RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (Full Version)

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Circe -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/24/2008 0:41:36)

Wheeee! /me snuggles the newest AK
Wheeee! snuggles Circe!
Welcome to insanity!
Thank you :)
We're happy to have you aboard!
me too!
Do j00 liek pie?
Pie rules!
*snirk* Pudding > pie anyway
you really think so?
Have fun with all the shiny buttons!
oh I will :P
/me snugs and runs
me snugs and starts to chase Circe!

Fartix -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/24/2008 3:28:33)

...I remember you... About 10 months ago or something.
Nice! :P
Do you remember me?
I remember you from Newbie Help.
I bet you haven't seen me in a while, eh?
Nope it was a while ago I saw you.
Now on with the questions... (Notice that they are conveniently numbered for your counting needs)
1) Photoshop or GIMP?
2) Broncos or Cobras?
I have no idea what you're talking about but I'll choose the Cobras.
3) AdventureQuest or DragonFable or MechQuest?
4) Are you a procrastinator?
sometimes I'm lazy!
5) Yahoo! Mail or Gmail?
6) What does your name mean? Like how did you come up with it?
you can translate it to anything...use your fantasy :D
7) Was it fair for me to be banned for saying "Gunt" in my sig when it isn't even a word? (I think westward_ho! banned me for that a long time ago. He considered it "Inappropriate Language")
there's specific rules for signatures and it's best to follow them. :D
8) What's your favorite number?
9) Favorite Color?
Already answered
10) Online Browser-Based MMORPG?
None :P
11) How far do you know pi?
12) How fast can you solve a 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube?
I have no idea...would probably take a lifetime, because I'm not interested in something that doesn't inspire me.
13) Do you think 13 is unlucky?
remember that. NOW.
hehe...your wish is my command.
15) Am I getting annoying? Should I leave now?
it's up to you!
Ok, I've finished my limit of 15 questions, but I will be back.
*chuckles malevolently*
Oh, and like my sig?
it's piece of art! :P

god of cereal -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/24/2008 6:44:42)

do you like cereal?
I sure do.
if you do whats your favorite? if not why?
musli is my favorite.
when did you want to start working with computer games?
hmm I don't work with computer games I'm just an AK that helps out here in AQ GD and MQ. :P
favorite uber armour?
I would say golden because I'm a beastmage and I couldn't list my epic armor the Asgardian Plate!
least favorite mythical monster?
I like all monsters!
if you were a dragon what element would you be?
Ice would be my choice, would be fun to see a dragon that has the ability to freeze a player and shapeshift to toast the player with fire!
alive,dead or undead?
least favorite name you know someone has?
I don't know?*will be confused for the rest of my life thanks to your question*
microwave or oven cooked food?
oven cooked food is the best!
who'd win in a fight? america or europe?
weird to speculate about this but I believe that Europe has a chance to win.
say no to drugs?
of course!
corn or peas?
mashed or roast patatos?
you werent expecting these kind of questions were you?
all except one :P
see you later.
Bye Bye!

Shirefolk -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/24/2008 9:32:27)

[:)] Nice work .*. .*. .*.!
Thank you Shirefolk!
Do you like any anime?
I like it!
on a scale of one to ten how lazy do you like to be?
Do you aprove of Snugglehugging?
Snugglehuggles Shirefolk!
If you were on a desert island and could pick three things to have with you what would they be?
one of my guitars, a knife and my bed. :P
If you could make AQ/DF/MQ any more awesome in one way what would it be?
I would like to improve wars in AQ/DF/MQ and I already have some ideas but I'm not sure if it's doable?
What kind of movies do you like?
already answered.
Do you secretly have a crush on any of the NPC's?
What would be your personalized weapon if possible? (imaginary or real)
a double-edged katana!
Thats all for now and Congrats again!
Thank you!

4jj11 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/24/2008 10:08:20)

how did you come up with your name?
hehe...I just wanted a different name. :D
what did you do when you became AK?
drank a glass of water and passed out! :P
dogs or cats?
sneevils or zards?
zards no contest!
batman or superman?
marvel or dc?
looks at avatar...Marvel!
thats all for now!
ok...see you

~ArchZero~ -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/24/2008 10:37:27)

Good day, stardot.
I'll start with only a few questions:
Hi ~ArchZero~!
1.What is your favorite thing about AQ?
The weekly updates sums it up.
2.If you could have any staff item(Excluding PWDU), what would it be?
I'm going to take two! :D, I would choose a spell named Dragon Fire and my weapon would be Twinkle Wand!
3.(This is a stupid question)If I had 50 dollars and alltogether they equal two, what would it be?
1M! :P
5.Will you post in my sugg. thread? I feel left out because no-one poss there....
you'll have to pm me and maybe I'll come by and take a look at your suggestions,
hmm I just noticed that you used it as your's now bookmarked I'll take a look tomorrow!

