RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (Full Version)

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Itachi Power -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 8:03:33)

Do you know me?
not in person but your name is familiar.
DragonFable or AdventureQuest?
What do you like about.. me?
your name!
Fav color?
Already answered.
What do you think about a guy with a square head? SpongeBob?
most be tough to have a square head...where do you buy a hat to spongebob?
that's right. :P
Yeah, thats all I got.

Ebithio -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 8:26:50)

You weren't helpful for very long!
well I've been here and there in the forums but I like the info submission very much and I only had the title helpful for three weeks!
Can I be an AK? Lol.
Why not?....did you do something bad?
I've got two warnings :P

What's your favourite colour? Mine is this darky-red.
blue and green.
<how did you come up with that name?>
I is full of Maximum Powerz :D

Know me?
I recognise your name!

100 X 9 + 1 divided by 2?
one million carrots?
no, 4500.5.

That Aquadraw advert is so annoying, me knows it off by heart >.>
I feel your pain...not!
Aquadraw gives you so much more more drawing fun for everyone >.>

.*. .*. . *.?
OMG! I got your name right!

See you!

mediaevaldragon -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 8:36:11)

O.O It took me three weeks to put my MtAK up and you've already put yours up? WOW! You are way brave :P
hehe...brave...foolish...crazy! :P
/me snuggleticklehuggles the Stardot
snugglehuggletickles mediaevaldragon.
Many congrats and I'll pester/poke you on IRC soon 'kay?
Thank you, hehe...I'll be waiting!
Have fun with your new Powahs :P
oh I will!

ShadowLurks -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 9:18:29)

Hey .*. .*. .*.
yeah it's the lurker from the shadows!....Hello ShadowLurks!
Congratz on becoming AK
Thank you.
Well I won't take up your time, good luck. Hope you had a nice Easter [:D]
Already?...I need it.... and I hope you had one as well.

void dragon master -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 9:31:31)

@ S4chel

You broke my question!

So Stardot!
Yes void dragon master?
I gonna mug you!
you think that's possible?
*sends a handkerchief to wipe those tears*
Do you like being teh AK of GGD and other places
it gets better and better!
Are you in contest with any other AKs?
not at the moment, but when I get better I'll race them!

Edgelord -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 9:51:07)

Hmmm, i guess this time around i need to ask real questions...
oh yes..please do!
Congrats on getting AK status
Thank you!
10 or 10,000?
What do you like the most about AQ/DF/MQ?
it's not as serious as other games and they are all very fun to play in their own way.
What is your weapon of choice?
Magic Elite Ice Katana...I love to freeze my opponents"
Is my name funny or strange?
not really...muhaha!
That is all...Again congrats Stardot and seeya around.
OK...thanks and see you around Edgelord!

Dragoncat -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 9:58:01)

Hi person I saw on the forums before
Hi member! :P
How did you become a AK?
I was asked by Scakk to join the ArchKnights.
Why should you become a AK
Because I have the coolest name ever!
Cookie or Meat
(::) or <(-.0<)
Im bored how are you doing?
I'm feeling good but I'm tired!
Are you getting hand hurt for typing all of the answer that people make want you to answer?
nope...I play the guitar and that's why it's not possible for me to get any ache!
congratz and have a magical cookie Warning cookie may contain no magic and lend (:::::)

Wilderock -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 10:24:07)

He who cannot be pronounced!
is present!

I haz ur colour. Or color?

*Cries for help...Scakk walks in...what's the problem stardot?...Wilderock took my colour! that so!...Wilderock I'll haunt to for the rest of my life!....Wilderock gets scared and returns startdot's colour and cries like a little baby!....pwease don't huwt me!*

For some odd reason, I thought you were a new 'pedia AK. O:
hmm...I keep hearing this a lot...oh well I'm the AK of AQ GD.
I really only wanted to say congratulations. I'm sure I'll get to know you if you're on IRC. That said, I'll save your time and end for now. (:
Thanks and you'll see me on IRC as soon as I install mIRC.
I might be back.


boomies -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 10:25:30)

