RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (Full Version)

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Mustafa -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/1/2008 12:50:57)

Same as you guys as there's so little time but I'm like addicted to these forums so I can't get off.
I think that I might leave for a while as my gallery partner has left as well.

Zodiak 15 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/2/2008 22:02:14)

My schedule now makes it impossible to consistently make tags like before. Im always too busy nowadays

Vahn_Kaichi -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/3/2008 13:19:04)

I believe last topic was created at Nov. 25, which means it's... 8 days old?
So I'll bring up something related to the Gallery.

What are your thoughts on the recent 'Joint-Gallery' trend?
There's been a huge 'boom' of Joint-Galleries, lately, something I have never thought of; usually, people like to show off alone :p
But is it really necessary? Is 'joining forces' really a good way to improve/show off, or is it just a trend right now? If you're aboard the new Joint-Boat, why have you tried it?
I have decided to join with Minar quite a while ago; we planned things out and thought about the idea for more than a month, when both of us were innactive. So it was a way to return, for us :p With some impact, or something like that. Also, it was a way for me to start trying a new style, some new ideas and bla bla bla.

@Edit: By the way, still applies to old group galleries, too. I'd like to see what the old members of multi-galleries have to say about the experience, bla bla, attention, CnC, bla bla (:

DragonYugi -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/3/2008 13:33:21)

Well joint galleryes can be quite interesting in my point of view... You have 2 different (or something alike) styles in one thread... Looking at them is quite fun... I, for one work togheter with Hojoko and it is very fun ^^ Ok not quite.. He is doing all the work grrrr.... :P Leave something for Yugi, Hojoko!!! xD
What I'm trying to say that it is quite an effective method of making a gallery more popular/interesting... ^^Your work with minar is a good example of good colaboration vahn! :)

Chaddledee -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/3/2008 14:32:41)

Well joint galleries should get about double the posts in them, so tehy would be more likely to stay alive, but I like working solo. I am not gonna go against the trend just because it is a trend, that is stupid. Joint galleries are a really good concept. I think if I were in a joint gallery then I would feel obliged to do the same amount of work as the other person, and I like to work at my own pace.

Mustafa -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/3/2008 15:41:16)

Thing with joint galleries is that if one person makes artwork more than the other, then only the person who's making more artwork will get more posts.
I have a joint gallery with my friend who doesn't make gfx at all any more (I think), so I'm the only one who gets the comments.
I don't think that this trend is quite smart.
It's kinda silly in my opinion.

Vahn_Kaichi -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/3/2008 18:04:40)

Comments number is an irrelevant factor, imo; you guys will receive them anyway, joint or solo.

I think joining forces into one only gallery has lots of cons, pretty much more than pros.
Creating a multi-gallery just because of a trend, or even because it just sounds cool isn't a good optioon, imo.
Different styles would be a good reason, I believe; the contrast is a good thing to have on a joint G. Tread used to be in a Gallery with lots of other artist which was a great example of when a J-Gallery works. It was enough to get them attention and all.

Similar styles and noob-ism, too; it would help the artists to improve their styles and even grow up as an artist. Some other reasons might work, too.
But I don't know... this 'trend' kind of bothers me. Or not, i might result in some great works, too, we never know.

Mo -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/3/2008 18:19:05)

It helps people grow in also guarantees the survival of the thread if someone doesn't post every day

Minar -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/3/2008 18:36:27)

Mo, your so right. xD In both ways the statements are both true.

About the actual question. The answer really depends on the person's goal.
If your trying to follow a trend because others are doing it isn't the best choice. Not much of a smart choice IMO.
Joining a joint gallery because you have a certain goal(to find a new style, etc.) is the right reason to join one.
So, to get right to the answer without this jibber jabber(xD), here's my answer. I think it's both. Depending on the goal you have. =D

And the reason I made a joint gallery with Vahn is pretty much to return with something new, hence the so called "Joint Gallery Wave". (Which wasn't our goal xD)
Not only that, but I also was questing for my own style. Which I have been working on for the past couple of days.

the zpy -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/4/2008 10:53:20)

Joint gallery's....
If I were to join one, it would be because I wanted to get more critism and belonging to a group could fortify that....
Doing it for a trend just seems weird and without reason....

