RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (Full Version)

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lovedbykunoichi -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/6/2009 21:52:20)

Just a couple small questions... What does your name mean? What language is it?

WoTiFe -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/6/2009 22:07:01)

Hi mushroom avatar...or is it muffin?(no offence lol)

1.Shotguns or Rockets?

2.Me send an army to twig to___________________________
Complete this sentence.

3.Can you do me a favour?

4.If yes,go get a Venus Fly trap and put your finger inside.

5.Reni VS Andy8 VS Whatever you are called:who will lose?

6.I travelled for 125000000000000000000 miles,fought the Guardian Dragon of Mt. Archcell,got past the 300 elite sniper guards,and broke all of the AKs free.Can i be an AK now?

7.THIS IS MAAAAAADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8.Wfish or Wice-Cweam?(My Twig-style of talking)

9.Give me a cookie,and you will get slapped thrice.If you don't give me,you'll get slapped thrice too.

10.999/999 + 999 x 999 -999 equals too?

11.You like my siggy?

12.There will be no 13.....MYSTERIOUS!


15.Cookie or pie?

16.Pie or Cake?

17.Do you like to go WoTiFe hunting?

18.Tell coyote that i ate his eyeeeeeees!

19.Do you like friday the 13th?

20.Which AE game you like most?

21.Do you want to slap me?

22.Are you sure?

23.Are you very sure?

24.Really sure?

25.Are you really very sure?

26.REALLY really sure?

27.really,REALLY,reaaaaaallyyyyyyy sure?

28.Really,REALLY,reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyy very sure?


30.Are you bored?

31.Am i annoying?

32.Do you see me before?

33.Lvl in DF?

34.Lvl in MQ?

35.Lvl in AQW?

36.How's your shackles?

37.Do you want to be freed?


39.What do you like to do during free time?

40.Which country do you live in?

41.Are you sure you're not bored?

42.I'll let you rest for a while.

After 1 second.....

43.WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

44.Just one second and you fell asleep?

45.CAN YOU HEAR ME????I SAID WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

46.Do you like small animals?

47.If so,what do you like?

48.Are those even cute?

49.What should you do if you saw a white crow?

50.Who arrested you?

51.Or....who promoted you?

52.You like muffins?

53.O' rly?

54.Say a random sentence.

55.I'm enough.

56.Are you even bored?

57.Fine,let's continue.

58.How many questions already?

59.What do cows drink?

60.Do you like to be tortured?

61.You're the nicest AK ever to let us ask over 50 questions.


63.I think i can see stars.

64.Are you sure you're not tired?

65.Are you sure?

66..Are you very sure?

67..Really sure?

68.Are you really very sure?

69.REALLY really sure?

70.really,REALLY,reaaaaaallyyyyyyy sure?

71.Really,REALLY,reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyy very sure?


73.Do you find some of the questions familiar?


75.Who's that headless body i saw running aroud banging into threads and posts?

76.Are you sure?

77.Ok,enough of 'are you sure' questions.

78.jsd jkfj kanfj kj kd sa fhauh fjsa jkhf jasf jnasjfjks jfnasj khfj kas?

79.chiili wux renthisj Vs'shtak?(clue can be found in the gallery of Mephiles the Dark.)

80.chiili wux tangis vucot svabol si mi talking zahae?

81.Enough of draco....oops i revealed the secret.




85.Do you find it irritating that it takes 3 questions to say one sentence?






91.Yay ten more to go.

92.Actually it is quite tiring to ask questions too.

93.What is on top of your head,hair,air,roof?

94.Do you want the answer to the previous question?

95.Here ya' go:iBdrs era ynflig.


97.*COMBO YAWN!+30 sec to duration to yawn!*

98.*still yawning.

99.*STILL yawning*

100.Finally...torture complete.


Beowolve -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/6/2009 22:20:43)



Do you want a cookie?

If you don't want that cookie can I have it?

Cake or Pie?

Are either of the above a lie?

How many questions did I ask you?

Are you sure about the number you provided for the answer above?

Well By and Congratz!


