RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (Full Version)

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afterlifex -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/25/2008 22:46:07)

1) Having fun as an AK yet?
I sure do!
2) Do you dis like how being an AK may effect your normal forum discussions? (ex. you just don't see AKs talking in war threads all that often, beyond saying "play nice")
well it's a natural process to only monitor what the members are doing, sometimes I participate but not that often as I used to do.
3)...Luthier, Hmm. Odd but interesting. (I guess thats not really a question)
odd but very cool!

BerserkerMaster -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*.(open until friday) (3/25/2008 22:47:16)

Just 2 questions.
1) Which member of the Anti-Devourer movement is your favorite? And why?
I'm not sure I have a favorite...I'll have to think about this one!

2) Which Rare do you wish you had that you either missed or accidently sold?
Poelala pet!

SolarDjango -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/25/2008 22:52:41)

Hi congratulations on being ak good luck with that.
Thanks, I'll do my best!

stormraiser -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/25/2008 23:34:57)

Congrats - long time lurker, rare poster, but this is an interesting thread. is?
1 - Does B.R.E or L.o.R.D mean anything to you? If yes, which did/do you prefer?
sorry doesn't ring a bell.
2 - Dog or Cat?
3 - If Dog - Which CKC (or AKC) group? If Cat - long hair or short?
doesn't matter!
4 - ASoIaF - have read any? you recommend it?
5 - If yes - which book do you think is best? If no, I highly reccomend them ( George R.R. Martin)

6 - Favourite outdoor activity (besides tennis)?
canoeing is loads of fun!
7 - Indoor pasttimes other than AQ and guitars?
Table Tennis, Scrabble and also youtube videos
8 - have you ever used the term "A/S/L" on a chat board (or IRC now I guess)?
nope :D
Thats probably good.

Hyflg -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/26/2008 4:01:25)

1)How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
a lot! :P
2)Can you travel time?
3)If yes, please disregard this question. If no, please disregard it aswell.

4)Orange or Apple?
5)Red or Yellow?
6)3.14 or Pi?
7)How long do you think it will take you to fill out everyones e-question-thingys?
long time! :D
8)0 divided by 0 = ?
9)MQ or DF?
10)What REALLY killed the dinosaurs?
Me and also my zards!
11)How many letters in the answer to this question? (And dont just count the letters in "The answer to this question" the answer is less than fifteen)
I don't know sixteen?.
12)Is filling out these e-question-thingys very boring?
I'm soon I'm gerring more and more happy!
13)Do you find chatspeak annoying?
Oh! I almost forgot, Congratz!
That is all.

werepryeslayer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*.(open until friday) (3/26/2008 6:07:34)

Hey how r u now the questions
1.Which character in Aq Group(the one who did the updates)do u like the most
Captain Rhubarb
2a.Do u know ben 10
2b.If yes,are u prepare for Ben 10 Alien force
3a.If no wat anime u like and y
no anime for me.
3b.If u like anime and it is bleach,do u know where to see Bleach Diamond Dust Rebellion
4.Which game u like the most that aq made and y
AQ because it's so much to do and the weekly updates is a fantastic feature.
5.Do u upgrade ur characters in the three games aq made
I have one X-guardian account...dragon amulet(the big one) and I have a star captain account.
6. y the name .*..*..*. not others
hehe...confusion is what I like!
7.Have u heard of me
8.Have seen anybody from the aq team in real life
9.CoNgrats on BeiNg An Ak
10.And do like Mysterious Johnson since u r like him and bb
hmm...ok I will yes...I hope that I managed to answer this question? :D

ssjgoku5 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/26/2008 12:54:55)

Hi whose name i cannot pronounce!!
Hello :D
My fellow competitor in info submission, hope you get more busy now so i can make more entries :P
well I'll hand over the crown to you!
How long have you been submitting stuff??
hmm... I don't remember when I started but I was inspired by Minion of Poelala.
What do like about being an AK?
to help people.
What games of AE do you play?
all of them!
What parts of the AQ forums do you live in?
well AQ GD is my new domain, but it happens that I lurk in Game Balance Issues and info submission, AQ Q&A, Newbie Help, Forum Issues, MQ GD and DF GD
Your favorite thing about AQ?
The Weekly updates!
Least favorite?
I would love one feature that does not exist in the shops or war chests,
to have all info before you buy a new item, for example bth, rate, special etc etc...maybe it happens someday?

