RE: Is mechquest dying? (Full Version)

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Psycho Warrior -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/7/2010 15:53:29)

MQ isn't any more dead than the last 4 times people asked.

Myra -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/7/2010 16:23:54)


All recent SCMMs have been mere copy of past mechas, and most releases of this year(except for yokai)were slightly changed last year's releases.

I haven't played Mechquest that long, so I cannot comment if the recent SCMMs are copies of older mechas, but I think it's rather unfair to say "there hasn't been anything really new besides Yokai". Yokai is currently the main storyline, isn't it? And it is an awesome planet IMO.

I mean seriously, that's like that scene from Monty Python's Life of Brian: "But apart from better sanitation and education and medicine and public safety and roads ... what have the Romans ever done for us?" [:D]

Also, there were many new things released besides Yokai this year. Just from the top of my head, they introduced the storyline checklist, that I find very helpful (it's easier to follow than DF's storyline), and there were lovely holiday events (Valentine's day and 4th of July were definitely not copies of older releases, I still have both of the awesome minigames from these events as arcade games and play them a lot).

I will not deny that MQ does not have as much staff and it does not have as many players as the other games. But it is still doing fine. I find it really strange that whenever there's a couple of smaller releases, people start with another round of doomsday prophecies. I have seen several threads on this topic die, while MQ is still alive and well [:)]

Raiden Storm -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/7/2010 16:34:39)

What attracted me to Mech is that it has a almost Final Fantasy feel to it! I find the game quite enjoyable and i sure hope that they are doing well.
Hmm come to think of it i think i am due to get some nova gems! Bye the way i love the new model on starship i can't stop using it. Any model that looks that
good and comes with so many cool standard features has a place in my invent anytime!

black knight 1234567 -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/7/2010 17:55:47)

SCMM's are NOT a copy of each other, each Is unique, and I brought up this before, In conlusion MQ Is NOT dying IMO.

stealthwings -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/7/2010 18:10:11)

New SCMMs are copies of each other.

The last 3 we had were damage mecha.

runer -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/7/2010 18:54:48)


SCMM's are NOT a copy of each other, each Is unique, and I brought up this before, In conlusion MQ Is NOT dying IMO.

Actually ... i was around when the strider was out ... and i can tell you that most SCMM have 70-80% common factors :D .


I haven't played Mechquest that long, so I cannot comment if the recent SCMMs are copies of older mechas, but I think it's rather unfair to say "there hasn't been anything really new besides Yokai". Yokai is currently the main storyline, isn't it? And it is an awesome planet IMO.

Beside the first quest LEADING to yokai , the planet was pretty boring , nothing new .... Same with necryptos .... the end was SOOOO predectible .... we defeat the slaves then the boss and then we WIN .... ever since Lagos last year .... nothing new and twisty was out (Which was permanent) beside the ShS war on Westion .

Hellsoarer -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/7/2010 19:43:31)

Mechquest isn't dying [image][/image]

Griffin the awesome -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/7/2010 19:48:01)


, the planet was pretty boring

Don't you be dissin Yokai![:@]
I got my haircut and ninja uniform from there.[:D]

EinhanderX01 -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/7/2010 20:01:53)

Yokai isn't bad.

The lack of equippable Yokai-themed mechs probably adds a little to the dislike others have for it (after all; all those new equipment, but no new Yokai-themed mechs to equip them on).

Add to that the fact that about half the MQ forumites found the Skysplitter to be rather bland; in name and/or in capabilities, and of course we'd get another doom-and-gloom thread over the state of MQ.

stealthwings -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/7/2010 21:04:40)

I liked yokai, the weapons were good, and also, the boss fights were challenging, and the minion fights were simply hard minion fights, not boss fights in themselves. (unlike necryptos, where the minion fights were as hard as bossfights, and you had to do several thousand of them)

The main thing that gives me reason to think it is dying, is the SCMM, which have all been clones of each other recently.

Maegwyn -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/7/2010 21:19:01)

MechQuest is very definitely not dying! Our staff does tend to be a bit more "fluid" than some of the other teams - more of us (like me, blues, Vivi, Azami - just for example) are telecommuters, where in a lot of our other games, everyone is at the Secret Underground Lab - and more of our gang work for MQ in addition to other teams. I might test something in AQW or AQ in a pinch, but I'm MQ-specific - and also Korin is MQ-specific. But yeah, some of us share our time with other AE games, which is a good thing! We actually have an amazing team! People who listed MQ team members may have forgotten Thyton, Jemini, Char, the person who I don't know the right game name for but her name begins with N and she does awesome vectoring/coloring work, Minar - who is on an intern-style basis, and Arklen who animates - and I've probably forgotten a ton of people - and are you crediting blues, Azami, Vivi, Koi (who has helped write descriptions and helped test) and Lyris? I'm so sure I've forgotten someone - I hate doing these "list" things for that reason :P

I do understand why this thread would pop up at this time - it was ages between Design Notes, which you should totally blame on me, for one thing... Jemini & I both went on vacation at the same time, for another, and with DragonCon coming up there was a whole lot to do in not a lot of time, and some things went wrong at a bad time (like the SCMM file being corrupt) so basically Korin did a ton of stuff by himself. And did a great job [:D]


ORIGINAL: Someone in a post in this thread
Warlic moved on to another of the games. I think it was WarpForce or something. He left either Korin or Maegwyn in charge.

