RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (Full Version)

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demonhunter -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/21/2005 4:26:22)

First off... *me absorbs h4rold's Dark Magician with the Thousand Eyes Restrict* Mwuhahaha (yes, I do play, and I do have that card)
Yeah! Someone has my back! Take that Harold!

*^'5s Demonhunter*

I tried playing Dark Magician Girl.. just to see if her cuteness would distract the Dark Magician but I like your tactics better.

You like digimon? Man, this is scary... OK, before I get any more surprises, do you also like the following? Transformers, Zoids (both series), Medabots, Yu-Gi-Oh or Beyblades.
Yes, sorta, Hmm.. kinda.. yes and not really.

Have you seen my Combat Training Arena in the RPA?
No.. But should I check it out?

Bah, that's all I got for now...
Awesome! I'll be ready if you have some more later! Muhaha

MegaPaste -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/21/2005 5:24:50)

Just a question, has any of these last page of questions been answered
or is it just my computer? It looks funny seeing a page of questions without
any answers. [:D]


I'm working on it.. I work all day and haven't had a ton of time these past couple days but I'm doing a good job keeping up on it! I got this page almost done and will start and finish the next page tomorrow... I'm just thankful that so many people have stopped in to ask questions!

Suikoman444 -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/21/2005 5:37:23)

Oh no! It's Noah hide! :P
ph33r teh Sp33r!!1

So I see you have a veemon avatar, I used to watch too much Digimon back in the good old days.
"Good old days" .. like last Saturday? =]

What does the word caffeine mean to you?
.... it means love. I can't get enough and that's a bad thing.

I suppose I'm done, I can never think of anything to say :P
Wow.. that was fast, I like your style. Thanks for stopping in Suik! =]

Creasy -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/21/2005 6:16:10)

Hey again.
Hey! Welcome back!

I might get the people from my clan to come ask questions too to help towards a record MTM[:D]
w0000000000t! I'd love that! More questions, which I love. Meeting more people, which I love AND reaching my goal! Yayaya!

Im impressed that you can play footie..too bad about the injury *offers conciliatory pat on the shoulder* same thing happened to me and tennis....evil knee....[:(]
Very evil.. thanks for the comfort, it's okay it's been a while since I've played. I miss it, I moved on to basketball so it was fun learning a new sport.

Yes the swords are all sharp, but dont tell anyone, they aren't supposed to
My lips are sealed! ~_^

Anyway........wolf would be the other tattoo....though *does a little jig* could be
haha I agree.. *does a little jig* would look awesome across the back or maybe even on the arse! xD

Do you know where Dadric "stole" his little "freestyle" from? (Clock up another one for the Dadric
No.. he's a theif, we all know that. =P *checks Dd's meter which is at -4*

Ever heard of a band called Deep Purple? (they rule(d)!)
Smoke on the Water! Please.. my Dad's fav band.

Played the Resident Evil games? If so, best game/character/weapon?
Resident evil 4 / zombies / shotgun

oh the LOTR hero is Aragorn but everyone always says Frodo... *cough*fools*cough* =P
Oh I knew that.. please Frodo is an idiot. *tosses him into the lava*

Loving the answers that I have read (to other people's questions) congrats to the People's Mod.......I may be back if I can think of any more good questions..... =D
Haha, thanks so much! Hope to see you back!

EDit: You changed your're no longer the people's Mod *gasp*
Yeah, I'm always the People's Mod at heart though.. ~_^

Jebas0 -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/21/2005 9:15:32)

hello its me the man behind the mask
So .. that's what you look like! Hmm.

or am i?
Well you claimed to be.. *shrug*

im going to ask you a series of questions and your going to like it.
Yes sir!

is chili peppers hot?
Only if they are Red Hot Chili Peppers!

are you hot?
Some say so... mainly little Jr. High school girls. =S

are chickens hot?
My chicke strips better be hot!

do you like chicken b r e a s t s?
Ohhh.. b r e a s t s are okay. I don't like anything, well chicken, on the bone.

do you like cheese?

do you like tomatoes?
In salsa and on other things, like BLTs and Turkey Sandwhiches.. yes.

