RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (Full Version)

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Tormenter -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (4/11/2010 14:19:15)

I'td be really unfair IMO for galleries to go against each other

TheShadowed1 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (4/13/2010 17:23:59)

I might actually set up a team tournament after the two that are up are finished
and in that, fellow gallery members could form a team
it'd just require I work out some stiff specifics and get the proper participation

Vice -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (4/13/2010 18:44:03)

I think it's a good idea, but then again skill level issues would just mess it all up. Some galleries only do edits and such, if they apply against a gallery with experienced artists then it's just unfair.

illusion99 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (5/10/2010 4:34:18)

okay i have a question....
what happened? this area looks like it's dead especially the multimedia area?
can you guys fill me in the details?

_Depression -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (5/10/2010 17:14:38)

This time of year is normally pretty dead. College kids are starting their finals, and high schoolers have projects, papers, and tests to worry about too.

And then, it's warmer now (in the Northern Hemisphere at least), so people want to go outside and play. Baseball and basketball, football (American and otherwise), field/roller hockey, lacrosse, tennis, badminton, rugby, you name it. It's summer time (again, in the Northern Hemisphere) and everyone wants to enjoy the feeling of natural, warm weather.

Fozi -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (5/10/2010 17:30:15)

Yeah... Hate it this time of year (well, in uruguay it's just freezin'!), you get so little comments... And for tops my scanners' broken! Can you believe my luck? Worked straight for twenty damn years and it has to brake when I'm restarting my gallery? No fair.

Angel of Grief -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (5/10/2010 18:27:39)

^ D:!

But yeah, its the end of the school year (here anyway), but i will (hopefully) expect more activity and *ahem* comments in my gallery by the summer's end. XD

Fozi -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (5/10/2010 18:36:00)

I'll comment in yours if you comment in mine [:D]

amc.drey -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (6/6/2010 6:40:40)

@ Vice, your statement doesn't make sense imo. Before a team battle, don't you think that you negotiate first? And only stupid person will try to battle a team who makes edits if he/she knows that his/her gallery is a team of tag/sigs makers.

TreadLight -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (8/23/2010 1:50:31)

I'll set a new topic. :)

How would you describe your style, when it comes to your artwork?

Tormenter -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (8/23/2010 8:38:57)


Mo -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (8/23/2010 13:31:01)

I barely do art anymore.

Zodiak 15 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (8/23/2010 13:45:18)

I like to smudge. Not a huge c4d fan. But for the most part im experimental. Try to be well rounded

illusion99 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/13/2010 6:26:17)

Do you guys even post stuff and help each other improve here anymore?
this place is practically dead
and you guys don't even comment on people's artworks and some of you guy even give out seals of approval with out thinking!
I think if your going to give out SoA to people you must atleast watch them for a long time! what do you guys think?

Alpha Atom -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/13/2010 11:34:18)


and you guys don't even comment on people's artworks

Not all of us. I think the problem is most people find it too much effort to comment, I know that I for one try to give CnC whenever I have time. Hallie gives excellent CnC too.

TreadLight -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/13/2010 15:37:02)

A lot of people moved on to different things with what they received during the prime of The Gallery and the previous Gallery of Creative Adventurers.

The Gallery seems dead because it is dying. I know that seems redundant, but it isn't. At least you can still save something when it's dying.

The problem I see is that moderation and administration is too intimidating overall, and is a reason why many left in the first place.

The best way I can put it is that these certainly aren't the same forums most of us registered to.

coolboypai -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/13/2010 17:43:47)

isnt that true....
hopefully the changes in the gallery will bring some life back into it

TheShadowed1 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/13/2010 18:20:00)


The problem I see is that moderation and administration is too intimidating overall, and is a reason why many left in the first place.

Maybe before, but I like to think I'm not intimidating at all :p

And I can't say too much, but the new changes should be able to fix most of these issues.
And most definitely re-firm the community.
or those are the hopes

Nexolous -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/13/2010 18:48:02)

I hope the changes help. I know I don't post around much, but when I do I try to give real cc. The gallery is in a decline though.

skull505 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/13/2010 20:21:02)

I think I'm the only one who's intrested in Pixel Art/Sprites xD

illusion99 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/13/2010 20:29:00)

from what I've seen the new changes hasn't helped at all =/
the gallery area is really dead now than before.
Maybe if people don't need to become approved artists to be able to come here,comment and talk to the artists here through posts then...
maybe things won't be so dead here

Nexolous -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/13/2010 20:30:58)

The changes haven't been made yet.

coolboypai -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/13/2010 21:01:41)

i agree it might help to not need an approved artist to reply
but you need it to start galleries

wonder when the changes will occur
khelios said in a week and that was back in june....

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