RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (Full Version)

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jkoh2 -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/20/2005 0:02:54)

OMG its teh 1337 p30pl3's m0d!!!

do you know my former account have been banned?
It was? Ooooo.. bad boy! >=]

what do you feel when you first became a mod
Uh, I was very excited. I was a little worried at first, just because it's a large task becoming a moderator. A lot of responsibility and work.. it's almost overwhelming at first.

is the gentelmen's club still around? (sorry for spelling)
Haha, yes we are still around and very active. Thanks for asking!

what do you think about reens?
What do I think about her? Well she's fantastic! She's like a big sister to me.. she watched out for me a lot while I was getting hacked and really supported me through that tough time. I have all the respect in the world for her.

do you think reens is a female? (due to her name)
Reens is very much a female. ^^

thats it for now![:D]
"for now" ... so are you coming back? I hope so! =]

Dadric Daeglos -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/20/2005 3:43:50)


Where have you been? Its not right without you and Dadric keeping a watch over OOC. :(

Dude...we're missed...*feels special*
*feels specialer*

Thus far I've been mentioned in two of your many do you think I'll rack up?
Hmm.. hopefully a few more. Do you want a figure?

Why is Professor Oak such a stud?
His hair and his brains.. chicks are all over him! I'm so jealous of his lady skills.

Are you a Pokemon master?
I try to be.. Except I can't hack Pokemon, so I go with something a little easier - Digimon

Do you speak Dadrician?
Dadrician is too close to 'politician' =P

What's your favorite Dire Straits song? (Mine's Skateaway)
"Walk of Life"

Which Back to the Future is the best?
ooooo.. Tough one. I personally love ALL of them.. but can you beat the first? I don't think so. However II is really awesome.

Pick and choose, sit and lose, all you different crews. Chicks and dudes who you think is really kickin' tunes.
Dadric Freestyle? Me likes!

demonhunter -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/20/2005 3:49:19)

OK, first off... Wow, I didn't know dadric was a pokemon fan! *me is one too :)*
Actually Dadric and I are big fans of Pokemon, aswell as Digimon.

Ok, back to questions...
I'm ready when you are...

Do you listen to Suzi Quatro's music much? If so, what, in your eyes, is her best song?
Actually I haven't listened to much of Suzi's music. Sorry mate, the name was familiar and I recalled she was a musician. (having a musician for a father you learn too many musicians/bands)

Well what are some of her good songs? At least which do you think are great?

Like my sig?
Yes it's very interesting.

Bah. My brain's not working properly today. I guess this is all for now. Seeya!
I'm having a similar day... seeya! Come back again.

h4rold -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/20/2005 4:44:10)

o...m....g I've been waiting for this one o_o
O_O I've been waiting for this one aswell...

let's see, time to put on my thinking cap o_o
Take your time...

have you seen the movie "crash"?
That was fast...

Nope.. not yet but someone just mentioned something to me about it the other day and it seemed very interesting... should I go see it?

did you go to Columbia High?
No, I did not.

does it come with balloons?
Yes.. bent into little animal shapes.

I made you a shirt, will you try it on now? o_o
O_O YES! XL please... *pats belly*

What is Tickle?
The action or the word?

I can tap dance. You wanna see me tap dance?
Right now? Sure let me just try on that shirt... GO GO GO!

Orange juice or Apple juice?
Orange (and I do live in the center of Apple universe, yet I reject it.. because I love pulp!)

could you beat me in a one legged butt kicking contest?
Hmmm.. U g0tz teh sKiLlz.. I dun H4x! U R wIn.

do you like pez?

ok i'm done ._.
What? Harold.. that was just a warmup right?

Supernova -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/20/2005 4:56:30)

hey Noah,
Yo, Supernova!

First I'd like to know your approach to AQ.
Right on..

Are you anti/pro/neutral to farming?
Farming? Well I live in a farming community so I have to say I'm pro farming. Out great nation was based on farming.. where would we be without Farmers?

You think anything is AQ is getting repetitive?
It's all about how you approach the game... Battleon takes a bit of talent and little bit of imagination. If you get into the Lore and the story line, the game actually becomes so much more. If you play the game casually (hour here .. hour there) then the game is nothing but fun. But if you sit and play for 8 straight hours, of course it's going to get old. That's why I rotate games and game times... I only play AQ now on my lunch break, it helps the game stay fresh.

