ElBhe (Full Version)

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Koree -> ElBhe (10/17/2010 7:36:35)


Also see other ElBhe guests ( Z, Pitiless, Rapacious, Ferociously Guarding, Truculently Guarding)

Location: Shhhh! It's a SeekRat! Part 3; Shadow War;
Harvest Festival! 2010-Return of the BURPs

Upkeep: 1.2 * 1.25 * 0.13125 * (38.1 + 2.3375*Level + 0.01125*Level^2) SP, rounded normally
  • If you do not have enough SP on the first combat round after you obtain this guest, then he does nothing for one turn* (without costing SP). On every other round, if you do not have enough SP, then he leaves.**

    *Elbhe waits for you to be ready. (##SP required or he will leave next turn)
    **Elbhe bats at a leaf blowing by in the wind, pouncing after it. (Not enough SP: ##SP required)

    **Base: 1.2 * 0.3 * (5.25 + 0.5625*Level + 0.00375*Level^2) damage, rounded normally
    **Random: 1.2 * 0.3 * (10.5 + 1.125*Level + 0.0075*Level^2) damage, rounded normally
    **Stat: 1.2 * [1.875 * 0.6 * (100 + Level*6.6)] %
    BTH: (Level/4), rounded down

    ATTACK RATE: [100 + CHA/2]%
    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 3
    Type: Melee
    Element: Light or Darkness (chosen randomly)
    Damage: 33% Base, Random, and listed Stats each
    BTH: +0 plus Stats each
    Rate: 100%

  • Against monster categories "burp", "rodent", "bird", "fish", "mermazon", "milk", "yarn", "catnip", and "cheezburger", the Upkeep Cost is reduced to 66.7% of the above.

    Image thanks to balubamboto. Numbers thanks to Lord Barrius. Speech bubble comments from balubamboto, Dariex and Lord Barrius. Messages from Xrai. Corrections thanks to In Media Res.


    A standard scaling guest. As it attacks randomly with either Light or Darkness, it deals 120% Base, Random and Stats damage, which is split evenly over the three hits.

    The Upkeep cost is multiplied by 1.25 to pay for scaling. When triggered, the Upkeep cost is multiplied by 0.8, but as a penalty, it's multiplied by 1.2 when not triggered.

    Level	Damage	BTH	Stat%	SP1  SP2
    0	2-6	0	135	8    5
    5	3-9	1	180	11   7
    10	4-12	2	224	12   8
    15	5-16	3	269	15   10
    20	6-19	5	313	18   12
    25	8-23	6	258	21   14
    30	9-28	7	402	24   16
    35	11-32	8	447	27   18
    40	12-36	10	491	30   20
    45	14-41	11	536	33   22
    50	15-46	12	581	36   24
    55	17-51	13	625	39   26
    60	19-57	15	670	44   29
    65	21-62	16	714	47   31
    70	23-68	17	759	51   34
    75	25-74	18	803	54   36
    80	27-80	20	848	59   39
    85	29-87	21	892	63   42
    90	31-93	22	937	68   45
    95	33-100	23	981	71   47
    100	36-107	25	1026	75   50
    105	38-114	26	1071	80   53
    110	41-122	27	1115	86   57
    115	43-129	28	1160	90   60
    120	46-137	30	1204	95   63
    125	48-145	31	1249	99   66
    130	51-153	32	1293	105  70
    135	54-161	33	1338	110  73
    140	57-170	35	1382	116  77
    145	60-179	36	1427	122  81
    150	63-188	37	1472	126  84


    When ElBhe enters battle, he makes a speech bubble comment, selecting one from the following pool at random:

