RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (Full Version)

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Blue Dragon Star -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/26/2005 18:49:43)

I wanna be the last person you answer[:D].
Good luck with that...

So do you beliv in the Darkness[sm=evilking.gif]?

Are you more popular than Spelly?[:D]
Nah, I just clearly stated that my goal was 10 pages so people are kind enough to help me out with reaching that goal.

Survey says.......?

Wolf Boi -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/26/2005 20:56:15)

hello again *snuggles* last set of questions mabey.
Howdy! ... are you sure about that?

Do you want to read my ,hack fanfiction?

why don't you care for sony (hehe they have most of the rpg's and a digimong gam)
Sony has the most games.. but I'm just not a dedicated fan.

Did you know that digimon is one of the few animes with of a uncencored/unedited version?
No way...

aww you suuuure you don't like guys? ^_~

hope so see you after this, becides irc, what other chat programs do you use?
Umm.. IRC. MSN and AIM sometimes.

here i am in my wolf shirt, what do you think? (i'll try to get glasses soon, i just woke up a bit ago) ME :3

Please, with digimon on top, can I have another snuggle, i wont bite, hard ^_~

hehe heres some more yaoi cloud/Sephy
urtv love

here is a cool pic you'll like of the three best FF villans of all time Evil
Muhaha, nice pic

why don't you dance any more?
Uhhh... I just don't dance anymore.

what do you think of me?
You're a cool guy... what am I supposed to say? We've had a good time during this Q&A, I've got to know a little about you.

awww no more after this *snuggles* was fun but hope to see you soon, and i'll try to get the other pic too, *snugglehugglecuddlewuddles you* :3
Muhahahahahah.. see ya/

tyty_pretzel -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/26/2005 21:19:51)

I think I am the MVP of this, dont you?
Hmm.. there are some others that have posted a bunch too.

This is my 11th post here!
This is my.. well I only have one post here. But a TON of edits! muahaha


So do you have ND?

Very kool, yep

I meant what team that was in the NBA Finals did yuou want to win(Detroit or San Antonio)
Well if I didn't want San Antonio, you think that I would immidatly be going for the opposition... which I was.

I will be back!
Is that a threat?

Wolf Boi -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/26/2005 22:07:07)

hello *snuggles*

did you think it was going to get this far with all the questions?

cookies, cake or pie, what is better?

Have you sceen the show, jack off all trades (a bruce cambel show)
Hmm.. I've heard of it.

do you listen to FF sound tracks, say the FF6 soundtrack?

hehe can i have a casual kiss, sence no dating hehe ^_~
Nope! =P

Do you think Kefka could really take over the world?
No he's a wussy.. but funny.

I think i shall be back, i hope soo :3

ohh this is, i think my 13th one so i almost gave you a full page, hope that helped :3
Very much so... but agian, it was less about the 10 pages more the Q&A... just the goal of 10 pages was fun to encourage people to come back.

tyty_pretzel -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/26/2005 22:30:00)

Oh its a war is it Wolf Boi?
Hey now.. no war here!

So what are you doing lately?
Listening to music.. I was down in Seattle having a good time with some friends of mine this past weekend.

Yeah I try! =P

So I am watching stand-up comedy?
Is that a question or a statement?

ReaperAle -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/26/2005 23:21:36)

What is your opinion on current sino-soviet relations?
I have none...

If you could have chosen your name, what would you choose?
Shoot... Conrad. Nah, not really.. Noah. I like it.

And I'm tired now. Goodnight.
I just spoke with you.. lies!

h4rold -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/27/2005 1:23:14)

5 songs I should listen to?

  • Sugar, We Are Going Dowm - Fallout Boy
  • Green Eyes - Discover America
  • Bucket - Kings of Leon
  • Gangsters and Thugs - Transplants
  • Hand that Feeds - NIN

5 movies I should watch?

  • Garden State
  • Man on Fire
  • Nap. Dynamite
  • Life Aquatics
  • Donnie Darko

vanilla wafer?

Please, I'm famished.

most annoying sound?

The swiping noise my checkcard makes when I purchase something I don't need

coldplay or not to coldplay? that is the question

Yes, very much so.

whats with the Griggit?

Dude, best pet EVAH! Bought it the moment it came out, used it ever since.

cartwheels or backflips?

I can do neither.

been rock climbing?

Yes, kinda.. I'm afraid of heights.

if not ill take you, it'll be fun

if a tree falls in the woods, what are you making me for dinner?

Chicken Kiev

is the glass half empty or half full?


...or should I finish my orange juice?