Is there anything in AQ you find challenging?
Obtaining the golden set is very challengeing ... Infact I have yet do earn the whole set. Once I learned HOW to play the game, it became much more fun and enjoyable. The challenge then lies in what your goals are... when I first started out it was to make it to "the legends" which I'm not even close... then it was get the Golden Set, which I got the shield... see, setting goals - shooting for them and obtaining/completeing something gives you some sense of completion.

Back to the 'regular' questions

How old are you?

What's your job or dream job?
Currently I work at a "Boys and Girls Club"... it's a international afterschool organization.

Dream job? Hmmm.. Teaching? Working/writting for Game Informer... Being a musician/part time artist.

What is one thing you look forward to?
Tomorrow.. another breath of life.

What is one thing that always irritates you?
Hmm... people that act like the know everything. (Basically anything I find really annoying is something that I find annoying about myself.)

Now for the silly questions
Boo ya

When a door-to-door salesman knocks on your door- do you a) ignore, b) answer and buy, c) answer and reject, d) release the hounds ?
A or C... though I have a small dog with a large bark and sometimes I like to see if they get scared.

Do you think they should reintroduce whipping/beating to keep the jails less crowded?
How would whipping/beating keep jails less crowded? That makes no sense... I think any for of physical punishment like that is sick and cruel. I think that the goverment should take away more of their luxuries before turning to physical abuse. A criminal goes in on a petty charge, does his time.. enjoys GREAT food, cable TV, etc... Second he gets out he wants back in, especially if there's nothing in the "freeworld" for him.

You talk to some girl at a club and she says "I don't have any money with me, can you buy me a drink?"- do you a) reject her (cus she's lying and cheap) b) be submissive and pay c) say you don't have any money either d) believe that she may be telling the truth and be generous
A... Why? I don't go to clubs and I don't like chicks that like clubs. ~_^

Would you eat a cochroach for $50? $100? $1000?
Sick, no... nevah.

If you were a cop and was offered a $1 million bribe to let a major software pirate walk free, would you accept or decline?
(10 years for u if u get caught)
Decline.. I'm an officer of the law.. my job is to uphold the Law not use it for my own personal gain. But I may give it a 3 seconds thought. =]

Choose a food to eat for the rest of your life (only 1 type, water is provided)?
One dish? One type of food? Gees... one type would be something Asian. One dish, jeebus... Uh, Jello.

If you were confronted by ten (ones that don't value their life) gangsters (each with throwing knives), what would you (you have a 6 bullet revolver) do?
Hmm.. this must be a "do anything to survive" situation. I'm willing to bet that not one of those idiots has any clue how to actually throw a knife.. so I have a good chance of getting hit with either of handle or having them miss. I'd start shooting, hopefully to scatter them... and I can make a clean get away.

That or I can be really smooth and shoot the gas tank on their buick and take out 5 of them.. then I have 5 more shots... 5 gangsters, you do the math. I'm a good shot! ~_^

Thanks for answering my questions, and hopefully most of my silly questions.
Thank you for asking.. I'd love to answer more if you can think of any. ^^

ltrooroo -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/20/2005 5:09:36)

Hello! ^_^ Haha, would you mind editing your answers to each of my questions in a different color each time? Haha, yay.

Sure! ^^

You have a lot of questions to answer, huh?
Yeah but I love Q&A.. if I could I'd sit here all day and answer these questions.

[sm=evilking.gif],[sm=puppy_dog_eyes.gif],[sm=evillaugh3.gif], or ^_^? I like ^_^. ^_^
For me, I'm a: ^_^ guy.

Are you hungry? I'm always hungry.
Not really.. kinda, I have a sweet tooth. So a cookie sounds good.

Are you tired? I'm never tired.
Usually I'm not tired but I am SPENT! I went swimming today.. I'm just exhausted.

Are you annoyed? I like people being annoyed.
Nope but I like to annoy people! >=]

Is your name actually Noah? I know this guy and his name is Noah.
Yes my name is actually Noah.