do you like tomato juice?

do you like tomato sauce?
On my Pizza? Yes.

do you like ketchup?
Yes and Katsup

am i hot?
Well now that you took off that mask.. yes.

why are you married?
I'm not.

why are you denying it?
Because I can!

will you ever tell the truth?
I tell it as often as I can and that's no lie.

why are you still lying about it?
OmG.. I'm not! RAWR

when will you stop lying?

got milk?
In the fridge

do you like rocks?
Hmm.. yes.

why wont you tell me the truth about your marrage?
...I did! I swear!

is she hot?

is she not?

are you still lying to me?
I never did!

I lie to myself not to others!


ill be back with 2wice the amount questions then the last guy that was here.
I'll be waiting!

tee-hee hee

See ya soon!

talk to you later.

Sethran -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/21/2005 10:09:50)

I'm on a modding spree, I'm back, again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oooo.. welcome back! (again)

If encheralado's were the same as jello, and pigs could swim as well as mutated bananasoapthingies, would my chractes namechange?
NEVAH! Well unless one of them took over you computer and forced your charater to change his name.. then yes.

What colours would you suggest for my chr.'s armor?
I like the black.. maybe change up the red to a silver/gray? Then swap the cape to something else.. maybe a different shade of blue?

Did you know I'm actually not old enough to drive a car/ I'm far from tht age.
No I didn't.. but thank for the info, I won't be letting you borrow my car again.

Do you think it's annoyng that I've been asking you stuff aall the time?
No not at all.. I love answering questions, even the most random.

Do you like to do this?(answering quesions from people you don't know)
Honestly, one of my most favoritest things.. in the world.

What age were you when you started AQ?

Do you know that I know that you knew that we both knew about the thing I didn't know before becuse you Didn't know what to know so I knew the thing the other thing you knew but I didn't know the thing I didn't know?
Almonds! ~_^

If you know what it is, tell me.
I just told you!

Do you like eating corn with your feet?
Corns on your feet? SICK .. go to a doctor ASAP!

Do youluv Linkin Park, I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like LP.. pretty good. I'm not a huge Fan Boi like Dadric is .. but I do have their first LP and their remix CD.

Is it me or you who like sking questions nd do mountains rock and mount at the sme time or do they just rock or just mount?
Just rock and mount!

Is this post long?

Is 5 spice powder spicy?
Meh, not really.

What AQ monster do you hate most?
Omg.. what's it called again. I hate it so much I just block out it's name... Dang it!

Do you hve a girlfriend?

Do you want one?
Um.. to be honest, not really. My last relationship was 6 months and the one before that was 6 months and I'm usually always dating someone or involved with someone.. and I commited at the end of my last relationship to just take a break for awhile... so 2 years later, I'm still on that break. I really like the single life... it's not that I'm against girls or being in a realtionship, I'm just more content not being in one right now.

Is it annoying when your keyboard sometimes doesn't work?
Tonight it's being SO stupid! It keeps moving me over a letter.. so randomly it shifts to the left one space and I have to go back and type a word all over. Ugh! So frustrating!

Did you know I'm male?
Nope, I would've guess male had you asked me if I thought you were a boy or a girl.

Why and how?
Who and where?

Why do I ask you questions all the time?
Because you want to?

Is dragon's breath element x or is it just dngerous?
Both! It's x-tra stinky

Why is your name Noah?
My Parents gave it to me.. it was one of the names they had on this "list" and it jus t happened to be raining the day I was born, so it fit.

Why is my name Sethran?
Sethran? I'm not sure.. why are oreos so good?

I wnt to show people somechpters of book I'm writing, where should I do that?
Umm.. well you could do it in the "Gallery of Creative Adventurers" forum!

Would you like to read it?
Sure would, post it over there and come back here with a link!

Do you like people like me?
Sure do!

Are atomic phonecars and photon phasing phase 1 phasers phase much?
Nah.. not as much as the Jetson's made them out to.

Do you play Pristontale?
No, what is that?

Do you like AQ veeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrry much?
Yes, with a cherry on top!

