RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (Full Version)

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DigDog -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/28/2010 6:38:04)


IF you closely watch the scores n have the sum or C.I. of the attacks/defenses you'll come to the conclusion that a massive number of players spends its time on Paxia on a daily basis

Not necessarily. You can achieve 1k-2k wins (depending on char level) by getting 10 chars to their caps. If you now take into account that one player can have up to 5 chars in his account and can even play all 5 at the same time in multiple windows (by having a reasonably strong computer of course), it means that two ambitioned players can make a huge impact on the scores. That's hardly a "massive number of players" though.

theosenia -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/28/2010 6:58:46)

[:)] Thank you for that info,Dig-Dog. You are always helpful but,by now,I know all that by myself.I've learned 'my lesson'. :-)

What I'm talking about is -200,000 on Aerodu / -100,000 on Unity / -150,000 on Lucian IF we hadn't been defending Plus ALL the other MINUS on Paxia EQUALS a MASSIVE number of PLAYERS...or smth else!

Still,I think that you need to better define 'two ambition players can do a huge impact on the score'... To me,that too, it's quite clear but perhaps for others?
Also you seem to forget that thing called:'SMB has HIT HIS CAP NO MATTER how many chars or good computer,he's got! [;)]

DigDog -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/28/2010 7:13:05)


What I'm talking about is -200,000 on Aerodu / -100,000 on Unity / -150,000 on Lucian IF we hadn't been defending Plus ALL the other MINUS on Paxia EQUALS a MASSIVE number of PLAYERS...or smth else!

More like "smth else", namely a huge amount of time that has passed. You forgot that this defense thing has been around for over a year now, plenty of time for Aerodu to rack up negative points since nobody was defending.

theosenia -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/28/2010 7:20:11)

Nop! I NEVER forget! [:)]
You ARE right about the time that took for THOSE scores. What I DID forget to mention,though on my previous post is that we ALSO have to take into consideration the amount of RL time needed for just '2 ambition players doing a huge impact on the score'...It seems to me that,at some point we have to get SERIOUS! [:D]

SIGMUND -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/28/2010 9:25:41)

We do not doubt that there are a few stalwart Dynami players who do defend their own clan. Or attack others.[:-]

However we do doubt that they can achieve 1-2k of effect within a few minutes. As they have in the past.

(Synchronisation has nothing to do with it.
Using 5 characters you can watch all the Servers to see that it doesn't. ) [;)]

Maybe an answer to the questions would be to make the Paxia Defense into a Guardian only area?

DigDog -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/28/2010 9:37:59)

I don't know what servers you are on but I was defending Lucian when one of the huge drops in defense score happened a few days ago and I saw the score gradually fall over the course of a few hours, not within a few minutes. It was on the Adventurer server though, I was defending with one of my secondaries there while my main was on the Guardian server where the score didn't change until later, but then in a huge amount. Therefore, synchronisation. I didn't think that theory up, you know. I derived it from my observations.

The Finnish Flash -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/28/2010 10:13:21)


That's absurd. If there was a function like that built into the game, and the attacks were random, Dynami would have gotten hit hard at some point, since everyone else has at some point. At the very least its safe to say they odds are very high that they would have, and there is no reason for the staff to selectively tamper with the numbers. Plus there probably would have been some sort of confirmation by now if that was the case. IIRC, the staff has actually revolked the popular Network Attack theory which is essentially the same as yours.

I wouldn't count on it.

Let's take a closer look. Here're the forces of clans and their member counts courtesy of AQStats.

Igneus, 1st in members, 2nd in forces: Members: 23,343 Force: 1,048
Aerodu 2nd in members, 8th in forces: Members: 16,580 Force: -200,483
Nocturu, 3rd in members, 6th in forces: Members: 10,406 Force: -22,840
Lucian, 4th in members, 4th in forces: Members: 6,585 Force: -9,917
Glacius, 5th in members, 7th in forces: Members: 4,699 Force: -29,484
Geoto, 6th in members, 5th in forces: Members: 4,148 Force: -14,004
Nautica, 7th in members, 3rd in forces: Members: 3,985 Force: -204
Dynami, 8th in members, 1st in forces: Members: 2,981 Force: 13415

The clan with the second most members' force count is over 6 times worse than any other clan. The two clans with the least members are 1st and 3rd respectively in force count. There's hardly any correlation whatsoever in member count and forces, and there should be. This and the odd regularity of the intervals at which these numbers change suggest that something's up.

Whatever's decreasing our clans' numbers (abnormal or not), it doesn't really matter, peace and defense is the only way to bring these numbers up.

theosenia -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/28/2010 10:24:48)

I play on both servers too some times,DIGGY...There are SPECIFIC changes:
e.g. from the time it takes to go back to town or even from in between battles! Specific changes like HITS! But what 'synchronisation'???As the REST of the other numbers remain the same.
I don't exactly remember when but I have told YOU that before: 'The TRUTH is out there'!...All we have to do is FACE way or another... [:D]

DigDog -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/28/2010 11:03:52)


I play on both servers too some times,DIGGY...There are SPECIFIC changes:
e.g. from the time it takes to go back to town or even from in between battles! Specific changes like HITS! But what 'synchronisation'???As the REST of the other numbers remain the same.