When did you post this? I didnt see this thread yesterday.
here's the exact time----> 3/22/2008 16:18:52
So, hello. If you got to this post, I commend you on your owkring habits. Now, 10 x 10 = ?
Why did you choose that forum name?
confusion is my best friend!
Why did you choose that title?
I got that title from Reens! :P
Why do you hate t3h 1337 so much it is bannified from your thread?
it's ok but sometimes when I'm tired I just don't get the number speak and that's why banned it from this thread.
How dark is it in the AK Cellar?
eye fhink itz nhot zo dhark inn ere!
Do they feed you in there?
coconuts everyday!
Who else is in your prison cage?
I don't know we are not allowed to speak!
Are my AK Cellar jokes annoying?
If a ninja were to swoop down on you and attack you, what would you do?
Shot him with a paintball gun...muhahaha...try to hide now!
*Ninja swoops down and attacks*

*Pirate swoops down and attacks*

*Me swoops down and attacks*

*Me jumps away and runs away*
what happened?
See you!

alex08546 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 12:05:00)

Congratulations! .*. .*. .*. (is it spelled right?)
Thanks!...looking good!
Are you Male of Female?
male molecule!
What is your reel name?
.*. .*. .*.
What can i call you? Any Nicknames?
Reel age?
Who Ak'd you?
Scakk it the responsible one!
If this is too personal just don't answer.
I just stop here with a Congratz'!!!
See ya!

mooneeve -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 12:19:47)

Hiya! .*. .*. .*.
Hey mooneve!
So you're an Ak now!
I guess so?
How is it going so far?
Are the shackles on fine?
They are perfect!
They do feed you properly right?
Coconuts is the best!
Well I don't seem to ask many questions on these anymore so I'll leave you to finish off the rest of the questions by other people...If you survive!
Very kind of you...I'll try to survive
Congratulations and see you around![;)]
Thanks and I'll see you around.
Edited because I messed up your name >.>!
no worries!

Fishtank -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 12:40:45)

Hey .*. .*. .*.! I remember you! Congrats on your new AKship!
Hey Fishtank! do?...thanks!
Well, I wont ask too meny questions, I`m sure you`re already up to your neck in them.
good :P....more than I expected.
1) Did you drop anything when you found out you were an AK?
nope but I had to get a glass of water to cool my overheated brain!
2) Do you have any minions yet?
I have secret one's lurking for me!
3) Do you remember me?
I believe so?
4) Does .*. .*. .*. have any significanece?
it could be three triangles?[;)]
That's all, good luck with your AKship!

Tapeworm Shoelace -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 12:53:44)

Hallo dot asterisk dot dot asterisk dot dot asterisk dot!
Hello LightningBlade!
Does dot asterisk dot dot asterisk dot dot asterisk dot frequently visit IRC? :o
I need to install mIRC and you'll see me there more than you do now. :P
Why do all Trix cereal pieces taste the same?! I mean come on! The watermelon should taste like watermelon and the orange like orange! Srsly!
You need to sue them!
I've lost three children and a pet poodle in the OOC Room, you?
ohh..only my mind!

Anton -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 13:43:49)

My questions start as of the next sentence.
Sorry meant the next one.
I pity the fool!...oh right I'm the fool!
How did you become an AK?
I was asked by Scakk!
Have you ever seen me on the forums?
If I told you I killed Hitler would you kill me? did good!
Wanna be my friend?
Anyways youll be getting another post from me soon.
OK...see you!

Irios -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 13:45:16)

OMG! Gratz! You deserved it!
OMG where...thank you...did I?
Hows it feel to be AK?
Very nice.
Wanna eat some pie i made?
bring it on!
Color or Colour?
hehe...I'll use the colour one! :P
Original Name!
I'm approved...yes!
Like my name?
Sounds like it's taken from greek mythology...Me likes.
Bye! *shakes hand*
Bye high 5!

shadowfang23345 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 14:01:07)

Hiyas :P

whats ur real name??
.*. .*. .*.

dragonfable or battleon?
do you like nightbane??(i hate)xD
hehe...he's no match for me!

how old r u??:)
I'm timeless

can i be your friend?
of course!
bye for now:)'
See you!

Loki -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 14:33:23)

Your name is a palendrome
It's pretty cool!
I like the symmetry
Me too!
You've probably figured out from my first two comments that I'm mildly OCD... I don't think it's a bad thing though.
hehe...I'm ok with that. :D
Have fun with your questions :)
I will!

Rheannon -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 15:03:56)

Greetings from this side of Earth Lore!
Ahoy Matey!
Who, pray tell, be your favourite punting victim volunteer?
Twilly...who else?
And how many languages do you speak/know?
only 2,5...I've forgotten so much but I'm able to learn myself if I need to!