Is tis my longest post yet or cn I do better?
This is pretty good.. but you can always do better! ^_^


Okay.. more for me

Nothing at all!

Okay funny guy.. laugh it up!


So, you get it?

What is Anagrom Ataf?
Um.. ice cream?
Wrong, it's fata morgana backwards!!

Who is Ysterym?
The President of Anagrom Ataf!
Can't tell, it's mystery/ysterym.

My suggestios are always crappy, ever seen them/

Ever seen me somewhere else on the forums except on meet the mods?
Yes I think so...

[:)]Do you like this kuliwoek?
What's that?

Kan jij Nederlands?(Can you speak Dutch?)
No but I'm liking what I see!

Why do we live?
Living is our destiny

What is the mening of life?
Read a few posts 4.

What is the meaning of hving a wife?
What's the meaning of girl having a husband?

Do you like waffles?
Yes I love them!

Do you think this post is long now, sorry, gotta go, byzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow.. okay see ya!

Dadric Daeglos -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/21/2005 15:01:49)


Is it not funny to spell Seahawk(e)'s name with the trailing e?
You're right it is not funny... what's with trailing "e" ? Some other Hawk has one, man what's the deal with that?

Why Digimon? Pokemon > Digimon
I actually recall watching Pokemon when it FIRST came to TV.. it was in the afternoons on channel 11, here of course. And me and a couple of buddies used to watch it.. haha. Dude, Digimon are for mature kids. =P

Well, since you're not a Dire Straits fan, what's your favorite song by The Who? (5:15 > all)
"These Eyes"

When will our dogs finally get together to rule the world?
As soon as we can agree to disagree about Pokemon vs. Digimon

What would you do if I told you I caught you a delicious bass? ('Cuz I did)
I'd ask you if you wanted to play me in some tetherball

/me saves more questions for later
/me waits

Party -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| => SLEEP! (page 3 = done) ASK AWAY! (6/21/2005 18:20:33)

howed you get your screen name
Well.. it's my name. *shrug* I've never had cool nicknames, so I just use my name. I guess I'm just that boring. =\

and dardric is right "a copy is never as good as the oringle unless i make the copy then it's better" Drew(my necromancer webcomic game advtar thingy) (Sounds like something like wario would say)

Dadric, right? Don't tell him that .. his ego is big enough! =P

I love Wario.. "Imma Wario... Imma gonna win! Muhahahah"


SporkGoddess -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| => SLEEP! (page 3 = done) ASK AWAY! (6/21/2005 18:50:44)

Feel proud, I'm actually posting on one of these!
Awww.. yay! I feel proud, stepping out of your comfort zone! Good work!

Why are you so cool?
Uhh.. where did you get that info? Last time I checked I was so teh "Anti-kewl"

Is there anything better than Wisconsin cheese?
Cheese Curds or just cheese in general? We have a pretty rad cheese company here in Washington but the cheese out there is just, perfect.

Why is custard so darn tasty?
Because it's like ice cream meets pudding but 10x better. I love chocolate/vanilla swirled custard.. omg.. omg omg..

What are you currently doing with your life?
Dying... well, currently I'm at home in a sort of "quater-life crisis/time off" phase. I've took time off, gone to school, traveled a bit, roamed, and did some other things.. Now, it's good to be back and get my feet under me again. Also my mother, who's been terminally ill with a blood disease for the past 16 years or so.. has finally progressed to the level of "something needs to be done or else" .. You see she's one to live in denial rather than face the truth , life's just easier that way. So I'm home for her.. helping her out in prepertaion for her upcoming procedure. And I will be here while she's recovering down in Seattle... which for the past year, I've been working for the Boys and Girls club - a international after school program. I will stay employeed there thru this winter, I plan on going back to school somewhere close by in January... hopefully if it all works out. The goal is to have her healed and well by Christmas and to be enrolled and attending school by January. Whether that happens or not, well time will tell - it always does.

Besides that.. I stopped art, stopped playing guitar, stopped being active.. and just work - videogames - sleep - eat.. why? Meh, it's a dumb phase. =]

What state are you originally from?
Washington.. born and raised.

