=AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (Full Version)

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PaperClip OF DOOM -> =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 15:45:09)

I can has MtAK? :o

Gurthangs and Saltutaishunz, everyone! (you wouldn't understand. *hides* New office supply/pedia AK at your service. :o (Well more like Ael's and Kat's service, but hey I was never against a game of pretend)
I will be... well, in the 'pedia. Oh and Guides, can't forget Guides. Because it's so active in there. :3 :D
My AK weapon shall be a mighty Spaff, a mix of a Staff and a Spear. I will not use it much, since I just realised how silly it's concept is. :P I also enjoy pie. Blame pjc for any errors that occur here. :D

Universal Rules apply here of course. If you don't know how these threads work, check older threads here - Meet the Mods Archives.

Max of 20 questions and 2 posts per person. That means 40 questions! :o Nothing too personal, please.
I shall be editing in this delightful color that is in no way, shape or form similar to Angelique's. Srsly. ;_;
New color starting from reply 63 GO!

Ask away!

pjc -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 15:47:31)

I hax ur thredz lolz.
You are going to fail miserably and terribly unless you do not, in which case you will fail slightly less miserably than you other wise would. Do you agree?
No U!
You know when you spammed my MtAK? Well, here we are.
I spammed more than you did now. :3
Favourite television programs?
The News. xD Nah, I don't really watch TV alot. Oh the shopping channel of course! :D
What's it like being in an IRC channel with [DefaultMan]? Does he scare you?
He does bad things to me at night in bad places. ;_;
Peace out. I'll be watching you. >:o
No, I'll be watching YOU! >:o

Brilliancy -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 15:48:34)

I can meet you here?!
I don't know, you will have to talk with my agent and we'll see. :P
That's pretty fantastic!
Yush! :D
Can I be the first who asks where you got your witty name? :D
I thought of something random. A paper clip! Perfect. No, wait. I need to add DF to it... DOOM! :D And that's how my name came to be. :P
Btw..... *congratshuggletickles* ^^
I'm sure we will have lots of fun in Pedia, see you there and on IRC!
Oh I'm already having fun. :P Thanks! :D

boomies -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 15:52:17)

3rd reply, not bad...Not bad at all, considering I swore off MtAKing....
Not bad indeed. :o
Anyways, congrats!
Thanks! ^^
Bye byez.

Xerepic -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 15:54:47)

PaperClip OF DOOM.... I thought you were already a AK? My head hurts...
Nope, I was Helpful, now an AK.
Anyway, whats up?
Everything is quite good, thanks. :D
Whats your favorite animal?
Dogs. But cats are nice too.
Favorite food?
I really like omlettes. :o And steak, can't forget steak. :P
Favorite shade of light blue?
The one that Astral uses - this. :D No stealz0rs! >:O
The right path or the left?
Whichever goes west. :3
*uses paper clip for a pile of papers* Ow, it zapped me!
You don't use me, silly! Use one of my regular paper clip minions.
I guess that's all for now,
Awwww.. ;)

Tomix -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 15:55:42)

Great Lord, you are now an AK xD
Great Lord, I love your comix! :D Just saying. ;P
I don't have any questions for you, I just don't know what to say now :P
I hope that's good. :o
CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS PaperClip :3
ThAnK yOu! :D

Necromander -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 15:57:03)

well you certainly are doomish. Why Paperclip?
Paper clips are the tools that DOOM channels through the best. The DOOM is created in the center, and has a smooth flowing swirly motion through the paper clip, and away. Muahahaha!

Of all the time you've spent in the Forums, what's your favorite thing you've read?
The Quotes of the Day. Those are great. xD

If you had the option, would you have AE make another game? What would it be about?
Err, I think that AE are pretty busy now with three weekly updated games and an MMO. Maybe later.

