RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| = SLEEPING (Full Version)

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theaya -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| = SLEEPING (6/19/2005 11:18:56)

YAY!.. -huggles- I feel honoured...
Weee.. you're back! Yayayayayaya!

Clowns.. No.. Why did you do that?.. -hides and twitches-
Sorry, I couldn't resist... *patpats*

Wanna know why I'm afraid of clowns?

-If so It all started with a movie caled Attack of the clowns from outer space (An old movie) And then clowns started to scare me after IT, then they tried to huggle me and make me laugh..
I've seen all those movies! ^^

The clown from IT is very creepy.. I'm not a fan of clowns either to be honest. It's not that they scare me, I just don't enjoy them and don't find them funny at all.

-If not too bad already told ya.. ^.^
When do you want to have the wedding? -gives cookies and a squirrel-
Ooooo... whatever works for you! Your parents are paying! =P

If you were a spider what type would you be?

Do you like Idigo?
Color or person? If both.. then yes.. I do like both! Indigo is awesome, I love the pax (peace) out closing to all of his/her posts.

(I tend to only know the nick name's of all the staff.. genders aren't that important to know, well sometimes they are.

Whats the speed volocity of a sarrow?
Sarrow? Do you mean "Sparrow" ? If so.. they flap their wings 13 times a second in "fast flight"... speed wise, I don't know the volocity of a sparrow. Generally speaking birds fly (on average) at 20-30 miles per hour, I think.

Do you ever wish you had a La Chupacarpra?...

Agian do you mean: "La Chupacabra" ?

(I had to goggle it for the proper spelling...)

No I really can't say that I want one... nor would ever want one. Maybe if it obeyed me and promised not to eat me or pee in the house. I'd take one in and train it to do tricks.

Do you ever wish you had a fire breathing bunny? (I do..)
Can't say I've ever wished for one.. Every Christmas I ask for a flamethrower, I'd settle for a fire breathing bunny. I hear that fire breathing bunnies don't like Holy Handgernades. <_<

Oh no!.. The men in white are coming after me again.. gotta jet.. Baiza! -huggles and runs off being chased by the men in white-

Silly white men and their lack of jumping skills. ^^

See ya.. come again!

Creasy -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| = SLEEPING (6/19/2005 11:24:16)

Yay first post after the[:D] EDit: rats spent too long


Hey Noah_B (or Shagronicus)

Heya! "Noab" - that's a new one, Shag is always up to no good! =P

I get: Nouh, No-ha, Yes-ah

Whats modding like? And what forums do you trawl through?

Modding is, well it's different. When I was a member it was really care free and light hearted. I enjoyed posting and ranting now and then... now however, it's almost as if I do more work than posting and I feel like I have to REALLY be on my best behavior. I am on staff, I should set the example.

I spend most my time here in the OOC, aswell as I poke around the clan forums abit and tickle the Strat forums, which the bestest-greatest-most amazing AK in the whole wide world - Spelly, helps me maintain.

Are there any UK mods? (You're only the 2nd Mod Ive met and the other was Polish)

UK mods? Hmmm... There are a couple that call Europe home. Specifcally in the UK though? Not that I know of. There are some UK AKs and GC members though! ^^

I'm from the US, so I'm just a dorky American. =]

OK now onto more randomness[:D]

Weee! I can't wait!

If you're the "peoples Mod" why dont you snuggle very often? (and no Im not asking[;)])

Well I don't see the connection between being the "people's mod" and snuggles. I think snuggles should be saved for special occasions, when they mean something. People toss about snuggles like they are nothing.. it's a shame. And you know, I'm not that much of a snuggler in the first place. I prefer a nuzzle or a smuggletuggle... that's just my preferance! =]

Are you a sword fan? I love my collection of swords [:D]

You know, I'm a fan of swords but not as much as I am a fan of spears/axes. Though the sword is by default an amazing weapon. What sort of collection do you have?