The One To Rule -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/4/2008 11:00:21)

I feel the same way about joint a galleries the same way I feel about bands or room-mates.
As long as everyone gets along fine it's a great experience, and can provide a gateway into
new and interesting experiences and people. It's about the collaboration of the gallery members.
If you have a group of people that consistently give good cnc, resources, and are just nice
in general, then said gallery is going to thrive. If you have a bunch of people just seeking attention
then it sucks.

Well there's my long post of the week.

the zpy -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/8/2008 12:01:25)

seeing as there has been no replies for 24+ hours I'll break the next topic

What made you start up art, any people that inspired you, how did you get where you are now?

Long story: If you're not interested, just don't read it ;D

Personally I started as a DF editor, I learned some tricks and really enjoyed being there....
But as all old editors left, and new ones entered I lost interest and was drawn to other types of art
Both Da and Original art took my attention, I had a great time in the dragon sig shop and I had finally started my own gallery
Later when the shop closed I had joined Ravion, where developed my original art skills....
I'm sad that I had to leave Ravion, but it was far to unorganised :S
And today I help Hucki out with DL and make my own stuff ^_^
Felt good to get that out

Now, what made you enter art and how did you get to the point you are now?

DragonYugi -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/8/2008 13:40:05)

Nice question zpy :)
Long: Well my art obsession comes from a romanian forum where some great artists teached me some stuff in GIMP... Soon I got borred and uninstalled it (I didn't had to much talent...). Then I found this forum... I didn;t payed much attention to art but one day I randomly clicked a sig that lead to a gallery and I saw those AWSOME sig creations... And I said to myself: 'Hey if he can de I can to!'. Well it didn't go as expected.. I got accepted in the gallery but my art stil wasn't good enough.. I stayed behind in the shadows a couple of months then I entered a competition where I had to animate something (Umbrageous knows about that) and I used a program Pivot that I installed 3 months ago and forgot to uninstall it.. So I made the animation but it wasn't to good.. Then I searched for some tutorials and I got better.. Now I'm Stick-Animating :)
Short: Romanian forum (3 years ago) -> AE Forums (1 year ago) -> GIMP Art (3 weeks ago) -> Stick Animating (now)

Mo -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/8/2008 14:35:28)

I started by just being the clans and wanted some credits or points xD and I wanted to be able to do awesome graphics. So, I installed GIMP and my dad's computer, the plug-ins didn't work so I didn't ouch GIMP for 3 months, then Bling Bla and Fire Lord came along in my clan, were the first 2 people to inspire me ot do graphics, and then this happened.

The One To Rule -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/8/2008 14:44:49)

I started on a site about cokemusic. After that forum got ****bombed, I went looking for free mmo's and other forums.
Stumbled upon here, like, 3 years ago when all the sexy pros were here. Then a huge PS vs. GIMP war started up. I quit for a while,
then came back and the rest is history. I leave a lot.

Zodiak 15 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/8/2008 14:52:19)

i have a clan thats been around for awhile and I always used to get sigs made for it. I always thought it would be kool but I was always too busy running it. Then when they annihilated the way clans used to be and activity plummeted I was still to lazy. But over the summer i tore my meniscus(its a knee thing) playing in a basketball tournament. So then since I couldnt do anything else and im not a big tv watcher I got into it.