What was your reaction upon becoming an AK?
I was like :O then I was like :D and then I danced. And then I did some pedia entries. :P
Unserious powers activate!
I don't think I HAVE serious powers. xP
Wait a minute, I saw you a few days ago. You weren't an AK then! :_:
That's because I was AKed yesterday. xD
Every time I run out of questions I come up with another one! Does this happen to you?
Not really, when I ask stuff in MtAK it's really short. :o

Can You warn me before you Spaff any of my threads?
The warning will come after the spaffage. :P If you behave there will be no need to do so. :D

Ever been snugged by a gecko?
I didn't get the honor yet. :P

Who does all your base belong to?
All your base are belong to us, the pedia AKs.

Is it can be hugz tiem naow plz?
/me snugs Necromander

Btw congratulations! You are my first MTAK!
:O I would like to thank my agent, and also...

All I got. Bye Paperclip. Gotta write a report with your annoying relative, Paperclip of Spamming Useless Information.
Yeah, that guy. D: Bye bye!

Resolute -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 15:57:26)

ZOMGBBQ!!! You're finally an AK!
I am? I am! :D
Do you watch The Office?
What kind of computer?
Er, Windows? Pentium? :p
Will you be kind to me?
Maybe. :D
Say what? :o
No thank you. P:

Avro -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 15:58:01)

....*paper clips make no sound :o *
/me snugs PC
/me snugs Avro
Favourite colour?
Hmm I don't know. I like blue (aswell as blues) but this color is nice too. :P
You likie Avro?
If Avro ish good boy, yes! :D
Favourite IRC channel?
Our clan channel of course. ;P Oh and #DFStrategy.
Are you rusting yet?
I was put in a special cell, no worries!
/me hops into PC's pouchie and naps.
/me gives pouchie to a babysitter because he is a working paper clip now :o
Avro out of questions!
PaperClip can not express his sadness! ;)
Bai bai!
/me snuggieswuggleshuggles
/me snugglewuggleglomps. See you on IRC!

Destro* -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 15:58:06)

HA, Paperclips are so last century. We have staples.
The paper clips are mighty! Bow down before them! >:o
What are you views on staples?
They work, but what if you want to add a page? and another? and another? You just made a nice sketch of the pentagon there, intirely out of staples. Oh teh noez! one page doesn't belong! *rip off entire corner of page*
So, you see my point. :p

Not into politics so can't really say much. Er, bad?
Staples have made up a religion called Holdiness. It is very.. holdy. /groan
Anyway, they claim that the gods of staples will protect them, he is the god that holds everything together. LIEZ I say! We shall conquer them and have a big celebration when we win. You are invited. Everyone are! :D

So apparently you're obsolete?
Never! :O
Thanks! See you around! :D

Stephen Nix -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 15:58:51)

Here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on your AK ship!
Thanks! Bring on the questions! :o

Who gave you your position on the forums when you started?
Westward offered me to become an AK. I agreed, as you can see. :P

Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
Hmmm, probably Ebil. >:D

Ready to play?
Yup! :D

I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best he can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....
don't get me wrong I will freeze you
Thanks for the help and o noes :o

whats your defence to my ultimate attack of ice ownage?
A swift strike of my Spaff will make your powers disappear! Muahaha!

Does this shirt make me look fat?
Yes. Yes it does.

Does it make you look fat?
Nope. P:

What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
I did the Happy Fun Good Rainbow Shiny OF DOOM dance.

What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
I probably won't get to lock alot of threads, but I guess DOOMlock? :S

I hope that your having a fun time controlling the DF community...cya says Stephen Nix!
I shall destroy you all if you misbehave! >:D That is, in the Encyclopedia. Others will destroy you in other places. :D Bye!

Memory of a Nightmare -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 15:59:33)

When did You became an Archie?
A few days ago. I assume that you mean ArchKnight of course. xP
I always says this and now I'll do it again. ANOTHER ArchKnight?!
There are never enough. :P
Bye bye.

Vanstrom Klause -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 16:02:11)

Congrats on becoming an AK!
Exactly when did you become an Arch(wow I must be the 99999th person to ask that,right?)?
Yes, yes you are. P: A few days ago.
Favorite sport?
I like running, if that's a sport. ;P
Why do you have Arthas as an avatar?
Because he is awesome. :P Also, finally, someone who knows.
Like Warcraft or WoW?
Both, but I don't play WoW because you have to pay. I'm not THAT into the game. :P
Paladin or Necromancer?
Paladin. But I will also try Necromancer when that comes out. :o
Light or Darkness?
Both. :D
Are my questions random?
Not really.
What made you choose the name "Paperclip of DOOM"?
Just took something random like a paper clip and added DOOM to it so it would fit DF. :D
Like your new powers?
Yup. ^^
Thats it!Bai bai!