Wolves or vamps? (guess mine from my avvy)

Hehe, you like Wolves. Personally I'm torn between the two. I love wolves but there's something about vamps. Hmmm, I'd take a wolf before a bat though.. so wolves get the edge.

*if said Vamps demonstrates above mentioned swords, if Wolves then cheers*

*watches the confusion of sword wielding cheering*

Have you ever read DragonLance?

Can't say that I have... sorry mate.

If so do you know what "Est Sularus oth Mithas" means?

No, I don't but could you tell me?

I'll think of more questions later to help towards those 10 pages.....good luck :D

Yayayayaa Thanks so much! Good questions btw.. hope to see you back!

Sethran -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| = SLEEPING (6/19/2005 11:55:31)

Do you know me?

Hmmm.. Sethran. No can't say that I do, have we met before?

Do you want to know me?

Are you sure?
Um.. yes.

Are you(also) a secret test subject of the CIA?

*whispers* yes

Are you male or femle, ..............or....*shivers* both?
Without having to check... male

Where do you live?
Washington St., USA

What would you say if someboddy was staring at you ten minutes, then says:"I've got new socks" and then suddenly throws pie in your face and sys the the banana breking boomlalala's will come and slap him silly.

Well I'd probably get out my slip and slide... take a few laps around the merry go-round then jumping into my dixie cup full of plastic army men. After I'd clearly state: "I will be goat for tomorrow is slurpee."

Do you like being a person?
Yes, I do enjoy it very much.

If you had two taco's, and a huge talking waterfall would come and take 1% of both taco's while you are drinking a tree, what would you think?
I'd think that there is no WAY that gopher is getting close to my blue suede shoes... and I'd jump up on the roof of my umbrella and scream: "SCREAM" ... and then passout on my bed of twigs.

Do you like the way my character looks?

Um.. I dunno. Turn around for me quick. Hmm.. yeah not shabby.

At the moment I sent this, you were sleeping, cn you eat while you sleep?
You eat spiders when you sleep.. at least from time to time.

Do mountains rock or do rocks mountain?
Rocks Rock and mountains mount. Now let me ask you: "Do mountains roll or dose rock roll?"

Is this a long post?
Nahhh not bad.

And now?
Getting closer!

Are you angered quickly when people say:"Hi"?
Only if they say "Hi" then just walk away... or stick their big toes out at me.

And when they say bye?
Nah, sometimes the best part of a converstation is when it ends.

If so, I'm sorry, cause I gotta go!!!!!!!! Bye!!!!!!!!!!
Awww, t'was fun. Come back again! Thanks!

I'm back, are you?

And now?

Zavia -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| = SLEEPING (6/19/2005 12:19:38)

Do you know when the War of the Fangs will return?

Nope... I don't actually. Would you like it to return? I thought it was fun.

Do you like pie?

Very much so... all different flavors. I currently like this chocolate/pudding pie, it's just fantastic! n_n

MADemocrat -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| = SLEEPING (6/19/2005 12:22:31)

'lo, Noah!
Yo Mademocrat!

How's life?
Well to be honest, not so well but I'm making it. Time will tell how certain things progress and the outcomes will project heavily upon not only the immidate future but all my days to come.

I'm on a seemingly never-ending holy quest to find a mod/AK/admin that like rap. Are you my first(or maybe second) one?
I am you first big boy! w00t!

I've always loved rap! I have become a rap snob.. I only like particular artists, since rap has become a source of no talent- get rich quick- looooosers.

Hehe. Favorite Thundercat?
Tough one... I'm a huge Panthro and Tygra fan. But overall, I love Snarf! =D

Excited about the new Zelda game?
Excited about any good gamecube games, yes. I love my cube and would like to see Nintendo invest MORE into it before jumping ship to the revolution or the new gameboy mini. Yes I've always loved the Zelda series and am looking forward to a new "mature" Link and a mature storyline.

