RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (Full Version)

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Suuichi -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 14:13:23)



*me pokes Suuichi in the face >:D
/me flees

:o *throws a ball after bat*


WiGA -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 15:44:16)


magnious -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 15:58:15)


whats your fav. animal?

whats your fav. color?

whats your fav. food?

do you like money? i do!

do you like to eat? i do!! alot!(yet im skinny as heck)

do you wear glasses?[8|]

what do you do with spare time?

Pick 1: good, evil, chaos

how u like my signature? awesome huh?

what would you do if i ate your cookie?

GRATZZZZZZZzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!..........-sniff- ok im done!

Death 3 -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 16:05:36)


Good or evil?

Pizza or cheesecake?

If you could have a weapon from AQW, what would it be?

What do you like most about AQW?

What has been your favorite release so far?

The Dragon Tamer -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 16:30:57)

hope u have a fun time doing whatever you're supposed to do 1 question


sorry bout that hacker part i felt random like what most of my life is

sabree -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 16:55:09)

hey my name is aj i have a few ideas for this game. I think you should put a place on the map where a fair can go so people can go spend money and win money buy prizes and win prizes and lots of other things like that. another thing is where that one litle spot of water is on the map called the grate um giant puddle well you guys should put a little spot in there for people to buy a boat house kinda thing and they can custimize it put things in it and only friends can go to there boat house. please suggest these things and please dont make it for members because since i came up with this i kinda want to be able to do them and i cant offord to be a member thanks for your time i have alot more but i dont want to write all of them on this thing so if you need more help then conntact me

Rexcaliver -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 17:36:43)

1. Want to play a game? [sm=rofl.gif] game starts now.

2. What's better aligator or crocodile?

3. Do you like my signature? see bottom

4. What is better Chuck Norris or Lamps?

5. Do you think AQ worlds should make lamp a weapon?

6. Should Chuck Norris be a pet?

7. Should aligators be a pet?

8. What is your favorite rare item?

9. Can you type the alphabet alphabeticly?

10. Do you believe in luck?

11. What is your favorite number?

12. What is the highest number you know?

13. What do you think is the easiest way to make money in AQ worlds?

14. Do you like eggs?

15. Are you looking forward to the Friday the 13 release?

16. What does S.C.U.B.A. stand for? (please don't say lamp)

17. What is your favorite lamp brand?

18. Do you like fire?

19. Do you like setting things on fire?

20. Do you think fire is fun?

21. Are you a pyromaniac?

22. Do you think I deserve the lamp in my room?

23. What is your favorite day of the weak?

24. What do you think of when you hear the word Xenaphos?

25. Do you think you can answer another 75 questions from me?

26. Do you like numbers?

27. Which is better 1 or 2?

28. Why?

29. What do you think of when you hear the word Alpha?

30. What is 2 to the 792 power times 77,777?

31. Have you ever gotten frostbite?

32. Do you believe your picture is a 1up mushroom?

33. What is your favorite picture?

34. Have you seen Watchmen?

35. If the Earth was invaded by aliens which celebrity would be most equipped to save us?

36. Why?

37. What is your favorite word?

38. Do you think that dragonlords are superior to star captains and guardians?

39. Do you think girlscout cookies are a waste of money? (i do)

40. Iph tipoes dooe noght igsast thane wath iz thaz?

41. Do you like candles?

42. Do you like matches?

43. Do you like lighters?

44. Do you like calling people foolish mortals? (I do)

45. Is that a picture of the black knight from fire emblem on your profile?

46. Do you think the sun should be replaced with a giant lamp?

47. Do you like lamps?

48. Do you like regular lightbulbs or fluorescent lightbulbs?

49. Are you going green?

50. Are you ready to answer another 50 questions?

51. Do you believe in global warming? I don't. My dad says thirty years ago they were telling us about global cooling. So my guess is someone fell asleep woke up and decided that global warming would be scarier?

52. Do you think that money grows on trees?

53. Do you want it to?

54. What is your favorite type of money? (dollars, yen, wampa)

55. What should the Earth do when it runs out of gold?

56. How do you think the world will end?

57. Do you like sharpies?

58. Do you like my Character?

59. How could I improve it?

60. Do you think pigs should have wings?

61. Can you answer a question with another question?

62. Do you like moglins?

63. Do you play the moglin punter game on ebil games?

64. Do you ever imagine yourself being 7ft tall?

65. What is a funny joke?

66. What is a funny thing you have read on a poster?

67. How many lamps do you own?

68. If you saw Chuck Norris what would you do?

69. You find a strange bottle and rub it. Out comes Chuck Norris. He does a roundhouse kick and breaks off one of the walls at your house. Then he leaves. Now what do you do?