Korin stepped up to become the Lead for MechQuest. Warlic has been working on Bladehaven, on music projects including the Critical Hits CDs (I'm listening to #1 right now actually!) - on tons of stuff that I don't even have time to keep track of - and on MechQuest when needed. Warlic isn't totally gone, and I'm just Korin's assistant. Korin is very definitely in charge. (He did not pay me to say this. Although actually I need a quarter... )

So yeah. MQ is alive and well. We have a small yet huge team. Most of whom were at DragonCon, and those who couldn't make it, wanted to. We love you guys, and I know I can speak for the whole team here.
edited b/c I missed a close tag bracket haha

Peachii -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/7/2010 22:27:38)

Yeah, I totally agree on what Mae mentioned!

MQ is doing great, and its getting better and better! Just that sometimes others think there's a lesser contents released compared to other AE games, which I don't quite think so. I can imagine a mecha release behindthescene - drawing, coloring, shading, animating, testing, etc - which is ALOT of work to do! So I definitely appreciate what the MQ team delivers to us.

Onto topic, I definitely don't think MQ is dying.. ;)
I've been playing like more than 2 years, and felt that MQ is doing the very best. The release of Planet Yokai was my favs, and I personally like Japanese related stuffs.

UltimaKomoto -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/7/2010 22:47:35)


(He did not pay me to say this. Although actually I need a quarter... )

I have a quarter. Sadly, teleportion devices have not been perfected yet, so I can't send one to you. Bother.

...The game's not dying, it's just slow in some places. The worse case being in the Design Notes, which everyone seems to judge everything on. At best, I might see...2-3 a week now...

While I'm pretty darn sure everyone and their dog and cat play AQW the most out of the AE games (in general. I'm strictly saying that only on the merit that AQW is a MMO), it's going take a lot to kill off Mechquest, I believe. I believe...I tend to be wrong 9-of-10 times...

The only other thing I can see that might lead people to believe Mechquest is dying is the forum here. It is literally Dead here 23/6. Only real activity I see here is during Release Day...

Wildroses -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/7/2010 23:05:40)

I sometimes wonder if the quiet forums are what make people think MechQuest is dying. MechQuest fans can be passionate. They surprised Artix at the last con with their devotion. But they don't seem to like talking to each other much, especially if you compare them to the AQW and DF forums. Active forums are both a blessing and a curse. It's hard to get fans of DF and AQW games to shut up sometimes, or say something sensible. And the amount of people missing super obvious things can get depressing. MechQuest fans also tend to be older, so maybe they have less time to go on forums.

Naj -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/8/2010 0:42:00)


There has not been a level increase in a long while. Here are my personal approximate dates for each set of level increases....

2 Oct 2007, levels 1-4
26 Oct 2007, levels 5-12
2 Dec 2007, levels 13-15
12 Mar 2008, levels 16-20
2 Jul 2008, levels 21-23
13 Aug 2008, levels 24-25
24 Oct 2008, levels 26-28
21 Jan 2009, levels 29-30
16 Mar 2009, levels 31-33
19 Aug 2009, levels 34-35
25 Sep 2009, levels 36-40 (almost a YEAR!)

Maybe not dying but the perception of being moribund comes to mind. No real incentive for me to do much more than the daily Ballyhoo without the occasional level increase or war. [8|]

Saojun -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/8/2010 0:48:20)

MQ dying? <lolstream> While I admit I only login every now & then so activity rate doesn't count that much... Every time I do, I tend to see a quad digit on the No. of Players Playing meter.

Comparing it to DF (with its cutscenes & story), & AQ (wars, estates, etc.)... Is there truly not much to discuss?
- Your most powerful Mech build
- How to kill so-&-so 'technically-impossible' Boss without the minimum requirements for victory
- Storyline/War/NPC progression & speculations
- SCMMs, power creep, game balance, etc.
I see all these, yet I don't bother to participate.
Less active forum for a few days doesn't mean the game's dead.

It's not like it'll run out of funding soon (I'll go throw in my 90 bucks for DG immediately if that happens)...
Or it's not like there's already a general, noticeable decline in content, or a total dearth of ideas.
Besides, I'm sure they'll only pull the plug as a last resort, when all else fails.

Edit: Plus WF has an even smaller playerbase & longer release schedule... So yeah... I suppose WF'll go before MQ does.