Were supernova's Silly Questions really that silly?
Hmm on a silly scale.. I'd give them a 7/10.. pretty silly. I've seen/had better but his were pretty good.

@|23 j00 teh 1337 M@$t0|2 ? If 'j00 @|23 teh 1337 M@$t0|2' then you would be able to read that.

What does '@|23 j00 teh 1337 M@$t0|2' mean in...well, English?

Are you the leet master (mastor)? ... easy! =P

Hahahahahaha I am a Schizophrenic Insomniac!!! Hahahahahaha *Casts you in Frozen Carbonite*

The OOC Forum makes me do that a lot...
makes j00 do wha?

*Scampers off like a rabid squirrel*
o_O ...bye?

*Scampers back* Wait! Would you please post a funny picture of something, like on Page 1? Pweeeease...
I posted a funny pic?



Thank you for your time. Want a peanut? *Gives you a peanut and runs up tree*

=D Thank you for your questions! Yes I'd love one.. Danke! Bye Bye!

Creasy -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/20/2005 8:02:38)

Up to nearly 4 pages...keep it going Noah_B [:D]
Weeee! Almost 50% there....

Ok so you wanted my sword collection.......I have *takes big breath* 1 broadsword, 2 longswrods, 1 shortsword, 1 katana, 1 Chinese broadsword (like a heavy scimitar), 3 long knives and about 6 associated little knives *breathes again* [:D]
O_O Do you keep them all sharp? =]

And Est Sularus oth Mithas means "My honour is my life" its the code for an order of Knights in those books (Im getting it tattooed on my back soon...Yay!)
Wow.. that should be a VERY cool tat.. I'm sorta jealous! I met a dude with "Carpe Diem" (Sieze the Day) Tatted across his forearm... very cool.

OK so more questions.

Do you know how to play proper football? (what the US calls soccer)
I actually played "soccer" for 12+ years... Jr. Olympic Qualifier, until I failed my physical. Something about this horrid disease in my left knee. Yeah basically I couldn't play soccer after that. <_<

Are you A Lord of the Rings fan?

If so who is the hero of the stories? (9/10 people get this wrong)
Uhh... you know how long it's been since I read those books? "Hero of the stories" .. well I have no clue, fill me in.

Who is the baddest dragon of all time (not necessarily in AQ)?
Puff the Magic Dragon! >=]

Yay! you picked wolves *does a litlle jig* thats gonna be my other tattoo[:D]
What is..."Does a little jig" or a wolf? =P

Ummm descending into true randomness now so I'll leave you alone again for a bit, might be back later though :D
Aww... Please come back soon!

EDit: Oh yeah I forgot...good call on the snuggling thing.....ask Killer about his Generic Snuggle
Maybe I don't want to know... <_<

jimbo_99987 -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/20/2005 8:42:14)

Zup! Hows it!
Word! Pretty good.. yourself?

I got one really big question for you...
Aight... what is it?

Do you like Eminem?
That's your big question? Hmmm...Pure talent wise I can respect him. I enjoyed his first album: "Marshall Mathers LP" but after that, once he got pretty offensive, he just really started to turn me off.

Know for the minion questions...
ooo good!

Have you ever seen the evil strawberry?
Nope.. but I ate one once.

Can you burn into my arm *Noah_B waz here*? *Killer and Arklen did*
Well if they did it.. sure!

*warms up the brand*

Do you like my title?
Yes, because I am a fellow poor speller.

Isn't Summer great?
Yes and no.. for those of us, like me, that work all year.. it's nothing but just another season. And it makes it harder to be inside all day.

Have you seen 8 Legged freaks, because if you have, did you notice one guy looked like Jason in the mall fight... So really Jason finally actually died, or that is where it all began... Who knows...
I have, and yes he did die... but who really knows. People have told me that I look like the lead actor in that movie, David whatever.

Biaza! *bows off*
*bows* thanks for your Questions! Do come back! ^^

Crystal Lion -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/20/2005 9:57:56)

Hello again,Mr Noah.
Well hello again, Crystal! Good to see you back again! ^^

How did it feel when you had to take two of every beastie onto your ark?Was it nice?

How did it "feel" ? ..... well.... Ughhh... it.... was.... painless.