70. Do you have a full friends list on AQ worlds?

71. What does this ([sm=treasuresmiley0ps.jpg]) make you think of?

72. Can you cook?

73. Will you make me a mushroom cake?

74. Nevermind those are bad can I just have a 1up shroom?

75. Are you ready for 25 more?

76. You are on Jeopardy do you win?

77. Can you say the pledge of allegiance backwords in 30seconds?

78. Do you like the ABC's?

79. How did you think of making a mushroom your picture?

80. Do you want to ask me 100 questions?

81. Do you eat your vegitables?

82. Do you like V8?

83. How many forks do you have at your house?

84. When you are going on a walk you get abducted by aliens. How do you escape? (I'm expectinging no less than a 2 paragraph essay)

85. You meet someone named Lord_Xenaphos what do you do? (ooh a scary underscore not a space)

86. Do you sing?

87. Can you sing well?

88. Do you sing badly but still try?

89. Do you think you would freak out if a chipmunk started eating your eyes?

90. Would you seek revenge on the chipmunk and eat its eyes?

91. If you take revenge on the chipmunk a bigger one kills you with a knife. Do you kill it too in your dying moment?

92. Do you like knives?

93. When someone starts singing the ABC's what do you do?

94. A hypnotist hypnotises you. What did he make you do?

95. When does it happen?

96. Do you know the Canadian national anthem?

97. Can you type it?

98. On a scale of 1 to 10. How cool are lamps?

99. If there is an earthquake do you call Chuck Norris to stop it?

100. Can I ask you 100 more questions in another post?

each question is worth 100 times its number total points:

elomole -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 18:03:55)

Hi and congratz on ur....upgrade?

Im new here, but i have a coupla questions

1) Would u eat twilly soup? ( glances at odd, gurgling bulge in curtains and strange, small, red bump in curtains)

2) What is ur name in aqw? mine is elomole

4)silver lamp or gold lamp?

5) who would win in a fight? Zelda or Midna?

6) What is ur favorite class?

7) what is the name of the dangerous ant in Africa that causes mass city evacuations?

8) do u have a headache yet?

9) I say cheese, you say?

10) What is it with you and lamps?

(gives chisel, hammer, "how to make Twilly soup" cookbook, cheese wedge, soda, and laser designed to turn ppl into lamps before leaving)


p.s. You are lucky. You get shackles. I get a rubber room and a tight, white jacket. lol

Grixus Faldor -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 18:28:54)

Greetings Lord Xenaphos and Congratulations! (you certainly know your honorifics)

1) How are you shackles feeling?

2) I have some that are half a size larger.

3) Need shackle warmers?

4) How's the food?

5) Who captured your soul?

6) What's the cell like?

7) Is it cramped?

8) I snuck some food into the cell, have it.

9) Why is there an "In" sign but not "Out" sign here?

10) Favourite food?

11) Favourite type of food?

12) Favourite movie?

13) Favourite book?

14) Favourite genre?

15) Country of Residence?

16) Am I allowed to sub-divide into A's and B's for questions?

17) Are you the social type?

18) If you could choose which to destroy which would you choose: the Internet or television?

19) Religion?

20) Favourite game?

21) Level in AQW?

22) Meet ya on Galanoth server?

23) Farming tips?

24) Do you play any other AE games?

25) Are you proficient in coding?

26) Do you know any coding languages?

27) You're going to answer one of my questions with lamp aren't you?

28) Do you believe Obama's views on abortion are good or bad or are you not morally inclined?

29) Got your nose!

30) Wikipedia, Encyclopedia Brittanica or Mariam-Webster?

31) or Mariam-Webster?

32) Television or Cinema?

33) Country you want to go to?

34) What is Vascularitis?

35) Have you had your appendix removed?

36) Have you had your tonsils removed?

37) Democracy or Socialism?

38) Freedom of Speech or Freedom of Will?

39) What do you imagine you will do 25 years in the future?

40) 100 questions will be your downfall!!!

41) Downfall iminent in 59 questions!!!

42) How's things?

43) Like your new interface?

44) Weren't you a C/C AK before?

45) Oh well I'll spare you

46) Goodbye!

47) Enjoy

48) Congrats!

49) I'm so evil hehehe

50) Stop

51) Reading

52) Please?

53) Lamp

54) Oil

55) Grease :P

56) Ok going to be serious now, have you ever loved someone?

57) The Mayan Calendar states the world will end in 2012 are you afraid?

58) I think I'm all out now.

nearo -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 19:35:57)

hiyas nice tah meet yah,
question1:will you ever actualy see this message.
2:who do you think likes smileys more -_- you realy like lamps that mutch? you think we'l ever meet on aq worlds?
5.hmm im out of questions for now but ther will be more >=D

43?9enter -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 20:16:47)


On a scale of 1-10 rate this

On another scale of 1-10, rate my Big 500k armor and Berserk Berserker armor

Should I put those in Creative Art?


SiLvErWiNg -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/7/2009 22:41:13)

tee hee >:D


that is all.

chocobo lord -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/8/2009 1:20:23)

Woot the face!


He's mad too!


O rly?


But then...

I just want to.


My sentences getting to you?


What would you do if I asked you the same answer twice?

So anyway, how's yer boss?

WA's post?

What's your favorite number?

Is the world round or spherical?

Are you a hacker?

Are you sure?

How’s the shackles?

Why’d you get AK*d?

What’s your AQW username?

Is the glass half full or half empty?

Why do you like specifically 100 questions?

/me throws pair of swordchucks at Lord X.

