RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (Full Version)

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Winsrar™ -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/28/2008 8:59:51)

actually I dont remember.....I use paint since 8 years ago
I only know wat inspired me to improve:my good ol' friend the chickencows in DF DF suggestion thread...(when that forum worthed a it's horible.....)

TreadLight -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/28/2008 12:45:26)

My passion for creating things lead me to start up making DragonFable weaponry edits, then to start making my own weapons. So then I started using my parent's collection of programs such as Adobe PhotoShop CS2, Adobe Flash Professional 8/CS3, and Adobe Illustrator CS3. I stuck with Flash because it is what mostly everybody else was using. Now I am just a Flash junkie starting up what I've always dreamed of doing.

Sir Dorigo III -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/28/2008 16:22:52)

My original inspiration to begin editing was Mephiles the Dark. I first met him through a suggestions forum and hes been helping me out ever since.
My inspiration nowadays is Mephiles the Dark but also Reni Bluestar and Not steve, they all have amazing editing capabilities, which is what inspires me to strive to better my edits

Winsrar™ -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/30/2008 10:30:08)

Now since 24hrs passed:
which artist u conside the best?
I personaly love Doubleoh4's art

TreadLight -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/30/2008 11:18:00)

I assume you mean artists from The Gallery, vacozaur taze.

At the moment, Kitsukaru's and BP's and Stamwise's and lord khao's stuff drives me crazy. They are all too good.

Reni -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/30/2008 11:42:14)

Assuming that you are referring to the gallery artists, vac, i'd have to say Minar (not counting Tomix). His flash art is incredible, i just can't get enough of it, and his edit comics, though he doesn't do them much anymore, were really awesome. There are so many great artists around here, so i couldn't name them all, but when i saw the question, i immediately thought of Minar.[;)]

DragonYugi -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/30/2008 12:05:12)

Woah! God! Hard to tell... All artists are great in their own way but I prefer Reni, Tomix, Minar, The Mist, TreadLight, Brownie and Hojoko. But I prefer them all! :-)

Sir Dorigo III -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/30/2008 12:52:11)

As I stated in my earlier post: Reni, Mephiles the Dark and NotSteve

illusion99 -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/30/2008 20:32:50)

This is a bit hard to answer...
I like these artists: Arc, Gardex, Jolley,Tomix, Mephiles the Dark, igna, megaposter404 and Luggy

The One To Rule -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/30/2008 20:45:59)

My personal favorites would have to be TS1, Sky, Aco, Bramble, Tormenter, and just about everyone that puts their heart into their work.

Zero Hex -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/31/2008 13:56:25)

Severin is one of my favourite artists here. :D All of his stuff is really great.

FishFrost -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (12/31/2008 22:39:18)

Hmm... there many great artists around here, but based on my own tastes and preferences, I would definitely pick Vahn, Minar, Lellyna, and Tomix. They will always be my favorite 4.

nolraitru -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (1/1/2009 0:18:23)

Tomix, Ts1, Fadr, and Steven.
All great artists.

Tomix -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (1/1/2009 4:32:04)

BLACKPANTHER and Pharoah Arch.
Their stuff make me drool.

Dracelix -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (1/1/2009 6:42:41)

Tomix and Minar are my favourites/best artists here imo.

they were my initial inspiration to take my art further, but i still have alot to learn if i want my art to reach their standards.
so, gratz to the both of you's

Minar -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (1/1/2009 12:58:54)

My top three IMO: BP, Kitsu, & Severin.
Gotta love their work. :]

But their are tons of other people's work that I love too. Tomix, Vahn_Kaichi, Treadlight, Lord Kaho, and Dracelix.

The Virtual Reality -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (1/1/2009 13:50:15)

I'd have to say Aco, Dan, Dylan, Foamy, Sky, Ferfo, Bramble and TVO.

Dragon. -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (1/1/2009 13:53:43)

there are so many...
Aco, avery, tomix, DK2, Bramble, TVR and much more

but at the moment im really likin the stuff
TOTR is doing

Severin -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (1/1/2009 17:38:49)

OMG, OMG! Zero Hex and Minar like my arts! :D

I have a bunch of favourite artists...everyone is good in their own way. The artists I like most though probably have to be Zero Hex, II_BLACKPANTHER_II, Tomix, Stanwise Gamgee and Minar. Being a Flash artist myself, I appreciate the Flash works of others. II_BLACKPANTHER_II and Minar are both great with Flash and have inspired me on several occasions. Tomix is probably the most respected and accomplished artist on these forums, known best for his great Photoshop and Flash works, though I must say, I think his sprite comics are a bit over-rated. :P
I like Zero Hex mainly because of his creativity. He does things differently than most which I really enjoy. He also shares my love of good music and comes up with some great music related art pieces. Stanwise also has a unique style and his hand-drawn stuff is amazing.

Kitsukaru -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (1/3/2009 2:49:43)

BP never stops amazing me.
He has an awesome sense of illustration.

DragonYugi -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (1/4/2009 10:35:39)

Time passed so quickly eh? Well here's ya next question:
In the year of 2009 are you planning on changing or improving your style? I mean, if you like making abstract images will you change to techo style images? Will your style be altered in the year of 2009? Tell me!! xD

Lavitz -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (1/4/2009 10:49:25)

i have started previously... im stiking with aqw now... and custom weapons...
maybe ill start animating...*goes to flash page* money needed?*looks at poket* maybe in 2010[:D].

Stan -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (1/4/2009 11:14:00)

* Does a happy dance after seeing himself mentioned twice as one of the best artists. * [:D]

I'm always trying to improve my style, never trying to change it. I do lots of stuff, using different programs and materials. I try to do line art, sketchy stuff, colored, non-colored, different types of shading etc. But in the end it all comes down to the same style, a style I've been (unconsciously, mostly) working on for my entire life... I'm not even considering changing it. Do something else once in a while, yes, but no more than that.
I do plan to more different stuff. I usually draw fantasy stuff, and then mostly creatures. I don't think I could draw a good-looking girl at the moment, for example, simply because I've never tried. If I ever want to make some money off my art I really need to be able to do that, though.

The One To Rule -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (1/4/2009 11:20:48)

Probably. I'm tired of doing the same old things. I want to spread my wings and, dare I say it, fly like a crashing 747.



The Virtual Reality -> RE: Black Rose Cafe [Archived] (1/4/2009 11:24:26)

My mindset has already changed. I'm sure there will be change, but possibly no improvement. :P

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