So I guess it was nice, yes. <_<

Sethran -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/20/2005 10:14:42)

Hiyas, I'm back muahahahahhahahahaha*cough cough*
Muahahhaha! Welcome Back!

Do you like the blade of awe?
Yes! Though the Monster Smasher was a pretty cool earth weapon.

Do you still like my chr.?
Yes! Shard is a cool name... the black/red with the blue cape... Hmm, just from a color standpoint - it sorta clashes. But whatever floats your boat!

Have you noticed that on my computer the letter a sometimes doesn't work?
No... but now that you mention it, yes. Though sometimes my keyboard makes me use poor grammar.

Do you think I should try making a rediculously long post?

Do speakers speak when their toes are duct taped and rubber duckies will rule the world of Naguliamostremosnegalhiiiiiiiiiiiiuuuvvvvvvvskironhollaannndddddfffffffffffffffffffffssssssskoooooooooorrrrrrkinipooo?
Hmmm.. only if they can still fly by doughnuts and pickle peppers.

Is quark dangerous when put into electrified corn with 6 neutron atoms nd 5 pounds of broccoli?
No but butter mixed with Gatorade is very dangerous.

Does this:[:-][X(]make erfect sense to you if I'd tell you the story of the Niklhamburgundersecunduswhatevrinomklijhv?
Um only if you can still eat meat.

220892 is a number
Threeive is a number aswell

What do you think my age is?

Do you know me now?

Do you still know me?
Know who?

Is jello toxic when ate with elment x?
Anything is

Wht is jello?
It's the one thing that I'd everyday for the rest of my life.. (water is provided aswell)

Are yougood on AQ?
As good as I can be.. lvl 80, that's not shabby.

Any suggestions for my chracters name?
Nope, me likes

Where do you live and how old re you?
Washington St - USA and 22

Are you infected with the t-bone virus?
T-bone the rapper? No.

Are moglins pure evil when angered?
Same with Gremlins.

Why was there no specil thing for fthers day?
There was.. you just have to be a father to get something special

Do you think I can be nice?
I see potential

Are swords cool?

Do you also hate high-school?
Parts and certain aspects.. yes.

Do you think I mde a long list?
Getting there

Shuld I stop now?


Oooooooooooooooohh, bye, nice asking them questions.*races away in a ferarri waving his hand*
=P ... come back again Mr. Fancy Car

tyty_pretzel -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/20/2005 14:20:06)

*runs off with noahs pants* TAKE THE PICS!!!! *everybody takes pictures*
Hey.. what now! Oh gnoes!

How do you fell now?
I feel... free! *dances*

If I put a bowl of Mac&cheese in front of you while you had a mullet on,what would you do to escape?
A mullet? Like the haircut?


... if so, I wouldn't want to escape that heaven. Mac and Cheese + Mullet = Heaven!

Do you like Napoleon Dynamite?
Do I? Gosh... heck yes I like him, maybe even love.

H3 is 73h aw350m357 huh?

Thought I would say that.
You said it well!

Wont take anything cause your now poor
I am? ='[

Maybe his comp. is good?

Wolf Boi -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/20/2005 14:26:01)

hello again *wiggles tail in front of you* and I shall try to see you on IRC *snuggles*
*giggles* and I didn't mean right away just to see if you would eventuall :3 i don't want to move too fast ^_~

also yay in a litle over a moth I'll also be 22.
Really? Jawesome!

And he won it for the movies he made, a Spacey (you know the new Canadian one)
No I don't know that one... =S

Are you looking foward to the game Arc the Lad: End of Darkness?
Maybe, I've yet to see reviews on it yet...

*pulls out some mints* now kiss? [;)]
Too fast.. too fast! =P

What is your fave Chrono Trigger chracter?
Hmm.. Robo or Frog. I do kinda like Magus but who doesn't like him?

What is your fave Chrono Trigger ending?
Gees... so many to choose from. I was never able to save Magus's sister so I recall trying over and over. I think the one ending I remember most was everyone was happy la-la.. frog was sorta pissed because he never got back at Magus.. then Magus flies off in search of his sister.

Do you prefere gum or mints?
Hmm.. I like both.

Have you ever watched the zone before?
Can't say that I have.

I shall post the pic of my room soon, but did you know I'm trying to make sure its cleaner for this pic :3
I actually looked at them already! =D

Have you sceen any pic of me yet?