6.It's friday<-----Highlight
is it?
7.There's something I must tell, but I have to put in a spoiler. It maight be abuse of spoilers.
tell who?

4.Congrats on the AK-ship, and keep helping. ;)
Thanks I will!

Urumeshi -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/24/2008 11:19:44)

O.o yet another AK?
Oh yes! :P
Must be alot of troublemakers on the forums.
it sure is!
High 5!
OK back to buisness, I read in one of the first questions that oyur a molcule, what element od you help make?
Are you a gigantic, human-like molocule that has the ability to function just like a human (GASP!)
when I shapeshift to human I'm 195 cm tall and dangerous, in molecule form I'm just a little crumb, but I'm impossible to defeat. :D
Who would win in a fight, Master Cheif or Gordon Freeman?
I have never heard of these characters but I choose Gordon Freeman!
Hater! They would join forces. Would you like to see AE make an MMORPG or keep making RPGs?
it would be fun to see them do an MMORPG but they have to employ more people!
I see you alot on the forums, though I don't reallah know you. Oh well. Have you ever considered becoming a rater? (Me a rater in training.)
I have, though I would probably not be a good rater. :P
Well, im fresh outta ideas, rock on with your bad self.
I will, see you!

pdiddy214 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/24/2008 15:17:55)

wats up?
all is cool!
wat is one of the things you like about being an AK
There's one thing but I could only say it to you if you were an AK. :P
Wats ur fav. color
Already answered
hope you have fun being a AK
(\__/)I will! :D
(= ' ,')
(") (")

obi marcin -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/24/2008 15:45:05)

omg ur a AK!!
Zomg where?...oh that's right I'm an AK now!
wat the best part of being a AK?
to help people!
How did u become and AK?
I was asked by Scakk.
do u like being an AK?
It's fun!
Do u like chicken noodle soup?
hmm...maybe? :P
OMG!! i just noticed the last 2 letters in my last name ar AK omg its my destiny lolz[8D]
I'm amazed...faints!

do u kno me?
I recognise your name but I don't know you.

Omni -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/24/2008 15:55:52)

I will only ask one question.
Do I have to ask questions in a MtAK?
Anyway congratulations.

Good.....nope...thank you!

Amistar981 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/24/2008 19:17:59)

Hello dot*dotdot*dotdot*dooooot!
Hi Amistar981!
Your little red cross treating you good?
Serus or Alucard?
Can i bake you cinnamon cookies?
sounds like a good idea...I command you to bake to all AK's...we're obsessed with cookies!
What is your opinion on the downfall of moglins in real life?'s shame but it's called evolution!
Like the classics like Pink Floyd and Lep Zeppelin?
I love them...they have a lot of great songs!
On Average, how many threads do you have to lock a day?
depends what day it is and also how much I chooese to patrol the MQ boards as the moment wednesdays and thursdays are the clear winnners!

I'm not good at questions, thats all for now. :P
Great...ok...see you!

X/Mercenary -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/24/2008 21:04:09)

I am going to proceed meeting the star here. *Ahem* HALDO!
Hello X/Mercenary!
0) ...anyway...
1) Which do you prefer, questions or answers?
well this is thread is based on questions but you could give me some answers! :P
2) If a tree falls on a gecko in a forest when no one is around, does the gecko chomp the tree, or does the tree leafify the gecko?
Chomp...the Gecko is almighty!
3) Sol or Luna? (Also, you can pick Aether)
4) Shenanigans or Hijinks?
5) Kiwi's or Aardvarks?
Feven) Feven or Kubble-U?
hmm I chose feven though I have no idea what this is!
6.5) And, finally, Hello or goodbye?
always hello!