Hurrah for Nintendo fanboys!
*Nintendo Jigs and strips down to his nintendo socks and mario-bro's skippies*

Umm... I can't think of anything else. So bye for now!
Awww.. well if you think of anymore, come back! =]

TankHunter -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| = SLEEPING (6/19/2005 15:20:47)

here's a riddle : Whats a riddle with a griddle whats a riddle with a riddle?


I think you should go to the Halo clan thread and bone up on your Halo trivia.

=' [

Will do... thanks for this:

HAHAHAHAHHAHA YOU ARE NO TRUE HALO PLAYER HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH If you were a true Halo player this quiz would have been easy as pie.


tyty_pretzel -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| = SLEEPING (6/19/2005 15:47:22)

Heya! =]

Did you take bears on the Ark?
Actually yes, two of every animal.

Just wondering
No worries.. wonder all you like, it's good for the soul.

Do you like pretzels?
Small bar pretzels or big Mcfatty pretzels? Since I enjoy both... salted w/ a touch of mustard or melted cheese sauce. Yummy.

If yes,with or without cheese?
Whoa, I answered that without even knowing you were going to ask. Yes cheese, please.

Fav. Author?
Tom Perrotta

Fav. Book?
'Jonathan Livingston Seagull' by Richard Bach

Fav. Dinner?
Um.. any and all? Personally I love Mac and Cheese. Aswell as Thai food, Chinese food... etc.

Fav. gaming system?
All time? SNES

Fav. game for that system?
Chrono Trigger

well thats all
Awww, do come back.. it's been grand! =D

the pretzel stealer muahahahahahahah

0h Gn03z m3 pr3tz3lz R dun j4cK3d!

HypnotistJango -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| = SLEEPING (6/19/2005 16:23:14)


Have you seen the new batman movie?
No, have you? I really want to see it.. I kinda like the batman movies.For a comic book. Batman makes such a better movie than the Hulk does. =]

uuuummmm have I run out of questions to ask?
I hope not!

Should I just ask a bunch of meaningless question w/ no point to them?
I wouldn't mind.. go right ahead!

Whos your favorite author?
Tom Perrotta

Whos your favorite batman villain?
Riddler... I think. Yeah, Riddler.

uuuuummmmmmm is that all?
Not sure.. I should ask you that.

Am I insane?
Nah, you're just as insane as the next guy.. who's just as normal as you are.

Are you?
I'm "the next guy"


Abiogenist -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| = SLEEPING (6/19/2005 16:30:17)

Hi ^-^


I hold a plethra of knowladage within this gray matter of mine.

Is this true? you hold large amount of knowledge?

Yes, we all do.. I happen to retain tons of "useless" information.

Then I guess I should WORSHIP you! even if you say no


OH great one *bows* What is the meaning of life?

Meaning of life? There is one... what?! Tell me!

What is the secret of the universe?

The secret is that it's too secret to know.. if you knew, your human brain couldn't even comprehend it.

Are humans alone on this vast silent universe.

Who knows? It's fairly big...I'd like to ignorantly say "yes" we are. But I can't say without a doubt that we are. I'd like to believe we are alone, it's somewhat comforting.

Oh great one *bows* how many species of animals live in the world known as earth?

The estimated number of animals/species in world? Well I know that few millions could be on land and some odd billion could be in the oceans alone... I think it's rash to think that one can count or come up with a total number of said animals. Since there are animals/species that we cannot even see with the human eye.

*bows* Oh great one! ^-^

Epp.. you've mistaken me for someone.

Oh, and I checked in the dictionary about the plethra. It said Plethora than plethra ^_^ Bye!

Muhaha, well check again. I edited and noted the two different words. Never did I say that I had a supreme amount of knowladage.. infact I made sure to set a limit on my know-how.. 1 mile. ^^

So while your attempt at 'sacrasm/making of fool of me' was great... You have earned a: C

Good work, nice try... . =D

Deleted User -> [Deleted] (6/19/2005 16:59:58)

[Deleted by Admins]

theaya -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 17:55:26)

Back Again to Annoy!
Annoy? Nevah!

