RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (Full Version)

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Maureu -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (8/16/2010 2:38:10)

Psh, dodging me. Short-term solution. *starts circling Max*

Nice to see you as well....I would have told you if I'd left for good, silly. I've just been lurking for a while, and finally felt like posting.

Mmm. I was being hopeful, excuse me

(The page, it is mine!)

drummy -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (8/16/2010 17:05:46)


...Oh, forget that. Nocturu's situation is as dismal as ever, but I hear two new things: Sigmund is no longer the big cheese and Lucian is alive
How come everyone remembers Sigmunds self appointed term, but never my glorious reign as Clan Head?[:(]

I'm not counting his time under the three leader system since you said "the" big cheese.

Balu -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (8/16/2010 18:09:46)

Was it an evil glorious reign?

SIGMUND -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (8/16/2010 20:27:18)

....and so history is misrepresented and rewritten to suit the purposes of the current power crazed leadership. [;)]

I was appointed by Ronin, then Kandy and finally chosen by fate to do the job that no-one else wanted at the time. With no Lucian support remaining on the LPF this year, I finally resigned........[:D]

What happens next ???

I remain true to the Lucian Clan that I joined three and a half years ago.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (8/17/2010 2:13:52)

I remember the drama it caused that time. My LPFs account had been accidentally deleted with a purge shortly after that.

But hey, I don't poke into the affairs of the other clans (unless it directly involves mine), so I don't have a clear memory of it either, nor do I care much too.

I'm at about 2 years and a half since I joined Nocturu (and I never changed or left my clan a single time).

Balu -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (8/17/2010 2:14:21)

@^^ Loyalty is cool!


the three leader system

So there was once an unholy triumvirate? Was it at least done right aka with someone getting stabbed in the back (metaphorically speaking of course)?

masterwolfie -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (8/17/2010 4:45:59)


....and so history is misrepresented and rewritten to suit the purposes of the current power crazed leadership.

I was appointed by Ronin, then Kandy and finally chosen by fate to do the job that no-one else wanted at the time. With no Lucian support remaining on the LPF this year, I finally resigned........

What happens next ???

I remain true to the Lucian Clan that I joined three and a half years ago.
Resigned? You were pushed out, due to your 'mistakes' you just managed to run away with your tail intact.

theosenia -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (8/17/2010 7:48:31)

"The best horse always raises the most dust /mud". [;)]

Maureu -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (8/18/2010 2:22:47)

Well, I can feel the light-hearted tension charging up, so I'm going to very carefully manuever back to my embassy suite and then back to the castle as quickly as possible...

...As always, a pleasure speaking to you glowing individuals. I would wish good luck to you on staying alive, but I'm not sure any of the statement would be positive.

Balubamboto: I think you are confused, my dear friend...speaking of evil glorious reigns, back-stabbing, "unholy" seem to have impressed yourself onto the wrong clan area. Now, if you'll just follow me back to the Nocturan sign-up, we can easily put you in a more comfortable environment with the agreement of your undying soul loyalty.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (8/18/2010 3:39:54)

Well well well, seems like I'm not the only one that wants to sneak off from this place when tension rises, as usual. Guess I'm seeing more of it here than the other clans (which is pretty much unusual for a LIGHT clan).

*Sneaks out of Palace*

Balu -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (8/18/2010 14:10:19)


I think you are confused, my dear friend...speaking of evil glorious reigns, back-stabbing, "unholy" seem to have impressed yourself onto the wrong clan area. Now, if you'll just follow me back to the Nocturan sign-up, we can easily put you in a more comfortable environment with the agreement of your undying soul loyalty.

Well my secondary is secretly a Lucian, but she is getting more evil by the day, so maybe she`ll take you up on that invite. Feeling a little conflicted right now...

theosenia -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (8/18/2010 17:05:47)

What is it with you people??? One more of our SECRET LUCIAN WEAPONS goes "out in the open"???! [8D]

drummy -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (8/18/2010 19:46:12)


Balubamboto: I think you are confused, my dear friend...speaking of evil glorious reigns, back-stabbing, "unholy" seem to have impressed yourself onto the wrong clan area. Now, if you'll just follow me back to the Nocturan sign-up, we can easily put you in a more comfortable environment with the agreement of your undying soul loyalty

I'm way more evil than the likes of you.

All the other Lucians might cancel that out though [sm=sad-smiley-006.gif]

masterwolfie -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (8/19/2010 4:29:59)

I'm not saying anything.

Spanish Inquisition -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (3/19/2012 0:29:30)

Yo, I thought I'd point out a little flaw. The LPF might be somewhat dead (amongst other reasons as well but I won't get into that here) because no new members can get approved to post because the Administration has been largely MIA. You might want to look into that...I see Yuki was there within this month atleast. Or, you could just let it die off like the rest of the forums and stick with the PPF, which seems like the more popular alternative I guess.

So anyways, hey. What's up. You guys are quiet.

theosenia -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (3/19/2012 6:40:02)

Hello,SI! Nice seeing u posting again! [:)]

Dunno about rest of the LUCIAN players but with 2 wars at hand (AQ n DF) n the new level cap,I wouldn't say one can be quiet, even if he wanted to... [8D]

As for the LPF dunno about that either.Not much game related staff on that forum for a very long time,imo.Plus personally I'm too busy playing/warring to be visiting PPF forum,too.

(To the LPF I do pay some visits occasionaly but I'll have to agree with u. Not many players left there to see,anyways.) :)

Spanish Inquisition -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (3/19/2012 18:45:30)

I guess until something big happens again with Paxia, most of the the clan sites will remain pretty quiet.

theosenia -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (10/9/2012 13:41:11)

There is a new thread now as this one has reached 7 pages. Locked.

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