What is the purpose/meaning of your name?
confusion! :D
What made you come up with this name?
confusion :P
Where are you from?
The Future!
Do you come on IRC if yes then whats your nick?

yes...I've now downloaded mIRC so you'll be able to encounter the strange molecule! :P
Thats all for now!! Hope to see you around soon!
You will!
With luv,
Sends some luv back to you!

ujio -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/26/2008 16:44:51)

Hey, it's great to see you get AK, .*..*..*., you really deserve it. I've seen you around here for quite a while. (And I check the forums a lot!)
Why thank you...another lurker...good!
Anyway, onto the questions:
I'm ready!
1. You used to post a ton in the GGD forums, especially in war threads. Will you continue?
I did?...hmm well I will be there but I'll post less than before.
2. Which is better: A new quest or a new war?
I like wars but a quest is permanent and I like that option better.
3. Which of the tier 3 classes (Post-sweep, including the all reading released ones) are you most exited about?
well I'm obviously waiting for ArchMage!
4. What is your favorite band?
too many to pick one!
5. Do you own any of the "next-gen" consoles?
I don't.
6. See ya, and good luck. (Please don't be mean to me...)
See you...thanks...I'll try! :P

hooded figure -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/26/2008 19:55:19)

Back again with more questions...'s a fact!
1.)Favorite Song(artist included)?
impossible to list only one!
2.)Favorite type of food?
already answered!
3.)Ohh... bubbles!
4.)Favorite type of weather?
sun and no wind!...perfect conditions to play tennis! :D
5.)Most important moral(according to you)?
to respect all!
6.)0_0 an invading U.F.O?
yes it's true!
7.) Careful with the buttons, you nearly caused an explosion in FI(Reens wouldn't be happy)!
I did?...I have no powers there! P
8.) Favorite Admin?
I have no idea!
9.)Favorite Staff member?
I like Captain Rhubarb!
10.)New Game Staff members pop up without notice, True or False?
11.)Are the shackles comfortable?
They're great!
Or do they need some cushions?
not really!
12.) M/F?
/mesaysgoodbyetacklesnuggshugs *Waves*<3
goodbye snuggles back!

tomy 2222 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/26/2008 20:33:09)

And another congrats for being the first participant of the 1st Dangerous and weird Questions! (Sponsored by Tomy[:D])
1. Whats ur real name? cus i dont know it
sure you do--->.*. .*. .*. :D
2. How do u felt when Scakk PMed u?
3. [:D] or :) ?
4. favourite food?
alreadu answered!
5. Do u like the Pink Phanter?
he's cool!
6. city?
7. Blue or green?
8. why im asking this questions?
to gather weird info about me?
well thast for now!
but i wil return! (lol)
ok...are you sure? :P

pzycho fiend -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*.(open until friday) (3/26/2008 20:51:18)

1...?) Hi!
2.) How do you feel to answer all these questions that people have asked?
3.) Favorite quote/saying?
Man has but three events in his life: to be born, to live, and to die. He is not conscious of his birth, he suffers at his death and he forgets to live.
Jean de la Bruyere

4.) Would you enter a time capsule to go to the future (probably thousands of years later) and tell everyone about AE games?
I'm from the future...and I'm already reporting! :P
5.) Who is your favorite author?
I don't read much books, but I like C.S Lewis!
6.) Cysero for president?
7.) Look! The Zards are stealing all the delicious yogurt!
haha...too bad for Cysero!
8.) Just kidding. lolz.
ok :D
9.) Pancakes or waffles?
10.) Favorite part of being AK?
to help people!
11.) Anybody you look up to?
all helpful people!
12.) When will I stop asking questions?
I guess soon?
13.) Should I stop like, right about now?
It's about time! :P
14.) Twig?
15.) Congrats, thanks, and good luck!
Thanks, your welcome and thank you.

Wyvern Knight -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*.(open until friday) (3/26/2008 21:07:10)

I'd pester you with relentless numbers of questions, like I normally do, but.... not in the mood. Sickness can do that to you >.<. Congratulations with the whole Archknight thing .*..*..*.!
Thank you Wyvern Knight!
(I found the answer to this question from the last MtAK thread to be quite interesting. I'd like your input as well if you don't mind =p.)
Do you believe a games storyline is important? Is it important for sales in general?
well it is possible to make a game without a storyline...just look at guitarhero...I like it when there's a story and yes it's important for sales as well.
BTW: Why is it that I always feel like your name actually SAYS something!? My head hurts now >.>.
lol...well...someday I'll reveal the simple answer...until then it's a mystery that will haunt a lot of members! :P

lufarinvaeilk -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*.(open until friday) (3/27/2008 0:17:57)

ok. lets give this a shot *cracks nuckles*
kicks a cookie...yeah I'm so powerful!
Thank you!
2. What exactly is an AK supposed to do
to monitor the forum and to help members.
3. I hear a lot about these "buttons", WHAT IN THE NAME OF FALERIN ARE THEY? ^^
it's a'll know if you become an AK! :P
4. How did you react when Scakk PM'd you?
well my first reaction was that I had done someting wrong when I saw that pm in my inbox,
but when I read his PM I understood that I was doing something good...and my reaction was...wheeeeeeeeee....I need a glass of water...passed out :P!

