RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (Full Version)

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Strong Bad -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/22/2005 16:01:25)


ORIGINAL: tyty_pretzel

No silly a mullet like a dog wears......duh....

That would be a MUZZLE....

owned.. hehe.

Angel Hawk -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/22/2005 18:00:48)

Hello there!

One question, one demand!

Did you give me my Creative Title? I'm trying to find out who did it.
Hmm.. for a short time I did try to manage the Creative forum. (even posted some art) While I have seen your and your "Jedi Masters" work, I cannot claim to giving you the title. However I must compliement you, you do fantastic work and your title is well earn and much deserved.

Check out my thread, via signature!
Oh, been there done that! ~_^

Goodbye now!
Farewell... Good luck on your neverending quest to find who gave you your title.

~Lion Eagle~ -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/22/2005 18:29:00)

Boo :P You asked for more poetry so here it is...
You came back! Yay

I Am The Outcast by ~Lion Eagle~
I am the outcast.
Cast away, left to die
Never first, always last
But I never wonder why

I am the hated one
But I don't see anyone care
I believe that my life is done
For I do not have a prayer

I am the one always blamed
A shadow of what I used to be
Never loved, always shamed
For reasons I don't want to see

I am the dragon, hiding in a shell
My life fleeing this realm fast
I hate life for causes I won't tell
For I am the outcast.

How did you try to kill yourself? What happened?
I tried to hang myself.. I'd really not like to think about it. I was very young and horridly lost.

Have you ever read any books by Mercedes Lackey?
The name sounds REALLY familiar .. what has she wrote?

How many pages of a book can you read in an hour? (I once finished a 300 page book in 80 minutes)
Wow.. now that is impressive. I've never timed myself.. I'm a pretty fast reader however.

Like these? I got them off someone on Tibia...
----(@)========(@)´ .

Someone's getting arrested!

|¯ ¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯|---\,_.
|_COCA-COLA_. | . .[ ] |

Hey, you thirsty?

zOMG... those are GREAT! I love the Noob Police! Muhaha

Here's another poem...
Complete Despair by ~Lion Eagle~
You never see her cry
Because her last tear is free
You'll never see her dreams die
Because they are dead already

She hates this life
But don't ask her why
All she wants is a knife
So she can tell this life goodbye

They break her broken soul apart
But she tells herself every day
It's to equal the torment in my heart
But she believes the lie she says

She can think back to a time
When she didn't see my destined doom
When she thought her life was sublime
Oh, but it merely deepens her gloom

Her knife - the doors to paradise
Shining with its glory
The stab became a graceful slice
And thus ended her story

She shed her last fear
When Death's Door yawned wide
For her, not a sob will be cried
And no one will weep a tear
They're glad because she's no longer here
She was lost to suicide.

Wow...That's long...I never knew I could write all that. How are my poems?

Again, dark but they have passion.. you are talented. Although suicide is not my most favorite topic of poetry, it makes for an interesting read. Thanks for sharing!

I will come back later (I hope) :) *runs*
*waves* Come back!

Crystal Lion -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/23/2005 10:03:08)

Are you Chinese?

No, I'm not. Are you?

Elnaith -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/23/2005 11:31:30)

You like poems? Let me angry you with a few of my bad poems :P.
Tis' true I do! Hahah.. let's have a look at them.

The brother’s war.

A scream.. A laughter.. A greet
Two rivals meet.
Now the time is right.
As they both saw the light.

Acting as told.
They Jump into each other.
Forgetting that the other is his brother.
Leaving their feelings cold.

The very heat is arising from the battle.
But none of them will settle.
The came here to die,
or, to live and cry.

Still the battle goes forth.
Two brothers against each other.
All in name of their lord.
Commanded to let the other smother.

A slash.. A grunt.. A splash.
One falls down to the ground
The soul finally leaving his stash.
The body, forever earthbound.

Angry already? No? Let me give you one more.
Angry? Why?

The Anarchy

A splash, a splatter of blood flying.
More and more people dying.
Emotions, filled with anger and fear.
People lose what they most held dear.

Souls are hovering and clouding the earth.
More are dying than there can be given birth
This terrible display of peoples actions.
For they let them be divided in different factions.

Now the consequences are faced.
The leaders replaced.
Why couldn’t it be done without?
People are crying out loud.

For now, with much regret.
Blood has been shed.

