RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (Full Version)

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Xerepic -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/22/2008 21:36:33)

Congratulations .*. .*. .*.
Thank you!
Do you know who I am or seen me around the forums before?
hmm...I'm not sure!
Did you ever suspect becoming an AK?
Do you play videos games? If so, which one is your favorite?
I used to play a lot, and my fav is probably silent hill.
Whats your favorite AQ element?
Hmmm... Summer or Winter?
Favorite Movie?
I think that I've answered this one.
Favorite Animal?
all cat species.
If you could be anyone in the world, who would you be?
he is not alive but I would choose Frank Zappa.
If the forums caught on fire right now, what would you do?
Use my Magic Elite Ice Katana!
Whats today's, but yesterday's tomorrow?
today :)
If a tree fell and nobody was around to hear it, did it make a sound?
yes it did but it's hard to prove it if no one was there when it fell down. :)
Hmmm.... I guess thats all. Have fun with your AK-ness!
Thanks see you.
Cya later!

dfguardian -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/22/2008 21:38:22)

congratz <---Thank you!
1.) if you had to pick one fast food restaurant as your favorite which would it be?
doesn't matter as long as they have pizza.
2.)pepsi or coke?
hmm...I like both...this is not fair...ahh...coke!
3.) favorite holiday
I don't have one but maybe x-mas?
4.) favorite type of food
already answered. :)
5.)favorite movie genre
already answered
6.) favorite movie
already answered
7.) any favorite books
already answered
8.) favorite video game
it's already answered, but I'm going to modify your question to what's the best music from a game--->Castlevania IV

bjavar -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/22/2008 21:57:28)

1.remember me??
EDIT:wow, your joking right hehe no really?? being a AK??
it's fun!
3.does an ordinery member like me have a chance to be an AK??
I'm not 100% sure on the criteria on how to become an AK, I guess it's something like this: never banned, respect the rules and maybe you'll be an AK :)
4.cookies or cakes???
cookies :)
5.skiing or snowbording??
I've never tried the snowboard but I would love to give it a try.
6.france or spain??
7.favorite movie/song/TV show???
already answered
8. do you like peaches????
is it even possible to resist them?
9.did you think questions are anoing???
nope :)
10:did you think questions are anoing???
maybe? :) it anoing that i copy a question and asked it agien??
nope :) you like deleting posts???
I can't say that I do, but I'm forced to when someone does not follow the rules.
13.are you able to edit a post and make the person say: i am a chicken and i do the monkey funcky chicken dance????
14. 17854,5 + 967523,1-2,5 = ???
brings out calculator = 985375,1
15. knock knock!
Who's there?


Saojun -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/22/2008 22:07:09)

Hi .*..*..*. and congratz on your AKship.
Hi Saojun and thank you.
Hmm... Sorry but I can't ask much cos I'm doing the DF Sandsea war right now, so no questions here...
See you around. [:)]
Oh yes...see you.

NecroDrake -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/22/2008 22:12:33)

congratz .*. .*. .*.
Thank you NecroDrake.
1. how does it feel like to be an AK and Helpful?
it feels good. :)
2. can you tell the difference between diet coke and diet pepsi?
3. favorite flavor of icecweam?
4. fish or icecweam?
5. Favorite Moglin?
6. Do you enjoy punting twilly?
yes of course!
8. Do you get any ebil ideas from punting twilly?
not really!
9. What type of music do you listen to?
the craziest music ever...already answered.
10. Will you go mad with power and lock threads to take over the world?
no I'll still be the same...I already own the world!
11. thats all I could think of for now, bye. congratz again.
Bye bye, and thank you.

pagboy -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/22/2008 22:17:50)

Have you been enjoying the shiny "Lock Thread" Button?
a lot of times!
Is the Custom Title privilege worth it?
You seem to have your titles change a lot. Member - Helpful - Helpful! - AK!
I was a member--->Helpful!--->AK
How were you told that you were an AK? Did you just notice some more buttons?
I was asked to join by Scakk and as soon as I said yes I noticed some new stuff! :)
What are you the AK of?
AdeventureQuest General Discussion, I also help out in the MQ boards!
Do these sorts of threads irritate you?
not really but I'm fairly surprised that so many members have posted in this thread.
Do you have any tips for any players hoping to become AKs?
hmm...behave, try to be helpful and don't seek/expect or ask to become an AK and maybe someday you'll become one.
What is your favorite thing about AKship (that sort of sounds like a boat name...)?
to float like a lurking submarine in the forums!
What is your favorite type of music?
already answered
Do you like Oreo pie at Baker's Square?
I haven't tried any of them so I'll just say oreo pie!
Congratulations! Finally! I spelled Congratulations right! [:D]

Green Ham -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/22/2008 22:18:50)

