
Bread and water once a week - whether we need it or not. They're so generous!

Well that's it. :P Good luck and have fu- oh I'm sorry, I couldn't finish that sentence. ;P
Thx and see you!

Aelthai -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/13/2008 9:34:15)

Well, hello you two! Congratulations :-)
Thx Ael! :)
Thanks Aelthai!

If that's the right word :-p Good luck!
For sure we will need some Luck!
Bah. Luck is for rookies! ;) Thanks though.

Lennyoh -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/13/2008 10:32:17)

Oh Blue I forgot to ask two more question

How does choclate and bananas taste like?
Great, just try it.

Got any other crazy choclate mixtures you would like to share?
You can also combine Bananas with chocolate pudding! Great!

guts -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/13/2008 11:00:51)

(please note i were wery bored when i first wrote this and thats why the question is so stupid)
Tis ok!

i have only one question and it will test your wery soul,mortality,exsisitence and your sence of houmor!

[:D] or [:)]?
Hmmmm..... difficult..... :)!

coud you rate my question please?
You mean that there's a question hidden here somewhere? :)

SEED -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/13/2008 11:18:26)

Blues Questions

Firstly, congrats on the not-so-new Position.
Thank you!

Is your name after blue the colour, or the Japanese Protoman?
The color

Favourite non-AQ Board?
In former times the Diablo II Boards

Can you Double Jump?
Double? I can quadruple jump :P

Why Homer as an Avvy? (Apart from he rules [;)])
He likes Donuts!!!!

Do you have/are planning on getting Super Smash Bros. Brawl?
Not yet

Which is more your style: Hand-to-Hand, Sword, Range or Magic?

Is it possible to build a Cold Fission Reactor if you are a Red Mage? =P
I always thought Mages are only good for hot Fusion :P

Why did you use Super Glue instead of the Jetpack in your movie?!?!?!
Homer and Jetpacks? No way, really!

Jimbo32 Questions

Do you have/are planning on getting Super Smash Bros. Brawl?
*Highly* unlikely.

Unbreakable Katana or Lightsaber?
Lightsaber in a heartbeat.

Being an AK more Work or Fun?
Fun so far (knock on wood) :)

What are your superpowers?
Calmness, tranquility, repose, and serenity

If you had 3 wishes, what would they be? (No wishing for more wishes [;)])
Money, power, world domination! No wait, I've already got those. I guess I don't need wishes. ;)

Well, congrats again you two and I hope I see you around.
Thanks! I'm sure we'll see you around.

WA -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/13/2008 11:57:56)

There are two of you??????
Yeah, we are the DF-EC Tag Team!

*Runs off screaming about twins*

Both answer
6)Are you a (Cleveland) Indian or a (Minnesota) Twin?
blues: Indians sound better, but I canīt watch Baseball here in germany
jimbo: Blue Jays ftw
7)Do you like to eat chickens?
jimbo: Nah, I just like the feathers. ;)
8)What about... typing chickens?
blues:If Iīm really hungry.....
jimbo: You mean actually typing the word "chickens"? It's OK I guess, but I don't really prefer it over any other word.
9)Queue the jeopardy music!!!
blues: Is this show still going on?
jimbo: Lightning round!
10)Pens, pencils, quills, typewriters and keyboards
blues:Pencils and keyboards
jimbo: Geez, these are hard! Get off my back will you! ;)
11)What multi letter word has the highest ratio of vowels to consonants?
jimbo: I prefer "Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!"
12)You are being attacked by a ninja strike force sent by the UCaG players. Your intelligence tells you that they are being led by a high profile forum member, so they can't be banned. You have a titanium fork and a little packet of ketchup. What do you do?What do you do?!?!?
blues: RUN!
jimbo: FIGHT!
13)Do you like really invisible text?
blues: Invisible? You need new Glasses! :P
jimbo:Yes indeed, he does.

