RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (Full Version)

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Prinny -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/25/2005 0:40:42)

yeah i'm here again
ou are! Welcome back!

are you getting tired of me posting?
Not at all...

how long are these "meet the mod" things up for anyway?
Just one week... today is our last day. (sunday)

well however long it is you can probably get ten pages in time.
Nah.. maybe, I don't care that much it's more about getting to know people or giving some people a chance to get to know me.

did you see my suggestion i just posted? A darkness enemy thats finally come to its senses.
Hmm.. I will take a look.

whats your favorite smiley?
Uhhh... this one:



i like [sm=jumping-smiley-017.gif]

time for another story.

2 years ago my cousin threw his first annual adult swim party. It started off pretty good but then it... well it didn't turn bad but really funny. At one o clock my my cousins brother went upstairs (the party was in the basment). We figured he just went to get a sandwich or something. At two we realized he was still up there. Then we thought he fell asleep. At around 3 we heard him start screaming. REALLY LOUDLY. We Ran up to see what was happening. There was pounding on the front door. We opened the door and he was standing on the front porch. Apparently he sleptwalked out the back door and then just layed down on the front porch. the front door is locked so he couldn't get back in. His next one is the 26. by the time you read this its probably today. I can't wait something funny always happens at these parties.

See you.
See ya!

TankHunter -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/25/2005 1:07:49)

*50 Covenant ships enout to AQ distress becon activated. REPLY: UNSC is sending 150 ships to help defend AQ.*

Well looks like the Covenant is sending an invasion force... do you think the UNSC will win? Time to prepare a defense.

Nope... we are doomed.

<This is a made up event>

Strong Bad -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/25/2005 2:17:28)

Awww.. It looks like the link broke or something. I'll PM that picture later :P.
I got it! Thanks! ^^


Blue Dragon Star -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/25/2005 2:27:44)


Cheer me up?


Me>everyone else?

If that's how you feel.

I'm bored?


Just got hooked on yu-gi-oh again after 2 years of denial?


Great purger of justice?

Hmm? Yes I like justice.

I got ain yahoo messenger, aim, and msn 0.o woah right?[:D]




Crystal Lion -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/25/2005 4:40:05)

What is spam?And no,I am not talking about stupid messages,I mean the food.


SPAMSPPAMSPAMGAOEJG GEOJGj ge;jgS:Bjr:OB og4jh4n3k!11 1! !1 1 111!!!!!!!!1u9p1u vmedng~!

Wait.. you wanted the food? Shoot....


It's some strange meat product .. checkout:

Wolf Boi -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/25/2005 5:45:05)

Hello again *snuggles close* also thanks for saying i would be a first good date hehe, we could rent b horro movies, eat pizza , and make out (if wanted or waited till the second date) ^_~

Should i trim my hiar again from even shorter then above the shoulders?
Sure if you want! It's about what you want to do with your hair...

Do you mid if I say if your hot?
Um, I guess not.

Are sure you don't like guys at all, say mabey your bi? (lol you can even pm this one)
*checks* Nope, me likes females. =]

I'm going to PM you my digimon fic link i hope you like, i would need to know your email though for the .hack ones, I hope you like.
I got it! Weeeeee

Do you want to see any other yaoi?
Um... keep it clean. And yes please!

Am I cute, hot or sexy?
No comment. =P

*pulls out a pizza and some choclate sause* come to my roon now that its funner ^_~ if not i also have a PS2 and a computer with stuff on it, now will you come to my room?
No! Muhahahah

If you could have any Digimon which one would it be?

Do you like to dance normaly? and what type?
I used to be a big dancer.. I'm not into it anymore.

Do you like B horror movies?
Who doesn't?