Coyote -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/6/2009 23:53:50)

Heya! =D

How ya liking it here?

What's your opinion on coyote-hunting?

If I were to gnaw on a leg of a chair you sit in quite a lot, what would you do?

Would you still be my friend if I did? >_>

Are you sure?

I'm out of questions, so I'll leave you alone, now. Good luck dealing with the fact that you didn't institute a question limit! =P

Elemental Archmage -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/6/2009 23:58:13)

Sup-sup xenaphos!
Coke or pepsi?

Good or evil?

Apple or banana?

My rating parties or being an archknight?

OK thats it!

wpack10 -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 0:05:06)

Hola Xephanos!

Congrats, Though i was hopin to see a new face, No offesnse Glad to have you here too!

CoD or Halo?

Novels or Comics?

Hamburger or Hotdog?


Again Congrats!

P.s. Reni dont invade my post just to get on MtAK thread.

seishiro blue -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 0:19:25)

Hi Lord Xephanos!

What's your favorite AE game?

Do you watch Animax?

Where do you got your username?

Do you play Resident Evil series?

Who's your favorite villain in AE games? Mine's Drakath(in AQW) and Sepulchure(in DF) !!!

Does Pi is similar to Pie?

What's an ArchKnight? How'd u become one?

AK47 or P90?(They're guns)

Congratulations,Lord Xephanos! Good Luck in what your doing!

Snake XZ -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 0:56:13)

G'day Mate!

1. Who would win in fight between Chuck Norris, Freddy Krueger, and Bob Barker?[:D]

2. If answer 1 to the above question how many pancakes do I have?[:D]

3. Why do I ask the above the above question?

4. /me gives Lord Xenaphos a Lawyer Summon Charm. Trust me. You will need it to negotiate those shackles...[:D]

5. Tor....errrr question time over..... NO! Have fun and here /me gives him pies....

6. I really uberly like pie..... is that really normal or pychsosomatic?

7. What is the 6 thousandth number of pi? I really want to know...

Phoenix Myth -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 1:20:40)

Hiya Lord Xenaphos, how's it going?

Congratulations on making ArchKnight.

Do you like Caramelldansen? /me does the Caramell Dance.

/me summons Rick Astley. lol

I was listening to Caramelldansen speedy mix while typing these questions.

/me pulls out a paintball gun(with pink ammo) and aims for the face! Muhaha!

Well, that's all.

SoulMark -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 1:25:29)

Yo Lord Xenaphos!


Whats your user name in AQWorlds?

What side are you on Good or Evil?

Lol do you like Muffin? coz i see it in your photo...

Congratz again and Good Luck!

Iniama -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 1:29:39)

1. Is your default reply "Lamp"?

2. I've head people have been poisoning the cookies...

3. Do you have a Jorb?

4. Lamps!

5. Do you think some of these questions are rather silly?

6. What do you think of Anthropomorphics?

7. Is the previous question inappropriate? If so why? If not ignore me.

8. Is the cake really a lie?

9. Whats a .swf?

10. Do you think that you can infact, have too many portal jokes?

11. Have you thought of getting a helmet if you want to protect that face?

12. What web browser?

13. Good luck with all dis.

14. Any other MMOs?

15. Have you ever break danced?

16. Would you mind if i returned later with more questions? It is 12...

whisper of doom -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 2:35:56)


congratz with your replacement ^?^

1 question :P

100 questions?! o.O is that a typo or what?

Wandering Guardian -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 3:42:02)

As Fargoth the Wood Elf likes to say in Morrowind: 'Greetings and Salutations!'


1. What exactly are you the Lord of? (my prediction is Crocodiles)

2. Do you have an in-game player? If so what's their name?

101. This is question 101. Are you going to answer it?

3. Jumped back to question 3. Where was I?

4. Oops nvm. So which is your favorite game out of AQ, DF, MQ and AQW?


altsien -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 3:48:31)

Hi Lord Xenaphos, I dont know if this is a bug but I cant finish the first quest at the King because he says go to the firmary once you got the knights, can you help me with this?

piratte -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 4:00:29)

Hi and congratz, no questions just stopped by to say gratz

Gratz again

My Name is Jake -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 4:02:55)

Hi Lord Xenaphos!!!!

