Angel of Grief -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (7/6/2009 20:48:24)
hmm... quote:
if members of the gallery were to great an art e-magazine, what would you like the articles to be about? at least one article per, hand drawn, and computer generated. maybe a "featured artist", who seems to excell in that topic each week. of course, a link to their gallery as well.... quote:
what would you like to learn? interesting....definately new, unique ways to capture things in photography, draw better, and new ways to use photo editing programs. quote:
is there something new you'd like showcased? like pictures embedded into the post? as i said above, the best new picture in those three media topics.... quote:
anything else? of couse :3 1) why hasn't this been done already? D:< 2) a "meet the artist" section, on a random member of the gallery. they submit a short bio about themselves and their work. 3) i really like this idea.. ~AoG