That's an odd name.
tell me about it.
Choclate or vannila?
already answered
Dog or cat?
already answered
Favorite genre of book?
already answered
Favorite AE game/minigame?
I play AQ most and I like all minigames.
Is being an AK fun?
Sure is!
Is there a bad side to it?
I'm too new to answer that qeustion.
not really my thing:)
What was your reaction to the PM?
I was very happy and extremely thirsty!
Are the shackles too tight?
nope...I use magical skills to escape them!
What are you fed?
space debris with lettuce!
Do you get minions?
I have secret lurking minions here at the forums!:)
See you!

spellmaster -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/22/2008 23:38:53)

Hello stardot.
Hi spellmaster.
1. Do you know everything about the aq pedia?
I know pretty much but far from everything.
2. How did you become an ak so fast?
I have no idea?
3. How long have you been playing aq games?
Since November 2005
4. Are you enjoying your new powers?
it's a nice challenge to be an AK.
5. Will you become the next scakk?
Scakk is my mentor and maybe one day I will become mini-Scakk! :P
6. Will you still be on the war threads?
of course!
7. Twilly or twig?
twig is my choice thanks to mogbusters.
8. Whats your favorite quest in the game?
Mogbusters if I want to have fun, alnaphar for difficulty...try to go there with only nemesis plate at level's tough!
9. How many threads can you lock in a minute?
depends on if I notify the thread starter or not. :)
Bye and congrats.
Bye and thank you.

Z -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/22/2008 23:46:01)

waves back!
.*. .*. .*., .*., stardot or dotstar?
doesn't matter. :P
Favorite author/genre/series?
C.S Lewis/doesn't matter as long as it's good/doesn't matter as long as it entertains me!
Have you experienced the doom of Goofy|Scripting (Scakk scripting in mIRC scripting language) yet?
hehe...not so much.
mysterious...what to do?
Opinion of the Gekko?
Why no 1337 allowed?
My eyes gets crazy!
Have you played any one of the Final Fantasy games? If so, which one do you think is the best?
I have but I can't remember which one...I know that I liked it!
That's it for now. Good luck!
Great and thank you!

Grixus Faldor -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 0:01:56)

Hello and Congratulations!
Hello and thank you.
How did Alac steal your soul?
Alac did not steal it...I was Scakked!
Like your new shiny buttons and interface?
me likes!
Miss being a member?
I'm still a member, if I don't behave as an AK my privileges will go *POOF*!
Please post more in DF Pedia, and battle those nasty spammers, I think Locations/Quests/Events is in need of it most... go check DeathKnight and some others and you'll see *shudders*
hehe...well I'll try if I have some spare time.
3x x [(7x + 3) + 5x]=*SYNTAX ERROR*

Well that's all!
Thanks for answering!
my pleasure
Oh 1 more... I've been told you're being served gruel in the cell... correct?
hehe...I love it!
Ok thanks, bai! (always wanted to see what bai was like)
*Stares at bai*

nosey123 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 0:13:20)

Wow, grats .*. .*. .*. =p
it's amazing!...thank you! :P
Any perks of being an AK?
delete/lock and avatar privileges.
New buttons?
Yes :)
Grats again =p
Edit: And again, grats, you deserve it [:D]
Thanks again! :D

Hidden_Hero -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 0:24:30)

Mario or Luigi?
Porshe or Lambergini?
Boxers or Briefs?
Apple or Lemon?
What is your Name?
.*. .*. .*.
What is your quest?
to save the world from bad musicians! :D
What is the flight velocity of a sparrow (african and European)?
I have no idea!
Zelda or Final Fantasy?
Zelda just because it's a nostalgic game for me.
Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts?
Final Fantasy

The decimator -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 0:36:15)

sup stardot
everything is cool!
ok, lets get on to the question!
are you happy?
yes I'm happy :P
would you rather wear a bikini or a thong?
a pink bikini!
ok, now the real questions!
this gets better and better!
can you give me your AQ character page link?
look around for clues at the forums and you'll discover who my main character is. :)
who is your favorite AK? (except for Scakk)
Scakk is a Moderator, I like all AK's.

will you get mad if i steal your color?
only if you pretend to be me!

would you trade your df account to be galanoth forever?
for a day yes but not forever!

The Trobble One -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 0:42:56)

Hi there. And congratz on your recent AKship.
Hello and thanks.
I'm guesing that SCAKK gave you AKship... Right
Anyway. What's your favortie video game? Besides AE games.
already answered
Whats you least favorite thing in the world.
I belive that I've already answered this question but there's a lot things that I don't like...racism is a perfect example!
Me have your edit colour/font.

omg I'll report you to the colour police!