TankHunter -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| => SLEEP! (page 3 = done) ASK AWAY! (6/21/2005 19:33:06)

I BECAME A GUARDIAN 5 MIN AGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![:D][:D][:D]

It's about time! And congrats! =D

Strong Bad -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/21/2005 19:38:36)


Why Digimon?

Because Digimon totally pwn Pokemon, man! Also, Veemon>Prof. Oak. Have you noticed all the proffessers last name are names of trees man?!
Oak, Elm, Birch?!



Digimon totally pwn Pokemon, man


Strongbad338 is my hero of the day!

I have but one question right now, and that is, ever played Digimon World 4? It totally pwnz Pokemon games! I'm stuck though :P.

No I haven't! Gees... now I need to play it! If you're stuck try this link:

A couple of walkthrus ... never hurts to have a little help! ^_^ Good luck!

Blue Dragon Star -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| => ANSWERING! (6/21/2005 22:20:47)

Hahahahaha! Ah.... Why they'd ever let me on.[sm=evilking.gif]
Uhh... I dunno?!

Hello I am the Darkness elemental lord [sm=evilking.gif]
Whoa, hello... I'm little powerless Noah_B.

So Who am I <.< >.>?
You're the "Darkness elemental Lord" ... what would happen if I cast magic missle on you?

Like my sig?
Shoot I missed it .. I will look right after this.... EDIT: It's not shabby!

Join my club?
I'm in one! ~_^

Light or Darkness!?

Digimon aye?....
Aye, aye!

Is Blue Dragon Star the one which outshines all other dragons or Cloak them all in darkness?
Well you claim to be "Darkness Elemental Lord" yet you're a "Star".. I'm a little confuggled but I'm going with: Cloak them all in darkness.

What's your favorite smiley [sm=evilking.gif]?
The "sm=evilking.gif"

What it is?
What it's not?!

What it will be?
It will be what it's going to be.. you will see!

Can i twist youranswers towards my own evil means?
Sure, I guess if it makes you happy... but mis-quoting me can result in some: Me having to lay down the smack!

Why do I never say good bye?
Good-bye is VERY perement.. just say: Later or Take it easy..

(special mod note. Want a riddle?)
Mod note? Sure...

Prinny -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| => ANSWERING! (6/22/2005 0:20:00)

I'm back
yayaya! Welcome back!

figure out my name yet?
I don't know .. yes! ^^

speak it backwards
I actually figured it out before you told me to spell it backwards but thanks for the tip!

do you like family guy?
I like Stewie

what do you think is the funniest part? I like the christmas one where peter is talking to brian and says "you'll enter through the air duct here. Now there is an invisible laser grid 3 inches above the floor so you'll have to compress your body to the size of an ordinary household sponge and slide underneath like some kind of weird amphibious dolphin."
HAHAHAHA.. good one! I love the episode where Peter gets his own country.. Peteropia or something.. Petopia.. whatever, that one is HALARIOUS!

Who is your favorite homestarrunner character?
Homestar or Stinkoman 20X6 or Strong Sad...or Homesar! ^^

i like homestar because the time he shot caleb and senor cardgage because he is just funny.
Hahaha.. I love Homestar.

ever see the movie "envy"?
With Jack Black and Ben Stiller? Yes..

Another thing about ff7. Theres a game called ff7 dirge of cerberus coming out soon.
o_O Really?

its starring vincent valentine and i think its a shooter.
OMG.. Vincent is one of my fav's from that game! Yay!

have you ever gotten a question on these that really made you think?
Yes a couple actually...

if so, what was it?
Well one was about Pi... the other was about suicide and life, those deep questions always make me think.

Awww.. See ya. Have a good one!

Blue Dragon Star -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| => ANSWERING! (6/22/2005 1:56:06)

Ha hah!
Hee Hee

Riddle Riddle
Okay Okay!

What question can you never answer yes to? One answer none that makin up stuff.[;)][:D][sm=evilking.gif]

What question can you never answer 'yes' to?

gees... uh..OH! "Are you asleep?"

MUHAHAHAHA! That's right I know it is!

