RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (Full Version)

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Zodiak 15 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (8/30/2009 19:57:36)

Just because its DA doesnt mean its not original. But you are right there are less edits and other types of art. And yea lama with all that AK stuff they do their own thing if it gets bad enough I guess one of them will step up and do something. And everyone seems to agree that the application process is part of the problem.

illusion99 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (8/30/2009 21:19:04)

this is gonna be a serious problem...
T_T getting approved takes longer than before..
people leaving the gallery area.... mod and AKs are getting inactive....
people thinking that the GoCA is DA only....
more inactiveness
getting comments gets harder...
arts is getting limited....
and editing threads that attract artists are dying or are close to it...
T_T what should we dooo [:(]

cohonn -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (8/31/2009 6:28:33)

I think we should make a free posting gallery area and a gallery area that needs aproval first. Then everyone can post their art, and if they apply for the approved gallery area, then they still have a place to post their art and get CnC while they are waiting to be approved.

But to make the approved gallery (for want of a better word) wanted, there should be an Approved artist title again.

crazysk8er -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (8/31/2009 21:15:20)

tbh the art section is always inactive...usually there's a new wave a people every so often, and the gallery gets a spurt of activity, but it's always been like this. from what I can remember at least.

Zodiak 15 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (8/31/2009 21:20:03)

I disagree. people got approved much faster and there were way more galleries(active ones) when I first came to this area

Dabbleh -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (8/31/2009 21:21:17)

Art being 'active' is really unnatural. Art shouldn't be forced out to keep your thread 'on page one' or just to get comments. If you are in dire need of a suggestion, go on MSN or something where the response is immediate. There is no rush.

All of what I just said probably made no sense at all, eh, I'll just stick with it.

Zodiak 15 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (8/31/2009 21:27:34)

Well it makes sense but I dont think that thats what we are talking about. were not talking bout the art in itself were talking about the activity in this section of the forum overall. both the activity of the mods and fourmite activity

zenron the great -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/1/2009 2:33:29)

To be fair. The gallery was much more active when it was the GoCA.

nolraitru -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/1/2009 20:57:20)

Zen: Though, that is very true, we made the change for a reason, if you would like to know the reason, go ahead and drop me a PM. I'll let you know why it was changed.

Everyone: If you think you have a suggestion for The Gallery, drop me a PM or an MSN message (I'll be on more now).

Yes, I'm giving it out again. Just let me know who you are, and I'll be more than willing to talk with you.

~JW~ -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/2/2009 13:27:30)

If you can go on now, I have a sugg.

StormCrow -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/4/2009 9:49:07)

    I just had this idea -- how about we all make a ginormous collab? Wouldn't it be.. interesting, if each of us spared five to ten minutes worth of time on it and handing it over to the person next in line? Of course, doing such a thing would require quite some organization. All the artists interested submitting their names, a few set rules, and a little bit of moderation for example. What do you guys think?

cohonn -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/4/2009 12:10:54)

i'd do it, but it would be very hard with all the different art styles and stuff :).

eerie2 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/4/2009 20:29:25)

Thats also what would make it so wonderful. What exactly did you have in mind by the way StormCrow? A giant poster with peices from everyone, like a quilt, or like a mural(spelling?) or something else? Also...hoping the Hand-Drawn wont be left out if it comes to fruition. :P

~JW~ -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/4/2009 20:49:05)

But then some people dont have PS, so it could be made as a collab with all GIMPers, one with all PSers, one for all Flashers, and one for the Hand drawers.

eerie2 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/4/2009 20:56:17)

A huge collab between everyone would be better. But the obvious thing to do is to have hand drawers draw it and have the others vectorize it, but that would limit everyones creativity because the digitals couldnt make their own thing and the hand drawers couldnt have their original piece shown.

So yeah, a collab for each of the groups is a great idea. Now Im really itching to do that. Then maybe if someone can figure out a way to do it between EVERYONE that could happen too.

TheShadowed1 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/5/2009 12:24:39)

of course we could always do a worm or jigsaw puzzle
(working on iPod right now, will get links later)

MonsterEnergy -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/5/2009 12:26:30)

that sounds cool im good with that :D but what would everyone do to contribute to the piece

~JW~ -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/5/2009 12:27:16)

Me and eerie are setting it up, we got layout done and Im getting permission.

zenron the great -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/5/2009 12:36:50)

I would say we make one huge LP. GIMP can open PS so that won't be a problem. Then we make another huge LP collab for the hand drawn/flash artists.

lamaman123456789 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/5/2009 13:06:31)

Ill do some. Sounds fun and I have like a billion C4D's We all need to come up with a Render thoug. Maybe alot of artists or something. and Text=Gallery Pwn's lol Jk

PyroPuppy -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/5/2009 13:29:47)

But things like that need some order, just think what happend if 10 people will don't know when they rae supposd to edit and they all edit the same thing, and staff like that will create a mess

StormCrow -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/5/2009 13:32:27)

Hence, the line system. After someone is finished he or she could post the update and the next person in the line/list could continue.. Still, like I suggested earlier a little bit of moderation is needed. As an experimental draft to see if this thing could actually work, we could start up with something simple -- for example writing all our nicknames elaborately, maybe? We can learn from the first and then do the complicated stuff later..

PyroPuppy -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/5/2009 13:38:57)

Ya, but it's need some kind of order, so people not just say "my turn now" and just edit.

~JW~ -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/5/2009 13:45:20)

We convered that. There is a waiting list.

eerie2 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (9/5/2009 15:13:01)

People will first post in the thread, and we would write down their names in that order, they could also suggest ideas. When we get an idea, in case we dont get something here, we can start, starting with the first person.

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