RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (Full Version)

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Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (7/15/2009 21:24:57)

First of all I don't know that it's a trifid. I put that up just in case, it is.

See I have this strange....way of helping everyone by providing useful information that at the time I'm not even aware is helpful.

Currently, the only thing I do know that's helpful for an absolute fact. is that those two numbers you just listed. Are coordinates.

xoloitzcuintli -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (7/15/2009 21:33:46)

Hm. Someone said earlier that those coordinates were in the Arctic Ocean. And Arctic may be the password for some cipher. Arctic has 6 letters and there are 6 words.
Edit: It's not a Caesar cipher. I tried it, backwards and forwards, here:

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (7/15/2009 22:21:24)

Yeah somehow this didn't seem like a caesar cipher type.
Vignère decryption

Removed spaces

Suggested keyword is arctic

vonymj jyjycw zznoss ijelzh
24 chars

Substring 1

Shift 0

Substring 2

Shift -17

Substring 3

Shift -2

Substring 4

Shift -19

Substring 5

Shift -8

Substring 6

Shift -2

this is what I get with a vignere and the key of arctic.

xoloitzcuintli -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (7/15/2009 22:27:19)

Yeah, I tried that too. There are way too many ciphers to try. Do you think it's a transposition?

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (7/15/2009 23:01:24)

no good X. Transpostions do not work on this.

murdering zealot -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (7/15/2009 23:02:20)

this is the last or next-to-last riddle before warpforce public release, HOW EXCITING!!!!!!!!

xoloitzcuintli -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (7/15/2009 23:16:03)

Hm. Why don't transpositions work?

BumFoolingGuy -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (7/15/2009 23:20:57)

Doubt that...(They the ones who creates are the ones who gets the last laughs from people thinking everything like ciphers from tomorrow are the last ones, who won't be prepare, instead of those who expect the unknown are thinking the worst ever are the ones who are prepare to work on the final cipher

I removed this part
then why not see the knowledge as a different way of the aspect of the puzzle knowing each way of teaching knowledge requires something that has been branched or made requires something that roots its base at the unknown thought or have to look at the knowledge of the puzzle and branch off or look at the clues of the puzzle and work around at different angles or modifications that since the ciphers won't work at every level of ciphers or knowledge

Since the knowledge of using the puzzle is incredible need something that only requires the aspect of the clues and work or not modify it into something that only incredible have made by the teachers into different ways or aspects that work with the puzzle

why not take everything of the puzzle and clues and write what makes sense and besides this puzzle seems to be incredible at first with the knowledge why not work on the knowledge part of it to branch the knowledge into you and since knowledge requires different keys or ways that are simple but can be hard(guesses could work if not)

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (7/15/2009 23:34:20)

I think the saying goes, he who laughs last, laughs best.

Their teaching us. In their own wonderful way.

And so far this level of knowledge is incredible.

The reason the ciphers don't work, is when I run em through, they don't give anything that makes sense.

Oh and bum, stop giving out Ideas okay? That doesn't help.

xoloitzcuintli -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (7/15/2009 23:46:12)

Meh. I'm clueless. D=

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (7/16/2009 1:16:04)

well so far it's eleven at night and I have tried everything I can think of. I'm going to bed.

Lkeas -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (7/16/2009 2:54:39)



If you are are to escape the puzzle of Cerebus... no wait that's not somehow wrong... not the three headed dog at all. Just Great I will War with this for hours.

5 across: Relevant 6 letters, -e

These two remarks seem quite significant. A synonym for "relevant" is germane, minus the E could be "German." Cerberus was a ship in the Great War:

If that is the Cerberus referred to, is there some puzzle or cipher associated with its service in the Great War?

Or perhaps it is simply in reference to WWI itself, in which case one of the more famous German puzzles involved encryption using the Enigma machine. Could this latest cipher be encrypted with that method?

EDIT: Information about and simulation of Enigma machine can be found here: I don't really have time to test it out myself right now and I'm sick besides, so I should be in bed. But perhaps someone in a more healthy condition could try it?