::Raist:: -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/24/2008 21:12:10)

Hey .*..*..*.!
Hello cooloo40!
Congratulations on becoming an AK!
Thank you!
I have only two questions, as I'm nice. :P
I'm so grateful!
Do you know me?
hmm...I'm not sure but your name seems familiar to me.
How long has it taken you to answer all of these questions?
an eternity!
Stay cool!
I will!
See you!

el pardack -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/24/2008 22:13:10)

Hey .*. .*. .*.!
Hey el pardack!
I only have a few questions.
Yet another kind member! :D
Should I become an AK?
only if you jump up and down the Eiffel Tower a 100 times. :P
What is better: 12, or 61?
Potato or chicken?
sweet potato!
Thanks for answering.
no problem. :D

DarkEternal -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*.(open until friday) (3/24/2008 22:39:05)

Hey when did all this happen? happened on March 20 2008. :P
I guess I gotta get on more frequently.
yes you do!
Are you excited about AK-dom?
I like it very much!
Do you know who I am? (Prior to this post)
I recognise your name but I don't know you.
I think I know what your name means...
good...I would to see your explanation! :P
I think it means "I couldn't think of anything else"...
oh a brave try but I'll give you a hint----->.*. :D
Are you going to have a signature lock? Or just gonna stick with ~Locked?
I'm not sure...maybe?
Do you think you'll get all the questions answered before you have to close this thread and its on its way to the Archives to live a sad cold unanswered life?'s closed! :P
Many have tried... Many have failed...
I phailed!
Well thats it for the questions.
Enjoy being an AK!
I will!
Bye and congrats.
Bye and thank you!

Artus -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/24/2008 23:05:04)

Congratulations! [:)]
If you were a friut wich one would you be?
Lemon it is!
and why?
Becuse the looks of a lemon is magical.
Are you able to truly forgive those who hurt you?

Monu -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/25/2008 6:54:43)

Thank you!
3.Whats gonna be your Signature Lock?
I have no idea?
4.What would you rather be a ruthless dictator of doom or a kind gentle king mostly found in fairytales?
The gentle king!
5.I hope we mortals don't trouble you very much.
you're doing good!
6.What were your first thoughts when you found out the you have became an AK?
What??? it true?...???
7.Pepsi or Coke?
8.Smoking, good or evil?
9.Would you like to become a staff member in the AE with an in-game characyer like Captain Rhubarb?
Sure...I would love to be the Archmage Class trainer!...very very slim chances though! :P

SSJ -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/25/2008 7:08:41)

Hi there... ^_^
Waves to the King of Gold! :D
Just wanted to say congratulations on your AKship.
Thank you!
I hope we haven't been too much trouble for you guys... ;)
not at all!
Keep up the good work!
I'll do my best!

roner -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/25/2008 8:37:36)

Congrats on the Archknight!
Thank you!
Do you have any special power if you become an ArchKnight?
I can lock/delete/edit.
What do they feed you if you become an ArchKnight?
coconuts and space debris!
Fan of Stardust?
Whats your favourite Console?
Can pigs fly?
As a beastmage I able to make all animals fly!
Whats your favourite song?
to hard to pick only one!
Howd'you feel when you became an AK?

marc meg -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*.(open until friday) (3/25/2008 12:39:35)

Hi star dot
Gratz on the AK ship
lets get onto the questions
1. What does 666 mean
my lucky number!
2. Whats the meaning of life ( other than eat pie )
to grow a coconut tree!
3. Do you remebmber me wen sent ea other like 5 pms be4 u wer a mod
I recognise your name but I have no idea what we talked about! :D
4. Do u like doughnuts ( say yes )
the one who says no is a fool!...YES!
These are all in aq\/
5. whats ur favorite amour
Asgardian Plate
6. whats ur favorite weapon
Magic Elite Ice Katana
7. whats ur favorite shield
8. whats ur favorite pet/guest
Hmm favorite pet is now Cor-Dem(used to be nerfkitten) and best guest is Poelala.
9. whats ur favorite misc
Elemental Orbs for the win!
10. whats ur favorite quest
mogbusters for fun and Alnaphar with only nemesis plate for difficulty.
11. whats ur favortie monster
I would say Dire Shade Dweezel, Dragon
Cya around ( the tortures over )
You will...(Great)

Dude193 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*.(open until friday) (3/25/2008 16:26:27)

Well, I'm sad. This is my second post, and the last time I'll be able to ask you a bunch of random questions. D= The good news is you got a 14/15 on your last one. LOL.
1.) Which of the current mods/AKs do you think you're going to be most like?
Scakk for the win!

2.) Which of the AQ holidays do you like most?

3.) Which of the real holidays do you like best?
I don't enjoy any of them...but I guess that X-mas is ok!

4.) Are you religious? If so, of which religion are you a member of?

