RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (Full Version)

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Desron_7 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/6/2009 18:18:11)

Dabbleh, unfortunetly thats not always true. I've seen people with great talent on this gallery, but have barely any recognition. Meanwhile, some people do really poor edits or and some little extras to things, and fame on the gallery.

~JW~ -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/6/2009 19:48:50)

^I totally agree. One gallery instantly comes to mind. Im not sure if I can say it here.

Nexolous -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/6/2009 20:00:40)

Agreed, their are some very good people who don't get noticed at all.
And yeah, I think its turning into more of a popularity contest.

Lets not name names. ~Minar

Desron_7 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/6/2009 20:37:18)

I don't want to be harsh on anyone person, but it bugs me to no end when someone puts a sprite/render, a solid background or gradient, and a phrase. That takes several minutes to through together and doesn't require too much skill.

_Depression -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/6/2009 21:04:22)

Desron, everyone has to start somewhere. Yeah, you can look at those and say they tick you off, but were you really good at your program from the first moment you opened it? My guess is, you weren't.

We all, no matter who we are, started at the bottom, making the kind of quality art that gets ignored by people who do work ten times above that level. But let's just take a couple of examples:
These are all some of the first tags made by some of the best sig makers I know today. Today they make art that most people would just like to look at for a few minutes, just to appreciate what they're seeing.

Let it bug you all you want, one day maybe they'll be saying the same thing to the newbies of their generation.

TheShadowed1 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/6/2009 23:18:27)

than you dep, for digging up that RELIC
but it's true
we all started at ground level
you will progress
get better, make friends
and eventually people will wish they got as many comments as you
it's a vicious cycle, but we all go through it

it's taken me four years to get to where i am
and i consider i had i easy

_Depression -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/6/2009 23:22:40)

lol you're welcome wan.

I got you, Sky, and Passion. ^.^

Angel of Grief -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/6/2009 23:45:33)

@two posts up:
That makes me feel a little better about my photoshop skills. C:
Thanks..i feel like making a tag tomorrow. :D

nolraitru -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/7/2009 1:16:02)
(You can tell it's old, there's a period in between my "i" and my "C" :P)

Dep's right, we do all start somewhere.
And I agree with Ts1, we had it easy back in our day. We had Rick and Kenneth to help both of us out to get through it all.

Us vets here now have to deal with a lot of school stuff, or we just get bothered too much. If we want to help, we will just DO IT.
I promise :]

Dabbleh -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/7/2009 2:39:23)

On this 24th page of my PB is
that was when I used gimp, about 3-4 years ago.
But trust me, that isn't the worst of it. I used paint for about 2-3 months all back when I was Ninja293. DAaS-Days.

EDIT: lol

Stan -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/7/2009 7:36:12)

Yeah, I don't post much stuff here anymore because after four and a half year of having a gallery here, I'm still lucky if I get a single comment when I post new stuff. I can get 10-20 comments on about anything I make on another site. =/


People get popular when they're work gets better.

Itīs not that simple: About three years ago (I think) I hade a gallery with trading cards, simple screenshot edits in fact: Example.
I got to 7 pages in no time with that one if I remember correctly. Now I make line-art and digipaintings that take way more skill and time to make and yet after quite some time, I'm not at that count yet.

Dabbleh -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/7/2009 11:30:01)

It's very well complaining about how many posts you get on your art, But how would you fix this?
I don't see a way.

Stan -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/7/2009 11:31:37)

No, I don't think there is one either. That doesn't make it any less true, though..

Dabbleh -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/7/2009 11:37:39)

When did I say this wasn't true?
I think, if you need more CnC, the answer is joining/making a joint gallery. This means that your fellow gallery members can CnC your work and overall you will see an increase of posts. :3

razackie -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/7/2009 11:38:07)

People aren't gonna comment on something they don't know about. You hardly every see flash artists commenting in the big galleries like rising stars or DAaS, because they taken the opposite path. When people come to the gallery, if they see a lot of people doing AE game edits, there's less of a chance of them changing to Tags / Flash art because they want to fit in. So basically, I think the solution is to encourage people to change.