Nooooooo!!!!!! who did you ask, who. darn it. I bow to your mastery. May I you meet again. ( In a field of Darkness) *Returns to the Dark nexus realm from whence the dark lord came*

Wolf Boi -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/22/2005 2:25:35)

*snuggles* I'm back for more questions and fun, hehe and no more moving too fast.
Oh and you can't Save Magus sister in Trigger but you can in Cross, if you get the pattern right.
also yaoi is wispers *in anime/manga/games when two guys like each other*
Last thing Karabiner is a guy
Wb! Wow.. good to know, I think I saved her in Cross now that I think about it... =S

Awww I missed your pic can I you show it too me?

Do you refere to didgimon and there tamers by there Japanise names?
American names.. well at least in the American Version.

Hehe did you Know I wrote a Digimon 02/Orphen?Evil Dead cross over fan fic before?
No.. really?

So do you think my room is funner? :3
Than SMBs? Hmmm.. I'd have to say it's a tie. =P

Do you like me in a coller? ^_~
Hmmm.. maybe..

What do you prefere these [:D] or these ^_^ ?

What was your fave Virtural Boy game?
Wario Tennis.. or some tennis game that I could be Wario

So, what would be a perfect first date for you?
Gees, I've had a couple that I thought were "perfect".... I'm a personal guy, I like to have fun and just relax and chat. It would be great if the "first date" was anti-stressful. I'd go to somewhere public and fun for dinner, not so private. And then maybe to a coffee shop, used record store, park.. somewhere to get some interaction/converstaion flowing.

Do you have any plushies? (like the pokemon in my pic)
No but everyone here talks about them!

lol do you think they should remove the age restriction for entering the digital world?
Yes... adults need the digital world.

Who is the cutest digimon of all time?
Gees.. Calumon. (season 3 - tamers)

Bye for now *snuggles, and cuddles*
Also I shall find those pics :3

VP -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/22/2005 3:23:37)

Yes, Noah, time for Round_2....>:D
Roger.. Ready when you are!

Hypothetically speaking, what would you do if you saw Dadric and Pae on the same third-class steamer as you on a trip to Europe, 7 days and 7 nights, at an exclusive Carribean hotel , at no expense at all by your boss?
Carribean hotel in Europe? Well what would I do? .. I'd say: "Yo!" and then be horridly uncomfortable, unless we were in first class. Airplanes are terrible.

Then I'd probably take Dadric on a whirlwind trip around Europe and leave Pae to do her own thing.. MUHAHA


Who would win in a duel, Pae or Pie?

Who would win in a duel, Dadric or Dad Rick?
Dadric would kill any posers named "Dad Rick"

If Michael Jackson asked for some pie and spaghetti at your house, what would you do?

Can I predict what would your title be next?
Sure, give it a shot!

No? *sob*
No I said "sure" .. *smile*
Yes? *sniffle*

If you posted a letter one day, and then...

you found a pie....

with Blueberry centre...
..even better

And *HALT*! You have been found smuggling Pae plushies into the OOC room. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Instead, pay a tax of 500 plushies to me. :p
*has no plushies* ... So... FREE PIE ! =P

SO, let's continue with the pie....the blueberrry centre...
Oh, I'm all over it...

But there's a note saying:

too late...

Whabout that?

If you were drowning, and a piece of straw floated pass you...
I'd be in a giant can of pepsi?

What would you do if the Sun fell down?
Catch it

That's all for Round 2. Be back for more XD
Roger! I will be waiting! Muhhahah

Prinny -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/22/2005 3:28:47)

yeah i'm here again.
Sch'weet! Welcome back!

what is the best part of being a mod?
Umm.. being able to actually lock/delete posts that need to be.. or edit the titles of threads to correct spelling.

have you ever abused your powers?
Yes... I kicked them once.. really hard... I'm sorry. (No nevah, the power is not made to be abused)

do you have any pets?
Yes I do.

Do you like dogs better than cats?

