RE: Classes/Abilities (Full Version)

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Jay -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/21/2010 19:27:41)

Kathool Adept Armor - Male


If the image's too big, I can take another smaller screenshot.

Added as an alternate image. [Niki]

Jamenja -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/22/2010 6:53:20)

Skill images for Kathool Adept armor ready to be linked whenever the skill entries are posted.

















Done, thanks. Will add the links later. [Niki]

sky222 -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/22/2010 17:45:29)

Dragonrider Coil gives +80 to block for 1 turn

Added, thanks! ~Karika

King Desoato -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/24/2010 1:15:17)

Color Custom Dragonlord Armor needs 2 typo fixes in the title.
1. It Colour instead of Color and it says Armour instead of Armor. Again perfectly understandable due to his location but in America which is where Dragonfable is it needs to be with our spellings.
2. It needs changed to where the DA banner is.
3. It also needs changed on Evolved Dragonlord Armor

1 & 3 fixed, Thanks. I don't understand what need to be chanhed in #2. [Niki]

It got fixed # 2 did i mean. So i guess it doesn't matter anyways!

King Desoato -> RE: Classes/Abilities (6/9/2010 17:08:08)

Your image is way to big. I can't add it. Make sure you edit just the certain part not the whole screenshot. Ill edit it myself.

As for sky222 and necrolich66 i don't really even understand what you think needs to be done. Clean your post up maybe with spaces. I don't really understand it. Once that has been done i will add it. Or if an AK gets it.

Let's use a less harsh tone considering your not an AK or a Mod and demanding of people isn't the correct way to do things. Their giving the descriptions and attack data for the Kathool armor skills. ~TLH~

Sorry it sounds different to other people i really didn't mean it that way

Ill make it sound nicer from now on. And i know they are describing the attack things but i don't really know how to put it in the post. Ill leave it to you or an AK.

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Classes/Abilities (6/16/2010 8:37:36)

Elemental Nythera's Attack Skill:


Also, based on tests, I doubt that Stun and Razor Wind are only 150% damage; they seem to be one hit of 600% damage.

Also, Unearth does Nature damage, not Stone.

I also have Elemental Nythera's class ability images for the pages (should also be linked/added to the Class page):

[image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image]


The images looks a bit large, in case she will get more skills in the future, they will not fit in one screen row. Usualy the skill images are about 100x55 [Niki]

Okay, thanks; I'll do a bit of editing. :P

Z -> RE: Classes/Abilities (6/23/2010 0:23:03)

Cooldown Shot does < 50% of weapon damage (exact number needs to be checked). Also, the heading's font size is incorrect.

Fixed, thanks. [Niki]

Silver Xoven -> RE: Classes/Abilities (6/23/2010 5:52:14)

Kathool Adept Armor needs a clickable skillbar (from left to right):
















Whew. Attack doesn't have a 'pedia entry, so I didn't provide it, should it be made in All Armors - Attack! or somewhere, 'cause it's worth to mention that it's more powerful than any "Attack" on any class?

Also, check Post #143 (yes, me again).

Jeff Jarrett -> RE: Classes/Abilities (7/9/2010 18:21:05)
It does 140% damage. The damage type is the same as weapon. The element is now the same as your weapon. MP cost is now 14
The effect is now -50 bonus. The attack type the same as your weapon. MP cost is now 13
There is now a 25% chance of finding a free health Potion. MP cost is now 7 MP
Now does 4 hits. Damage is 225%. MP cost is now 8. Attack type is the same as your weapon

Silver Xoven -> RE: Classes/Abilities (7/12/2010 5:03:03)

The Dread Pirate Armor needs a Female Version, too, the link is probba' broken or something:


I added your image as an alternative, Thanks. Sometimes this is a temporary outage, if the problem persists, we'll use your image as main. [Niki]

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Classes/Abilities (7/16/2010 22:44:52)

Elemental Nythera has three new skills:


I should probably also fix those dementedly huge images. =.=

Added, thanks! ~Karika

waynelim -> RE: Classes/Abilities (7/16/2010 23:24:29)


Level unlocked: N/A; only in Face Your Destiny and subsequent quests.

Elemental Nythera - Unleash, Elemental Nythera - Roar, Elemental Nythera - Beam and Elemental Nythera - Haste all have false information.
They should be available in all Rise of the Dragonmage quests,not Face Your Destiny.

Below:Yes,but still, the skills are available in all the RotD quests after unlocking face your destiny.

