zenron the great -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (11/28/2009 16:07:59)
Ok, I have a topic to talk about. Something which has really been bugging me. It seems like the more technically better I get, the less the amount of people with no real experience like it. So I've been wondering, if the people with no experience don't really care about the technical values, then what is the point of utilizing them? Why should a person use depth, flow, good colours, composition etc to their fullest if it isn't going to effect anyone's opinion of it anyway? This stems from a conversation on IRC. We were posting old tags and I posted one of my old SOTW pieces from awhile ago. Alpha Atom said it was "brilliant", but earlier he had said that the tag I made yesterday was "not that good". Technically speaking, the old SOTW piece was awful. Huge focal, bad text, monochromatic, but it didn't seem to bother atom. The one which he said he didn't like had all the boxes ticked and technically, it was one of my best tags. It's actually getting me down that I've been trying to get these things right and people have been seeing my work as getting worse and worse, even if technically I've gone from a novice to intermediate by battleon ratings.