RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (Full Version)

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nukefission -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/9/2009 5:24:06)


1. who pmed u that u were a AK?

2.what was your reaction chain reaction

3.favorite food?

5.favorite AE game?

6.what levels in AE games?

7.*breaks rules*

8.chicken or cow many dollars is 7 euros times 8 pounds?

10.can i be a potato

thats all


p.s pleeeeeeese dont band me

Brandon6666 -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/9/2009 17:02:03)


turnoverman -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/9/2009 17:37:28)

are you a feesh*?

if 1 + 1 = 7 what would be the answer to 7 - 1?

*gives pie* bye bye!

*feeshes are fishes + ee and - i

toidiedud -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/9/2009 20:22:56)

Ello Xephy[:D]

Yeah thats all I got to say...

Rowdey -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/9/2009 21:20:29)

1. y do u say lamp so much.

2. would it b unsportsman like to go for the full 100

3. can u think of something more time consuming then the ae games?

4. if so do u feel like sharing.

5.on a scale from 1 to 10 how much is this trying ur patience

6. will my questions ever get answered.

7. do u think u could think of 100 questions in actually get up to writing them down

8. when u say lamp do u mean a regular lamp or a genie lamp

9. do u enjoy being an ak

10. have u ever met any of the ae staff

11. do u think its shallow to ask this many questions

12. do u know me

13. do u think i know u

14. do u think id b able to tell u i dont know u really in a question

15. do u care if i puntuate correctly and use correct grammer and spelling

16. am i breaking any forum rules.

17. if u were doing this do u think ud get tired of asking questions

18. do u mind if i repeat myself.

19. do u mind if i repeat myself

20. r there any perks to being an ak

21. if the answer to question 20 is yes what r they

22. what do u think of aes art

23. so hows life treating u

24. do u think i can fill out 100 questions

25. do u think if i wanted i could prove u wrong if u answer lamp ill...................................

death ag -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/9/2009 21:47:49)


I had a dream that the meaning of life was a washing machine. Had any dreams like that?

Dog goes MOO!

From ME

More questions coming up after the break
so stay tuned!

Xerepic -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/9/2009 22:23:29)

Hey Lord Xenaphos.

*In the face*

How does it feel being an AK?

May I see your chains, and the little ball thing at the end of the chain?

May I see your lamp, too?

What is the meaning of life?

Whats your favorite flavor of pie?

Favorite cookie?

Pretzels or Potato Chips?

Potato or Patato?

Tomato or Tamato?


Well, as a reward for your accomplishment, I'll give you a lamp from my house.

*tries to give lamp to you via laptop*

....I think I'm breaking my laptop's screen...Hold on...

*breaks laptop*

...It won't fit...

Maybe I should just mail it?

*mails lamp to random address*

Have fun with your new lamp that is now probably in Australia. [;)]

zak1896 -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/9/2009 22:27:37)

[sm=BoA.gif] We should have a linkin park live event!

Guardian Kayla -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/9/2009 22:37:34)

Why do you answer lamb?

Is lamb your favorite animal?

Lamb is a delicous __________.

Coffee or tea?

Why am I asking so many questions?

Why do mods only answer questions up to page 6?

No, you threw me a fake cookie!

Haha, still got Artix's axe not to mention Seppy's blade.

You will never catch me coppers!

stormrage9147 -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/9/2009 23:46:55)

Hello theres.

Congratz on your AKship

How does it feel to be an AK now?

Is it a tough/demanding job?

Destiny or Doom?

Are you looking forward to our live event this Friday? I am. I haven't heard the song Brains in quite a while

Do you like ArchAngels?

Well, thanks for taking the time to look at my questions and answer them. [&:]


Coyote -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/9/2009 23:51:04)


/me shoves a pie in Lord X's face

Have a nice day. n_n

*me sneakattackles Vulpix's tail. so cuddly! :D

*Ag gets 6x sneakattackle bonus on my tail*

Saojun -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/10/2009 0:01:31)

Hi and Congrats, Lord Xenaphos. Oddly, I seem to have heard that name before, but I forgot where and when.
Anyways, that's all from me.
Happy modding AQWGD. [:)]

xianmas -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/10/2009 0:37:00)

I'm not gonna ask u questions so I saves u more torture
AND I WILL RESCUE U!!!! unless u don't want me 2
Instead of a question I will tell u a joke

2 guys walk into a bar which is kinda strange cuz the 2nd
Guy would see the 1st guy walk into it and walk around it.

ssonic5 -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/10/2009 0:43:54)

Hail Archknight Xenaphos!

My questions shall be of questionable question...ness....... Yeah.