Dabbleh -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/7/2009 11:47:01)

True, yet you do not need to 'know' whether something looks good or not. Also there is a tutorial on CnC.
When I joined this community, I did not think, 'Hmm, now I've got to fit in, So I will make sigs.' It's really a personal choice. If someone prefers the look of a certain artwork and prefers to see and comment on it, it is most likely they will try to make this art.

Also, we are talking about ourselves here. So, if really everyone tries to post on more than one gallery, and not make it a habit to just click on the same stuff everyday maybe we could fix this. Yet I doubt what I am arguing is going to make much difference.

PyroPuppy -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/7/2009 13:46:05)

Maybe some explaining will help? As Razackie wrote, when people first come here they usually do AE edits, and stick with it. But, a lot of edits made in GIMP, and if you will look on some of the great artist in here, they use GIMP too. That means the less experienced people just don't know the potential of the program, don't know basic stuff, or just don't know. So, again, maybe explanation will help. People will start to try, and if at least one or two will see that making tags and signatures is great, then we got more people into it.
You can easily see where this idea is going on, so I will just leave you think about it.

Dabbleh -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/7/2009 14:31:24)

That kind of knowledge comes with experience, shortening the process down won't help. Just gotta go for the long run. :3 Most of the best artists here did.

PyroPuppy -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/7/2009 14:57:58)

Most of it comes with experience, but stuff like blending mode, filters, and some other stuff not used so much by editors like brush, magic wand and other tools. The stuff I wrote before, and maybe others, can be thought, and making it easier for people to make tags and signatures.

Desron_7 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/7/2009 16:27:35)

This gallery is pretty much made for beginners. They get introduced to the digital art universe, and can eventually rise to fame like Tomix and Randor, or realize its time to broaden their horizons and seek an audience at their own level.

_Depression -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/7/2009 17:13:01)

Indeed, this forum is "made for beginners". Most non-graphics specific forums (Smashboards, NGU, BattleOn, etc.) are tailored to being very open to beginners, but are also home to a few pros per site. I mean, look at the names that have been on this site, are still on this site, and keep coming back to this site.

~JW~ -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/7/2009 19:36:16)

yes, we have had some amazing artists, its not solely on our forum. But really, the true God of these forums imo is Irrelevant. He never came back...

Alpha Atom -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/12/2009 5:54:14)

What about, in the gallery battle area, we have a Gallery Battle Discussion, where you can discuss all the current battles that are going on ? I just thought because often threads get cluttered because people start to discuss the battle in it.

[Sev]_Foamy -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/16/2009 23:34:58)

Heres a new topic for you all to think about:

Should they actually have a rate staff here? Ts1 is the only person on the staff list who can even think about classing anyone over intermediate, because HE KNOWS what it takes and what styles are higher end material. When your giving artists like oblivion (who has PROFESSIONAL spacescapes) a low rating such as intermediate, and giving other artists (not to name names) high rating due to friendships, i feel you are all losing the intent of it in the first place.

If your going to screw with peoples heads by allowing them to be rated here, atleast give them a fair rate staff that knows what they are talking about.

To be honest, Ts1's votes are the only ones that are making sense. Not to be abrupt, but nicky and ichar seem to just vote along with the first person to post and mention the same exact items.

So, in conclusion, i feel we should either get a real rate staff, or do away with the rating threads.

(and don't tell me its because they can't edit posts. Anyone can be given permissions to edit posts on a board.)

nolraitru -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/17/2009 0:25:21)

Zach: While it is true I may not be "qualified" for the job. It's just easiest this way. Last time I had to give people the okay to post them, so it wasn't everyone and their brother (or sister, for that matter) making a rating thread. And that just made for a little more work for me.

And if it's unfair, it closes. Personater didn't even want a rating thread to begin with. If you're going to complain, suggest a fix, or it just goes away. That's just how it has to work.

Also: Giving someone else edit permissions means it goes away, because that just isn't going to happen, I'm sorry.

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