RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (Full Version)

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StormCrow -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/9/2009 12:31:51)

Reposting for top-of-the-page-everyone-can-see-convenience

    So what you guys are saying is that we would all follow a colour scheme according to this order ---

    Red (1st artist) - Orange (2nd artist) - Yellow (3rd artist) - Green (fourth artist) - Blue (fifth..) - Indigo - Violet -

    - And then repeat? Interesting.. Although, we should be allowed to pick the shade of red or green. And any theme - be it horror or chibi.

    I say before we decide what kind of worm we would do, we run a few tests.. Make a mini-worm with each suggested style and then select the one that gains general approval.

    @Shadowed1 : What did Grafh say? Did you get a response? An organized thread at this stage would be most helpful for everyone to get properly acquainted with the project.

PyroPuppy -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/9/2009 13:36:22)

Fine, a rainbow theme it is. But, in the signing in format there are going to be some more staff, like:
-Theme Color:
-Do you want to do a transfer? And if you want, between what colors? (the transformation between colors, like Red>>Orange and Yellow>>Green) (I doesn't know if transfer is the correct word, if this is a grammer mistake, fix me please)

.Passion// -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/9/2009 14:18:25)

Either Stormcrow's idea, or perhaps

First group of artists - Red
Second - Orange
Third - Yellow.

PyroPuppy -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/9/2009 14:23:00)

I think that Stormcrow's idea is better, becuase of the chosing. Also, if a lot of people want to be only in the red color, we can just close it, so nobody else will get in it.

.Passion// -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/9/2009 15:23:30)

Who said there can't be choosing in mine?

TheShadowed1 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/9/2009 15:36:53)

I don't know why we are over-complicating this =\
if we can do just a normal worm
with proper transitions
it will not look like patchwork

Grafh is pmed
I am waiting for a response and finishing the post

StormCrow -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/9/2009 15:49:11)

That was just brainstorming Passion's idea.. Personally, I don't mind if the collab is something like the blue sfear one. There is beauty in complete randomness too. But we really would have to pay a lot of group attention in the places where each artwork merge, in order to make the overall flow smooth.

.Passion// -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/9/2009 20:43:15)

I was trying to make it easier, as Storm said, it would take MORE work to make it flow seamlessly.

PyroPuppy -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/9/2009 23:58:56)

Oh sorry, I thogut you meant that the first group of artist that signed in are on the red color and he second on the orange.... So your idea is better

illusion99 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/10/2009 5:18:01)

how about we try both?
the normal worm and the rainbow one!
we won't really know till we try so when we tried both lets look over the result might just make things easier
since a worm is long maybe ten artist in the rainbow and ten on the normal one

Grafh -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/10/2009 6:48:47)

FYI I got TS1s PM regarding this. I'll go though it in a day or so and let him know.

.Passion// -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/10/2009 18:24:17)

Illusion - We haven't got that sort of activity here.

lamaman123456789 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/10/2009 18:29:05)

lol. Well I am up for anything. Im always active. So just PM me with the info and I will work. :D

illusion99 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/11/2009 4:19:07)

yea i'm aware of the lack of activity.
maybe..then we ask for some artists if they're willing to cooperate, if we lack artists we can ask to use some old works that some artists made if they allow it
if we're gonna use some old works for the rainbow we can just put a color over it. you know what i mean? it could be worth the try

StormCrow -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/11/2009 4:43:11)

I don't think there is any need to do that - it doesn't matter if the worm starts with five or twenty artists. As more people sign-up for the project later, they can be added at the end of line. It will be a very long term project that we'll have to keep updating. Another reason why there should be no theme for the initial version.

Besides, the rainbow scheme does not have black or white - hence I am most.. reluctant to follow it.

illusion99 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/11/2009 4:58:50)

I just suggested that we try both for us to just experiment on which we like best. that's all

PyroPuppy -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/11/2009 5:39:23)

I think that we need to talk more on the technical staff, like format, rules and such, and not only on how the worm will look like, so I made something:
How to make the piece (some idea):
Open a new file with 700 pixels width and 280 pixels height.
Make the piece.
Crop 100 pixels from the right and your done.
Reasons to the crop: The piece should like it isn't done, and the next piece supposd to complete it.
Also, format:
Do you want to make a color tranform (from red to orange, yellow to green etc.)?
Anything else:

StormCrow -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/11/2009 6:06:14)

No, I meant the lack of activity part. I actually agreed with what you suggested --

'I say before we decide what kind of worm we would do, we run a few tests.. Make a mini-worm with each suggested style and then select the one that gains general approval.'


I can't say I agree with the colour transforming idea.. Some things just look plain dreadful if one alters colour scheme even slightly. And who are you suggesting would change the colour - the original artist or the organizers? What if it isn't completely green or purple but with bits of blue or red? What then?

The more I ponder upon it, the more problems I see following a colour order. We should just stick to no-theme-no-order to avoid complications.. For the initial version at least.

PyroPuppy -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/11/2009 6:18:27)

No, you didn't understoond me correctly. This will help. You see the part I selected, it's not red, but its not orange, it both, and someone will need to do that part. I didn't say that you have to do it, and I didn't say that you can't add colors, or have a bits of other colors, but as a lot of people said, they want the rainbow idea, so I think that people will have a base color or something like that. Also, if you don't like my idea, just post, you don't need to be mad. And I never siad that the organizers will change the colors, its the art of the artist, so he decide how to make it.

StormCrow -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/11/2009 6:25:36)

.. I was just giving my feedback and asking questions to clarify. As in brainstorming ideas.. Sorry if it seemed like flaming to you.. .__.

I thought you meant if someone else turned a part that was deep red to slightly orangish - that could change the perspective of the art.

Even though I disagree with the rainbow idea I have also posted discussing how to make it feasible and then came to the conclusion it's too early to do it.

PyroPuppy -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/11/2009 6:32:43)

Oh, well, I wasn't up on the rainbow idea too, but, I'm too lazy to argue, and I think the rainbow isn't that bad after all. You can chose the color, and use Hue/Saturation to change the color slightly, so it isn't that bad. And brainstorming is good, and something like that could behelpful to, again, get more technical staff that we didn't thought on them.

Smalls -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/18/2009 16:29:55)

I like it the idea, seems really cool
The colour thing seems like it'd work well...Though maybe not have a colour thing for it...I think just having each style of each person be enough as everyone here has different styles, so if you know the art stuff you'd be able to tell the differences between them

illusion99 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/19/2009 1:30:32)

so should we give it a try?

eerie2 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/19/2009 13:39:09)

This thread seems to have been forgotten by the conspirators.

PyroPuppy -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/19/2009 13:55:13)

No, JW deleted it, remember? He the one that made it.

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