Bye. [;)]
See you!

flyingkidjoe -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 1:46:39)

Hello .*.*.*. and Congratz :d
Hello flyingkidjoe and thank you!
Question 1- New Gd ak o.0?
Question 2-I hope we dont scare you way right? lol'll have to do something drastic to scare me!
Question 3-Question 1-2 didnt sound like question's did they now?
nope...I forgive you!
Question 4-Df,Aq,Mq? No middle ground either!
Question 5-Is the cake a lie?
it's for real but I don't believe in it! :)
Question 6-If the cake is not a lie that would make the pie the lie right?
Question 7-If up is down and down is up what would that make the middle?
Bacon for the win!
Question 8-Aw come on question 7 was easy right?
it was!
Question 9-Are these questions geting irriateing yet?
Question 10-Fav ak?
all of them.
Question 11-No the cake is not the lie i tell you!!!
hehe...ok I believe you.
Question 12-Fav music?
already answered.
Question 13-Back to the cake question If both pie and cake are not the lie it must be the Cookies!! riggghtt?
so it seems!
Question 14-Do you have multi personality's like me ^-^?
I don't know ask stardot or dotstar?
Question 15 Do you even know who i am?
your name is familiar.

"hint to question 15 "

Cookie's and Friday the 13th lol
hmm :P

Lord Momo -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 2:21:48)

Hello!you are my 100th victim--uh...person that i ask completly random questions....hehehe....winning means you get only 10 questions!!!
it's more than 15 questions :P
1.congratz!are you happy to become an AK?
Thank you...yes! i repetitive? i repetitive? i repetitive? i repetitive? i repetitive?
hehe...yes to this and the above questions. this annoying? this annoying? this annoying? this annoying? this annoying?
yes to this and the above questions.
4.anyway!fav color?
Already answered
5.cats or dogs?
Already answered.
6.the following sentence is true/false.correct if false:everything in AQ makes perfect sense
7.hamsters or RATS mice?
8.are you ready for the following question???
I'm not sure...I need to take a timeout! it goes!!!do you want me to say good bye to you?
pwease stay!
10.Good Bye!Or prepare to DIE!!
Good Die!
11.that doesn't count as a question >.>so what should i call you?its too annoying to copy/paste your name....Stardot, Dotstar .*.

Frayzer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 2:26:51)

Hello starpunk! I knew you will be an AK someday. Well, not exactly Scakk's minion though :P
Yeah it's the AQ Q&A god! knew?....Scakk works in mysterious ways! :P
You are 5 days late in answering my questions! D:<
I'm so is so embarrassed!
1) How's the shiny buttons going on? You un-pin the =AQ= Disaccomplishment thread the other day after posting :P
going good...hehe....yep my first blunder!
2) Being an AK is tough and fun right?
you got that have no idea until you try it!
3) Can I be an AK? Please!
Are you sure? :P
4) How's like being shackle up with The Game and Sir Gnome? It seems like the three of you have only 1 master :P problem here...we sent the shackles to Bahamas!
5) Is Scakk treating you well?
Always...A gentleman!
6) My Avatar > Your Avatar
I like yours but mine is superior.
7) Why is your name like this?
to confuse people!
8) Do you hate me? :(
why should I?
Thats about it. I've already asked all the questions in IRC already. I'll poke you on IRC if I have anymore questions. Have fun being an AK! <3
See you!

Shadow Raven X -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 3:08:04)

Youre an AK now!
Miracles can happen!
i havent even been on the site in like 3 months and i came to check the ggd randomly and i saw this
aha its so cool that youre an AK now and i always used to see you around the forums and stuff,
i dont really wanna waste your time with random questions but i really just wanted to say congrats seeing that, i sort of knew you?
Thank you and see you!
lol whatever
just good job man

Calimehtar -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 4:30:11)

Hi .*. .*. .*.
Hey Calimehtar!
Are you gonna join SoPA? (Society of Power Abuser)
hehe...we'll see?
If you had another forum name, what would it be?
*.* *.* *.*
Fave old GGD AK
I haven't around for so long but I liked Evo.
Are you gonna be a funny as Ancient One and Vephoma?
We'll see how crazy I'll be?
Hmm... *Trying to find a random question*
It's tough!
Baruman or Calimehtar?
I liked you old name but Calimehtar sounds more mysterious and I'll choose your current name.
Well that was it =P
Me bows! :P

Minion of Poelala -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 6:00:12)