Can I please have another snuggle?
Hmmm.. maybe...

hehe do you like collers and leashes?
Hmm.. I like the one I have for my dog.

Have you ever played a virtual boy before?
Yes.. I actually liked it a lot.

Do you like yougert and what type of flavor?

hehe do you like yaoi?
What's that?

How fun is it to pull my fluffy tail?
Hmm.. *pulls*.. sorta...

Thats all for now I shall have the pics in the next post :3
also do you have any of yourself? *snuggles and lets you pull my tail*
Wee.. to the next post! And yeah I've posted mine on these forums before.. muhaha.

TankHunter -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/20/2005 15:10:34)

I have returned! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA![sm=evilking.gif][sm=evilking.gif][sm=evilking.gif]
I cannot contain the joy... Smiley spam.. naughty Tank!

Time for more Halo questions! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH![sm=evilking.gif][sm=evilking.gif][sm=evilking.gif]
*cires* Okay... =\

What Age of Reclamation is it for the Covenant?
It's sweet sixteen..
The 9th Age of reclamation

What is the central activation platform for the Halo rings?
It's called Jonny 5.
The ark

How many banshee's were in the V formation in the begining of the Halo Start Campaine Movie?
Dang.. I could watch it... but I'd guess 7
4 but 1 was late

What is the best weapon for fighting the Flood?
Shotgun.... well Rocket Launcher isn't bad either. Anything with bullets, since you don't need plasma to wear down shields.
Saber sword and shotgun

What was the mining station where you saw that the Flood had survived the destruction of Halo used for?
For mining..
No it was used to test new ways to fight the flood

What Mark (1-25) (according to the Monitor of Instelation 04) level is the Master Chief's Mjolnir Armor?

What does Master Chief destroy with a bomb at the end of the Ciro Station level?
Everything but himself
A Covenant Carrier

What was the Prophet of Regret's plan?
To be professional baseball player... but then that whole prophet thing kinda came together for him.
To Activate Halo (Bring the apacolyps)

Whats the nickname for the plasma grenade?
Sticky Icky
Sticky Gernade

You shall have peace... for now.


Sorry about the smilie pam felt very evil when making this one.

Wolf Boi -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/20/2005 15:15:47)

Hello again *snugglescuddles and glomps*
Hello! ^^

Want to tug my tail again?
Actually I'm eating tacos.. I am at a loss for free hands

Any other types of pics you want to see like my sword, ect? (it's a katana)
Oooo.. Katanas are pro

What is your fave digimon series? digimon adventure, 02, tamers or Frontier?
Digi 02.. after that things kinda got a little blurry.

Who is your fave digimon?
Angemon (Champion)


Seraphimon (Goddramon)

your fave digimon tamer?
Willis or Ken

Becuse you are a digimon fan do you know who the artist Karabiner is?
Yes I've seen some of his/her collection..

here are the pics of my room *drags you there and puts a do not desturb sign on the outside of the door* [:D]


Hope you like the room, and I shall ask more questions, show other pic and other stuff latter *pulls out the chocolate sause* XD
Whoa! xD

Looks awesome, I love the PC/Comfy chair setup.. a nice chair is something I'm seriously lacking.

TankHunter -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/20/2005 15:18:59)

*calls animal control* *animal control officers show up and tie up wolf boi and sends him off to the mental institute*

*snickers* Now, now .. play nice!

david owen -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/20/2005 17:36:06)

Ok thanks again for answering my last questions just to tell you i have been in a love triangle and i guess it was by acadent but maybe i should pm you about it
Oh yeah, no problem... I love to help.

should i pm you about it?
If you'd like to, I'm willing to help out.