Thought I'd help you reach a goal of ten pages.
I appreciate your help! Not only do you help me get to 10 pages but we get to know more about each other! Good times! =]

Am I creepy?
Not yet... <_<

We can have the wedding now if you want....
Hmmm, did you do all the planning already?

Do you like fish?
Yes both alive and in my tank and then other.. caught.. smoked or cooked. Yummy.

Is Blade kewl or just huggelable...
Kewl and huggleable

Do you like my huggles?.. -huggles-
Oooo.. nice! Thanks! n_n

What is your dream career?
Uh, those dreams died a long time ago... I'm currently trying to redream some. =\

I love spiders.. and snakes.. do you like snakes?
Yes, infact I worked with snakes for 9 months.

Whats your opinion on the radish?
Never ate it.. but it made a good weapon in Mario Bros 2.

Whats the stupidest cartoon show? (in you opinion)
Stupidest? Man.. Super Milk Chan

TankHunter -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 18:08:07)

Can I kill a tank now?

What is the scorpion tank's weakness?
zOMG.. haven't we been over this. My know-how of Halo is not up to par to yours. I don't eat, sleep, live Halo! =P

Scorpion Tank is slow, period. Slow to move, slow to turn... can easily be taken out with speed or the element of surprise.

What is the morter tank's weakness?
Rocket Laucher... ph33r it!

Favorite vehicle on Halo?
None.. I prefer the "on foot" method

How about now on killing that tank?
Sure, like I said.. go at it bud!

What is your favorite game?
Video, board, or actual game?

Video = Chrono Trigger (all time fav.)
-Current = Forza Motorsports
Board = Solar Quest or Shoots and Ladders
Actual = Basketball/soccer

If you could meet any character from Halo/Halo 2 who would it be?


(+Corwin) That computer chick. Rawr.
(+Rayf) Um, one of those little grunt guys that scream and run away whenever you shoot at them. They're fun. I could see them being a big hit at a party.
(+Rayf) Shoot at the floor near them every few minutes.
(&Pae) XD

Your second choice?

*see above*


Shagronicus -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 18:10:01)


How do you feel about the phrase "How's it hangin'?"?
I've always felt comfortable with it... at times I wonder just how to reply when someone asks me: "How's it haging?"... I often just say: "Grood" and then giggle inside.

Sporks: Good, evil, leading our children astray?
Leading astray! I mean.. those things are just confusing. Damn handy but for a 6 year old... confusing.

Has anyone else used my nickname for you? I need to know so I know how many shotgun shells to grab can talk things over with them. =)
Some did earlier.. you can bust a cap in them if you like!

Fan of the Godfather movies?
Who isn't? No 1/4 life crisis - college boy can say they aren't.. and if they aren't, they should be sat down and forced to watch those movies. To be honest I like 'Scarface' a lot more than I like the Godfather series.. but hey, gotta love a good mob movie.

If so, which one? First one, right? Yeah, the third was pretty nasty...
First one is the only one I can say I really enjoy. So yes, first.

Favourite cola?
Dark, clear, diet? Hmm.. Pepsi and it's sub products are all pretty tastey. But if you catch me visiting GA, Coke is the best! =]

Do you call it cola or soda. Maybe...pop?
I call it whatever I want to call it! =P

Pop, Soda, and cold drink...

If you were left alone in the woods with nothing but a hamburger, a piece of twine, and a stick of gum what would you do?


4(~Reens4)15 eat the hamburger, chew the gum and walk to the closest hotel. ;p
4(~Reens4)15 oh yeah, and toss the twine.

That wouldn't work. There's a bear next to you. >.>
Uhh... play dead!


I'm out. Shaggy awaaaay!

See ya!