.Discipline -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 16:03:10)

Why don't you have 'Arch' in your title?
I am sure that the big ArchKnight tag above the title is good enough. :P Also I have AK in my title. Arch-something isn't that used anymore.
What is your lockphrase?
I was going for DOOMlock, but...
Can I suggest 'Clipped'?
...this one is good too. We will see. :D
Is there a cliptionary?
Oh, the puns. :P And no. We speak your human languages... for now!
Why the doom? Can't we just all get along?
Do we really have to? D:
What do you think of the new ShadowScythe Tees? Pretty cool, huh?
Oh yes, they are indeed awesome. I like the Red one.
What happens in Soviet Russia?
Mudkip lieks u!
What happens in Soviet America?
I'm not sure, Soviet America doesn't exist. :o
What is your quest?
To take over the world! >:D It's going slowly, but nice so far. :P
That be all. *walks off*
Kay. *runs off*

tombstone -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 16:06:11)

From Helpful to AK already? That was fast! ^_^
Circe was faster! ;)
Time for the questions!
1. What is your custom class?
Holdymancer. Masters of holding stuff together. :P
2. Who is your favorite forumite whose name starts with T, ends with a type of rock, and whose name rhymes with "Doomcone"?
This is a tough one. :p Let me think. :D
3. If it rains in Spain, is an elephant hungry?
It obviously depends on the cupcake having legs holding wet bricks.
4. Any favorite sports teams?
Not really, no.
5. Look! Over there!
Where? What is it? Is it a cookie? Ooooh is it something shiny?
6. Is anything missing now?
Yes. Your wallet. I stole it while you were trying to steal from me. :P
7. Any plans this summer?
Hm... dunno. Meeting with friends and doing stuff, and lots of 'pedia work on the forums. xD
8. Have you ever had a deja vu?
I am sure that everyone did. :p
9. Who is your favorite comedian?
Hmm I really don't know which I like best, there are too many to count. xD
10. Favorite song?
Anything that gets stuck in my head and I am forced to replay it over and over.
11. Who would win, that guy or some person?
Probably that guy. He has a gun.
12. Have you ever had a deja vu?
I see wut u did thar.
13. If someone offered to pay you $10,000 to speak only leet for a year, would you do it?
Hmm probably. But I will probably won't talk much during that year. :D
14. Popeye's or KFC?
I have niether here. :p I don't really like fast food, not healthy! :O
No last question from me, its a superstition.
See ya, good luck AKing! ^_^
Thanks! ^^

Suuichi -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 16:10:00)