Do you like when i ask questions?
Yeah, haven't you asked this before?

hehe so want to date? or if not at least be friends (talk on mesaangers, stuff like that)
Date, no. Friends, that could happen.

can i have more snuggles please?

do you prefere horror or b-horror movies overall?
Either or

Byebye for now and here are some other manga i think are good
*snuggles and cuddles*
See ya! ^^

only the ring finger knows
selfish love
golden cain

god9090 -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/25/2005 6:04:16)

never mind[&:]
i just so lame[:(]
Awww..okay. =S

Wolf Boi -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/25/2005 6:53:32)

Hi sexy, just though of some I should have asked before *snuggles* ^_~
oh lol and no i can't draw or i would draw lots :3
Heh.. welcome back!

Did you know I wear contacts?
No I didn't.. but now I do.

what do you think of these pics? hug hug 2

ooo some of those charaters I've seen before.

If there was only 5 games you could ever play again what would the be?
Just 5? Well then I'm choosing some that I haven't played yet, just because I can.

1. Mike Tyson's Punch Out (someday I will beat Mike)
2. World of Warcraft (never played but I'd play)
3. Maplestory (<3)
4. Anything for the "next generation" of gaming platforms. (since some will be offering downloadable games)
5. Solitare

Are you looking foward to the PS3? and why?
Not really.. not a big Sony fan.

How many game systems do you own?

Would you like to see a pic of me in my wolf shirt or in my glasses?
Umm.. sure?!

What are three things you would like to be doing the most right now?

1. winning a bagillion dollars
2. on vacation
3. happy

What do you think of shows like the twilight zone and the outer limmits?
Not bad.. I used to watch them with my Dad.

Any other pics of yourself can you show?
Nope! Muahaha

bye again *snuggles* i shall be back for more and help you reach those ten pages, hehe and hope for other things ^_~
Haha.. last day, few hours left.. Thanks for you help to this point.

MADemocrat -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/25/2005 10:50:26)

'lo, again!
mad! welcome back... I think my shift key is broken.

Who's the only one who knows illegal ninja moves from the governmen
ND.. and Master Ninja P.Chant?

Do chickens have large talons?
Yes of course.. GOSH.. freakin idiot!

How many people do you think wrote-in "Pedro" as their write-in in the '04 Presidential election?
I hope a ton....


Mmm... Napoleon Dynamite. Hehe.

Yes I love that man.

Pirate vs. Ninja - Who wins???


More rap-battleage!
ODB(rest in peace) vs. Flava Flav
Big Baby Jesus vs FF? Man... FF in his prime was aight. ODB did more solo stuff, so in a one on one.. ODB. (even though I hate to admit that)

Dr. Dre vs. Snoop Dogg
Could the battle....? NO!

Dre is not a rapper, he's producer who happens to rap a little... is he a greater rapper than Snoop? No, no contest. Snoop owns him anyday on the mic.

Eminem vs. Vanilla Ice(hehe)
Omg my eyes.....

Eminem skills trump that of the no talent Mr. Rob Van Winkle

OriousFerintherou -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/25/2005 16:09:50)

So.... Hello!
So... Hello!

How's it going?
Okay.. yourself?

So... what would you do if I showed you a picture of a dancing banana IN PAJAMAS!?
I'd shudder

Ooh... tough one... What were you doing on April 17th, 1996?
Breathing.. that was easy.

Ok, here's a treat for ya! [sm=b_rotten.gif]


So anwho... How's being a mod treating you?
Not too shabby, it's had it's moments.. some horrid, most grood.

Sucks doesn't it?

Well then... yeah... so... uh huh.
Yeah totally.


[sm=banana.gif] + [sm=fantastisch_05.gif] = [sm=b_rotten.gif][sm=tombston.gif] YAY!

Elnaith -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/25/2005 16:54:30)

Hiya for the third time Noahman!
Hey hey! Welcome back!

Yay! I got custom avvie!
=O it looks jawesome!

Another poem:

Greed devouring me.
Let me accept thee.
Anger within myself
Let you be my other half.

Betrayal resting deep inside.
You will turn the tide.
Hatred within.
It is almost time to commit your sin.

Darkness give me cover.
Emptiness make me hover.