Digital X -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/8/2010 10:00:07)

It is not dying in the least. It is still having weekly releases, bug fixes every week PLUS a Mech every month. It is far from dying.

hulgana -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/8/2010 13:14:20)


I haven't played Mechquest that long, so I cannot comment if the recent SCMMs are copies of older mechas, but I think it's rather unfair to say "there hasn't been anything really new besides Yokai". Yokai is currently the main storyline, isn't it? And it is an awesome planet IMO.

I mean seriously, that's like that scene from Monty Python's Life of Brian: "But apart from better sanitation and education and medicine and public safety and roads ... what have the Romans ever done for us?"

Also, there were many new things released besides Yokai this year. Just from the top of my head, they introduced the storyline checklist, that I find very helpful (it's easier to follow than DF's storyline), and there were lovely holiday events (Valentine's day and 4th of July were definitely not copies of older releases, I still have both of the awesome minigames from these events as arcade games and play them a lot).

I will not deny that MQ does not have as much staff and it does not have as many players as the other games. But it is still doing fine. I find it really strange that whenever there's a couple of smaller releases, people start with another round of doomsday prophecies. I have seen several threads on this topic die, while MQ is still alive and well

I said except for Yokai. Besides, Yokai wasn't as cool as Necryptos. The release of Valentine's day included last year's stuff,and only one mini-game as an update. Same with Friday the 13th. Nothing new,just a few new stuff. As for the people who are saying that MQ isn't dying, explain it. Just saying that MQ isn't dying can't prove anything. Compared to last year, the releases got smaller and smaller, and all recent SCMM's were mere copy of past mechas as i said. They all were similar in specials, and the models looked as if the staff could not find any good idea for new model; and therefore they brought different parts of past mechas together and formed something. I feel as if the staff is considering SCMM monthly as a nuisance, and not paying much attention to it. Now, I am not saying MQ is vanish anytime die soon, but if the staff don't do anything about it,MQ is losing its players slowly but steadily.
Since most players reached lvl 40 a year ago, leveling up has no meaning anymore. Rare collectors check the game once in a week and buy anything thats rare, and logs out. I used to play MQ actively until i reached the maximum lvl, and completed all the mission. But after completing everything,the game got boring. Weekly releases don't have much to do,probably something i can finish in 20minutes. So, my idea is that staff needs to do something about it, or MQ will end up losing most of its players.

jsrjohnny -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/8/2010 14:38:16)

No. It's just the same it was when it started 3 years ago was it? It's just dragonfable is amping up their releases and AQ's been releasing Ubers and AQW's been doing Chaos Lords, and MQ.... is wrapping up a planet. They do have relatively small releases, but they could fix that with some more staffers. I do understand people have to eat though, and video game coders just don't get paid that much. Most people do it, as AE does, for love of the game, and they work other jobs too. SO that said, no MQ isn't dying, it's just the other AE games are taking off right now.

Darkling -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/8/2010 15:32:14)

It just seems at every release nothing is going on and no new quests.
Nothing ... nada oh maybe some recap quests and spooky videos but...
Oh we got a monthly mecha which everyone looks forward to named steve (how creative) the next one gonna be bob?
It's been awhile since we got a level cap, the last 2 were like a week apart weren't they or just awfully fast.
Is MQ dying... naw but it's getting forgettable on release days though.

forumlogin -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/8/2010 20:51:19)

Yokai WASN'T as cool as Necryptos?
Do you remember how much hate Necryptos got?
When people list the mecha they hate, they generally pull from Necryptos. Plus the fact that Necryptos' ending is rather unsatisfactory, and the storyline in general is rather weird and convoluted, I have to say Yokai is better. Necryptos has more mechs, but Yokai has more of pretty much everything else.

And Valentine's Day minigame was pretty big. >_>
Also, BTW, every game releases something that can be finished in 20 minutes/less. :P
It's nothing weird, although admittedly MQ's looking smaller now from comparison to DF.

Glais -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/8/2010 20:54:03)

Personally, I like Necryptos, improved me as a player by ALOT...
Only thing bugging me, something Akana says...
Anyhow, Yokai is too repetitive, and I don't mean the grinding, the scenery is just...the same.
I never liked the city personally...not bad art or anything, just didn't like it's design.
Story wise it was very good.

darktwi -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/8/2010 23:31:58)

@ABOVE same LOVED IT finaly a challenge for the god of MQ highest hit EVER was a WHOPING 974 from a challenge monster i nerfed its energy to min then used korins wonky bag switched em up and BOOM hes dead thats just my luck build my anti vampire build has defence and huge offence my PURE power build with the CHUCK NORRIS MECH OF GODLYNESS is just amazing pfft its not dieing its getting better ive played sence the start im like the 43645,s player i think idk forgot my ID

forumlogin -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/8/2010 23:43:31)

From a challenge standpoint, it was nice...I guess.
Maybe not so much for NSCs. Especially NSCs without many rares.

So at least it's got 2 things going for it. :P
Challenge and nice rewards.

darktwi -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/8/2010 23:45:10)

acualy everyone shold be SC or they are gonna lose some times

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