PaperClip....an AK....?! What crazy and twisted world have I landed in?!
Oh shush you! >:o
*Ahem* Anywho, Congrats and such.
Thanks and such.
I am counting on you to notice that I am keeping count of questions. Got it?
1. What shap are your shackles?
I don't know what's shap, so I'll guess that you are talking about shape. They look.. odd... like a penguin shape of sorts.
2. What color are your shackles?
This one, I think. It's kinda hard to see in the dark.
3. Anything else I should know about your shackles?
Shackles = not tasty. ;_; Not that I tried to eat the adorable penguin shackles, that is. :P
4. Why has TF come back all of a sudden?
I don't know, doesn't bother me much. Why, you have any problems with him?
5. Can I has some of your worship money? ;-;
No. All of the worship donations go to me for my use. :P
6. Why am I here asking questions?
Because you are bored.
7. We're friends, right?
Maaaaaybe. [&:]
9. Will you meet me somewhere tomorrow in AQW? Team Fishy fishy sizzle sizzle won't be complete without you!
Yup. And we did meet since I am answering this AFTER the test. xD And nice try, you skipped question 8.
10. Are we friends?
Refer to question 7.
11. I remember when you were just a forumite. Do you remember when I was just a regular forumite?
You are still just a regular forumite. :P And yes. ^^
12. I have to go bake some potatoes. Want one?
Yes, please. :D
13. Did you notice there was no number 8?
Nice try.
14. Do you think Z.324 will hi-jack this thread like WP's?
I don't mind. :P
15. I'm bored. You?
I'm busy. It's partly your fault. >:o
16. I am nearing the limit of my questions, aren't I?
17. Oh! I am WP's minion. Do you have a minion yet?
I can has 54985498549 minions! And yes I am aware that we don't have that many members! >:O
18. Ummm....I'm out of questions. Got any good ones for me to ask you?
Here's one: "You are aware that you are awesome, aren't you?" :D
19. How many fish does it take to blow a purple spotted gorilla 20,000 leagues under the sea on a wednesday while wearing a tutu and doing the hokey pokey?
42, considering the fact that it is raining and the seal is being thrown into hyperspace. Unless of course the seal hits Mars while holding a toaster and dancing to rave music.
20. Last question! Ummm....Hrmmm....Let's see...How does it feel to be in the DNs?
Hey! You edited this question yesterday! >:o Fun, I guess. :P
Go LunchQuest! Woo!
You are aware that you are still banned from it, right? P: I will consider unbanning you. >:D
8. That appears to be all. Congrats once again. I will see you on IRC. So long, farewell, I bid adieu to you?
Thanks. Also you forgot to add question 8, so I made this a question. :P

Enzeru -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 16:10:16)

I remember when you were just the average member. Now look at you.[:D] Congratz!
I remember that too! :O Thanks. ^^
Time for the questions.[8D]
Uh oh...
Where's Waldo?
Over there, by the tree. That tree. By the house. That house.

Where is Bob the Guy from accounting?
In his office, over at accounting. Duh.

If Cysero, Roilth, and Artix all ran for president, who would you vote for?
Artix would probably run for president in another country once he is done with his first, Cysero would turn the buildings upside down and make yogurt prices way too high so he will have it all, so I guess Rolith because he will be coding working on better houses and fixing stuff. :P

Do you play Starcraft Brood War?
I used to play Starcarft but now I lost my CD...

Can you guess my forum goal?
Hmm... have the most cookies? :o

Favorite Character from Star Wars?
R2-D2! :D

Favorite Book?
The Magician's Guild trilogy. :D

Where were you born?
The land of Randomness.

Dark, Milk, or White Chocolate?
Milk. .... Great now I want some. :p
What do they feed Ak's?
Gruel. :P
What is taking you so long to answer my questions?
There are other questions before it. And I am busy! >:O
Thanks for answering my random questions.
Any time. :P
Don't kill me and congrats
I won't if you behave and thanks. :D

Death_Knight555 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 16:13:38)

*Hails O-Mighty PaperClip of Doom!*
Congrats on the AKShip!
Wait... don't tell me you're the Paperclip on Microsoft Word? *Shivers*
How dare you? >:O
Don't have anything to ask besides the above question, see you around!
Bye bye! ^^

Xan78 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 16:15:27)

Congratz on your Akship!
Which AE game do you like the most?
DragonFable, obviously. And the MMO! :D
Favorite Color?
Hmm I like them all. :3
Can I borrow you xD?
You can use one of my servants. I am reserved for only the mightiest of documents.
How do you become an AK?
The head moderator of the board that you frequent in asks you if you would like to be an AK if you were helpful and polite to the people there. Asking to be one is the wrong step to take. :p *points at next question*
Can I be one?
That's not up to me.
$33 Y0U l8t34(See you later)
G00|) |3y3!
Don't ban me plz.
Only if you behave. :P

mooneeve -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 16:16:36)

Ahh it's the paper clip!
Booo! :o
How excited were you when you became an AK?
Very. :P
So when DID you become an AK?
9/6/2008 (Day/Month/Year format. :P)
What evil plans do you have for the forums now?
*Takes out a folder* Hmm... well I do have a few plots in progress. We'll see.
Are there paper clips involved with the question above this one?
Sure, they are used to hold lots of documents and stuff! Don't want parts of the plans to suddenly disappear! I mean, can you imagine going from Step C: Steal every keyboard of all forum members to Step G: Release angry bears? How am I supposed to remember how I got from KEYBOARDS to BEARS?
Well see ya!