Your a really nice person you know that dont you?
Ahh, thanks!


i can't believe a 22 year old plays this game too(and what the?? you got to be a adventure quest team?? >.> don't you think that when you become legend that there should be something more? i do i can't bear this game having an ending can you?
Hehe.. yeah infact there are a lot of people my age and older that play this game. ^^

Yeah I'm on the Adventure Quest Team because I'm on staff.. ^^

AQ will never have an end... just those that played A LOT to earn their way onto the Legends, well the accomplished that aspect. More and more is being developed for those players that are higher level.. as well as for those players that play casually.

i bet you hate comming to this thread don't you?
NOT AT ALL! It's actually made me realize how much I miss actually posting on the forums and getting to know other players. I've really forgot how much I loved this game for it's community/players.

what is the story of you beccomming an adventurequest team?
Well back in the "old days" Adventure Quest had some really jankey (poor) forums, which I used to roam and help out in the game Q&A section. Once these forums opened up I jumped at the chance to come over and start helping... I just love helping people! So I used to post like a mad man in the Q&A section, I earned one of the very first "Helpful" titles and spent hours just answering questions... Eventually someone noticed that I was helping out, eventually SMB made a post about applying to be a moderator, I seized that oppertunity. Fortunatly for me, enough of the staff thought I was moderator material and I got asked to come on board! Yay.

i don't think it's fair!!!
Well no one said life was fair... Would you like a cookie?

and finally *snuggles*

(by the way you made me laugh with the moses bit[:D] i was crying with laughter)
Really? o_O Yay, I am funny! Or... maybe it was Moses. >=]

~Lion Eagle~ -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/20/2005 18:01:35)

I are return. How worst are I grammar?
You came back! Yay! ... honestly your grammar > mine. I have the worst grammar. =S

You might get 10 pages fast with all the poetry I have for you to's one
Poetry? I love poetry!

Dreaming of Death by ~Lion Eagle~
She walked the path the lonely walk
She watched her dreams all fail
She went alone, never wanting to talk
It's just the start of her tale

Every night she returns to her lair
Tears streaming from her eyes
Her life is a true nightmare
But noone listen to her cries

Every day she repeats her prayers
She wanders her dream world day after day
But nobody's there, and nobody cares
Yes, she is fading away

It's a very bold decision
In a dull,dark world so drab
She takes aim with precision
And quickly makes the stab

She's dreaming that she sings
Soaring through the sky
How'd she get her beautiful wings?
She only had to die...

So thus ends her miserable life
Death and body not seen
They only found the bloody knife
The day she turned thirteen
Wow... Morbid/dark but with a very powerful twist. Do you have more?

It amuses me when I see you calling me a guy, I'm actually a girl [:D]
You are? Oh my, I'm very sorry... forgive me? I didn't know any better! =\

Hmm...Cake or Pie?
Ice cream cake > anything else. (but I like pie too! =S)

Cookies or Biscuits?
Another tough one, since I like both.. but cookies just rule all.

Fruit-flavor candy or "sweet" candy? (like caramel, chocolate, ect...)
Hmm.. both! xD ... Actually I like fruity flavored candies, a lot.

What's your Runescape name?
Shoot.. I forgot! xD Let me get back to you on that one.

Do you wonder what it's like living in a permanent imagination?
Uh, I think I might have one... *wonders*

It amazes me how much I've changed since I was 9, a few years ago I was compliant and listened to oldies, but now I hate oldies. When I'm in a bad mood (almost always) I play AQ or Runescape and kill stuff while pounding metal rock at full volume through my head. Am I a wacko?
Not at all.. Music is the one thing that can define a mood. Just by turning on a certain song or album you can completely change your mood or attitude. People change, tastes change, styles change... things change. That's part of growing up.

What's digimon?
It's sorta like Pokemon but WAY cooler! =P

What kind of computer setup do you use? I have a laptop that overheats when you listen to music with an external monitor, an optical mouse, a keyboard, and a little laptop cooler.
Here at home I have a custom built machine... 19' LCD, optical mouse, craptastic keyboard (its brand new but I think it's cursed) .. At work, I run a laptop.

I know how to crash a laptop. Do you?
Yes, I also know how to break one.

Whats glomp?
Glomp is like.. um, eating something in one bite. You just GLOMP it up! ^^

Do you wear glasses? Mine are super thick...
No, I do not.