I changed it to remove the ambiguity. ~Karika

Highlord Sendai -> RE: Classes/Abilities (8/11/2010 13:45:16)

Dread Pirate Armor has a broken basic attack link,

There is a typo on the All Armors - Attack! part.


Young Here has a low chance to do either 12(?) hits or 2 hits of 100% damage. The chance increases the lower his HP is.

Should be...

Young Hero has a low chance to do either 12(?) hits or 2 hits of 100% damage. The chance increases the lower his HP is.

Done, thanks! ~Karika

Silver Xoven -> RE: Classes/Abilities (8/22/2010 7:37:46)

DragonRider - PRIMAL needs:

The appearance:

Also could use the Primal skill looks:


Also, the description is wrong: Says: "Unlease your Primal Skill", when it should be "Unleash your Primal Skill".

Woah, poor Fire Titan Elemental. [:D]

Also, Dread Pirate Armor's location is wrong. Says: "Used to be Falconreach ->Thyton". I belive it should say Rhubarb. Dunno about that one. [8D]

Peachii -> RE: Classes/Abilities (8/23/2010 14:20:55)

Elemental Nythera needs new skills added.

Unleash - Unleash your dragonly powers!!
Haste - Attack with a blindingly-fast strike!
Roar - Obliterate your foe with a dragon's roar!
Beam - Smite the entire battlefield!
Fiend - Summon an unearthly creature to do your bidding!
Rapture - Summon an awesome, spear-like projectile!
Syphon - Call upon the void to steal your opponent's life!
Corruption - Let the void corrupt your soul for immense damage!

Elemental Nythera:
Location: Into the Void, No Gain Without Loss, Seeking Advice, Face Your Destiny, Know Your Nature, A Bridge Forms, The Test

Done, thanks! ~Karika

Silver Xoven -> RE: Classes/Abilities (8/25/2010 12:19:11)

DragonRider: PRIMAL.. When the orbs are mentioned, and the damages they make, Nature has 500% too, even though we cannot primalize with Nature. Should be " - ".

Baron Dante -> RE: Classes/Abilities (8/29/2010 16:50:17)

Dark Aura unlocks at lvl 4, not 1.

Corrected, thanks. [Niki]

Silver Xoven -> RE: Classes/Abilities (9/3/2010 12:36:12)

Elemental Nythera also appears in Embrace Your Destiny. Also the skillset would need loads of updates, I might do some tomorrow (unless someone else makes it already). [8D]

Oh well, tomorrow's fast!

Ok, this is like my first skillset, so if I totally blew it, don't get mad! [:D] Hope it's good!


Added, thanks! ~Karika

Well, it turned QUITE well. [:D]

Highlord Sendai -> RE: Classes/Abilities (9/5/2010 5:44:50)


[image][/image]Young Vilmor
Wannabe Hero

Location: Donovan

Level: Any (Scaled to your level)
Default Weapon: Stick

Attack - Hits enemy several times with Stick.



[image][/image][b][size=3]Young Vilmor[/size][/b] 
[i]Wannabe Hero[/i]

Location: [link=]Donovan[/link]

Level: Any (Scaled to your level)
Default Weapon: Stick

[b]Attack[/b] - Hits enemy several times with Stick.


Done by Silver Xoven. [Niki]

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Classes/Abilities (9/10/2010 19:51:54)

For specificity's sake, Young Vilmor's attack has 9 hits.

Actually it is something between 5 and 15. [Niki]

SMGS -> RE: Classes/Abilities (9/11/2010 21:17:34)

Update for the Mage Class:

Mage - Final Blast > Image Update (Appearance)

Edited & credited! ;) ~ Army ~

jsrjohnny -> RE: Classes/Abilities (10/20/2010 23:13:49)

Guardian Armor's Keen Edge has a typo. The Crit boost is 25, not 5.

Fixed, thanks. [Niki]

nightslayer321 -> RE: Classes/Abilities (10/26/2010 3:57:01)

The Zardbie Armor need the links to his skills (if u like u can use the button images too):

[image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image]

Partly done by ZanpakuTô. I don't like the large buttons, when the whole ability bar is populate, some images wrap to the next line of some screens. [Niki]

jsrjohnny -> RE: Classes/Abilities (10/26/2010 11:43:45)

For Guardian Rage, it should be noted in the pedia entry that the elements it uses are always these:
and Stone.

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Stephen Nix -> RE: Classes/Abilities (10/26/2010 12:21:54)

and it looks like you need the attack appearances!

Done by nightslayer321. [Niki]

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