!!! WOOT !!! :-D
WOOT<----you should be honored it's my first one!
Huhu it's well deserved (pff I have already PM'ed you about all this^_^)
why thank you...yes I remember. :D
Scakk can make a thread "Scakked" (locked). Can you make a thread... ehh... ".*. .*. .*.'ed"?[&:]
I got the power.
Hehe who do you like the most:
.*. .*. .*. or Minion of Poelala (ehh?:-P) ?
I really like your Character(you have something I want!)(POELALA)....but I'll have to choose myself!
Nightbane or Wolfwing?
My sig or your sig?:-P
mine is better because I don't have one!
Twilly or Zorbak?
The one you chose above vs Kabroz?
The one you chose above vs Poelala? (only Poelala is accepted).
Poelala no contest!
See, everyone likes Poelala the most of all the famous moglins:-D
I guess so!
So, which rare would you want the most? (in AQ)
the answer lies within your post or your forum name?
I'm off, take care and once again congrats![:D]
See you and thanks! :D

destructionist -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 6:21:01)

muah hahaha .*. .*. .*. finally became an AK!
firstly congrats on your AK ship
Thank you!
I was seeing your activity around the place and i just knew that you were going to be up there someday
wow...another one with a crystal ball!...where do you buy these?
Given a choice, which forums would you want to be an AK in?'s no secret that I like the AQ Pedia I have to say that I'm enjoying myself here in AQ GD.
Since you are in AQ GGD, how do you find your other AKs in the same region?
They are all very nice.
What genre books do you like and any authors to recommand?
Already answered.
how are your shackles coming along?
just fine!
do you polish them daily?
they are on vacation but I'll bring them back so our new AK can try them out! :P
Which time frame do you belong to?
Future is not affected by time.
How did you get your title prior to AKship?
I was given the title from Eagle88 and the explanation was that I was a helpful member. :P
how did you come up with your name?
I have no idea?
country of birth?
Futuristic Europe!
What kind of food do you like? have you ever tried Falerin's recipes?
only one requirement is needed...taste good and it's approved...nope I havent.
How would you like to lock or hijack another person's thread?
i guess that is all for now, congrats again on being an AK!!
/Snuggles/hug/kisses/shake hands with .*. .*. .*.
High Five!
See Yah! Hope to see you in action in AQ GGD
you will!

Feral Ninja -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 6:47:50)

Hehe... Fear my second post!!! >=D
me shakes!
Okay, only scary questions coming up, are you ready?
Takes a hp and mp potion!
If someone has footfungus, and you are being forced to eat the whole foot, but you are given the chance to kill yourself with an Hepatitis infected sweater, what would you do? >=D
hehehehehe...yes this is the questions I like...I'll take the sweater!
Okay, that was a bit TOO creepy, wasn't it? >.>
it was day is complete thank you!
OMG look behind you!!! =O
oh fooled me!
Before you look, what is your greatest fear?
Ok...Now look behind you...It's your greatest fear!!!
Who is scarier? Oprah or.... Dr. Phil?
Dr. Phil!
You shoot an arrow but your enemy catches it! Will you now Break your bow?
I'll throw it in the abyss!
That was it...My second post... Maybe i'll torture you via PM now? >=D
Congrats...hmm are you sure?[;)]

BadHulk -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 6:50:51)

Do u knowz me?
I recognise your name.
How is it in the chambers of pain of the AK-ship>?
it's great!
How did u react when u became a AK?
Shocked for a couple of days!<---that was my reaction.
Why in the General Discussion?
I have no idea...Scakk is the one with the correct answer.
Favorite guy: Blues or Goth.
Favorite band?
already answered.
Can i getz a Bar of Soap on AQ? *angelz eyez*
I'll send it with the mail!
How did it happen my Gift of Beleqwaya's Gift changed? I had body and now its Ring? =S
maybe you used a spell?
How u likez all thuze shineh buttonz? =D
Me likes them!
Can i borrowz ur Ak-shipz? =D
hehe...only if Scakk agrees to.
Wellz... Till my other post... we will meet again...
we will!
/snuggelhugs u
snugglehuggs back!
Byez =D
See you!

Editz: Howz the hellz can a spell Effect the Gift?

xtreeme -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 7:19:46)

It's about' time, lol ^^
It is? :P
Congrats and good luck (I won't take your time :))

Thanks and thank you! :)

Agent Val -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 7:34:30)

Ah ha, .*..*..*. can i call you ...?
of course!
well its not a surprise you became an Ak.
it sure was to me!
how was the knighting?
good and I was asked by Scakk I said yes!, and a lot of AK's congratulated me!
why did you choose your name?
to torture all forum members curious minds! :P
which part of the forum do you moniter since im too lazy to look...
AQ GD and I also help out in MQ.
do you in any way know me?
I don't know you but I recognise your name.
if you do what do you think of me?
hmm...lets stop here shall we! :D
i just relized that i forgot to say congrats!
why thank you!
any sayings made for lockings, personal uniqueness(like moogles...), etc?
not yet...but sometimes I lock like this .*.Locked.*.
favourite band?
Already answered.
favourite song?
there's too many to only choose one.
already answered.
dating?married?single? kinda personel but...
I'm not in a relationship at the moment,
estimated age?(teen(13-20), adult(20-35), getting old(36-49), old(50+)?
time does not exist because I'm from the future! :P
well congrats and good luck
Thanks you!
thats about it....for now

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