  • I'd ask you to take a moment to take in my cuteness, but we'd be here all day.
  • If you're not fighting something edible this time, I'm not interested.
  • I'd better get lots of string and catnip for this.
  • The secret to my cuteness would blow your mind.
  • Have your people called mine yet...?
  • For the last time, NO, I do NOT say "nyah" when I speak.
  • I'll have you know my Common is better than yours, u n00b.
  • If this doesn't get more interesting, I'm going to start cleaning myself.
  • A hairball puts up a better fight than you do...
  • Baby-talk at me and it's the last mistake you'll ever make.
  • I had a theory about string, too. But once you've unraveled it, it's difficult to wrap back up.
  • When I run out of lives, I just borrow someone else's.
  • A cat in a hat? What the heck's up with that?
  • I am just going to sit here and lick my paw. Let me know when the fighting starts.
  • If you put me in a box, I won't be both alive and dead... just annoyed.
  • If you summon me one more time, I'll leave stains on your house rug.
  • Stop messing around. Combat is srs biznus.
  • You called me away from my scratching post. I suppose clawing at [Monster name] will have to do.
  • I feel sorry for the Gatta. Who would want to put up with being even partially humanoid?
  • Awwww, does [Monster name] need a belly scratching too?

  • Koree -> RE: ElBhe (10/17/2010 7:36:55)

    Updated Version

    «Scaling guest. Attacks with Light and Darkness. Has a rarer, more powerful attack.»

    Location: The Terrible 12 War A Mysterious Visitor, BlARRRney War!

    Power Level = Your Level

    See Standard Guest Information for damage and SP costs. He costs SP.

    ATTACK #1 - Claws
    Hits: 3
    Type: Melee
    Element: Light or Darkness (randomly selected)
    Damage: 37.78% Base, Random, and Stats each
    BTH: -4 plus Stats each
    Rate: 40%

    ATTACK #2 - Tackle
    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Light or Darkness (randomly selected)
    Damage: 103.1% Base, Random, and Stats each
    BTH: +4 plus Stats each
    Rate: 40%

    ATTACK #3 - Laser Eyes
    Hits: 1
    Type: Magic
    Element: Light or Darkness (randomly selected)
    Damage: 168% Base, Random, and Stats each
    BTH: +0 plus Stats each
    Rate: 20%

    Against BURP, rodent, bird, fish, mermazon, milk, yarn, catnip, and cheezburger monsters, he costs 80% of the usual SP cost. Against everything else, he costs 120% SP.


    Image thanks to Carandor.


    All attacks deal 120% damage, to account for the weird elements.

    Attack #1 deals 90% damage (total), with -4 BTH and the usual modifiers.
    Attack #2 deals 90% damage, with +4 BTH and the usual modifiers.
    Attack #3 deals 140% damage.

    When triggered, the upkeep cost is multiplied by 0.8, but as a penalty, it's multiplied by 1.2 when not triggered.

    Appendix: Numbers by Level
    	Atk#1			Atk#2			Atk#3			
    Level	Dmg	Stat%	BTH	Dmg	Stat%	BTH	Dmg	Stat%	BTH	SP1
    0	2-5	128	-4	2-5	116	4	3-8	189	0	5/7
    5	2-8	170	-3	2-7	154	5	3-11	251	1	6/10
    10	3-11	212	-2	3-10	193	6	5-17	314	2	8/12
    15	5-15	254	-1	4-13	231	7	7-22	376	3	10/14
    20	6-18	296	1	5-16	269	9	8-26	438	5	12/18
    25	7-22	338	2	6-19	308	10	10-32	501	6	14/20
    30	9-26	380	3	8-23	346	11	13-38	563	7	15/23
    35	10-30	422	4	9-28	384	12	15-45	626	8	18/26
    40	11-34	464	6	10-31	422	14	17-51	688	10	20/30
    45	12-38	506	7	11-35	461	15	18-57	750	11	22/32
    50	15-44	548	8	13-40	499	16	22-66	813	12	24/36
    55	16-49	590	9	14-44	537	17	24-73	875	13	26/40
    60	18-54	632	11	17-50	576	19	27-81	937	15	29/43
    65	19-59	674	12	18-54	614	20	29-88	1000	16	31/47
    70	22-65	717	13	20-59	652	21	32-96	1062	17	34/50
    75	24-70	759	14	22-64	690	22	35-104	1125	18	36/54
    80	25-76	801	16	23-69	729	24	37-113	1187	20	39/59
    85	27-81	843	17	25-75	767	25	40-121	1249	21	42/62
    90	29-88	885	18	27-81	805	26	44-131	1312	22	45/67
    95	32-95	927	19	29-87	844	27	47-141	1374	23	47/71
    100	34-101	969	21	31-92	882	29	50-149	1436	25	50/76
    105	36-107	1011	22	33-98	920	30	54-160	1499	26	54/80
    110	39-116	1053	23	35-105	958	31	57-171	1561	27	57/85
    115	41-123	1095	24	37-111	997	32	60-181	1624	28	60/90
    120	43-129	1137	26	39-117	1035	34	64-192	1686	30	63/95
    125	45-136	1179	27	41-124	1073	35	67-201	1748	31	66/100
    130	49-145	1221	28	44-132	1112	36	72-215	1811	32	70/104
    135	51-153	1264	29	46-139	1150	37	76-227	1873	33	74/110
    140	53-161	1306	31	48-146	1188	39	79-239	1935	35	77/115
    145	57-169	1348	32	52-154	1227	40	84-250	1998	36	81/121
    150	59-177	1390	33	54-161	1265	41	87-262	2060	37	84/126

