Saojun -> Gate Keeper, The (4/25/2008 22:30:03)
[image][/image] The Gate Keeper Location: The Necropolis -> Artix -> Quests! -> The Gate Keeper Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of The Outcast Release Date: April 25th, 2008 Objective: Using Zorbak's Student I.D. you and Artix have infiltrated the Necropolis. What secrets will you uncover? Objective completed: That is a whole lot of undead, right there. If Noxus is able to hand off that army to Sepulchure, Falconreach and the rest of Lore will be fall into Darkness. You have to think of a way to stop him! Scaled Yes/No: Yes Monsters (2) Shake Spear, (1) The Gate Keeper - Boss NPCs Artix Necromantress Noxus The Gate Keeper Rewards None Undead Slayer Badge Dialogue Artix: Now that Zorbak gave us his student I.D. Card, the gates of the Necropolis are opening for us! Artix: We have to get down there, past their guards, and see if we can figure out what the Necromancers are planning! <Character>: I still can't believe we are going to try to get into the Necropolis with Zorbak's Student ID Card... Artix: What is there to worry about? <Character>: Well... it's expired, for starters... <Character>: ... and he was apparently expelled... <Character>: ... and it has a picture of a blue Moglin on it. Artix: No problem at all, my friend! We can solve this the same way we justify all of the plot holes and bugs in this game. <Character>: How do we do that? Artix: Magic! <Character>: ... Artix:There is one problem I have not been able to figure out yet though. Artix: There are two of us... but we only have one Student ID card. <Character>: Well... do you want to wait outside? Artix: That is a joke, right? <Character>: Hmm... I have an idea. You know a lot of the undead right? Just follow my lead. Artix: (thinking) Must... resist... urge... to... vanquish... evil! The Gate Keeper: HALT! WHO DARES ENTER THE NECROPOLIS!? <Character>: Tis I. Um.. erm... Zorbak, the greatest Necromancer in the land! <Character>: ... and my well armored undead minion, Artix! *You nudge Artix* Artix: Hmm? Oh. OOOOOHHHH! Artix: Uh.. Arrrrrrr.... Artix: Eeeeeee..... Ewwwwwwww..... Artix: um.. Brains? *big smile* The Gate Keeper: LET ME SEE YOUR STUDENT ID CARD! <Character>: Sure, sure... Here ya go. The Gate Keeper: YOU DO NOT LOOK LIKE YOUR PICTURE, ZORBAK! <Character>: Yeah, that's because... you know... magic. The Gate Keeper: OH... WELL... YES... THAT IS UNDERSTANDABLE. The Gate Keeper: WAIT! THIS STUDENT ID CARD SAYS YOU HAVE BEEN EXPELLED! <Character>: Magic. The Gate Keeper: HMMM... YES.. I SEE. THAT WOULD EXPLAIN IT. The Gate Keeper: BUT THIS CARD IS ALSO EXPIRED! <Character>: Magic! The Gate Keeper: AH, YES. THAT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME... The Gate Keeper: OKAY, YOU MAY ENTER. WELCOME TO THE NECROPOLIS, ZORBAK. Artix: ! <Character>: ! <Character>: Thank you! Let's go, my undead minion. Artix: Certainly... Let us just... walk right past these undead monsters... Artix: Without... attacking them... even a little bit... <Character>: Artix? <Character>: Are you alright? Artix: Yes. I just... Artix: *sweatdrops* ... Just need to... Artix: ... to... Artix: ... to RID THE WORLD OF THESE SERVANTS OF EVIL! Artix: ATTACK! Battle! Extreme Battle! Heal! <Character>: Whew... That was close. Artix: Yes. It was. I am very sorry, <Character>. I just could not help myself. <Character>: That's okay. I knew we were in for a battle... I just didn't think it would be this soon. Artix: I hear a lot of movement below. Perhaps something else is going on. *Noxus appears above an army of undead* Noxus: The army is almost complete! Noxus: The world shall be wrapped in the eternal embrace of darkness... Noxus: HEAR ME, denizens of the Necropolis! Noxus: I applaud your skill and effort. But we have little time left to complete our most grand project. Noxus: An army of 100 million undead unlike anything the world has ever seen before! Noxus: I expect every Necromancer in the Necropolis to redouble their efforts.... Noxus: Especially you... Necromantress. *The Necromantress appears besides Noxus* Necromantress: As you desire... master. Necromantress: (thinking) ... Just so long as you hold up your end of the bargain... and return my brother to me. Noxus: Look at them. Thousands of loyal soldiers for Sepulchure. Your skill continues to impress me. Noxus: However, as my top student, your recent defeat in Moonridge is quite unsettling. Noxus: I expect you to redeem yourself by making an example of those two meddling heroes with your latest... creations. Noxus: Now, my student.... ALL MY STUDENTS... BACK TO WORK! Noxus: Sepulchure's flying castle will be here soon, and Sepulchure expects an army almost twice this size! Artix: Sepulchure is raising an army of 100 Million Undead!? Artix: <Character>... are you thinking what I am thinking? <Character>: We jump out there and take out 50 million undead each? Artix: Whoa... Artix: You WERE thinking what I was thinking! <Character>: We need to destroy the ones they have created and stop them from making more. Artix: Just two of us versus an entire underground city of the walking dead... <Character>: It'll be a slaughter! Artix: THAT is the spirit! <Character>: No, MY slaughter! Two heroes against the whole army? Artix: Yes, two heroes against this army of darkness. I've always wanted to fight a desperate battle against incredible odds! <Character>: Looks like you're going to get your chance, Artix. Artix: Now, if only we had a map! <Character>: Oh look! There is one conveniently printed on the back of this Necromancy University student handbook. *You have obtained the Necro U Handbook!* Thanks to -- PaperClip OF DOOM for corrections. -- Peachii for corrections. -- Dragon_noob for corrections. -- gmill711 for rewards. -- SlyCooperFan1 for reward corrections. -- Paz Vi for reward corrections.