Anyway, I’ll bring about your own downfall.


How’s life?

Ever seen Skyress?

How many rares you got?

Why do you play AQW?

Remember when…? (in DF)

Does something exist before anyone/thing has known about it?

Play any Final Fantasy games? (xD)

Which ones?

O rly?

>.> I really like *O rly,* eh?

What would you do if I asked you the same answer twice?

Why do you want 100 questions, anyway?

Yer wastin mah time!

Why the complicated names?

Have some soup?

Oh right, I poisoned it. =P

012 |\/|4Y133 |-| 13375P33|< T3|-| PWN!

Did you get what I said?

Tick tock tick tock...

Does Brian Clevenger sound familiar?


Or you can go to and waste 5 hours of your life laughing like heck.

Er… I’ll finish my questions later.

Must be going now, bye and gratzies!

~Chocobo Lord

P.S. I'll be back! :D

Smalls -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/8/2009 16:22:42)


Is it true that Sparker made your avvy?

can I haz a cookie?

Do you want a cookie?

Who kidnapped you?

that's all for now :D


Inferno1020 -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/8/2009 16:43:13)

if you could have one wish what would u wish for?

what ae your feelings on the cake being a lie?

what are soem question i can ask u, i cant think of any :P

Silver Lion -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/8/2009 17:05:28)

Hai Xenaphos!

I guess I should start with some few simple questions (and gartZs):

Gratz on your AKship!

How does it feel to be an AK?

If you're a decorator of a cake for AE what would you write on the top?

Do you like muffins?

Are you secretly eating cookies without sharing? D:<

That above was randomness, wasn't it?


What is the meaning of life?

If you were in the drawing room, what would you add to AQW first?

Well those were my few and simple questions. Enjoy your AKship!

ILmaster13 -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/8/2009 17:22:58)

hey Xenaphos!

you dont know me right?

what is the city that has no people?

Do you like my sig? click it.

would you insult chuck norris right in his face?

do you like those other posts that have a whole bunch of questions like Rexcaliver's post?

can you see sunlight in your cell?

here are some cookies*gives Xenaphos a box of cookies* do like them?

now that you have them, could you pay for them over there?*points at a store*

who is the person that shackled you?

see anything different?

ok seya later.

beccstar -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/8/2009 17:35:13)

Lord Xena!! /bow ^_^

Do you remember me on aqw??

Have you been to any of my parties?

favorite pet?

What do you think of the person in the right half of my sig?

favorite boss to fight?

what's the toughest monster or boss you've killed without any help?

Congratulations on becoming a new AQW:GD AK ^_^

I hope you're having a nice day/evening. See you later! ^_^

Walt -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/8/2009 17:48:31)

1)im not going 2 give u a hundred questions how about 10?

2)How many lamps are in ur house (or apartment).

3) im bored? (how is that a question)

4) Are u going 2 answer the rest of my questions


6) Whats ur favorite place

7) Theres no such thing as a lamp!

8) do u hate me for number 7

9) can u friend me on AQW? PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ :P

10)can u ask me a question instead

Zhukai -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/8/2009 19:36:07)

Hay lo

Hows life?

hmm ok ok

Can I ask random questionz?

If yes to above then continue if not, thats it

Which would you root for? Llamas or Alpakahs?

+1 life?


Which would win fire or ice?

Thx for spending your time with me [:)]

thewinnar -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/8/2009 19:38:30)


HD or plasma?

Would you like a cookie?

If you had a wish what would it be?

Like my sig?

nothing much to say but still congratz! hope to see you on AQW mines is thewinner check out my page here

Why is the sky blue but a bunny is white?

Wow a 100 questions that must be after 99,right?

SpecialFloss -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/8/2009 21:33:06)

Oh Hi!
I have a few questions for you (I'm Kinda New at this)
1. How do you become AK?
2. Favorite color?
3. Have you ever met *gasp* ARTIX?
Thank You :).

xenofaust -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/9/2009 1:06:57)

XD its nice to meet a fellow Xen, i6 seems almost like we are cousins here eh? our parents musta had similar tastes XD anywho, questions.
1: why xenaphos?
2:chuck norris vs yoda
3:how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck was chuck norris?
4:pet gator or killer rabbit?
5:what is your name?
6:what is your quest?
7:what is the airspeed velocity of 2 swallows carrying a coconut?

.*. .*. .*. -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/9/2009 3:21:15)

Hello Lord Xenaphos!

I'm just dropping by to say congrats and enjoy AKing in AQW GD. :D

Be sure to hide your mind somewhere or it will be destroyed by people eating salmonbanana soup! :o

I will be around lurking in the shadows to see that you will help Angelique + Company, if you don't behave then I will come back! Ö

I didn't have any questions but maybe I will see you on IRC someday?

Just remember that the StarPanther is free and travels the galaxy again!

See you and have fun! omgbbqlolwafflesnuggle <----this is a monster, beware!!!

srinivas -> RE: =MtAK= Lord Xenaphos: NOT THE FACE! >:O (3/9/2009 3:25:11)


*eats the face*

congratulations on getting AKed here though :P

Peace out.


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