Ok.. I have tortured you enough.. Now.. Questions!
No torture, excellent work on the poetry. Yay for questions!

Do you know Sonata Arctica?
The band? And no... just know the name.

Do you play Magic: The Gathering?
Oh man.. I used to A LOT. I have a few hundred cards and several REALLY good decks that I haven't touched in years.

can you thin of any more questions that I should ask?
Well I cannot think for you... but you should ask more, yes!

Bye, Elly.
See ya Elly!

Luz -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/23/2005 12:26:00)


The mistress of darkness.
Hides in the shadows.
Waiting to pounce.
Upon the unwary.

She stalks her prey.
Like a swift lioness.
And then she leaps.
Agile as lightning.

Unseen by all,
she retreats to the shadows.
Sliding past lanterns.
Like a swift zephyr.

She hides in a veil.
Of darkness and secrets.
The skilled female Ninja,
she pursues her victim.

The gentle, hasty breeze.
Unfurls into a tornado!
She raises her dagger,
and she does her job well!

No, Elly! I have the crappiest poetry! Hah!
Hahah.. why is it that we as artists/authors/poets always belittle our own work? Haha I love the use of the word "zephyr" .. Excellent work!
Thanks. We belittle our work because that way, we gather sympathetic comments like your's. Its all a ploy for attention. ^^

How did you ever become a mod?
Well.... Why wouldn't I be made a mod? *sigh* I'm never sure when people ask me this if they are actually wondering or if they are questioning WHY I am a mod. =P

Being one of the first "non-staff/non-beta testers" registered to these forums and part of the first generation of "helpful"s. And my time spent posting and working with mods (before the days of AKs) ...all that came together for me and with some good luck and an oppertunity to apply for moderator at hand, I took advantage of it. And bam.. guess someone up there thinks I'm cut out for the job.

I didn't mean it that way. I always ask that question. Its sorta standardized.

What's your favourite flavour of rat poison?
Umm... diet-poison

Mine too!

I like acid. Too bad it burns. >.<
.... =S

I don't even know WHY I posted this.

Do you know what Protein Electrophoresis is? I just learnt about it in a Life Science Workshop yesterday.
Is that the process of seperating proteins? Well to compare different proteins?

No, seperating is protein purification. Its more of comparing, yes. Proteins are seperated. According to molecular weight. It can also be used to test if a sample is pure and does not contain more than one protein.

And now my newest trend is Life science.
Mine is using types of music and/or bands as a replacement for a mood.. for instance:

You ask: How are you doing?

I'd reply: "Oh, just Jimmy Eat World" ... or "Well I'm Death Cab for Cutie... yourself?"


I still love spiders, though.
I'm okay with them... just YESTERDAY.. one came crawling out of my pocket! >_<

You lucky so and so!

I still love spiders, though.

Sorry for the double post. >.<

=O Middle?

No, Index. I'm not THAT obscene.



Okay, bye. *bites Noah_B*
ow! *kicks*

You tasted good. *deflects the kick with nerdy dexterity*

You are now a WereLuz!
O_O <- WereLuz face

Join the ranks of the Luzdead... X_X

Prinny -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/23/2005 22:47:55)

hi again
Well hello again! ^^

anyway heres how ff7 and ffx/x-2 sync up. You know in ff7 mako is the planets life force and is used by the shinra company. In ffx-2 you go into the farplane. If you go back to the airship and talk to shinra (the al bhed kid) he will tell you that he found an energy source in the farplane that he thinks is the planets life force. Then he goes on to say that he is going to work on a machine that takes the energy and puts it into a usable form but it will take him many years. And in ff7 mako is souls of people and in ffx/x-2 the farplane is where souls go.

That makes sense! Perfect sense! Thanks for informing me!

i've seen a mod abuse their power once. It was a while ago and i forget who it was though.

Oh gnoes! No good... was it me?


About a month ago somebody made a post about how a mod locked their post and their mad or something like that. Then a mod came and started editing his post to say funny stuff.

Uh.. that's no good at all. Hmmm.. =/

did you see my post a while ago about someone i know that lit a stick of dynamite in the street?

No! o_O

if you didn't i'll tell you about it in my next post

Muhahah.. see you soon then!

uhh i'm out of material now but i'll be back


~Lion Eagle~ -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/23/2005 23:11:23)

Gah, I gotta go to bed now...But here's a last poem. Glad you liked the things i showed you [:D]
Awww.. good night moon!