Finish 'er up.

what's the most recent movie you've seen?

Along Came Polly - Saturday night... Anchorman - Sunday

will you take me to see fantastic 4?

Yes but I will leave you there and go watch something worthwhile... wait Jessica A is in that flick?! Nevermind, I will keep you company.

will the revolution be televised?

I hope not... reality doesn't sell!

if yes, what kind of reality show will it be?

*turns off the TV*

allergies or no allergies

Growing into them...

would you like fries with that?

Yes, large fries.. extra salt and mucho ketchup!

I think thats all o_o;


whew, you didnt catch that *insert angel face dealie*

Catch wha?

Blue Dragon Star -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/27/2005 1:37:37)

me the best ?[:D]
If you say so...

Me good person?

will I get the lastpost[:D]?
Hmmm.. maybe

Squal -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/27/2005 3:19:03)

thank you for etting to my message
No problem...

whats my cool ness factor

yours is a 10 out of 5 Yay you
Really? YAY ME!

talk to you later

and thank you for using green on my other post i want what i write in blue but thats another prodject
Well you got blue.. but I got black! Muhaha

yay i got it
Got what?

oh yeah how often are you on the fourm?
What other forum?[/color
do you watch The Real World Austin?
Viva La Bam?

Pimp My Ride?
other shows on MTV?
MTV2 Rock Countdown

oh ok cool

I try.. .=D

Wolf Boi -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/27/2005 5:23:49)

hehe yup a war! *snuggles Noah*
do you want to get to know me better? say mabey by aiming me or such?
also .hack, you know the anime, manga and video game series aka .hack//sigh.

.hack! Of course!

What is your fave type of gum?
Umm... I don't have a fave flavor..

what do you think of me asking a question in the pretty pink color?
It's okay...

Do you think there is any chance of getting to 10 pages?
A good one

Do you prefere cuddles or snuggles?

Did you know that I'm quite respected around the OCC?
Yes I did.. did you know that I'm quite respected around the forums? =P

is tight clothing on guys a good thing? you know when your shirt is so tight you can hardly breath?
Depends on your style... dudes in chick jeans, that's cool. If you have the skinny emo boy body, might aswell rock it

Hope I can get some more sexy ^_~

Blue Dragon Star -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/27/2005 7:54:59)

Me get last post fanboy^
Haha I have a fanboy?

last post?
No way

Wolf Boi -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/27/2005 7:57:22)

lol i dont think so, this Noah B's fanboy shall get the last one.
Haha... hahaha

do you think i would make a good friend/want to be mine? (i forget if i asked lol)
You asked this already! =P

ohh i have to get that picture, but i can always pm you the link if i miss getting it in
Get what picture?

Do you want to see some of my icons, i have?

When will you be able to get some manga?
Gees.. I don't know.

Elnaith -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/27/2005 8:10:21)

No Wolf.. The honor is to me now :).
Hehe.. you wish!

Noah.. How long does it estimately take with the GC application?
7 days

Hmm.. If Noah A = Noah's Ark.. Then Noah_B = Noah's Beard?
B = a mystery

See ya

Wolf Boi -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/27/2005 8:25:45)

you sure? hehehe
Yes, I like girls.

What do you think of this pic of me? me in makeup

What do you think would happin if Ash was in the world of the living dead movies?
Ash from FF?

do you want digimon plushies? (im still trying to get some)

did you know they made a digimon manga? digimon manga
No way!

here are some pics of my town town what do you think of them?
Looks outdoorsey .. me likes.

bye for now *glomps*

Luz -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/27/2005 8:31:58)

Dun ne ne... You are nearing your final few posts!
Dun Dun Daaaa

Thanks, the Goat Urine tasted fiiiiine!!! :D

Hmm, it needed sugar, though...

Yes, Lion Eagle has started a new post-your-poems-and-annoy-the-guts-out-of-a-mod-on-meet-the-mods trend! ^^

How do you feel about having so many fanboys?
I kinda like it...

And now, be prepared for some not-that-good poetry.
Where? Not in this post I'm sure...Maybe in one of Ty_Ty's .. =P

The Seed

Amongst all the others.
Lay an ordinary seed.
The farmer held it.
And scrutinized the speck.

Wrapped in pale brown.
It was no mere dot.
For it contained
everything that Life stood for.

The Farmer begged the gods
and, hoping for the better,
he buried his treasure
and Time sprinted by.

Day by day,
the Farmer gave it love.
Showered it with joy.
And tended to it with diligence.

Then, one day, the seed grew big.
It soared toward the heavens.
As it chased after the sunbeams.
And sought for the raindrops.

