RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (Full Version)

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Severin -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (3/13/2009 18:15:29)

This is by far my favourite part of the forums because I <3 art. I also like to hang out in the DF GD section though and occasionally drop a post or two in the AQW section as well. The new entertainment section is probably the area I post in least, but hey, at least I post there sometimes right? ;)

Mo -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (3/14/2009 13:29:59)

I love this place. If not for the art, definitely for everyone here. Most of my friends on the forums are here, and the rest in L&L. The OOC just seems hostile now

TreadLight -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (3/18/2009 21:03:44)

So... What is the one most inspirational art-piece you have ever witnessed? You can only share/mention one piece of art and mention none other. No mentioning any others!

Yes, this is meant to be a challenge. :D

_Depression -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (3/18/2009 21:05:59)

Dance, by Mucha. Every aspect of it has inspired me, from its graceful, flowing figure and accents, to the soft colors...

The One To Rule -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (3/18/2009 21:13:37)

The requiem shoop da woop wallpaper.

In srs bzns:

Any piece of Jackson Pollock's splatterings. They're what I picture the inside of my mind to look like.

Desron_7 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (3/18/2009 22:30:00)

Dragonfable. ^^

Not sure if that would count, but it has to be the one thing that has inspired me most artistically.

Reni -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (3/19/2009 7:33:50)

Calvin and Hobbes. :)

Tomix -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (3/19/2009 8:19:18)

Every art piece from Doanminhman and Wen-M.
Yes, they are DeviantArt artists.
But if I must choose only one, the most inspirational for me would be Archangel Michael, Wen-M's piece.

Dabbleh -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (3/19/2009 8:53:51)

Umm, Tswans vector. *jealous*

TheShadowed1 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (3/19/2009 18:11:35)

razackie -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (3/19/2009 18:49:48)

The most Inspirational art-piece I have ever witnessed has to Be marvel comics spiderman. Really gives a lot of Ideas

Mo -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (3/19/2009 19:31:14)

I've got to was a digipaint from some dude who used GIMP. Can't find the link.

Lavitz -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (3/20/2009 16:59:12)

i would like to discuss the low level of art in new members.
i think being an aproved artist takes more than just a crappy sig or bad edit and poor CnC.
i think graph should be more strict with it.

Dabbleh -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (3/20/2009 17:04:15)


Personally I agree, But careful with the profanity AKs are about.
Yet, it still is art although not to a standard, It would be unfair not to let other beginners improve. I improved here. Although when I first started there was no AA, it was just Digital Arts and Signatures. DAaS [Old School].
Hmm, well we would need two forums then? Well, CA isn't really a big enough part of AE to be given another forum. Although we get no sense of achievement because we have risen above the 'Standard' line of art.


Mo -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (3/20/2009 17:54:30)

igna:You want nice art? Go to Planet renders or NSL or cgsociety. There will always be bad art here. Most of that coming from edits. Why? Cause most people who edit have bad sprites. They have don't have very good jokes. And they don't have the skill to be good.

Do we go them and say, flat out, you suck? No. Did someone say that to you? no. Think about it

cohonn -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (3/20/2009 18:24:25)

igna I agree with Mo, if you do not the the quality of someone's art then give them some CC to help them improve, I bet when you first started you were not the best artist either, and you wouldn't of liked it if someone was rude to you and said your art was "crappy". My point is that, yes there are some new comers to the gallery and yes some of there work is not all that great but it doesn't mean that they are less willing to improve or that they deserve less chance to show people what they can do. because ultimately people join the gallery to show what they can do. however i would recommend maybe separate sections for the different programs used to make the art.

.Shadow// -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (3/20/2009 18:29:59)

Almost everybody who is the Gallery started and improved here.
I know that I only used Paint when I started here, and I remember my bad sprite, text and black background signtures.
Without having a Gallery I wouldn't have improved at all.
And Igna, I remember when you started here you were "low level." So you should be thankful that they are lenient.

TheShadowed1 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (3/20/2009 19:11:35)

simple response to that
that was my first tag
and that is one of my latest
in between those two is about thee years of work
we don't all have amazing ability when we start out
and some people take longer than others
but are we really going to reject someone willing to learn?

Desron_7 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (3/20/2009 19:37:28)

Hey, when I joined the gallery I was terrible. How terrible? This was drawn June 07. But through this gallery alone, i learned so many new techniques and eventually got GIMP. I drew this in January 09. Big inprovement, no? Anyway, i consider AE's gallery to be a dumping ground for beginners who improve here and move on to greater things.

TheShadowed1 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (3/20/2009 19:41:10)

although a lot of us stay or comeback
there is no leaving here XD

Mo -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (3/20/2009 19:50:26)

People who leave comeback. That or they die while they have left and going to come back. This place is like a magnet for us

Dabbleh -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (3/20/2009 20:00:25)


although a lot of us stay or comeback
there is no leaving here XD

So true XD
I went away for like half a year and my Favorites in Firefox dragged me back XD

Grafh -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (3/20/2009 23:49:25)

AE will always be the starting point for new artists. Creative works be it from here or L&L are such a small part of the forums.

Now if this as an 100% art forum, I would have much larger limits to what gets in and what goes where.

Be happy you have a place to go to where you can learn and go. A lot of other sites out there have either high standers or are so basic that you have no help or no motivation to grow.

_Depression -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (3/21/2009 0:07:22) Look at that amazing sig. That was the second one I ever made, and I did so right here, three years ago. This was from a couple days ago. In terms of skill, I think I've improved.

I agree that there are artists here with little ability, or skill, or talent. But if we shun them, or discourage them, I think that would look fairly elitist. Instead, why don't you try helping the newcomers?

illusion99 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (3/21/2009 0:47:16)

Dep's right.
we should help out the newcomers not discourage them

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