Yes good stuff so far! ^^

Haunted by ~Lion Eagle~
You were all I lived for
And now you're gone
The pain...once a cry, now a roar
I thought you were silent, but I'm wrong

You came back to haunt my dreams
Why are you back, why don't you leave
I can no longer bear my own silent screams
Leave me alone so I may grieve

You watch me out of my line of sight
But you abandon me in the day
Then return to torment me in the night
I wish you would peacefully fade away

I thought you had died
But no, you had to come back
All these years I only cried
But it's you I forever lack

You drive me insane
Drifting around in my head
Ah, I am who you've slain
For I lie among the dead

^ My fav so far! ^^

By the way, Mercedes Lackey wrote a trilogy about Valdemar and a few other books. You should really read some =d
Okay I'm sure I've read some Lackey... let me google to check for sure.

Bye, good night =D I'm going to smack my brother for bugging me
Hahah.. good luck with that.. And sweet dreams.

Wolf Boi -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/23/2005 23:30:42)

*pounces and cuddlesnuggles you* hello again, it looks like you might make those ten pages
You sound like a enjoable first date :3
Hello again! Wow.. almost 10 pages.. almost! ^^

Haha, thanks! =S

see this is a good example of yaoi what do you think of it?
Did you draw that? It's.. interesting... drawn very well, can't say I'm a fan of the kissey face.

Who do you think is the best FF villan of all time?

Please can I see a pic of you? if needed you can PM it too me :3
hahah.. yeah you can see one of me, let's think.. I'm not sure which to share. I have pics with shaggy hair, short emo hair, but none of the new short style. Hmm.

Emo-swoop thing
Couple nights ago

Any thing that would make my room funner?
Uhh.. Pizza.

What do you think is better to look cute, hot or sexy?

What do you think is better glasses or contacts?
Either... depends on the frame and the face they sit on.

do you think i would look good with fake wolf ears and a tail?
Well if you'd want those...

So far do I seam like i would make a good date,ect?
Hahah.. well if I liked boys, yeah you wouldn't be so bad. Maybe even a good first date. ^_^

Whats your top three fave horror movies?
Gees... can't say I have a top 3 fave horror flicks. I'm partial to liking almost all of them, even if they are craptastic.

Have you got a chance to get any manga yet?
Nope.. I haven't been able to, however this weekend.. I have some free time.

Want some more sugestions for good manga?
Indeed I do!

here are some pics of me I hope you like. :3
me 1
me 2
Me 3
me 4
me 5

Do I look better with short or long hair?
Wow, it's REALLY long... Meh, it's what you like most. Personally I'm a fan of the shorter/shaggy hair... long is awesome if that's what you want to rock.

If there was a movie based on you what would it be called?

thats it for now *snuggles cuddles and huggles* see you again soon/latter
^_^ See ya soon!

Overseer -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/23/2005 23:33:03)

Hello there!!
Hello Hello!

This is my second time doing Meet The Mods, sortta scary for me!
Awww..scary? Why? We don't bite.. well some of us don't! =]

How's your day?
Today, was pretty good... work was work and now I'm able to kick back and relax.

Almost turning a year in AQ now(just wait for July!)!
For you? For me? Who?!
For Me!

Where are you from?
Washington St.
That's a cool place to live, I live in B.C. Canada!

Own any Consoles?
Yes a couple! n_n

I own a Xbox and PS1! I have had my PS1 since the age of 7, so it's really old. Still play with it. My xbox is just 5 months old.
Nice! I still have my PS1.. well compared to yours, I still have my NES that I got when I was very young. ^^ I just recently purchased an xbox aswell, I got a great deal on it.
I got the exclusive one, 2 months free of xbox live, 1 free controller, 2 free games, and and IT'S SILVER!!!!

Watched Star Wars episode 3?
Not yet.. but I must to complete my trip to Geekdom!

It was awesome!
I've heard mixed reviews
My review is better!

The San Antonio Game versus Detroit has started, in 4th quarter. Who do you think will win?
Well we know now that the Spurs won.. which is bittersweet for me. I favored the Pistons, only because the Spurs are a joke. (plus they beat my Sonics)
Sonics suck j/k :P, I like Manu Ginobli. He's uberly cool!

I bet I can beat you in running! 2 time first place in school annual running competition!
I bet you can.. I can drive fast! =D
Okay, lets have a race. My feet against your driving skills! But don't go nitro on me...

