RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (Full Version)

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dr.death.robot -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/9/2005 7:29:04)

whats the highest hosting limit
eg 100Mb

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/9/2005 10:17:39)

nothing sum people host more some less

Edit were you asking me the question?

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/9/2005 11:41:34)

If you were asking me I don't know, whatever my host let's me. I think I have a monthly bandwith and I can only add that much a month.

Spellcaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/9/2005 12:17:12)

how do you add the music to the game how do you but in battle music like skill music and spell music

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/9/2005 12:50:07)

You have to upload them

Spellcaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/9/2005 13:10:23)

can't you just say play bms or bmg or se or me and is the game flash ,java , appelt

Apm -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/9/2005 13:48:37)

I have a question:

How do I make weapon specials randomly come?

What happends is when I make a new weapon and put a plus in the status changes bar, the weapon does it everytime!
Instead of it coming everytime, I want it to come a certain percent of the time.

Spellcaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/9/2005 14:49:28)

i want to tell you something do you know if the rpg maker has gone down in price?

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/9/2005 15:10:14)

I don't know, but I got it for free.

Kizaharu -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/9/2005 17:49:02)

do you know where to find a real time battle script?

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/9/2005 17:50:55)

real time battle script you mean it has day and night backrounds?

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/11/2005 10:17:43)

well what do you mean

Spellcaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/11/2005 12:20:20)

he means morning and night time battle script

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/11/2005 18:47:45)

Not that I know of You'd need to have 2 back grounds for one map and that would meanyou would probaly have to hack the game

Apm -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/12/2005 5:56:03)


Original: Apm

I have a question:

How do I make weapon specials randomly come?

What happends is when I make a new weapon and put a plus in the status changes bar, the weapon does it everytime!
Instead of it coming everytime, I want it to come a certain percent of the time.

Thats my first question heres my second:

Xyiphis Dragonmaster I use your lancer sprite edit and when I use it theres a whithe box that surrounds him. How do I take that out/away?

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/12/2005 10:37:08)

I missed a few questions I see

Spellcaster:Its free.....
Apm: First one you would need variables (which I'm not good at) ask Dudemaster
APm:When you upload it and it shows a picture of it right and left click on the backround

Apm -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/12/2005 11:46:26)


dr.death.robot -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/12/2005 13:31:40)

but keep in mind if you get it for free its a illegal copy [sm=twill1a.gif]

DarkIfrit -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/12/2005 14:29:23)

Talking about illegal.
can we use other people artwork in our game?

dr.death.robot -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/12/2005 14:37:41)

how do u use timer operation like
EG you wait 1 miniute until the bomb explodes

DarkIfrit: if you have permisson and counts them in the credits then i don't see why not

Kaos -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/12/2005 14:53:50)

Apm - what you have to do is put the picture you want in your game in the main graphics folder then go to tools in the actual program then go on resource manager and go to the bottom of the list and click the picture you put in the graphics folder and click import then find your file and click then it is self explanetory from there on

Spellcaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/13/2005 12:36:55)

i can answer all your questions that i know ask i will tell you all i know

Xyiphis Dragonmaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/13/2005 13:17:06)

Ok sure.... and kaos you took the words out of my mouth :P

Spellcaster -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/13/2005 13:28:46)

fine then be like that nm ask xyiphis

wolfythegreat -> RE: Rpg Maker Xp Q&A (7/16/2005 8:38:50)

Ok i've been gone for a long time what's going on? (i got lost)!

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