5. Do they randomly choose Ak's or do you guys have to be active in the forums?
you have to be active!
6. How do you feel about the sweep invasion by the trolls bigfoots in SOUTHERN LORE? ^^
hehe...I have no problem with the sweep...I'm a beastmage and I'm very curious to see how much the sweep will affect my build?...the future holds the correct answer.

DeathGod -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*.(open until friday) (3/27/2008 9:20:02)

Feels good be to an AK?
Favorite band?
already answered
Favorite song?
already answered!
Favorite food?
already answered
Favorite thing in AQ?
already answered!
Are you lvl 130 in AQ?
Ok, no more questions now, and you have a cool username [:D]!
ok!...thanks! :D

awesomeman167 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/27/2008 10:13:59)

1 sup dude
it great!
2 congrats on the archnightinism? i think thats how you say it
3 i remember when you were just helpful
me to :P
4 so um got a favorite food?
already answered
5 favorite band
already answered
6 whats with all the symbols? ive always pondered that
7 hehe
8 sorry about numuro 7 up there just happy for ya
me to!
9 um uh O ive got it whats the most awesome thing youve ever done
this is a lucky accomplishment...I fell down a hole and I was extremely lucky because I could've died,
this was related to work, I don't work with this dumb job anymore! :P

10 what your favorite element i know it's fire right? right? please say it's fire
I love the freeze/burn combo so ice comes first and then fire! :D
11 are you still an archnight
I was a member, later on I got a helpful title and I joined the Archknights March 20 2008. :D
12 so um hows your day so far
it's good but I'm very tired!
13 my birthday is today
Congrats again!
14 how does one become and AK i want to try to be one in the next 3 years or so you can just pm me if ya want
hehe...well first of all don't try to become one aand maybe you'll join the Archknights.!
15 well thats all suse have an awesome fire filled time and ill talk to ya soon awesomeman out
Ok...Bye Bye!

darknessdragon -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*.(open until friday) (3/27/2008 17:17:49)

Hey! It's another one of you guys who's name I can't pronounce! Yay!
So, how's it going?
What's your favorite band?
Already answered
Mines Guns n' Roses and Aerosmith, both are awesome, especially the new Guns n' Roses.
What's your favorite movie? Mines Silence Of The Lambs and Rambo: First Blood.
Already answered!
hehe.. I know!
What's your favorite AQ equipment? One that you have, and one you don't.
Magic Elite Ice Katana...Poelala the pet.
I dig your contributions to the AQ Encyclopedia and AQ, keep up the good work!!
I'll try but I gave my crown away to ssjgoku5
How does it feel, now that you're one step above us?
I'm still a member but there's some buttons that I have that you don't have, I'm still the same person!
Okay, who would win?, Mr T. Rambo or the Terminator? I'd bet my money on Rambo
I pity the fool who tries to challenge Mr T!
Alrighty, I'm going to make like a banana and split, see ya later!
sounds takes it from you....yummy ...see you!
One last question, how do you like this poem?
not my thing!
There once was a woman who lived in Peru
who dreamed that she had a shoe.
She woke with a fright,
in the middle of the night,
and seen that her dream had come true.

Frozt -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*.(open until friday) (3/27/2008 17:45:27)

Hey there .*..*..*.
Here's some questions for you... Prepare to get you brain melted (if it isn't already)
Hello Frozt!...great news for my little brain!
Do you understand what most of the forumites say? If no, why?
What existed before the Big Bang?
the past!
If 20 people kill 20 Squirrels each, and half the people eat half the squirrels they killed how many whales are drowned by U.F.Os? least one apple that drives a Ferrari!!
Does the phrase "N'GASTA!! KVATA!! KVAKIS!!" mean anything to you?
Chocolate or strawberry ice-cream?
strawberry ice cream
Do you intend on using your newly gained AK powers for your own personal amusement?
nope...there's no point in doing that.
Do you believe in reincarnation?
Superman or Batman? Why?
Batman...he's got a col car and Alfred!
I guess thats all... One final question:
The following statement is true
The previous statement is false
Does that make sence to you? If yes how?
no! :P

Manofthetrees -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/27/2008 18:11:50)


3: You have likely heard of me/ [advertize]Have you visited my suggestion thread?[/advertize]
I know how you are but I need to visit your suggestion thread.