I gotta go, my brother wants to play Geneforge 3. (sheesh why doesn't he get it on the other computer instead of having to kick me off?)
He likes Laptops? I dunno! =S Thanks for more questions and the poetry !

vampireofdarkness -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/20/2005 22:12:33)

What is the meaning of life?[:-]


"What is the meaning of life?" is probably the most-asked philosophical question by humanity at large, though we will probably never find the answer, for whatever reason. Common answers include: happiness or flourishing; love; compassion; pleasure; reproduction; power; 42; knowledge, understanding, or wisdom; and being blessed, or achieving union with God or the divine; or simply that there is no meaning to life. Philosophers, religious authorities, artists, scientists, and countless ordinary people have thought deeply about the question. In fact, the very concept has become such a cliché that it has often been parodied.

If you'd like to know more.. you can use this link:

Yes, for this question I just went to my good buddy - Wiki.

Good luck with finding your answer, I for one believe that the meaning of (your) life can only be answered by you. What's the meaning of your life?

Shagronicus -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/20/2005 22:27:44)

Just for my own fun
this post shall be done in haiku
so prepare to cringe

Dearest Noah_B
do you like apples or pears
in the morning light?
Pears, my love.

How long do you think
I can continue writing in
haiku form this eve?
As long as it takes...

Apples v oranges
both are weilding shotguns so
who would win this fight?
Apple sauce or Pulp... Pulp.

Alright, that's enough of that. food or no?
Depends.. there's a lot of those non-"chain" fast food places, that I don't consider "fast food" that I actully enjoy. So depends, maybe.

Have you played Flyff yet? It's made by the same group that made R.O.S.E Online. Pretty fun. Lots of jumping/flying.
<_< Yes, someone suckered me into downloading that pile of stinky crap.

It's not made by the same group, Shag come now. It is another Korean "level grinder" and looks identical (website wise) to every other free Korean MMORPG but Roseon was made by Trigger/Gravity and FlyFF was made by AeonSoft. Rose > FlyFF's crappiness.

The problem is FlyFF is trying too hard. Rose was the best thing that ever came out of Trigger/Gravity but it was just a cover while they worked on RO2. Since Gravity is/are being sued for lack of player pool/income for RO. Trigger buys Gravity out, RO2 and saving Gravity becomes a higher priority.

Rose needs good coding BADLY.. however it's a backburner project now.

That's why I play MapleStory. =P

I go now. Figure this will be a mighty speedbump on the road to sanity!
I hope we cross paths again, thanks for your time.

Stay with us, Noah! We like you here in Crazy-Town. ^_^
I love this place, best place on the intra-net! ^_^

Editing d00d:
2 kudos, one for editing. two, for using "d00d"

You seem nifty. Which avvy do you prefer:

My current one:

Excite Bike

Scary Mary

zomg it's staring at j00!

Make sure you watch the last one for a few. It's neat...
Okay, let me edit this.. then I will be back once I get a good look at them.

Back, okay.. personall GAR pwned all but since it's time for a change.

I like the current one, it's awesome.

Excite bike owns, well just because it's one of my all time fav. games.. evah.

The others are so-so.. the eyeball I don't like so much. It's been done before.

Ranked, in order from uber to nada: (GAR)Current, Excite/Mary, Eyeballer

kaminarukuzu -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| => ANSWERING! (6/20/2005 22:53:11)


Have you read one of my guides/spoiler list?
Nope.. but I can!
Go do it!

I like trains...
So do I! What do you like best?
They kill people =D

Rainbow Ball of hate or Dusty Pile O' Dust?
Raging Ball of Furry.... personally.

Why can't I have a thread like this?
Who says you can't? Well you can have a cool pinned one like this if you ever become a mod or an AK.
Wolf says I can't ='(

VP -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| => ANSWERING! (6/21/2005 0:23:46)

Ooh, Look! It's Entertainment Staff ID #16, Noah! <innocent> Hello. How are you doing? </innocent> >:D
Muhaha.. watch it buddy!

This is my plan for your week -

ROUND 1- Warm up questions

ROUND 2- Hypothetically....
Speaking, I hope.

ROUND 3- Ebil & Evil Questions
typos.. gotta love them

ROUND 4- To End It All
The "B's and E's" ?

What do you have to say about it? :b
I'm in like Flint!

Will you give me your house if I gave you a Noah_B Miniature plushie? :-D
My house is not mine to give away.. but I could give you an autograph or this half drank can of Pepsi Lime.

All your pie belongs to us.
All your base belongs to us.
Boo.. my pie!