PS. I love your GIR avatar. *kudos*

Wolf Boi -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 18:20:07)

Hello *snuggles* you can pull on my tail all you want just as long as it isn't pulled off *giggles* :3
also thanks for all the snuggling [:D]
You're welcome! n_n *tugs tail*

Ok I shall cover you in Jam (or mabey chocolate sause) now will you come to my room? my room is very fun (hehe i have toys and can also take a pic of my room if you want to see it)
Yummy.. Chocolate! Sure, let's see your room! ^_^

What Irc room are you usally in? and hope to get a message on one of the others hehe more private/fun [:)]
Well if you join on the AQ network, hop into #yulgarsinn or #battleon, I'm usually lingering in one or the other. Just give me a good poke, sometimes I'm on at work or here at home and I get distracted. But if I see it's you, I can easily open a PM with you.

Also could you give me a poke when you are in ICQ?
ICQ? I don't use that fancy thing! =P

Can I have more snuggling?
Hmm... NO! =P

How about a kiss?
O_O .. No mint, no kiss!

What is your fave way to kill zombies?

What is your fave drink?
Sweet Tea.. oh my, whenever I fly down to Georgia... I just gobble up all the Sweet Tea I can.

Have you ever played any of the Arc the Lad games before?
Yes I have played 'Arc the Lad'

Do you think all my posts are helping you get to the ten pages of questions mabey?
Very much so! It's not so much about getting the 10 pages, it's getting to know others and allowing other to get to know me.. again..

Do you prefere original movies or remakes of them?
ORIGINALS! Remakes are usually so bad.

Do you want to *wisper wisper* in a few hours?

What is the best Canadian show you have sceen?
A few years ago I used to watch the "Red Green" show every Sunday night. I usually watch the CBC but it's hard to catch the same shows over and over, due to my schedual... at least the shows that interested me.

Did you know Geroge won a life time achevment award?
For having awesome hair? No I don't tell me which one, please.

Do you want the Twilly and Zorbak plushies?
Hmm.. Twilly yes. Zorbak, well it depends on if they get his ebilness right... then yes.

on a scale of 1-10 how snuggly am I?

Should I use my dogboy icon when i can use my own icon? (just have to get it down to 95x95)
95x95 and 10k... and sure, why wouldn't you?

Bye for now, I shall be back latter with more questions, and to see if your going to ask me out [;)]
Weeeeee! Ask you out? Well don't you move fast! =P

david owen -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 18:20:14)

Hello i have a few questions i would like to ask
Hello! You do? Great, I can't wait to answer them...

who is speaking within my post right now?

Tis' I, Noah_B

If i had something to ask you and it was really private and i pmed you would you keep it secret and help me?

*snuggles*(this is very funny)
Look what they started! =S


are you against any type of race let's say racists or black people or homosexuals?(sorry if i am asking nasty questions and btw someone who posted in this is homosexual and i speak to on msn[:-])
ABSOLUTLY NOT... the only race I'm racists against are those racists. Make sense?

I have no patience/compassion/tolerance/understanding for people are racists. It's just ignorance, horrid ignorance which by the way is a taught instatution. Racisim/ignorance is passed down or passed

i am 15 how old are you?
Well I be 22.

if you were in the middle of a love triangle what would you do to help the situation you were in?(yep none of my business you can tell me that if you want)
Gees, well I've been in a situation like this once before.. personally, from experiance, I'd never put myself back into a situation like that ever (again). And if I was in a situation like that, it's depends if the triangle was my fault or not, I wouldn't ever cause a triangle, and if I did or if one occured. I'd server ties really fast to stop any and all drama before it could occur, then I would deal with the repercussions.

do you play aq? if yes do you play it because you have to? or because you feel you love the game? or do you have an aq account because it is an asesity it comes with the package of being a mod?
I played AQ for a while before becoming a mod.. playing and learning the game is one reason why I was asked to be a mod. n_n