Krayola -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (7/16/2009 3:13:38)

I was thinking similarly to that, but he said Cerebus, not cerberus. Then said no wait that's somehow not wrong, which means it is right? So is it cerebus (Which the only thing I found on was a comic book?) or is it Cerberus?

Plushie -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (7/16/2009 9:52:08)

This Is confusing does any one have a list of solved and unsolved puzzles in the last thread,to clear my mind a bit

tobi728822 -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (7/16/2009 10:28:44)

I agree with Lkeas. He was clearly making to WWI and the fact the he used Cerebus as a proper noun refers to a name. So if it is the Enigma.. I'll check


From Eldron:

This just in, Could the wide sea mean space? The network is getting clever. Historically, codes have been not their strong suite.

Cross the wide sea, CLCVII, to find the good one's friend.


Now what if Cerebus could instead be a clue to this.. That would make Cerebus a shuttle. and if we take out the es in Cerebus, we has 5 letter. So if my hunch is Correct CRBUS is the Key for this puzzle.

So i'm completely positive the the Key is CRBUS now I just need help Dechipereing it

Got it count back from 4

Eldron -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (7/16/2009 11:24:05)

Count backwards from 4 for the 1 approach.

Vivi -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (7/16/2009 11:26:08)

That would suggest to me that Lkeas is right about the Enigma cipher. I'll take a look at that and see if I can figure it out.

edit: Hm, the edit Eldron made makes me not quite as sure >.>

tobi728822 -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (7/16/2009 11:31:53)

Alright the other post it too big.


From Eldron:
Count back 4

That was his original post

well i just ran the message through a transposion chipher, and for some reason the first word is always end..


Create a subsets of characters based on the length of the keyword and do a separate frequency analysis on each of them. Compare each to a standard frequency distribution and try to match them up using the distribution of peaks and troughs rather than an exact pattern matching. Find out the character shift which should give the keyword character eg. if shifted 4 places to the left then the letter is probably e

Perhaps this could help shed some light on Eldron's Post. Got it from Here

And then there is the matter of Eldron Saying Suite, reffering ot a card game... Wait a sec.. That might just work.

/me bangs my head against the wall. Arggh I'm so close, i can just feel it. I just need to use the right cipher!

murdering zealot -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (7/16/2009 12:18:37)

by "the 1 aproach" does eldron means the only aproach?

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (7/16/2009 12:19:56)

Great Caesars Ghost! I somehow completely forgot about the post involving the Cerebus and ended up focusing on arctic instead as a key!

If it was run through a rotary (And Eldron where did you find such an amazing tool?) then this website may help us after all.

For eldrons recent post of counting backwards. We have one of two options. We have the option that was listed above with the shifting of four.

Or we have the subtraction of four minus one which equals 3. Or. We have to take four steps backwards from our approach. Leading to the conclusion. Or, (and lastly) we Count back 4 in a direction and end up at number one.

Verlyrus -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (7/16/2009 13:16:48)


Just Great I will War with this for hours.

lol. i'm pretty sure Lkeas got the method right.
I'm looking at the enigma thing now. It's pretty darn complicated.

I'm messing around with the 'key' CRBS, but I dunno if that's right.

Apparently there are a ton of settings that fit a "daily key" which sounds incredibly complicated and which we don't have, I don't think.

tobi728822 -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (7/16/2009 13:28:52)

Actually Lord, if my hunch is correct i'm pretty sure it is. The key should be CRBUS Because

5 across: Relevant 6 letters, -e


6 letters, subtract the e's and you get 5 letters

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (7/16/2009 13:47:32)

makes perfect sense to me. Because you subtract the e's out of cerebus and you have c.r.b.u.s. one two three four five.

Good thinking there fellow cryptonaughts.

Lord Asrius -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (7/16/2009 14:03:04)

So all we need is to use CRBUS as an enigma key?

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =WF= A Final Mystery part II (7/16/2009 14:46:40)

That's pretty much the concept, yes asrius.

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