Do you like sweets?
Only if they are sch'weet

HALT! You have been accused of smuggling miniature Dadric figures into the forums! :-D
=O Dang it! Busted... I even got across the border with them.

Pie > Pae OR
Pae > Pie ?
Pae < Pie (in this case the '<' represents her mouth)

What's your favourite ice-cream filling (e.g. Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry etc.)
You can fill ice-cream? Or do you mean topping? I'm so confuggled... =S

Care to give me an autograph? :-D
Hahah.. so you want to trade for that plushie?

Sure I can give you one, uh.. Let me PM it to you later... anything you want it to say? "My dearest Vision" .. "My #2 Fanboi.."

Which movie star do you like best?
John Cusack head's not functioning. What will you do?
Point and laugh! Then *patpat*

Meeheehee, sorry if these questions are a little substandard :)
Will be back for Round 2 Later! XD
Yes! I look forward to it! ^^

Prinny -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/21/2005 1:11:50)


Understand my name?
Not at all... can you explain it to me?

Suprisingly few people do.
Well it's very unique

horror movies or comedy movies?
Horror movies that are so bad they make me laugh.. becoming a comedy. ^^

i like horror but i get nightmares after them.
Yeah sometimes, between you and me, movies like "Childs Play" freak me out...

Do you have one of those insane families like on tv?
No.. I'm so thankful for that too. I mean everyone in my family is insane, just not reality TV insane.

I do. I have a cousin that gets night terrors. Once he whipped baseballs at his wall during one of them at midnight.
Oh my.. did you catch that on tape? Things like that could win you money! =D

ever hear of homestarrunner?
Ever? Haha, I'm old school homestar fan... I started watching the SB emails when there was like 5 of them.

do you like ff7?
Yes loved it. Great game.. too bad it was SO good it really dwarfed everything after it.

If so do you know about the ff7 movie coming out at the end of summer?
Do I? Yes... of course! 82 days? I think..

Umm... i cant think of anything else so bye.
Aww, well thanks for your time! If you think of anything else do come back! ^^

h4rold -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/21/2005 2:25:36)

I R BACK ph33r o_o;
WeeBee j00!1

when are we going to see "crash"? because you need to see it like yesterday, I got a pocket full of quarters, lets make it happen [sm=evilking.gif]!
I'm ready.. pick me up at 7.

could your audioscrobbler list beat up my audioscrobbler list?
Pffft.. you've seen mine and added me. I did the same.. I think my pwns j00rs

be truthful, have you watched " you got served"?
Not yet but as soon as I click "OK" and this post is "edited" I will then watch...

you're jealous of my HeartBreaker (L50) arent you? *hides from your 1337 weapons*
I'm jealous of you and whatever you have that includes "heart breaker" in the title..

Do you like scary movies [sm=idea.gif]? if yes, is showgirls one of them?
That chick from Saved By The Bell.. seriously, scary in that film. Honestly, that movie is horrid.

your feeble deck is nothing, time to loose!


*shakes card at you*
j00 pwned me wid DaRk MaGiCian! ...but I hav C4rd dat can Sto_P uRs!


what song have you listened to recently accidently and liked?
Some song of Now 17.... I don't know it was at work, infact I may contact L.N.I ... and file a 'Work accident report'.

mine - backstreet boys // incomplete
Of course you'd like BSB... <_<

one of these days I'm going to hug you o_o;
Now? Or how about on our movie date? =O

done again!
Awww.. Come back! I dare j00!

*PS. I added you on LiveJournal... ~_^

spellfire77 -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/21/2005 3:19:43)

Pops in to *Snugglehugglewuggles Noah*


Figured you needed it ^_^

Awww, thanks my ex-AK! <3

Pops out


The Fade -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/21/2005 3:57:08)

Yarr! *snuggle*
RAWR! *truggle*

Why do we hate each other ?
No clue but I think you were the very first person I ever PMed on the forums.

Why the hell did you bring me back here after I left !?
Cause you luff this place so much? And let's be honest... WoW is not AQ/Gent Club!

Though I may be getting a WoW trial this summer.. you should show me the ropes! =P

Hehe.. Thanks for the title a while back by the way..
No problem, anything for a friend.. especially one like the Fade! ~_^

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