I hit lvl 79 and 3/4s .. then took a small break from AQ. I was playing an insane amount last march to earn enough money for the golden shield. (since it was supposed to be out of stores ages ago) Literally doing the Vamp/Wolf Intro #3 over and over for hours at time.. drove me AQ bonkers. But now I'm back to playing, I sort of regret having my main character moved to the AQ team. I worked really hard to get him to the perfection that he is.. not it's sort of tainted. Oh well.

would you give up aq if everyone told you they didn't like it anymore?(don't worry i get this in real life a lot!)
I get this a lot too... infact I work with kids. And a lot of the older kids, used, to play AQ and now they just talk smack about it and try to get me to quit... but I won't, even though it's not as sophisticated as World of Warcraft or as fancy as Guild Wars... it's not meant to be. It's unique and I like it that way! ^^


and finally who is this marking my post again[:D](just checking i know it's gonna be the same person)
Moses, for sure this time.

tyty_pretzel -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 19:28:31)


I love it!!!

But I'm having steak tonight!

Do you like steak?
Yes I do.. from time to time.

Steak and eggs = amazing
Steak and Mac and Cheese = AMAZING!

Thats grand!
Really, you think so? Jawesome!

My sisters gone for the week!
Weeeeeee! Is she at summer camp?


No sis for a week!

Oh wait.......shes coming wednesday.......OH NO!

Well I thought thats what I'd say.
Oh.. okay fine.. be that way! =P

the pretzel stealer
Oh wait I alread took his.....woops
Theif! He stole my pants!

Pae -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 19:48:58)

Blinding colors!
I'll blind you! *flashes... headlights*

O might Noah, hear my pleas and yada yada! :o *bows*
Nope.. no time for little lizards and their lizardy ways! >=]

What's this with the Gentleman's Club stuff? How do I join? :P
Well it's really easy... just go to our Club thread (located on the clan boards here)
Copy and Paste the application, fill out and submit. Bam! Voting occurs on our very private forums.. and you should know in a week or so.

PS. Pae is a member, she just act's like she's not one... weirdo.

How did Noah_Brs and Noahbish start?
Uh.. I've never seen those before. So you must have just started them, just now!

Are geckos even better than Noah_Brs?
Hmmm... well it depends. Overall they both have their own unique skills which bascially counters out the other. However if it's in a good old match of mudwrestling.. Noah wins, hands down.

So... done with spam and randomness >_>
Awww.. Can't say it was a totaly let down but I had fun! =]

theaya -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 20:21:31)

So I haven't scared you off yet or annoyed you?.. YAY!
Can't scare me off.. it's my thread! =P And nope, no annoyed Noah.. yet. >=]

Yup its gonna be a um.. hold on let me get the portfolio out.. -pulls out a large manila folder- A Black, red, silver, and white wedding.. and with tons of sugar and caffine treats!.. yay!!! -huggles-
Wooooo.. me likes! *eats treats*

Do you have a pet?
Yes, two... er 4.

-If so what is is and what is it's name?
Dog: Tucker
Cat: Bookey
Fish: Bumble and Papercut

-If not then thats sad..
What's sad? *emo tear*

I have a pet spider.. Its a fiddleback ^.^ Its name is Penny (Seriously).. And I have a Siamese cat named Angelo. Speaking of which do you like cats?
ooooo nice pets! Yeah I don't mind cats.. I kinda like 'em. ^^

Have I creeped you out yet?...
Spider pet, is a little creepy but not enough to cut you off... yet! >=]

-If so -shifty eyes and random tackles and huggles- I scared another one!
*whew* dodged that one
-If not then -huggles anyways- you must be brave...
Well I try! *smug look*

I'm gonna stop for now and think of a few more questions to help with your goal.. -pounceflyingglomphugglesnugglewugglecling-

*falls over*

TankHunter -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 20:41:23)

Finnaly I can kill that Tank! *pulls out rocket launcher and shoots tank*HAHAHAHAH BURN TANK BURN HAHAHAHAHAHAHA [sm=evilking.gif][sm=evilking.gif][sm=evilking.gif]

*pulls out marshmallow's and starts to roast*

I can't Belive this! Im out of Halo questions from my favorite sections. Oh well.
I said in my favorite sections I was out of questions.