I'm a Hockey Fan, are you?
Detroit Redwings all the way!
Vancouver Canucks!

My school team is in the finals already and the series is 2 -2. One more win and we're top team for the 1st time! Do you think we'll win?
Yes! (I hope you did.... did you?)
We did, I scored one goal, 4 fouls, 2 sit outs also. 3 - 2 was final score!

I'm a defence and one of the best in the school. I've had 25 fouls through out season.
Wow! Excellent work! I'm impressed...

Tomorrow is Sports Day at my school. Blue will school others.. hehe (Blue, White, Green, and Red).
And what do you do for "sports day" ?
Play Sports.....

Like Skateboarding? I'm a good one, grinding is fun!
Haha.. I love skateboarding. However my knee is bad and keeps me from skating... but I still <3 it.

I love Dragons, I like drawing dragons.
Do you have any you would like to share?
I have LOTS to share but unfortuenatley I don't know how to post them, maybe when I excel in computers!

Do you like Digimon, by the way your avatar is placed.. 'Digimon pwned j00'!
Yes I know..I set it that way. ^^ And yeah I kinda like those Digital monsters.

Think I could get a title like that??
Don't know... can you?
Yes I talked to my agent already *coughs*no*coughs*yes*coughs*.. he says yes again!

Like the FF series?
Sure do.. especially the begining.

One of my favourite games on FF is number 8. Zell is my favourite charcter, his limits are psycho!
I never played 8... I stuck with 2. =]
I never played the old ones...

Graduating on June 28th and 29th.
Wow, two days of graduation? Awesome! Congrats to you! What next?
Late Night PARTIES for me and friends!!!

I'm an Only child, you?
Nope I have a younger sister
I wish I had siblings...

Your char's name sounds weird and funny, Noahstradamus.
Hahaha.. well you ever heard of the selfproclaimed - "prophet", Nastradamus? Well we studied him a little in Highschool and my name fit in place of his "Nas" ... so it just worked and stuck! ^^
Never studied about him, maybe next term I will!

Well that's all for now, talk to you Later!
Haha, thanks for stopping by! Do come again!
You can see me on the forums usually on OOC, Suggestions, and GGD, sometimes on Strategy too.

Well maybe I will see you around! Hasta!
See you around!

Prinny -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/23/2005 23:38:39)

i'm back
He's back! =D

ok heres the story of the dynamite. i will be referring to th person as A.

about a year ago it was A's dads birthday. his fathers friend bought him a bow and in the case was what A thought was a smokebomb. He took it and had it for a few months because he forgot about it. One day A's friend found it and they decided to light it. They were going to light it and throw it on the roof to make it look like the house was on fire but A didn't because he wanted to get it back after they lit it. They lit it in the middle of the street and as soon as they did A knew. He ran to his neighbors yard and got a metal tub and jammed it over the dynamite. A and his friend ran to the back of the house and waited for it to explode. A told me it sounded like a house exploded. When they came around from the back of the house they saw their neighbor pulling a jagged piece of the tub out of the side of his house. The funny thing is the police never showed up but their were so many people there it looked like a parade.
Wow! Hahaha.. that must have cost a lot to repair! >_<

uh.. someone I know, did something like that once with some "alaskan" registered explosives -used by the alaskan outdoors something or other - anyway.. blew a mail box like 60 feet.. it was awesome, at least he said it was.

heres another one. i'll call this person B

One day B went to Sams Club with his dad. His dad is the weirdest person alive and actually resorted to hitting his computer when he thought there was a virus. there was one of those basketball games set up, you know the ones with the little foam basketballs and you have like 30 seconds to score as many points as possible. B threw it too hard and it went into another isle. This guy took it and brought it back. Then later his dad was looking at computers and the same guy passed him. When B and his dad got home, his dad told the family that he thinks there is a stalker after them and to watch out for suspicious cars and don't talk to any strangers.


if we find somebody with like an obscene sig who do we tell?
Me.. or any of the other mods, even the AKs.. they usually bring it to our attention aswell.

If you ever find or see a thread that you think should be locked (due to flaming/breaking of forum rules) or a sig that's too big or has obscene material.. PM a mod, like me, ASAP.

i remember who that person was that i was talking about the last time i posted. it was vephoma i think.
Vephoma was one who.... Hmm, I'm not sure about that. Haha, who knows maybe I will ask him.

