RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (Full Version)

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Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/2/2005 16:25:01)

hmm well try finding another ring menu in the future it works fine for me

DarkIfrit -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/3/2005 14:54:45)

what is the size of the map that you use?
And do you guys make all the game in the same project or do you divide the game in various projects?

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/3/2005 15:03:27)

1.I use a ton of sizes

Spartan -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/3/2005 16:10:26)

i need help once again how do you make somthing never happen again even if u reenter for example u open a treasure chest and then it never opens again.

And also so npcs act in different ways for example if u have lost item he takes item instead of saying what he usauly dose then he dosen't talk about that again>?

DarkIfrit -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/3/2005 16:52:32)
you can learn a lot from here

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/3/2005 17:06:22)

1.put delete event
2. you tryin to put me out o business?[8D]

DarkIfrit -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/3/2005 17:15:18)

Sorry, I was just trying to help the poor guy [&:]
But dont worry soon will be asking questions again soon [8D]

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/3/2005 17:20:48)


Spartan -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/4/2005 11:21:18)

deleteing events cause only for them to come back when u reenter the map.

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/4/2005 11:32:48)

oh... hmm try stop event or sumthing

DarkIfrit -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/4/2005 12:05:09)

Can I help?

dr.death.robot -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/4/2005 12:34:49)

ok can you help me where do you put scripts ?

DarkIfrit -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/4/2005 12:57:11)

-Script editor
-Right mouse in the main script and choose insert
-now you just need to put the script
weeee [8D]

dr.death.robot -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/4/2005 14:16:01)

how do you name the scrypts

DarkIfrit -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/4/2005 15:36:26)

press the script that you want to change the name, and change it in the small box bellow.

Sunjeet -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/4/2005 15:56:24)

Spartan: once you want the event gone permantly click end event prosesing then create a new page. for the second page click switch 001 is on then go back to page one then go the big white box and click switch operation then click switch 001=on. hope that helps.

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/4/2005 16:39:03)

You gave me the link to download CharaMaker and then you said to get WinRAR and I did. I then saidote]ORIGINAL: VampireSlayer2

I used WinRAR and I only have the Resources and not all of them.
but you didn't reply so I am posting here because it falls into this catagory.

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/4/2005 18:49:31)

you have to upload your other resources...

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/4/2005 21:41:21)

Th program isn't there just some resources.

Jack of Darigan5 -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/4/2005 23:26:15)

how do i put a starting place on my game?

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/4/2005 23:42:42)

3rd page near the top

dr.death.robot -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/5/2005 3:20:07)

aka the event box

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/5/2005 10:07:37)

no 3rd page on my thread...

dr.death.robot -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/5/2005 10:57:44)

sorry i was replying for Jack of Darigan5
Jack of Darigan5 if you can't under stand what i siad this will do more things
the circled red thing is what you click on than your right click any ware and click set party posisition

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/5/2005 22:34:19)

Xyiphis, can you answer my question?

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