13: Do you believe in any conspiracy theories?
depends on the theory?! :)

1rst: check my sig if you say you need to do it. It is the second oldest running thread, next to Chii!
I'll check it out!
2nd: Would you mind listing some of these conspiracy theories and what aspects of them you believe in?
hehe...I was just messing with your mind!
Oh and congratulations again!
Thanks again!

EragonZZZZ -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/28/2008 0:50:31)

Oh hai there.
Why hello!
It's been awhile since I did one of these. Always fun. Congrats on ArchKnight and all, epic win, etc.
You have the best name ever...just thought I'd let you know.
Tell something I don't know the way thanks!
I feel obligated to ask this because it seems to be 'the thing' to do.
Did you know me/of me before this post?
I don't know you but I recognise your name.
Other than that, since I believe in giving AKs and Mods something slightly reserved from the doldrums of continuous outline-esque posts...
...this is going to carry on like a conversation.
Albeit a slightly one-sided one.
Are you anonymous? Do you know of a certain anonymous imageboard?
I'd be surprised if you did, but it would be lulzy.
not really! :P
Finish that statement, either with the meme or without it. I'm just poking your creative spot.
to buy a little mosquito rather than meme!
Lolcats or no?
Can I really has cheezburger?
yes sir!
Ah well, all for now, back to my late-night essay composition. I blame it for the ridiculous amount of large words in this post.
See ya round PeriodStarPeriodPeriodStarPeriodPeriodStarPeriod.
Bye Bye EragonZZZZ!

EDIT: Herhee, I made it in on Friday :D
lucky one!

mitilotic2 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*. (3/28/2008 9:42:22)

do u noe me??
I recognise your name!
lol onli 2qns standard for all aks *looks for notepad of qns*[>:]
good :D
how do u make a sentence using because three time consectively?
well as long as the badger is ok? :D

|_ 33+ speak or chat speak?
chat speak!

gratz spamspamspamspamspamspam meheheheheheeheheheh!!![sm=evilking.gif]

DarkEternal -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*.(open until friday) (3/28/2008 12:27:11)

1 day left! Good luck on getting all the questions done!
thanks I've already failed! :P

DoddiP123 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*.(open until friday) (3/28/2008 14:20:26)

WOW!!! You an AK O.o.....
zomg's true!
Congratz .*..*..*.
Thank you DoddiP123
/Me snugglehugglebugglemugglefugglerugglethisisgettingverystupidandanoyingisn'tit?yesitisandmehugglebugglesnugglesyouevenmore
snugglehugglebugglemugglefugglerugglethisisgettingverystupidandanoyingisn'tit?yesitisandmehugglebugglesnugglesyouevenmore back!
Wierad ay ^^
not at all...perfectly normal! :P
^_^ or :)
0.o or O.o
:( or ):
YAY! I got home from Florida just in time to post in your MtAK!!!:D:D:D:D:D're a lucky member!

p.s. do you like me :)

BadHulk -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: .*. .*. .*.(open until friday) (3/28/2008 17:15:20)

HAZ ITZ MEZ0RZ AGAIN!!!11!!!!11!!!! /snuggeltacklekissyu
hehe...snuggletackles back!
I still didnt recieve my BoS! WHERE IS ITZ magic skills were nerfed...need to practice!
What for work u are doing actuly on this forum?
I monitor the AQ GD and I help members to post and behave in a correct way.
I has new ring =D *shows off*
wow...I'm blind...ahhh!
What is ur opinion about the new quests? I played them all xD... I think they are a bit boring but good for farming.
I think that they are very nice!
And why can a spell affect the Gift of Beleqwaya? its just weird... I allmoste never use spells, i only use Heal Wounds and Manasplosion(for fun and golden zard etc)
it does? what way?
Wellz... U know some tips for a good vid of AQ? I made 1 of AQ and 2 just of me and my friends(and gf)
hmm...make a tribute of mogbusters and upload it at youtube!
How long u been on the forums?
click my profile!
Doez u luvz me? =D i luvz u =D(i am crazy =D)
Sure... :P
How is it to have all these shineh buttons to ban me on much ways?
I have no ban buttons...but I can contact a moderator and request a ban.
Wellz... i think this... WAIT! HI! HA!
Well that was a joke...
what!!!...are you serious?
This is our farwell...
I guess it is!
And remember Stardot... I... Am... Your... FATHER/DADDY!
hehe...spread the word!

I'm done with my MtAk thread!....Yes!

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