What is your favorite homestarrunner cartoon?
A Jorb Well Done

I like virus because it sort of breaks the universe and the space/time continuem or however you spell it.
Continum.. I think. =P

Do you know that ff7 and ffx/x-2 sort of sync up?
Lies! Haha.. no I didn't know that.

i'll tell you about it on my next post if you don't know.
yay.. please do!

see you later
take it easy, see you soon!

demonhunter -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/22/2005 4:23:54)

Hey, Noah, do you play Yu-Gi-Oh, by any chance?
Heya! Oh, no I don't sorry... but I watch some kids play it everyday.

If so, care to duel? I often play through chat programs like MSN, and I don't cheat.
Wow if I had a deck... I would.

Do you have a digimon?
You can have them? Where do I buy one? ... I want 3027529t29t89u92!

If so, which model? I've got a D-Tector!
o_O Okay, I need details here.. where to buy, pics, info etc... can you get that for me?

Bah, I'm all out of random questions now...
Haha.. okay, give it some time you can think of more.

Oh, and if you want to take a look at my Arena, it's here
Roger I will take gander at that, thanks!

Creasy -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/22/2005 6:30:27)

Bah, last set cause Im managing to ug myself now, nevermind
Haha... Okay okay.. last set.

Dadric freestyle was from "Clint Eastwood" by the Gorrillaz.
Bah, I knew it look familiar.. should've known that one.

Never really got Digimon, the TV series put me off I think
Aww.. it's not so bad. Kinda kiddish but fun... *shrugs*

Ever read The Divine Comedy?
Nope..should I?

Or The Art of War?
... saw the movie.

Do you know which film my name comes from?
Gone with the wind? =P

Shoot.. I know it! OMG.. I can't think of it! boo

Are you gonna be really annoying and answer something with a question forcing me to come back? [;)]
Too late.. =X

Later on
Heheh.. see you soon! =P

tyty_pretzel -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/22/2005 9:04:01)

No silly a mullet like a dog wears......duh.... MUZZLE

I have ND!

I've watched it like 80000000000000 times.
I used to watch it every Monday morning.. ^^

Funny movie, really.

Ok do you think battleon should introduce Trogdor from Homestar Runner?
Nope.. I think Trog is copyrighted. So we could get sued by using him.

You know the, half-dragon half-human?
I know him well.

He would be a good oppponent, dont you think?
Burnination would be a fierce attack

He could burninate us all...

We'd have to save town again...
We always do....

I'll be back
I'll be here.

Mal Ganis -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/22/2005 11:51:07)

I maybe _would_ have forgiven ye, for I am the snuggle-pants. Yet, ye make fun of the snuggle-pants' mistake in grammar? For shame. The snuggle-pants does offer forgiveness, however, for he is almighty in ways ye cannot comprehend. Now, I shall ask ye oncemore:

Should tasers BE used on children?

Am I an adult to you? If so, that would make you a child to me... muhaha. Then yes, they should be used. ~_^

But in most cases no... maybe in Canada it's cool to shock kids to tame them however here in the US we've already screwed up the ideals of "family" so much that no taser will ever help teach a child anything... infact he'd beat you down and use it to rob Toy's R Us.

Jebas0 -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/22/2005 12:14:42)

hello its me the man behind the mask. ''starts taking mask off and stops half way''
Masked man! Welcome back!

im going to ask you a series of more questions and your gonna love it.
Yes sir!

1. How long did it take you to become a mod?
*shrugs* 6 months.. nah, longer than that.

2. if you controlled the minds of everyone what would you make 'em do?
Not let them realize that I have the power to control them

3. Is this a question?
Yes, is this?

4. if you were prime minister of britan what would you do?
Stay away from George W. Bush... just for my own health.

5. if you could make me stop saying questions how would you do it?

6. do you like macaroni?

7. do you like mazarella cheese? (to lazy to spell it right)
Again, YES!

8. do you like kiwi's?
I eat the whole thing... even skin.

9. how long were you lying about your secret marrage?
I was lying for seconds...

10. are you going to tell me the truth now?

11. did i give more questions to arklen?
Not sure.. he has nice hair.

12. want some more questions?
Yes please!

Well heres some more
Down here? Okay

13. do you have windows xp?
*sigh* Yes at home I run XP..