N0085L4Y3R -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 15:08:55)

How are you doing?
I'm doing great...and you? :P
Do you prefer quests or wars?
I like both but I think that quests is more enjoyable!
Were all the names taken?
hehe...I guess so! :D
What's your SSBB friend code?
I don't have one!

crazy penguin -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 17:12:57)

hi congratz
Hello and thank you.
not tired yet i mean so much questions[8D]
Not really.
do you get $ for this?
I do this for free.
not a zombie of the ak's yet?
not yet...*head starts to twitch in random ways*
do you like south parc or happy tree friends?
I choose south Park just because I don't know happy three friends.
dont you think everyone is crazy on this forum?[8D]
no doubt!
so this is question6 or 7?
I can't count! :P
oh i wasted a question on the last one eh?
so it seems...hmm
so how it feels to got much power
It feels good!
how it actually feels to be a stardot
it's not possible to describe me with words. :P
ah well good job you did answer another post[8D]
It's an accomplishment!

chaosnecro -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 17:38:57)

Hey, dude! Congrats on your promotion!
Hello!...thank you!
Shouldn't it be Dotstar (even though it doesn't sound as cool)? name is the main topic in this thread...I love it!...Reens was the one who gave me that title and I'm pleased with it.
Is it fun being a GGD AK?
it sure is.
Piiieee or PAAAIIIN?
What's the meaning of life?
to enjoy every single moment that life offers you! :P
Why is your AQ character so cool?
you think?...why thank you! likes you a lot!
Yeah, sorry, this should be about you. So, do you roleplay on IRC a lot?
hehe it's ok...nope I don't roleplay on IRC.
Do you drive?
only my galaxy surfingboard!
Do you play any sports?
not anmore...I used to play and compete in Tennis.
How about hobbies?
Plays the guitar a lot, and hang out with friends.
Can I have your autograph?
Sure--->.*. .*. .*.!
Geez, GGD needs ANOTHER person to clean things up?
I guess so! :D

silphion -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 19:20:25)

Sup man, wtg on being an AK.
it's cool...thank you!
Are you a true outdoorsman, or are you a city boy?
I'm an outdoorsman.

Ever hunt?

Favorite AE game?

Favorite system?
hmm..,I'm not sure what you mean but I'll say Linux

If you start a rebellion against the head mods, can I join you?
hehe...why not?

You like pets? What kind? Favorite type of dog?
Yes...I like cats...Grand Danois

How long till the thrill/fun of being an AK turns into "I hate this job!"?
I have no idea...I hope that never happens.

Congrats again...answer those questions carefully...your life can depend on it. think?...*Slips into a silk costume*

Veonyx -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/23/2008 20:03:07)

Hey Stardot. (Dark green is awesome!)
hey Veonyx, it sure is a pretty colour.
Recognize Me? (Probably not, I am not on that much.)
I'm not sure?
How are you?
very good.
Anyway, questions!
are you for real? :D
Do you like pie?
oh yes.
Do you enjoy life?
I believe so!
Do you believe you are lucky?
haha...nope...I'm a jinxed molecule!
I don't, I kinda figured you'd be the next mod with all the info. submissions [:D].
hehe...well to me it doesn't matter.
How do you submit all the info? Do you buy the item, test it, and then sell it?
First...I go to the info sub and look at other posts to make sure that what I'm about to post isn't already there...I'll by the item,test it quick, take a screenshot and sell it and now I go back to info sub to post some new's easy when you have done it a hundred times! :P
.*..*..*.,ok SWEET NAME!!!!
Thank you!
You really think so?...thank you!
I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL ONE OF MY THREADS GET LOCKED BY YOU!!! (that can be a joke if you want) I don't post threads...[8D].
hehe good!


wondera -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/24/2008 0:06:34)

How u feeling to be ak :D?
It was crazy...but a good feeling.
what other games do u pleh?
DF, MQ and sometimes I play Scrabble...well obviously not in in english. :P
food food food :D
Pizza,Pizza, Pizza :D
who kidnapped invited you :o?
The Agent----> points at Scakk!
k bye and have a good time :D
Thanks I will, bye bye.

Crz_Mirror -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/24/2008 0:22:26)

Conratulations .*..*..*. you deserve it.[:D]
Thank you evil elf!
How'd you come up with your name?
hehe...I have no idea?
Did you have any names before it?
Ok c'ya

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