For now I will continue the rite,
The rite to draw me from the light.
The rite for power,
enduring every hour


ANyway my nicknames are (beware): Elly, Elise, Elizah, <insert many horrible misspellings of my name>, Elly-may, The Big E, Elisimonicatabahbah of the Divine Order of Dutch Pally Slayers Under Whose Feet the Skulls of Countless Age-Old Unbeatable Paladins Have Been Crushed and Whose Clothes Are Stained With their Blood, El, Etna, Elna. (Yes, all are used by people.. Guess how much time it took me to learn to react to all of them.)
Wow those, well one inparticular.. is a pretty serious nickname!

Do you like Cans?
Cans?.... soda? Trash?

And.. Rock?
Rock, very much!

It's good to pump and good for the body


Lithium? (Song and Element)
Both, grood!

Do you own valuable Magic cards? (If so, which?)
Gees at the time I played, a long time ago. I had some okay cards. First generation of magic cards, maybe they are actually worth something now?!

Do you like to... Noah_b?
I do infact love to Noah_B.. do you?

Do you have a ventilator?



Do you like green lights?
More than red lights.

And red ones?
Not as much as yellow

Hmm.. Will be back later.. (Dunno if I have that much time left though..)
There's time.. we have all day. n_n

Oh, by the way, I applied for the Gentleman's Club.. *shivers*
Muhahah.. good luck! n_n

Byes! /me snuggles Noah.
See ya /me waves

Rinsaku -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/25/2005 17:12:50)

It would be just like me if I have asked this question before to you but heck! It doesn't hurt to ask again!.. unless I kicked you while doing it [8|]
Oh I have a few regulars here.. much fun.

Do you read BTN?
I've tried a couple times.

If no, will you?

If no, Mr. Pudding commands you to read it!

Furinax -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/25/2005 17:42:00)

If you could pick any character from the Mario universe, which one would you choose? (e.g. Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Donkey Kong, Wario, Toad, Yoshi, Bowser, Flurrie, a random Goomba, etc.)
Just pick? Like for any reason? Okay for Mario Kart I usually always choose Toad and a Koopa Troopa/Little Bowser. Sometimes Wario and baby mario/little bowser - if I'm feeling evil.
I'd pick Toad, but sometimes the Random Lakitu option is too appealing...oh wait, Double Dash? Toad/Baby Mario. Sometimes I use Mario/Baby Mario, though.

When do you think I'll get myself a sig?
When ever you get around to it...

When do you think I'll change my avatar?
When you realize Moglins are wimps! =P
Maybe when I get myself a title. :P

What's the difference between "e.g.", "i.e.", and "example:"?
You know.. I have no clue. Sometimes I use ex. for example.

Who is more insane, you or me?

What video game am I playing right now?
Hmmm.. AQ
Ever guessed how high the server cap is? Too high for me to play before 11:00 PM EST.

Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft (in the case of video game consoles)?

Where in Lore does your primary come from?
From Dutherland
Mine? Battleon.

How many languages do you speak?
Well two, english and ebonics! Muhaha... but I do speak a little Spanish and use leet often. ^^
Uh, for me there's English, some French, some Spanish, some Chinese...

If I could ask any more nutty questions to you besides the ones above, would you answer them?
You bet I would

Average morale after doing exams?

What's ebonics?

What's Vephoma's insanity level in insanions?

Do you think Galanoth will be rescued before he dies/gets "changed" by Dracomancers?

Opinion on whose side Zero-Hex is on?

EDIT: Replies and more questions!

tyty_pretzel -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/25/2005 21:21:51)

I'm a jerk?
What? I was kidding!

I wont do this no mo

VP -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/26/2005 1:07:19)

Muahaha...Round 4! Don't worry Noah, I'll make this extra long. >:]

Well, hello for what will probably be the last time.
Sad day... and hello again

Singapore does have Starbucks. You like 'em? They hurt my pocket...<.<
Starbucks originated in my home state.. of course I love them!