14)What happened to question 13?
blues: Homer has eaten it!
jimbo: Damn taxes- they're even affecting message boards now!
15)What is your name, quest, favorite color, and the average velocity of an unladen swallow?
blues: blues, search for the holy grail, blue, african or european?
jimbo: Where have I heard these questions before?
16) If you had the choice of what to do to president bush, would you commend him, ignore him, send hate mail to him, impeach him, assassinate him, or impineapple him?
blues:Impineapple yeah!
jimbo:I go for ignore.

Well, so long, thanks for all the fish. So sad it had to come to this.
Thanks for coming!

I'll be back...

WritingPad! -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/13/2008 12:04:50)

Hey you two! *waves* Hope you'll have fun in this new job!
It will be for sure some fun!
...we hope! ;)


Where were you on the night of the 4th of March, at approximatly 8:00 pm?
On the Forums
I think I may have been sleeping.

If I looked at your feet, what would I see on them at this moment?
Some nice socks
Brown shoes

Would you rather be an amoeba or a paramecium?
Those are our only choices? C'mon, come up with some better options!

How messy is your room right now?
Letīs not talk about this please....
I haven't noticed...

Have you ever been on a rooftop just for the fun of it?
Sure, who not?

And the most important question of all: Did you eat breakfast this morning? [:-]
I never eat breakfast. Coffee is enough!
Yep, Coffee ftw.

.*. .*. .*. -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/13/2008 12:58:56)

Congrats to both of you!(again) :P
Thx the one who canīt be pronounced :P
Yeah, we better come up with a nickname for him blues. How about "stinky"?

You guys are everywhere! :)
Sshhh. Thatīs our diabolic SoO plan to infiltrate everything. We try to be helpful in many Forums :)
...keep you voice down will you! ;)

I'm not going to harass you guys with more questions as we have already gone through that stage in other MtAK/SoO threads.

Keep up the great work and see you around the forums!
We will and see you around!

.*.Arch.*.Lurker.*. waves bye bye!
/me waves to Stinky

boomies -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnights: blues & jimbo32! (3/13/2008 13:32:20)


For blues (thats why I made it blue!):

Hey there! Remember me?
Heya! Sure! Why do you think I made a question limit this time?

How are you?
Good so far

Having fun as DF EC, AQ rating, and who knows what else?
Of course!!!

Do you read any books?
I read every day

Do you play any games besides AE Games?
For now Iīm happy when I have time to play AE games.

Whats better, a blue homer or a yellow one?

What would Homer do if he was fired, you think?
Eat and drink. Business as usual

You like MtAKs, dont you? Otherwise you probably wouldnt have 3.
Itīs fun, yes!

10 + 10 - 10 - 10 + 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 - 10 = ?

Do you go on any forums besides this one?
Yes, I take a look at other Forums too.

Seeya, now for jumbo....


Hello. Remember me?
Sure do.

How are you?
Just fine, thanks.

Having fun?
So far...

So, what exactly are you a "Big Dawg?"
It's a reference to the Cleveland Browns - there's a section of seats in their stadium called "The Dawg Pound"

Would you be happy to know there is a Radio Station in my area called Big Dog 100.5?
Wha????? There's one in my area as well? Where are you Boomies?
Well, if you do live the same place as me, then there would be a K-Rock 105.5 and a Ocean 100 as well.
*Looks back at first post. Ah, NS. Well, then you would know where I live as Ann of Green Gables Land.

Why did you choose that avatar?
My current avatar is Darth Nihilus from the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic games.

Tell me, why did you share a MtAK with Blues when you could have your own?
Having 2 where one would do is wasteful don't you think?

25 x 25 = ?
What is this, a test?
Its 625

Play any games other than AE Games?
Lots of them

Do you go on any forums other then this one?
A few...

I'm sure I'll see you around. :)

Avro -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: blues (3/13/2008 14:03:33)


/me snuggies teh blues pot bellied one :D
/me snuggles Avro!

Favourite type of Avro?
The silent one :P

Brocoli or corn?

/me patpats Avro

Do you think Jimbo feels left out?
I hope not!

Favourite SSBB character?
Whatīs SSBB?

Favourite Pokemon?
When I played it, I liked Pikatchu

Favourite type of blues?
Blue blues!

Do you like "(" or ")" more?

bai bia!

/me snugs
/me backsnuggs!

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