Once again, i'll be back.
You told me you never wanted to come back.. but you keep coming back! You love me! xD

See ya soon!

Strong Bad -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/23/2005 23:38:59)


What question must you always answer yes to?
Are you alive?

Nope. You could answer "Yeah, I'm alive" which is not Yes. The question is "What does Y, E, S spell out?", and the answer must always be Yes. :P
Duh! hahaha.. awesome riddle, I can't believe I didn't get it! =P

Ok, I'll share Impmon with ya.

Like it? I also got Veemon in action(He had some gaterade) if you wanna see him, hes too big for an avvy though.
Yes please do share! And thanks for the Impmon, maybe I shall use him! Hmm

I also wanted you to check out a rating center and see how it is via signature. By the way, I was wondering if my sig was too big with the text.
Okay I will check it out.. well what are the size limits here on the forums? Heheh.. if it's too big someone (mods) will eat it and ask you to make it smaller.

Wolf Boi -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/23/2005 23:57:48)

*snuggles* hello again hope you liked every thing there.
Welcome back! Yeah!

Can I post the link here to my fic, it only has lots of violence, swearing and making out (unlike my .hack fic lol)
No you may not.. though you can PM me with it. But posting links to such material can and will get you in trouble (warnings/bans) around here.

Have you ever read any really crazy digimon fics before?
Nope... share! =]

Who do you think is the strongest digimon?
... gees.... I don't know.

If you could would you live in the digital world or just visit alot?
Visit.. for sure.

Have you ever played DDR?
Oh my gosh.. yes. And, I will be honest with you, I hate it.

more questions latter this was mostly to ask you about the fic and som things i just though of :3
Haha.. okay I will get to them ASAP! ^^

TankHunter -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/24/2005 3:09:11)

I think you should try reading my prievious posts and you'll notice that I give you the answers.

I think I shall...

demonhunter -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/24/2005 4:02:11)


ORIGINAL: demonhunter

Do you have a digimon?
You can have them? Where do I buy one? ... I want 3027529t29t89u92!

If so, which model? I've got a D-Tector!
o_O Okay, I need details here.. where to buy, pics, info etc... can you get that for me?

What on earth are those numbers supposed to mean? (If it's l33t, I can't read l33t.)
L to the MAO ... Awesome, it's not leet.. it's just number spam.

Try the electronics section of places like K-Mart, Toys-R-Us, or whatever similar stuff you have where you live.
Hmmm... Toys-R-Us. Roger!

Here's a pic of the model based on the 'Digimon Tamers' series. This one is a D-3 model. This is an image of two original models battling. (the originals were more pets than anything else). And this one... that's mine! A D-tector, from the 'spirit evolution' series.
Me + D-tector = love

Sorry I can't help more.
Haha.. it's okay, thanks for all your help. Now I must go find a D-Tector. n_n

VP -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/24/2005 4:15:05)

Part three- Ebil & Evil

It's rather short though.
= \

--Hello Noah!
Hello VP

Do you like Zorbak?
I'd him to get the know the business end of my Golden Axe. Muhhahah

If you were given $1000000 , would you dump AQ? <.<
A cool million to stop playing? Aight.. I won' leave this commnunity for that.

If you were given $1000000, would you dump Dadric? >.>

You are on a diet.
I need to be.. =P
Breakfast- Pie or Leek?

Lunch- Salad or Pasta?

Dinner- Pizza or Organic greens?
PIZZA! *glomps*

8 o'clock mints- Fruits or Ice Cream?
Ice cream!

Dadric or Pae plushies?

Steven Spielberg or Arnold Schwarzenegger?
Steven... no Govenator for me.

mIRC or IceChat?
mIRC + NNS = <3

Favourite food?
Fooooood! I love pizza man.. it's great.

Favourtie drink?
Water, Sweet Tea, Pepsi products, coffee, and uhh.. "adult" beverages

Are you done with that autograph, please?
Well you have yet to tell me what you want it to say.... =P

I will have it to you on Monday, I don't have a functional scanner here... well I could take a picture of it and send you that, pending the quality.

Well, that's it for Round 3. Will be back tomorrow for The Final RoundXD
Dun Dun Daaaaaaaaaaa

Jebas0 -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/24/2005 8:34:13)


Im back and are you ready for some action
I've been here waiting.. and I'm good to go.

im going to ask you some technial questions U BETTER LOVE IT
Nothing but love man..