Synchronisation from one server to another. Let me give you an example. This is how I witnessed it more than once, even though this example has imaginary numbers:

Hour: 1 - Adventurer Defense Count: 8000 - Guardian Defense Count: 8000
Hour: 2 - Adventurer Defense Count: 7500 - Guardian Defense Count: 8000
Hour: 3 - Adventurer Defense Count: 7000 - Guardian Defense Count: 8000
Hour: 4 - Adventurer Defense Count: 6500 - Guardian Defense Count: 8000
Hour: 5 - Adventurer Defense Count: 6500 - Guardian Defense Count: 6500

Do you understand now what I mean? For someone who only monitors the Guardian server it seems like the clan has taken a hit of 1500 in just one hour, but actually the numbers gradually fell because the attacks were happening on the Adventurer and therefore cannot be witnessed on the Guardian server unless one of these synchronisations happens.

~Please do not respond to clan bashing remarks

theosenia -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/28/2010 11:14:06)

[:)] 'I don't know what server you witnessed THAT DIGGY' n I don't doubt that you did.

However let me repeat again to you that I have been playing n do play on both servers from time to time!
From my own experience ( no computer expert or anything just the 'old-fashioned' paper n pencil method ) the USUAL/Normal difference between the 2 servers is 200-500 MAX (usually 200 but anyways)...until the sudden hits come! But I guess you already know that as I have REPEATEDLY express them before...!

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/28/2010 11:44:32)

Greetings Lucian, I've decided to mob you all with moogles.

*Does so*

Have a nice day :D

DigDog -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/28/2010 12:10:47)

Oh snaps, foiled again!

Anyway, looks like your word stands against mine theo. I know what I saw, and I saw it several times. I guess your "USUAL/Normal difference" is when nothing fancy is happening on the servers all day, just one attack here and there by members who are fooling around. But when suddenly some ambitioned players (we could also call them a strike team if you want) start to do some serious defending/attacking... that is when you start to see the gaps between synchronisations.

drummy -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/28/2010 12:13:53)


However let me repeat again to you that I have been playing n do play on both servers from time to time!
From my own experience ( no computer expert or anything just the 'old-fashioned' paper n pencil method ) the USUAL/Normal difference between the 2 servers is 200-500 MAX (usually 200 but anyways)...until the sudden hits come! But I guess you already know that as I have REPEATEDLY express them before...!
I think I can offer an explanation here. This is just a theory about how the Sych would occur if it does happen.

Like Digi, I'm using made up numbers here.

Imeadiately after synch, score is at 8,000

One hour later: Adventurer server is at 7,700 Guardian at 7,800. Total loses would be at 500.

For convenience's sake, let's say this pattern continues perfectly for a total of six hours.

The Adventurer server is now at 6200 (reflecting a loss of 1,800), and the Guardian server is at 6,800 (reflecting 1,200 points lost).

Then the servers are synchronized by adding the net loses, changing the score to 5,000 in under a minute.

theosenia -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/28/2010 13:34:26)

a) This is NOT what I'm talking about,at all!

b) What you just said would completely fail to explain the...'NAN' incidents! ( Do YOU still got the screenie??? [;)] )

N c) Let me repeat that personally I've NO problem with normal players n not the system or Unitiy's score having smth to do with all those huge changes. On the contrary,it would give support to my argument that PAXIA WAS NEVER 'DEAD'!!! [:D]
...I just agree with some other people who think that NOW it's the time to somehow try n 'check' that... :-)

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/28/2010 13:57:30)

Paxia in-game is not quite dead, but when we refer to "Paxia being dead", it's to point out how inactive the Paxian Boards are.

theosenia -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (6/28/2010 14:56:52)

Sorry,Dread._Shadow_Max but PERSONALLY,I cannot see THAT either anymore...
Becides,people come an go,change clans,become innactive for a while or more active on their clan's private forums,choose not to post but DO visit the forums,etc. What I call Paxia n its activity, for ME, it's MAINLY...what happens on the island! :-)

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (7/6/2010 22:13:24)

Usually I kill things, but as a little change of heart I'll keep this thread alive.

and i'm back!

masterwolfie -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (7/7/2010 7:38:52)


What you just said would completely fail to explain the...'NAN' incidents! ( Do YOU still got the screenie??? )
NAN incidents is more likely the cause of lagged or failed synchronized in the server, which is normally fixed a few moments or minutes later.

theosenia -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (7/7/2010 12:46:40)

Welcome back,Dread_Shadow_Max! [:)]
Glad n thank you for..." leting us live"! [8D]

masterwolfie -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (7/7/2010 12:54:43)

I love how theosenia continues to ignore me, because I took her job. It's sad but well funny as well.

theosenia -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (7/7/2010 12:59:09)

LOL! "Watch" it,Wolfie! ...This is NOT the you better leave ME alone! [8|]

masterwolfie -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (7/7/2010 13:12:06)

I haven't done nothing wrong. Theosenia, I'm just trying to understand why you continue to ignore me for a reason I can't remember.

Balu -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (7/8/2010 6:00:52)


took her job


theosenia -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (7/8/2010 6:39:58)

@ Balu: LOL! Erm,for me too, this is the first time I hear I had a "job" (???) ...n I didn't even know it so as to...ask for a "salary" or smth! [:D] [:D]

Balu -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (7/8/2010 8:51:26)

Were you the leader of the Lucian army or something similar Theo? I didn`t know there was bad blood between you two! [:D]
Does anyone want to elaborate on this?

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