Dragoncat -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/8/2008 18:14:11)

I started when I was bored in the class. I finish a test so I will draw. I notice I could use some improvements so I kept praticing and praticing till I get better

TheShadowed1 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/9/2008 18:18:18)

Hmm, well back to the whole joint gallery thing.
it's not a new trend at all
it was new maybe a year or so ago back in the daas
back when my whole crew was active and we made the The VDRBRWEWCWSNF (really great old join gallery, created at the height of the "joint gallery trend")
There was no trend, there was "hey, this solo thing is boring. your my friend and I yours, let's have a gallery together"
then it got to huge group galleries, which then even led to most of the teams mainly consisting of the gallery members
but that's all ancient history

so really, no it's not this "new trend"
but imo they are great. I haven't been in a solo gallery for years, and i don't really plan on it either
the daas is pretty much dead, but it was the biggest joint gallery I have yet to see, which i am really proud of
for a while there we were a real family
it was quite spectacular

Lavitz -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/9/2008 19:48:04)

you have just made me realize how charmander looks like barney[:D].
now, about joined galleries, i give my support to all of those who have made them to learn from eachother, to share things, ect.
but those who have made it up because is in "fashion", well, i must tell you that you lack originality.
this part of the forum was made so people can express their creativity, their "artistic touch" and on, so, if you did what was mentioned avobe, i think you are not a great artist that you were/could have been.

TreadLight -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/9/2008 20:23:17)

Joint galleries are just easier ways to keep your thread active and have more fun wit others and making your art.

When Nicky and I made a joint gallery, it was definitely more fun than having my own thread simply because we always commented on each other's works and had a good time getting better and better and the art world.

It's just more fun.

_Depression -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/10/2008 1:09:31)

I've had a joint gallery for a while... I started the Rising Stars with Relyks, back when he was starting, and it kinda took off from there. I dunno, I guess the joint gallery worked for me because I didn't need to worry about keeping the gallery active all by myself.

As for how I got into art... I started right here, in the SaAMA (pre-DAaS). I was a render-hunter for a sig shop that had Mountin2, Memorex, and Zarnac as its sig makers... and then one day I downloaded GIMP so I could try making sigs myself. Obviously, I thought I was better than I really was, but over the course of time I've advanced... I've spent time at other art forums (Charmed-Arts, LayeredGFX, PlanetRenders), but I always end up coming back here. This is my home. =)

DragonYugi -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/13/2008 17:44:26)

Quite a time has passed since last post so can I post a new thread?

What would be your description of art? What does it mean to you? Everybody has his own opinion on what art means and on what art does so waht is your opinion in this matter?

My opinion: Art is just an expresive method of the word "creation". artist are creators if we go to it logically. But every artist has his own style and methods wich make art a very vast and beautiful "thing" in the world. I can't imagine world without art. No more beautifull eye-catching art from games, no more music to enchance your soul, no more funny sigs with Twilly getting punted.... Art makes the world go 'round :)

alphaberzerker -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/14/2008 20:14:52)

My definition of art and the previous topic kind of tie in together (sort of) so ill just answer both. I while back i had a huge thread full of suggestions in the AQ suggestions forum and i needed images for my stuff so i turned to paint in al its basicness to make some basic images. they sucked of course because i don't have a single artistic bone in my body when it comes to drawing, but they got the job done. My friend (who also was into suggesting stuff) discovered gimp months later and described it as "paint on steroids, lots and lots of steroids" i downloaded it but was utterly confused by it ( i was lik 10 at the time) and just forgot about it. A couple years later i got and did some mediocre work with it, if any of you remember i was terrible lol. Later as i was cleaning out unused programs i stumbled across gimp and decided to teach myself how to use it, no matter what. so i read some tutorials and, asked around here and it took a while but i begran producing signatures and i joined arzocks sig shop. Later i made meh own and ive just been improving little by little ever since with occasional breaks due to school.

As for the other topic. From making weapons in paint to producing good (IMO) sigs and tags i never stopped loving the arts. When my musical career began (another long story) it furthered my love for art. To me art is something that, no matter how good you are, no matter what program your using, why your using it etc. it still a blast and it always will be. Whether you 8 or 80 the arts never cease to please, at least in my case.

wow long post o_0

Zero Hex -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/14/2008 20:32:13)

My description of art: using something to express everything. It doesn't matter what: music, paint, words, sculpture. If you're expressing some feeling into something, it is art.

"Art is the proper task of life."

Mo -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/14/2008 21:25:46)

Anything you can see that expresses something is art. Like, if you just make something for the sake of making it, it's not art imo. You make it for fitting in, that's art since you express your neediness for others to accept you

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