Since you have an xp (i do too dont be ashamed) how long does it take you to travel site to site.(i have high speed so takes me no longer then 2 to 5 secs to get on)
Same.. though your OS has little to do with your IP speed. Pending your hardware and your internet connent (web browser too) are all things that effect the loading speed of sites.

How big can a building get before it topples over.
Big.. architecture is an amazing thing.

What would you recommend a anomonous person what kinda virus protection they should get(not norton because we fount holes in it)
Norton is evil.. McAfee is the lesser of two evils. I would NEVER suggest Norton, well maybe the newest version... just for giggles. Best virus protection? Linux... bwhahahaha

if you hadda chance to control the internet what you do?
Turn it off

Did you know that the internet is 90% porn?

if you were a hacker would you use your abilities to help the people in need or crush them?
Crush the hackers.. crush.

if you ''were'' married would it be a robot?
o_O What is this.. the Stepford wives? Heck no I wouldn't marry no machine.

what would the robots name be?

So my question if you won the lottery would you give me some money?
Umm... maybe

what would happen if your computer just didnt work anymore and your friends were stuck inside playing there computers not letting you over?
Haha.. I'd go for a milkshake and nice drive. Who needs a computer?

if you make George W. Bush disapear where would you put him?
The White House....

These are all my questions..............or is it?

Did you find these yet?

how long did it take you to win the stanely cup?
Well in NHL 2k I got it at the end of my season...

well i dont want to leave with too mch so goodbye...
Aww, kthxbye!

tyty_pretzel -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/24/2005 9:06:17)

You never ever ever ever ever heard of Ohio?
I have friends, family, and lovers in Ohio.... Ohio is for lovers! Muhaha

Who did you want to win the NBA Finals?
Super Sonics

I wanted San Antonio!
And for that you shall be cursed for twentyseveneleven days

And they won!
Rub it in why don't you? Jerk.

I'll be back soon.
Kk.. bb!

Elnaith -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/24/2005 9:38:20)

I am back! (Oh noes!)
oh gnoes!

First the artictic side :P.


Emptiness is filling me.
My conscience, soon I will follow thee.
For there is no excuse for what I have done,
And thus my existence will turn to none.

A life it is,
A thing I have taken so bliss.
But now I realize.
That I too must pay the ultimate price.

Goodbye world.
For.. I have forsaken thee.

Whoa.. I really need to cheer up with these poems eh?
Haha, that was a good poem! You only need to write what you write, no reasons or excuses for art or your expression of art. It is what it is because you made it that way... and it's good.

As someone who claims to be an artists, I do not take the standpoint of judging another's work unless they ask me to. I believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it's an expression of yourself, who am I to judge who you are and what your art looks like? I'm not one to do that.

Anyway.. What kind of decks do you have?
Decks? I have a 0-3 deck and a Element Featherlight deck.... Wait are you asking about Magic Decks? =D

I have decks of each respective color/element - and some combined decks (red/white) (green/white - black - blue) etc.

Do you want to give them to me? :P

Why don't you play anymore?
Just stopped.

Do you like parkeets?
*chirp* sure do..

Do you like to RP? (Heh.. I have to ask this with my titles..)
Haha, people ask me this often. You think with my ability to dreamup crazy stories that I would be good at RPing.. but I am not. =[

Do you have many Nicknames?
Yes a few.. do you?

If yes.. More than me?
Well what are yours?

Do you like scrambled eggs?
YES! Especially with cheese on top.. yummy

And milk? Do you like Milk? (I LOVE Milk)

Sometimes... pepsi products is my prefered drink.

Do you use much batteries?
Um, yes. CD players, wireless mouse... blah.. tons.

Ah.. that was random.. no?

Byes! (Will return)
See ya.. come back soon! ^^

Luz -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/24/2005 10:32:06)

How are you? Did the bite heal?
Well I am doing well... and yes, I think it may scar though.

*hands Noah the WereLuz cure*
O_O *glomps cure* .... *transforms*..... o_O .... O_o ..... >_o .... o_< .....>_< ..... o_o ... o_o .... Am I back to normal? ..... >= ] .... Yep.
No. :P

Haha! You just drank rat guano!

*copies Elnaith and posts a poem*
Copy cat!
At least its mine.

Sorry Elly!
Better be!
I am... :(

Save Our Mother!

Our Mother is gravely ill.
She needs treatment.
And only her children
Can offer her panacea.