1. BESIDES the number 42, what is the meaning of life?

2. Can i use your brain for the weekend?

3. What can i pretend to do to get a job like this? (Avoiding effort, if possible)

4. Why do i ask pointless questions?

5. How do you press paper out of old jeans?

6. Ninja is to rat as Pirate is to _____?

7. LUUCKKKKYYYY Question! How do you spend 1 Billion gold?

8. Should i stop asking questions?

9. can you help me with my Physics?

Annndd finally, 10, Whats the square root of the first number, from left to right, in the cost of an uber plate?

Icy -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/10/2009 0:52:50)

1. Hello LX. Grats on AK.

2. Law or Chaos?

3. Cookies and/or cream?

4. Italian, Chinese, American or Mexican food?

5. Favorite Sport?

That's it! Good luck!

Cairofairo -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/10/2009 1:30:53)

Helloz 0 )

i like smileys but cyclops smileys! 0 )

1. do u like my 0 )??

2. whos your best forum friend??

3. your fav ak and or mod.

4. have they atten u yet??

5. i like doing two ?? how many u like doin??

6. is the end soon??

7. did u eat my pie??

8. Um should i finish??

9. NO!!

10. oK i fInIsH nOw r u gLaD?

11. wait.

12. no never mind.

13. ooooooooooo i remmbered wat i forgot wat i rembered did u??

14. ooo i did cApS like that ooo!!

15. okkz now im rlly finsished r u glad now??

Suranjan -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/10/2009 9:21:55)

Hey Lord Xenaphos ! :D

How does getting a new board feel ? :P

So, our world domination plan goes well :)))))))))

That's all from me. Congrats, bye and see you ! :)

albert123245 -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/10/2009 10:17:57)

1. Are they taking the Homo Florsesiensis To Isengard?

2. Why lamp?

3.How are the chains?

4. Lamp or light bulb?

5. Plastique or plastic?

6. Watchmen or *insert other one of the greatest novel of all time*

7.Who's the most random?

8. There is no 8...

9. What is in my pocket...

10. Clue or RISK?

Zyrain -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/10/2009 12:48:56)

Hi Lord Xenaphos, it's me your Clan Ally ( Ha ha to all of you, my moment of fame! )

AE :

What is your Char Page ( s ) for AQW?

Would you like to be a character in the games like Artix?

How did you first become involved with AE / become a Mod?

Who is your best AE friend?

Sepulchure or Alteon?


What's your favourite colour?

If you were an animal, what would you be?

Are we friends? ( I personaly think we are )

Truth or Dare?

P.S. Congratulations for the promotion!

delta14672 -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/10/2009 14:25:20)

1:Good Or Evil?


3:good.cause thats the whole point

4:cake or ice cream?

5:You Prisoned Much?

6:Favorite AQW class?

7:fav armor?

8:sword or staff?

9:which is better than artix.cysero or safiria?

10:artix is gonna hate you for that.

11:Good Luck Being A Slave.I mean.a AK

12:mithril chains?

13:i'll stop posting..for now

User -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/10/2009 15:26:50)

Hiya Lord Xenaphos!

I got no questions for you but I'd like to say congrats on the AK-ship! =)

drakehello -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/10/2009 18:40:14)


1. is the cake a lie?

2. how about the pie?

3. i wantz a cookie

4. what is the meaningz of lifez?



7. yay for lucky seven!

Lucas McCarty -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/10/2009 20:04:43)


Do you like Chicken?

Am I your friend?

Do you LOVE me?

What's your AQW username. (Mine is Vengeance_Shinigami I'm on Safiria or Sir Ver.)

Ham or Turkey?

Who do YOU think the hottest NPC is. (I think Robina in Frostvale outfit. O.O may i stare?)

Can I eat 'chu?

Do you know Artix?

Who's your favorite Mod? (Mine is Tomix. TOMIX 4 EVA!!! :P)

Your favorite smiley fro typing. (Mine are -.- and o_O)

What's 2+2?

Do you have a cat?

Do you have a dog?

Are you still in school. (college is an exception)

Do you like your name? (I do.)


mechphantomizer -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/10/2009 20:19:31)

Hi Lord ummm how was it spelled?

can i eat yer alligator

why is my head on fire

Why purple WHYYYYY [sm=twill10a.gif]

Why dont you answer[sm=twill9a.gif]


dat is it for now FOR NOW

Lince -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/11/2009 13:07:19)

Heyo Mssr. *gives a cookie*

How goes it?

Imagine you were in space without a suit or rocket and were being hurled into the sun. How do you survive?

What's your favorite face evar?

Evil or Bacon?

[previous question's answer] or 1 million dollars?

[previous question's answer] or me? :D

I'm kind of just here to keep piling on teh questions. :P I see you're a bit behind on them.


Okai bye now! *poofs*

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