Congratulation on becoming an AK[:)]

1) What's you favorite AE game?

2) Who is your favorite DF NPC?

3) Who is your favorite AQW NPC?

*try's to think of more questions*[&:]

4) Are you Good or Evil in AQW?[>:]

5)What is your favorite food?

6) Who is your favorite Moglin?

ShadowSilver -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 4:22:07)

Lord Zennap Xenap!

How are you?


*Throws a hammer to Xenap's face*

<Insert fav song under here>

What color are your Shackles?

Are they tight enough?


Argh! *Jumps of a cliff*

Enough, I can't think of more


nosey123 -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 4:51:15)

Wow, 3 pages already >_>

How DO you find time answering all this XD

Congratualations. I think. [&:]

Cguy -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 5:09:25)


Congratulations on being the new AQW GD AK!

Just wanted to say well done, hope you enjoy it, bye[;)]

PS. I was going to, but then I decided not to be evil and torture you with 100 questions

Dark rider -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 7:26:29)

Lord Xenaphos!!!!

here is a cookie *gives you a cookie*

congratz on the AK ship

well i cud use goggle and look up the most anying question in the world but im not going to do that


evil or good(in AQW)

if u are good come to the evil side we have cookies

sorry whe are out of cookies

now we have pizza

favrite song

favrite movie

so i guess this all

see you around =D


one more thing

*hits you in the face*

sorry XD

goodbye and again congratz on AK ship


Rabbid Chipmunk -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 8:16:53)


Hows dem shackles?

Has mario ever tryed to eat Youz?

Are you evil?

I got nothing else...



Kalexand -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 9:53:03)

If you answer these questions do not put LAMP or Chuck Norris , thank you.

First of all

How are you?

What is your favorite marine animal?

What is your favorite animal?

Do you find spiders cool?

Why do they call it a spider monkey?

What would be the perfect question to ask you?

What would be the perfect answer of that question?

Do you judge people by what they wear?

What is your favorite holiday?

Who is the coolest person in the world? (except a LAMP and Chuck Norris)

Did you ever let your anger out on an animal?

Did you ever let your anger out on a wall?

At this point I only have one question...

Do you like me? :D

That is about all the things I wanted to ask. Have a nice day hope to see you in AQW.

Dragoon_KarThenus -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 9:53:24)



What has they done to j00?!

gratz dood *coughmakemeanAKcough*

I haz a caek in teh shape of a lamp, and a lamp in teh shape of a caek, which does you want?


Crimsonrider -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 13:25:08)

Meh, SilverWing was scared of my questions.
You will soon follow.

1.) Hows your day?

2.) To Do, Or not to do?

3.) Do you sing?

4.) How do you like your job?

5.) You've had better have said fun, right?

6.) What was AE's meathod of kidnapping inviting you?

7.) Particular music you enjoy?

8.) Interesting.

9.) Favorite AE Game?

10.) Favorite AK/Mod/SoO so on?

11.) Favorite foodsies?

12.) How would you get to know something?

13.) Pi is so overrated. Phi, is like, so much more helpful and magical, amiright?

14.) Favorite school subject?

15.) Favorite teacher?

16.) Hands-on stuff or Talk-to-me-about-it stuff?

17.) Is getting hate mail any fun? I've gotten one; it gave me a few laughs.

18.) But I would prefer if I didn't get any. Would you?

19.) Would you rather be in a "Society of" or "League of"?

20.) tea > coffee, we have agreement?

21.) Good > Evil + Chaos. :]

22.) Should Rolith release one of those dumb tog things? XD

23.) I think not.

24.) Meh, I'm not going to for for 100. But heres a question, have you ever broken a secret?

25.) O: Amazing. So, how do you say good bye?

Bye :] And congratulations and such.

warriorxilla -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 13:35:54)

Why are you not undead?

Why do you like cookies?

Are you a pessimist?

Are you an optimist?

Why aren't you answering any more?



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