Anyways, about that autograph....just your signature should do. Nothing else needed. XD
Aight.. scanning first thing tomorrow (Monday) when I get to work.

Do you like souffles? 'cus I have (some) here :)
What are those?

How many AQ-related full forms are there for SS?
SS? Screen shots? Super Soaker?

Do you like cheese?

What's your favourite video game?
Chrono Trigger

What if...

The sun rose from the west?
The world would be spinning backwards... DOOM!

The sun set in the east?
Read above!

You had winter all year round?
Suicide would go up...


What's your favourite carbonated drink?
Redbull is my new fave.

What's your favourite carbonated food?
They have carbonated food?


Do you believe in ghosts?

How many full forms are there for the acronym GC?

Do you like cheesecake?

Muahaha!...Me and my Spiked Trout Mace shall one day rule the World!.....<.<

Am I Eccectric?
You are what you are...

Your new title will be: "Noah_B pwn j00." Right?
Ooooo, that's a grood one. I was actually thinking of "The King of Indecision"

Ever read Alfred Hitchcock?
Nope, just watched

Ever read Agatha Christie? She has sold more than 1 billion books worldwide --and places 3rd in book-flying-off-the-shelve history.
Hmmm.. Nope.

The AQIA (Adventurequest International Aliens) arrests you for being the conspirator of snuggles. What do you have to say in your defense?
I nevah snuggle office'ah... Look over there! *points and RUNS*

I >HATE< Rice. What about you?
I like fried rice... *shrugs*

Do you know what's the other term for "Bicarbonate of soda"?

Why Noah_B? Why not Noah_D or Noah_Q?
B is the first letter of my last name.

Oh? And why must it be Noah?Couldn't it be Ark_B?
Could be.. I was actually thinking about getting it changed. <_<


Have you ever been to Singapore?

Suggest you go there one day. Don't forget to visit me if you do. I'll gladly point out to you the best coffeeshops at lowest prices.
Sounds like a deal to me!

(One soft boiled egg please!)
*cracks and cooks*

Do you like soft boiled eggs?
Yes. I like to mix mine into a bowl with small bits of bread... yummy

They're really mushy.
Yeah that's kinda gross

Well, ta-ta for probably the last time ever in this thread. Adios!
See ya, thanks so much! <3

~Lion Eagle~ -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/26/2005 12:36:06)

Mwhahaha! I have hijacked my brother's computer and now I will carry out my plan of world destruction!!!
Muhahahahaha... look out there's your bro!

How to bust a cold out in a day or two? My brother gave me one by coughing into my hair repeatedly >:(
Sick... that's gross. Stay away from me... get some rest, drink some tea - fluids.

I'm glad you liked that last poem, but I think i have started a monster. [8|] Now everyone's posting theirs... Here's one that is supposed to be nonsensical.
If by "everyone" you mean... two of you share poetry! =P

Chaos by ~Lion Eagle~
I climbed out of bed
And fell off my chair
I landed on my head
But the floor wasn't there
I hit the downstairs floor
Then I saw stars
When my dad opened the door
I appeared on Mars
The landscape was red
But I was glad I wasn't dead
And then I woke up -_-*
I hadn't gone anywhere

Ha. Ha. Ha.

Have you remembered your Runescape name yet? ^_^
Dah! Sir_ ... gosh, I will PM you tomorrow with it!

If you do, try mining 1k coal in 9 hours... I have a job for 1k coal, and I just finished it o.O

I never thought anyone would call me talented. The best I got was "imaginative" but the rest are along the lines of "morbid, dark, crazy, lazy, innatentive, stupid, loser," ect... *gives you a furry, feathery, griffin divebomb snuggle*
= \

Here is a picture of my brother
heh heh heh looky looky*
Here's another one**


I hope I will be able to come back [:)] Byebye
See ya!