14. if you jump to the moon in a fraction of a millionth of second would you?
Would my flesh remain in tact?

15. what is the sequence for the pathagerium therum?
a2 + b2 = c2 (can't do the raised 2's)


16. can you hop on one foot rub your tummy and pat your head at the same time? (i tried and i fell and brokeded my arm)
Absolutly not.

17. if you were giving 10000000$ to jump through a steel rienforced fence would you?

18. if you won the lottery what would you do with the money?
Pay off any debts my mom and sister have collected, aswell as mine. Invest, save and of course buy another ticket.

19. if i stop asking these questions would you give me some?

20. what came first the jack or the beanstalk?

21. what came first the chicken or the umpalumpa?

thats all for now. '' puts mask on the right way and throws a smoke bomb on the floor and disapears'' and you hear a wisper ill be back.........

Strong Bad -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/22/2005 13:02:49)

Heh, I knew about that site for years already :P. I figured it out though. I had to talk to a couple o' people first. Now, for teh uber question(s)!
I'm feeling blue today.. okay BRING IT! =D

What question must you always answer yes to?
Are you alive?


Got a favorite digimon? If Impmon strikes as cool to ya, I got a 80 X 80 pic of him you could use as your avatar!
ooooo.. do share!

So... You like I like myself(Strongbad). Do you like me? I like checking my e-mail.
Yes, you are fantastic!

Digimon World 4 is for the Gamecube, PS2, and Xbox. Which ones do you have, I got em all. Xbox is teh uber for DW4 :P.
I only lack the PS2 *is waiting for PS3* .. I will rent it or get it used!

Dat would be all.
*digivolves into Veemon* Oh crap, now I'm smaller! *runs away on tiny feet*
Hehehe.. see ya!

tyty_pretzel -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/22/2005 13:11:31)


Ever heard of Ohio?
No. hee hee

Ever heard of Geneva on the Lake Ohio?

I live there! Well in Geneva that is

TankHunter -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/22/2005 15:09:06)


My well of Halo questions is starting to get low but I'm not going to torture you with Halo questions this time.
Drat.. okay I'm down for a few more!

Anything new coing soon in AQ?
Well... sure but there are secrets I cannot share and spoliers I cannot spoil... hehe

Well maybe one Halo question... How many Spartans were there originaly? Changed my mind I will do more.
Dah, 5. ?

How many ships at Sigma Octanus IV did COMMANDER Keys kill?
2... okay you have to start sharing the real answers with me.
3 two frigates and a destroyer ALONE that was quite a acomplishment

What is Master Chief's REAL name and what is his spartan number?
Rod and it's 8675309
John and his # was 117

What city on Sigma Octanus IV did Master Chief blow up wth a nuke?
Chote De Azur

What were the two Marine bases that got wiped out on Sigma Octanus IV called?
"Ur" and "Anus"
Firebase Bravo and HQ

What orbited around the REACH Millitay Instellation?
A sweatshirt to cover those long arms.
Super MAC's those guns could put a 300 megaton ball of titanium through a Covenant capital ship in one shot

What was the weakness of the Covenant ships?
Rocket Launcher
after a pinpoint slipspace jump the Coenant ships are "dead" in space

Who could Pilot the Pillar of Autuem like it was nothing mre than a Yout? (You know those ships rich people use just cant spell there name)
Yacht! muhaha...

Zap Branigan... "She drives like a steakhouse yet handles like a bistro!"


What ship could destroy 5 ships in one shot?
Uhhhh... Battleship!
Covenant Flagship

What was the location of the Spartans first real mission?
an asteriod their mission was to capture a reble leader

On a training mission Master Chief as well as all of the other Spartans in training were dropped into a mountain range what was thier objective?
To find a pot o' gold!
to get to a dropship and get the hell out of there

After the traning mission what was the Master Chief pomoted to from "trainee"?
Squad Leader

Thats all for now but I will return!
*whew* with answers I hope!


One more thing if you would give me any title what would it be and why?
"I like Halo" - selfexplanitory.
I was thinking along the lines of Halo Fanatic

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