lellyna -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 17:08:13)

Uh my mtak sence is tingeling
:o Tingly!
So the shiney piece of metal made into a cool shape became Ak
Yup. :D
So are you the normal kind of paperclips or are you one of the funny colored ones?
I look normal, but I am full of DOOM!
:o Hackz!
:i Liez!
So....all teese questions....what do you feel about them?
I feel that I should be answering them. :P
Too lazy too make more questions...Cya
That's good! xD Bye!

ferarri123 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 17:17:50)

Can spiderpig swing from a web?
Of course!
What would you do for a klondike bar?
I heard of these klondike bars, but never tasted them. So I don't know what I would do-o-o for a klondike bar.
Cake or death?
Do you like mudkips?
I liek dem very much.
If you were only allowed to have ONE luxury item, and you'd get everything else you need to survive for free, what would it be?
A computer/laptop, duh. :P
Would you like to dance the body electric?
No thank you. :P
Do you find it a bit unnerving doctors call what they do practice?
Kinda. D:
Was the pole vault accidentally discovered by a clumsy javelin thrower?
I wouldn't be surprised if it was!
Can fat people go skinny-dipping?
Ewww, and about the pun there, no. :P
Do blind dogs have seeing-eye humans?
I like those clever questions. :P Probably not, though. Those poor, blind dogs. :(
What's it like being an Arch Knight?
Fun. :D
How long did it take you to become an Archie?
It's not like I was going to these forums to become one. :p But I started to come to these forums about a year ago.
Are you proud of yourself?
I would rather have others pround of me. [&:]
Do you see yourself still involved in the Battleon Forums several years from now?
Probably. :D

Amboo -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 17:24:27)

Ready yourself for Strange noob lingo, *clears throat*
Congrats paperclip,
Thanks! :D

Aerowarrior -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 17:30:19)

d00d, liek, y r u sp4mz0rz1ng tihs f0rum w/ur mt4k thred? :O
i rport u to mod rite nao 4 spmming in mai tmmakak
Favorite Book in the Harry Potter series?
The last one! :O O:
Do you like the Muppets?
I guess.
What's the thing that you're most passionate about?
idk my bff jill?
Are you tired of answering all of these shallow questions?
Are you tired of answering all of these deep questions?
Are you tired of answering all of my questions?
Favorite three smilies?
[:@][:'(][&:] as forum smilies, :D :p xP as.. not-forum smilies. :p
If you could have a light lunch with any person, who would it be?
I would like to have a full lunch, as I am quite hungry. And I don't know. xD
Okay, that's it for me. I'll leave you to boomies if he's still around :P
FINALLY! And he said he quit with the 5435 questions a thread, look above. :P

weapon of choice -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 17:34:15)

Yaay! A new AK! Don't we get tired of these guys?
No, I don't think you do. :P
Anyways *clears throat*
*washes hands*
1. Any relation to the microsoft office paperclip?
My quite annoying evil twin.
2. DF, AQ, MQ, or AQW?
All of them! :D DF's my favorite though.
3. Does it hurt when they extract your brain for an upgraded AK brai?.
They just took my soul, that's all. It holds us down, you see.
4. Favorite TV programme? (mine's gotta be heroes)
I like Heroes too! :D
5. Why have you got two shadows?
6. Which member of staff consumed your soul, making you an AK?
Westward offered the AKship, and Reens took the soul. Or was it Alac for her needs? *cough*
7. How long have you been on the forums for?
A year and three months I think.
8. Why a paperclip? Why not a stapler?
9. Will you get one of those SS shirts?
If I ever have any spare money,
10.Which webcomic is your favvy? Mine's CAD.
Oh I have lots of them. Flaky Pastry, Order of the Stick, 8-bit Theatre, Keychain of Creation, Looking for Group...
And finally...
11. Does my butt look big in this?
No comment. :P
Your weclome? xD

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