*I don't call my brother Meathead for nothing
**I don't call him [sm=chicken.gif] for nothing too

P.S. Want that chicken with fries? >:P
Yes and a side of ranch please! muhahaha

Blue Dragon Star -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/26/2005 13:48:45)

Wanna be the ultimate Darkness=me friend?
I'm not down with the darkness but we can be friends...

I think your a friend.
thanks! ^^

tyty_pretzel -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/26/2005 16:17:32)

Slowly answering huh?
I'm getting things taken care of...

I have sunburn,major.
Where? There! *pokes* MUhahaha

Pokemon rules!

Squal -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/26/2005 16:30:04)

hi how are you?
Okay.. yourself?

cool im doing fine

do you enjoy being a mod?
Very much so.

is it fun having your own form to talk to people?
It's awesome, I seriously love this.. I wish I could do it again.

if you could change anything in the AQ fourms what would it be?
Well there's a few things.. but it works for now.

well i hope i didn't waste too much time of yours reading my questions and awnsering them
Not at all!

good bye
Thanks for coming, take care!



Matufreak -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/26/2005 16:49:18)

Let's see

Settai Noah!

That was Japanese you know.
I didn't!

Japanese roxx my soxx. Don't you think?
Yes, I agree!

Why do you have a scary avatar?
Muhaha.. It will change soon.

Why do all mods have scary avatars?
We are kewl like that?!

So... Have you seen anime?

If yes... then what series? If no... then go get some!!!
A bunch.. a ton... too much to name.

What do you think what would AQ community become to (grammer ok?) IF AQ would become PvP? Either... good or bad?
PvP? Bad... the game was never made to have that PvP angle... I'd love to see some player - player interaction. Maybe some trades ingame or teaming up to take on a monster... now that would be rad.

That's all. Sayonara!
( I hope my grammer wasn't confusing. ^^)
Confused who? Hahah.. See ya!

Blue Dragon Star -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/26/2005 17:33:23)

Noah >3?


glad your on[:D]

tyty_pretzel -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/26/2005 17:36:26)

Do you like my RP character?(in my signature)
You're back?! Yeah pretty cool...

My friend on the forums named Koseishi drew it!
Well Koseishi did a grood job.

And do you like the quote?
Love it!


I am 73h funni357!
it's true .. j00 r!

Elnaith -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/26/2005 18:23:27)

Back for last round of questions! (After that I really need some sleep)
Jawesome.. I just woke up! =S

Do you like water?
Best liquid evah!

Sometimes, I like caller ID more.

Plushie tigers?
Plushies? This is a sick trend....

Iron Maiden?

Metal-licka? I can respect their stance in the music industry, yet I have no desire to listen to them at all.

Bird food?
It's for the birds!

Cat food?
Yuck, smelly

One of the greatest inventions of all time...

Do you own one of these cards: Black Lotus, Mox Emerald, Mox Jet, Mox Pearl, Mox Sapphire, Library of Alexandria, Chaos Orb, Timetwister, Ancestrall Recall, or dual lands?
Haha.. Everyone used to try to collect the Black Lotus. I have Dual Lands - two, Ancestrall Recall, and the Library. (if I recall correctly)

Do you play the digimon card game?
No, I just watch the show casually on Saturday mornings.

Meh.. I more like to Elnaith than to Noah_B .. but tastes differ :).
Whatever finds your lost remote...

About the good luck.. thanks I need it :P.
Hhaha, we all do.

Au revoir, Auf Wiedersehen, Vaarwel, arriverdeci and Bye! (All means the same)
Uhhh... Tacobell, Polish Sausage, Hasta, Later!

Blue Dragon Star -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/26/2005 18:35:06)

hi hi[:D]

Join the Dark Were Wolf club?
I'm in a club mate... =P

I run it.
I help run mine aswell...

Embrace the darkness and let it surroud you?

Strong Bad -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/26/2005 18:42:32)

Did ya like Veemon in Action? Hehehe.
Hahaa.... I did enjoy it, thanks!

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