5.) Whats your favorite cartoon?
I would say Oggy!

6.) You said you liked the PS3. I assume that means you own one. :P Which games do you like best?
hehe I don't own one and I have only played it a couple of I have no favorite at the moment...reminds me that I need to buy one!

7.) What do you like best about AE? That means the staff, the games, the forums, etc...
Forum and AE staff is just awesome, I love the games and the forums is a very funny place.

8.) Whats your favorite animal class? Mammals, Reptiles, amphibians...

9.) Favorite thing to slay?
I would say the ArMegoggon Family!

10.) Most Random Question?? o_O
I have no clue?*whistles*

Good luck with your Aking. =D

Eaten by a Dib -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*.(open until friday) (3/25/2008 17:03:05)

1) do ya have any pets?
not anymore but I used to have two cats and one dog.
2)what do you like the most being an AK?
already answered!
3)do you like to answer those questions?
of course !:P
4) how old are you?
5)what's your name ( true one )
.*. .*. .*.
6)how does it feels to be able to edit other people post?
I guess it feels good!
7)is being a AK any different than a normal "forumny"?
more work and as an AK you need to behave and treat all members with respect, if I don't I'll loose my pretty little AK sign next to my name.
8)do you have more smileys?
9)how long have you been( may this word is wrong. ) on the forums?
check my profile :P
10)do you prefer stuff like [:'(] or stuff like :p?
11)can you do anything on teh forums?
12)are you smarter than a fifith grade?[:D]
I hope so?...not sure though?
13)what's your favorite music tipe?
Already answered.
14)how long it took for you to be an AK?'s up to the Moderators and also it's nothing that you can seek, there's two options: asked by a moderator to become an AK or you don't become an AK.
15)what you've done to become an AK?[&:]
I've helped out in Newbie Help, AQ Q&A and also in the info submission in AQ Encyclopedia.

Please answer.

Alixander Fey -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*.(open until friday) (3/25/2008 18:40:59)

Where is your Avatar from?
hmm I've changed to silversurfer but I guess you're talking about my previous's a evil character from a movie.
Did you know that your name is wierd?
is it...looks normal to me O_o!
How exactly do you pronounce it?
You should right a story about your AQ character. "The adventures of .*..*..*....
hmm...maybe I should?
Whoah! Did you know if you use elipses (...) after your name then it looks funny?
Do you like me?
sure :D
I've been bad, can you erase some of those warning from my record?
Nope! :D
Will you come read my story? It makes me feel special when AKs read my story. So far, Circe and all the Legends and Lore people have read... but I want to get as many AKs to read as posible!
Of course...but PM me because it's abig chance that I forget
Can I call you .*. for short?

I reserve the right to answer too personal questions as wierd as possible! :)

Did you know that your sentence is gramatically incorrect? It should be "as wierdly as possble."
great...more confusion! :P
Whats the definition of personal?
you tell me :P
Are dragons the uberz?
not at the moment but they will be!
What is love?
a permanent illusion. :D
Do you love someone (other than your mommy)
Everyone that I know!
Is this question 16? Will you answer it anyways?
No :D

Aves -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*.(open until friday) (3/25/2008 21:43:54)

Wow, congrats on your Arch Knighting. I'm a fan of your work, lol ;) are ?
If you were to pick a different forum name, what would it be?
*.* *.* *.*
Would you agree that rares are the best equipment to have in AQ?
some of them are nice but you can make great character without a single rare.
Spiderman, Venom, or Carnage?
Sega Genesis, SNES, or neither?
That's it, good luck.
[Thanks Bye!/color]

ULTRA SLAYER GUY -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*.(open until friday) (3/25/2008 22:12:55)

Man, you went from normal to helpfull to AK like lighting!
I'm a fast molecule! :P
I found out how to pronounce your name! De Stss DeDe Sts DeDe Sts De
Anyway, Time for a few questions
1)Favorite method of torture?
to play a record with children that sings false!
2)What will be your custom lock? May I sugest Star-Lock?
I'll have to think about this one...I'll come up with one sooner or later!
3)Farvorite game type?
as long as it's good I 'll play it!
4)Did you think you were going to become a AK once you were helpful?
not really...I was already surprised that I got a helpful title.
5)To punt or Not to punt?
to punt
6)Will the madness ever end?
probably not!
7)42 or 27?
Thats About all folks!
*goes up in smoke*
me to*poof*
Oh wait I forgot!*snuggletacklecongratsonAK!*
Snuggletackles back!

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