    Ianthe -> RE: ElBhe (10/9/2011 1:05:17)


    Also see other ElBhe guests ( Z, Pitiless, Rapacious, Ferociously Guarding)

    Level: 0
    Power Level: 0
    MP Level: 0
    Location: Summon ElBhe
    Upkeep: 8 MP. If you don't have enough MP, then it leaves*.

    ATTACK RATE: [100 + CHA/2]%
    Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
    Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

    ATTACK #1 - Claws
    Hits: 3
    Type: Melee
    Element: Light or Darkness (randomly selected)
    Damage: 1-2 plus 43% Stats each
    BTH: -4 plus Stats each
    Rate: 40%

    ATTACK #2 - Tackle
    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Light or Darkness (randomly selected)
    Damage: 2-5 plus 116% Stats each
    BTH: +4 plus Stats each
    Rate: 40%

    ATTACK #3 - Laser Eyes
    Hits: 1
    Type: Magic
    Element: Light or Darkness (randomly selected)
    Damage: 3-8 plus 189% Stats each
    BTH: +0 plus Stats each
    Rate: 20%

    Against monster categories "burp", "rodent", "bird", "fish", "mermazon", "milk", "yarn", "catnip", and "cheezburger", the Upkeep Cost is reduced to 6 MP.**


    Image thanks to balubamboto. Numbers thanks to Lord Barrius. Speech bubble comments from balubamboto, Dariex and Lord Barrius. Messages from Xrai. Corrections thanks to In Media Res.


    Starts off as 2-5 damage plus 113% Stats with +0 BTH. All attacks deal 120% damage, to account for the weird elements.

    Attack #1 deals 90% damage (total), with -4 BTH and the usual modifiers.
    Attack #2 deals 90% damage, with +4 BTH and the usual modifiers.
    Attack #3 deals 140% damage.

    When triggered, the upkeep cost is multiplied by 0.8, but as a penalty, it's multiplied by 1.2 when not triggered.


    When ElBhe enters battle, he makes a speech bubble comment, selecting one from the following pool at random:

  • I'd ask you to take a moment to take in my cuteness, but we'd be here all day.
  • If you're not fighting something edible this time, I'm not interested.
  • I'd better get lots of string and catnip for this.
  • The secret to my cuteness would blow your mind.
  • Have your people called mine yet...?
  • For the last time, NO, I do NOT say "nyah" when I speak.
  • I'll have you know my Common is better than yours, u n00b.
  • If this doesn't get more interesting, I'm going to start cleaning myself.
  • A hairball puts up a better fight than you do...
  • Baby-talk at me and it's the last mistake you'll ever make.
  • I had a theory about string, too. But once you've unraveled it, it's difficult to wrap back up.
  • When I run out of lives, I just borrow someone else's.
  • A cat in a hat? What the heck's up with that?
  • I am just going to sit here and lick my paw. Let me know when the fighting starts.
  • If you put me in a box, I won't be both alive and dead... just annoyed.
  • If you summon me one more time, I'll leave stains on your house rug.
  • Stop messing around. Combat is srs biznus.
  • You called me away from my scratching post. I suppose clawing at [Monster name] will have to do.
  • I feel sorry for the Gatta. Who would want to put up with being even partially humanoid?
  • Awwww, does [Monster name] need a belly scratching too?

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