Her veins were once sapphire.
Now dirty brown with sludge.
Choked with Algae
And laden with dead fish.

Her heart, once green.
We call it the Rainforest.
Now but a patch of emerald.
Amongst a vast sea of pollution.

Her breath once easy.
Now she struggles to get life.
With each ailing breath.
She painfully struggles on.

Her creatures, our brothers.
Once many in number.
Now much less than numerous.
They die one by one.

Her body convulses.
With the shock and reality of disease.
She grows weaker day by day.
Can you feel her dying?

Only we can cure her.
For her sickness is not normal.
She sacrificed her body.
To create us, the disease.

So do a little cleaning.
Or perhaps adopt a critter.
Recycle wasted rubbish,
And she might just be saved.

Hehe. Whaddya think? I submitted another version of this to enter the Masterful Poets club. I forgot the original lyrics, so I started from scratch on this one!
Strange.. Can't say that I'm a fan because my mother is really terminally ill, so just the first few lines tuned me off. I scanned what remained. No offense just not a fan of thinking about mums being ill.
I was talking about Earth. Its a simile.

What's your favourite omelette?
Ham, Cheese ... or those Denver Omelettes. Yummy. And you?
Plain. Or with Ikan Bilis (A kind of fish.)

Favourite bread spread? Mine is Kaya, which is sorta like a really sweet coconut jam. Its great! Come to Singapore and try it. ^^
Oh man.. that sounds great! Uh, I like jams and apple butter.
:D Apple butter? O_o

Ya Kun makes the best Kaya, lol.

Its a coffeeshop, by the way. :D
Coffeeshop in Singapore? o_O

Do they have Starbucks there?

Yes! They have outlets all over the island! But most cofee shops in Singapore are unhygienic and dirty. And un air-conditioned. Kind of old fashioned. The food is always great, though...

So, how's that bite doing?
It's infected now..
Here's some iodine. *hands Noah some nitro-glycerine*

How do you remove your earwax? I use tweezers. XD
o_O .... you could puncture your eardrum!

I use Q-tips... <_<

I know, my dad always says that. But Tweezers feel good. ;)

Am I mental?
Aww! I'm a failure!

I want a Strait Jacket! *stares longingly at 1wingangel's title* (I'm not begging, by the way.)
*coughbeggarcough* Haha... A happy Jacket, eh? Well you're a unique one! =P
I want one... :( I want a fren!

What custom title would you give me if I was REALLY exceptional? (Again, not begging. Just curious what you think of me.)
Uhhh... these questions are hard. Titles are unique and I'd have to think of one in a "spur of the moment" fasion. I can't site here and ponder it, I won't get anything good.
Expected something like that.

What's your favourite species of bacteria? I like E. Coli.
What? Was it something I said?

Bye! *launches the cure for the WereLuz bite into orbit around Pluto*
Good thing my family has a summer cabin on Pluto.
Aww, chute.

Hehe, biting mods is fun... But spellfire incinerated my teeth. Now I'm using denctures... [:(]
Haha.. those dentures were soaked in goat urine for the last 48 hours... Spelly and I are a good team! Muhahahahahahahaha

Hmm... Needs some sugar!

Illusion -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/24/2005 10:53:05)


Back for Round 2, I am...just like you told me ^^
Muahaha.. do you always do what others tell you to do?

Um...will there be a round three?

And it this thread the meaning of like? ><
"of like?" what? You mean life? No the meaning of life is to find the answer for yourself.

I listened and came back, now I leave.
So this is like an audiotour thread now?

See ya! ^^

Creasy -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/24/2005 14:16:40)

*on knees* please no more questions for answers [8|] it makes me come back to answer them...agh! lol[;)]
*giggles* okay.. I will try not to answer with a question.

Yes the Divine Comedy is great if a bit deep its a journey through hell, purgatory and heaven.
Ah, yes now I know what the Divine Comedy is.. n_n

The Art of War is nothing like the film...though they do quote from it...
Yeah, most book based movies are NOTHING close to the book itself.

My name is from Man On Gone with the Wind *shakes head*
THAT'S IT! I love that movie (man on fire) !

I take it you like the Gorillaz?

As you are the mod I have asked most questions to would you sign one of my swords? lol

Why RPG's ( you've probably had that before...sorry)?
No I haven't... RPG, well videogames are the greatest entertainment medium out there... I enjoy reading and love using my imagination.. and RPG's allow me to play out a story and get lost in a fiction world. It's a great ride!