Then, one day, it bore fruit and died.
It seemed as if the Circle of Life had ended.
But inside each juicy, fragrant capsule.
Waited a new beginning, ready to taste Earth.

How was that? It was pretty simple, but I like it. ;) There, no dead Mother's this time. [:'(] Oh, and by the way, the Dead Mothers thing in the last poem was a simile. I was referring to the Planet Earth...
Ahh, me likes. Nice and simple... ah, gotcha. Live mothers are good.

Well, goodbye! *steals all of Noah's goat urine* Mmmm, salteh!
Take it all!

tyty_pretzel -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/27/2005 9:03:26)

Well to spam this up...
No spam Ty_Ty! =P

Do you like Simple Plan?

Green Day?

Pae or Dadric?

Dadric or yourself?

Spellfire or Reens?

I'll come with more later
Spam? Eww..okay.

Wolf Boi -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/27/2005 10:58:52)

i hope i can get the last one in *acts all fanboish*

Have you ever tryed to get into the digital world before?

Do you think they should try to make the digital world if it's not already there?

Do you read digimon fanfic's? (hehe besides mine)

Should I write that squil to my fic? (been planing on one)
If you want to

If I do what would you like to see in it?
Uh.. digimon

byyyye, and hope to be talking to you latter *snuggles*
See ya

Elnaith -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/27/2005 11:41:46)

Hello again Noah_B

What are YOU going to vote in the enduring Banana War? Vote Abolish.. for Great justice :P.
Read that.. enough said

May you have a dancing banana-free life
Same to you

Ta ta

Krywallyn -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/27/2005 12:20:42)

Hi noah_B

Want to kick Elnaith in the shins with me?

Nope.. I'm a banana hater

Do you have what it takes to become an alpha moose?

I am actually the Alpha Moose!

Did you vote for bananas in the war?


I hope so...



See ya

vampire hunter -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/27/2005 13:34:44)

This is my first questions to a mod, so i'll start with a:


Who's tha man??
You da man!

Im a little tired, can you please punch me?

blueberry pie or apple pie?

chiuaua or pekinese?

Afrikan radioactive monkey or two-headed schitzophrenic panda?

Is this a question?
Is this?

Check this: [sm=banana.gif]

Check this: [image][/image][image][/image]


Is your title true?
Is what.. who?

If it is, digimon!!!!( i dont know many things about it, but enough for asking questions)!:

1.Whats Tai's digimon's name?
Koromon/Agumon/Greymon/Metal Greymon

2.What did weregarurumon do in episod 52 1/2?
I dunno

3.What personality does Tai have?
He's annoying

ANSWERS: 1. What you say. 2. eeerrmm...dunno myself...maybe he ate 3 chicken wings? 3. ........Stupid??? LOL...

Sing the digimon theme song!

Gotta go! No more questions! Exept one: 286560265032 +11123342111-7659763 x 5?
What is Alabama?

See ya

tyty_pretzel -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/27/2005 13:47:15)

What is your favoritw..............TV Show?
Currently: 4400

Who and or what introduced you to battleon?
Kids at work

How did you get the mod powers?
I ate lucky charms.. and they gave them too me.

What is your view on the current population of hackers?
Hackers? Pfft.. Hackers ruin games, fun and peoples lives. Down with hackers.

Do you bust them?
I leave that up to the professionals

Ok me will be back

Creasy -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/27/2005 15:35:52)

Noah did you really post a Yeti eating the Banana?

Or is it just a vicious rumour?

Anyway thank you for not answering with qu's last time...much[;)]

Have you seen any good RP's here that I should read before I graduate RP Academy?

Later Noah, thanks

Wolf Boi -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/27/2005 17:39:10)

hello again *snugles*

whats with all the bannana icons?

did you think there would be so many last minute questions?

hehe have you been hit on by a guy before?

Seams like you have a fanclub going here, how do you like those?

If they made a Chorno Trigger movie who should play Magus?

so are you sure you don't want to *wisper, wisper, wisper* then *wisper*?

hope you have liked all the questions and such *snuggles*

tyty_pretzel -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/27/2005 18:01:57)

Like my sig now?


Well what kind of music do you like?


well I will be back

general greivous -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/27/2005 19:11:35)

ok, as you ask, im back

who are you?

whats your title?

whats your quest?

whats your chesee?

sword, geckos, paes, hawk or hawkes?

whats your favorite medabot?

whats your favorit digimon?

tai, davis, takato or the boy from seeson 4 that i dont remenber the name?

whats my age?

does the banana have to DIE!?!?!?

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