What does the index in Halo 1 & 2 do?
Nooooooooooooooooooooo you said you were out! >_<

Index? Isn't that where MC keeps all his phone numbers? .. Usually people call them "black books" but MC is so much cooler than that.

Na the index activates the apocolyps (Halo rings)

How many SMG's can you carry at one time?
2, well in H2 you can sport duals.
No you can carry up to three[:D] one in reserve two out you get more ammo

what does blind mode in Halo 2 do?
Remove map/radar...?
and gun on ledgendary you lose no matter what

I just made a discovery not related to Halo! You live in my State!
Really? Weeeeeee! Jawesome.. it's a great place to live!
Ya I also live in Washington State!

general greivous -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 20:47:38)


ORIGINAL: general greivous

Before you say another word.. I must say, your avatar is very cool. Okay proceed...

why thank you.

You are very welcome.

remenber a few more
You do?

you played rose rigth?

what was your lv?
Uhhh... [image][/image]

That was two days before the reset.. Everything I was wearing is refined to atleast (6) the trunk is (8)... muhaha. Obviously that's not what I wore into battle.. but I don't have a picture of my character in his Semiya gear. =\

I was a lvl 79 Bourg and I miss it. Such a fun game, such good times - oh well. It was fun having more attack than any Champ - 10 levels above me and being pretty fast (with devil wings).

what repened to the arch Noas sages of B, or something like that?
Arch Noah of B's? Well everyone quit... slackers.

well, i cant belive there is people that dont now you, its just weird
Haha, I'm thankful and honored that you think that.. but it's true. ~_^

huzaa, bye
Already?Awww.. okay see ya, have a great day!

Reens -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 22:48:18)



It r teh Noah!
U dun B teh R33nz!1


How ya doin', sweets?
Gees, you know just getting up actually. Enjoying some cereal, good tunes and some Q&A before I'm off to work. Today is swim day with the kids and yes, tis' I that gets to go in the public bathtube with them. =]

Do you really want the kumquat question? huh?
Yes, please!! YES!

What flavor of jam to you prefer when being covered and sent to smb's room?
Well she has a thing for Rhubarb jam.. I'm not partial. Personally I like strawberry jam or even applebutter.. you know if you're being covered and sent to a room, you really don't have that much say in what jam or what room. You just do it.

*all ingenuity has dried up. sorry.*
o_O You might need to see a doctor about that...



Thanks for stopping in La Reens! n_n

MADemocrat -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 22:54:24)

'lo again!
Oh, welcome back!

Favorite video game?
Current or all time? 8bit or 128?

All time: Chrono Trigger
Current: Forza Motosports

Ooh! Rap battleage: Who would win in a rap battle: 50 Cent or The Game?
Hmm.. The Game. 50 has some skills but as far as pure poeticness/lyrics.. The Game is by far the superior rapper. And I'm not a fan of either, but I have listened to a fair amount of both artists.

Favorite song of all time?
Totally unfair question! For me, a music snob and music freak, that's almost as hard as answering: "What is the meaning of life?"... Let's be more specific, Favorite Artists is an easier question.. song wise there are just too many songs that I adore and love.

See ya! Do come back! n_n

~Lion Eagle~ -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 23:07:54)

*pops out of wall* boo!
*meep* Man in the wall!

Lately I find that life is not worth anything. My good days are like a wonderful dream but the bad days mean their destruction. Agree?
Very much so... Although I may feel like life is not worth anything, I do know that the worthlessness I feel is just found within me and my attitude towards myself. Life is great, it's more fantastic and beautiful than anything else however that view get's blurred and tainted as I sit and linger on things/days come and gone. I've been working on trying to let yesterday be dead and gone...and look forward to the next moment of life, the future is something to look forward too.