What's the difference (apart from spelling) between "the" and "teh"?
It's just leet or 1337... to spell "the" - "teh" . Some people use leet in a very serious manner, however I just use it for fun -jokingly.

ok really last set and nearly a new record MTM congrats Noah [sm=banana.gif]
Haha.. thanks! I think SMB had like 30 pages.. but it wasn't so much setting a record as it was just an attempt to generate a LOT of Q&A.

ShadowSting -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/24/2005 17:25:51)

Noah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

Where have you been on Guild Wars? You haven't logged on for over a week, let alone actually play regularly. :(
Well sometimes buddy... life becomes a little to busy for games. Or is it that too many games leads to neglecting certain games? I will be back to GW.. unfortunatly I got really bored with my PvP builds (Yes I actually tried playing thru the game using PvP builds) .. I need to go back and restart over again in an attempt to play through with a nice PvM (player vs monster) build.. so I can actually enjoy/have fun playing the game and it's not so damn hard!

Why did you name your guy Xander Hughes?
Well Xander is just one of my character.. I have no clue, Xander is a name I've used in several games already. Usually he never becomes my main character... Hughes is usally the nick I go by, in general.

Can I haves a hugses!!!111one11!!!!! ^^
Uhhhhh.. *^5's*


general greivous -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/24/2005 18:17:54)

should i keep posting?

7/10, thats cool
8 now! n_n

whats the meaning to live?
Haha.. does everyone have to ask this question? =P

The answers can only be found by yourself

can you come up with a question like the frogzilla one i made?
Can I come up with one for you?

whats your biggest dream?
To dream bigger

whats your dream carrear?
To do something that I love.. something that may not even be considered "work" - if you love something enough and are passionate about it, it doesn't ever have to be "work"

whats better hugless, wuggles or snuggles?
Truggle buggles

can i join the arch noas of Bs?
Wow.. you're the first to ask. Well the Arch Noah of B's .. has been placed on hold but could make a comeback someday.

what custom title would you give me if you could?
Well probably... "I don't shower"

well, im out of questions... again, bye, and remmenber digimon>pokemon (sry master dadric)
Don't be sorry... it's the truth. Never be sorry for speaking the truth.

ReaperAle -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/24/2005 22:00:26)

Am I your favoritest person ever? ^-^
=O You're alive! n_n (yesh)

What is your least favorite type of moth?
Least ... hm, December.

If you had a million dollars to spend on a pie, what kind of pie would it be?
1 million? Jeebus that's one expensive pie. I'd probably spend it on buying a small bakery and producing the best pies. And then make millions off selling them! ^_^

If you had to eat nothing but pie for the rest of your life, what kind of pie would you choose?
Hmmm... well did you tell me once that you baked a good pie?

If pie had to eat nothing but you for the rest of it's life, what kind of you would it choose?
Probably the sleeping kind... since I'd fight off any pie that tried to consume me for the rest of it's life.

If you had to be a song, what song would you be?
Gees, best question so far. I'd be a duet between Chris Staples and Aaron Marsh. The style is yet to be determined and the contributing artists have yet to be booked. But probably one of those secret songs, that makes fast forwarding worthwile.

If you had to be attacked by a bear, what bear would you most want to be attacked by?
Gummi Bear

If you were a steven king novel, which steven king novel would you be?
Hmm.. one Stephen King novel? "Quitters, Inc." .. a short story he wrote, which is part of the "Nightshift" collection. Not that I've read it, I just enjoy the title.

If you had feet on your head (as well as on the bottom of your legs) which pair would you walk on and why?
Well walking on your head, literally, has it's benefits. However I don't know that I would do it that often. Infact just having feet wouldn't allow you to walk on your head. Walking is in the legs... I'd have to walk on the two feet connected to my legs. And I'd wear a big hat.

If you had a laptop for a head, what laptop would it be?
Me want's a laptop... bad. ='[

Well I've been eyeing a couple:

Dell Inspirion XPS Gen 2

Toshiba P35-S6111

The company I bought my PC from also makes some nice lappys... I've even looked into a powernook (which I'd run linux on! =P) But yeah..Spendy

There. I was suprised exactly how fast I came up with those questions. Now, I can't wait to see how you answer. ^-^
Well I'm surprised to see you actually stopping in to ask me some questions! Thanks. n_n

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