Zhowdown! (Full Version)

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Saojun -> Zhowdown! (3/14/2008 22:49:01)


Location: The Sandsea (Books 1 and 2) -> Sek-Duat XV -> Quests! -> Zhowdown
Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of The Traitor
Release Date: March 14th, 2008

Objective: Sek-Duat XV has sent you here to the Lizardmen's Ziggurat to stop Zhoom. This could be the break that you have been waiting for to get the imperial prison key and talk to Zhoom about the rebel cause.
Objective completed: You and Zhoom have defeated the assassin beast sent after you by Sek-Duat XV. You have received the key to the imperial prisons inside the palace and Zhoom has joined the side of the rebels! All that remains is stopping Sek-Duat XV!

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(9) Desert Lizardman
(3) Zhoom
(1) Sphinxster - Boss


Aleph's Edge
Twinned Edge

Aleph's Baton
Twinned Stave

Aleph's Point
Twinned Blade

Zhoom: I had hoped Sek-Duat XV was mistaken. I had hoped that you would not show up here.
<Character>: Actually I am glad that you DID show up. There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about.
Zhoom: You mean the fact that you've been working with the rebellion since the moment you arrived at the Sandsea?
<Character>: You KNEW?
Zhoom: Of course I knew. You don't get to be the world's most dangerous Ranger by missing things like that.
<Character>: But you could have turned me in at any time. Does this mean you really ARE working with the rebels?
Zhoom: No. I really am working for Sek-Duat XV, but these rebels weren't much fun until you showed up. You made the hunt more interesting.
<Character>: Is that why you didn't turn me in?
Zhoom: It is one of the reasons. The other reason is that I was hired to capture the rebels. You were just working WITH the rebels.
Zhoom: It wasn't worth risking fighting someone with your power, since I wouldn't have gotten paid for it.
<Character>: Does that mean that you're not going to stop me?
Zhoom: HAHA! You wish! NOW Sek-Duat is paying me to come after YOU. He told me that you'd be here. Shall we begin?
<Character>: We don't have to do this, Zhoom.
Zhoom: Yes, we do.
  • Battle Zhoom!

    Zhoom: I told you, <Character>... I don't give up. You cannot escape from me.
    <Character>: This is wrong Zhoom! You must have SOME loyalty to the people of The Sandsea.
    <Character>: You told me that the last emperor hunted your mother's people, the sand elves, into extinction.
    <Character>: Fight with me and you can claim revenge for her! You should be fighting for honor... not gold.
    Zhoom: Do not presume to speak to me about honor. Revenge is a small and petty reason to fight. My mother taught me the value of a promise before she was hunted down.
    Zhoom: My contract is as good as my word. I have agreed to hunt you and the rebels down, and I will honor my contract.
    Zhoom: A deal is a deal, even with a ruler as corrupt and as insane as Sek-Duat. There is no greater honor than keeping your promises.
    Zhoom: Now lay your weapons down and come with me.
    <Character>: You know I can't do that. I have to stop Sek-Duat. I have to save the rebels.
    Zhoom: Then I have to stop you.
  • Battle Zhoom!

    Zhoom: You skills are even more impressive than I had assumed, but eventually you will tire. Just give up.
    <Character>: I can keep this up as long as you can Zhoom... longer, if I have to. I'm going to get that key.
    Zhoom: I have done battle with some of the strongest beasts and people that Lore has to offer. I have never met my match...
    <Character>: You're looking at your match. I've beaten you twice Zhoom. You know that I'm stronger than you.
    Zhoom: It is not a question of strength, <Character>. You can never beat me if I never give up.
    <Character>: Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way. Falconreach has several billion gold. I could probably get you some of it...
    <Character>: ... if you agree to walk away.
    Zhoom: Once I have a contract, it cannot be... did... did you say several BILLION gold?
    <Character>: Yep.
    Zhoom: *whistles* That is a lot of gold.
    <Character>: Yep.
    Zhoom: So being a hero of Falconreach pays well then?
    <Character>: Yep.
    Zhoom: Once I have handed you over to Sek-Duat XV, I will have to check it out. They will be one hero short.
    <Character>: Aww. I thought I had you that time. You're really serious about this honor thing, aren't you?
    Zhoom: Yep.
  • Battle Zhoom!

    <Character>: This day just gets better and better. Who are you and what do you want.
    Sphinxter: I am called Sphinxter. Sek-Duat XV informed me that you would be here.
    Zhoom: Forget it. <Character> is my target. I already have a contract.
    Sphinxter: I don't think you understand, ranger. I wasn't sent to KILL the traitor.
    <Character>: That's GOOD!
    Sphinxter: I was sent to kill BOTH of you.
    <Character>: That's BAD!
    Zhoom: WHAT?!
    Sphinxter: The emperor of the Sandsea knew that one of you was working for the rebels but didn't know which.
    Sphinxter: So he decided to send you two to battle each other and I was to kill the winner.
    Sphinxter: The time of reseurction is near. Thye mighty Sek-Duat The First will live again and neither of you will live to see it.
    Zhoom: Hold on. Do you mean to say that Sek-Duat XV isn't going to PAY me?
    Sphinxter: Of course not. He wants you dead! He has no use for the last sandelf! He also said you were way overpriced.
    Zhoom: Oh, I AM GOING TO GET PAID, even if I have to take the money from the imperial coffers myself. My contract is void.
    Zhoom: I will set every rebel that I captured free. Hey <Character>... ask me again.

    * Zhoom joins your party as Guest A.*

    <Character>: *ahem*... Hey Zhoom... Wanna join the rebels and help me take down Sek-Duat XV?
    Zhoom: It would be an honor to fight beside you... this time, for real.
  • To Battle!

    Thanks to
  • Bakuryu the Mole for entry rewrite.
  • Jay for banner.
  • Stephen Nix for NPC link and corrections.
  • hawaiidreamergurl for reward link.
  • Peachii for corrections.

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