This message is written in milk <--what does that say?
This message is written in milk

Got any siblings? I have a brother that I hate
Younger sister, I used to hate her.. but now it's not worth the extra effort to hate her.

Once my life gets bad enough how should I kill myself?
You shouldn't... Life will never get that bad. People allow themselves to believe that life is "that bad". Suicide is giving up, quiting.. throwing in the towel. And it's not something to take very lightly. Personally from my own account, I've been to a point - many times - where death seemed like the best and only solution but I learned after the fact that I was far from right. Death is never the answer, no matter how bad things get... thre is always a way out or something to find hope in, something to grab onto - hold firm to - and weather the storm.

If you are/have been considering killing yourself... I would encourage you to seek help. Serious help, don't hold that inside of you. Allow others around you to help you out and get you through whatever tough times you may be having. Trust me, I've attempted suicide before.. it's not pretty, it's not fun, it's not funny, it's not cool, it's not the answer, it's not a solution, it helps nothing, it only destroys. You're not alone, you're never alone.

Do you like my sig even though the first half is in Paint and the other is dots'n'dashes art? You'll understand the spider if you play Tibia...
You know, I had a funny feeling that you were going to ask me about your sig. So I took a good look at it before editing this message. Yes, I do like it.. infact I love paint artwork - I think it's AWESOME. And I see the spider but I haven't played Tibia.. =S

Heard of Runescape?
Heard of and played. Yes.

Heard of Tibia?
Heard of but haven't played. No.

Do you like griffins?
Very much so... I was very fasinated (still am) by certain mythological beasts/creatures. One of which is the Griffin! n_n

Do you like pythons?
I'm a python fan -yes. Infact I worked with snakes for a while. Teaching animal/science classes.

What do you think death is like?
Death.. hmm. Some say death is only the beging. I used to believe death was something I could toy with but it's not, I've learned my mortality. Death will come when it comes, that shall be my time.. I hope that everything I did up to that point was worth something.

Death is something you can't really state what "it's like".. everyone has a different experiance with death. Personally I think it's a cold/shallow thing that is hard to get over. I hate loosing people, it's a tough experiance having someone taken from you without an understand or answers. I've had a people that I've known very well taken from this world and an early age, I'm still scared and hurt by their loss.

Death or life?

Love or hate?

Smack my brother or punch him? [:D]
Hmmm.. I'm a fan of the flick and pinch. Muhaha

Do you hate it when people read over your shoulder? I do...
Yes, it's very annoying.

My favorite colors are teal violet green black and bloodred

Oooo pretty! I like ... red, black, royal blue, white, pink, and greens

*runs away through hole in wall* don't worry about me...I'll be back...I think.

Farewell man in the wall.. do come back!

mnpchan -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 23:11:39)

My turn!

What can you tell me about the Philippines?
Well I can tell you a few things actually... Yeah I've got nothing. Wait, Spegetti (Sp) is served at McDs.

What do you know about America?
Land of the Free.. Home of the Brave!

Will you go out with me?
Of course!

Do you wear designer clothes? If so, what brands?
If by designer you mean: Funny shirts I find at Value Village or band t-shirts.. then yes.

The only real "brands" I wear are in shorts, jeans, hoodies, shoes and socks. And I only get the "brand" I like because it's what I find most comfortable. For instance: Shorts - Old Navy, extra loose/wide leg. Shoes - Vans. Hoodies - Russell. Socks - low cut Champion or HEAD wool socks.

Will you grow your hair out again?
Hmm.. *shakes magic 8-ball* Yes

Why is a duck?
Hmmm... all your base are belong to us.

What are your long term career goals?
Career and education go hand in hand for me. I'd like to go back/finish school and then hopefully find myself in a teaching position someday. Though I'm not sure, I have small talents and large talents.. finding a way/job that allows me to use most of my talents would be perfect.

Do you even really exist?
Actually I don't, only in dreams.

Deleted User -> [Deleted] (6/19/2005 23:23:02)

[Deleted by Admins]

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