Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (Full Version)

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Aguila -> Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (3/29/2011 14:04:25)

Are you an Alternative Artist, a Music writer, a poet or a Blacksmith that orbits around Lore, then this thread is for you!

Discuss; What art do you make? What inspired you to show your talent to the mass? Any advice for newbies out there?

You can post your most recent work in this thread so people can comment on it. but link it only. Please do not use this thread to advertise your Gallery.

All forum rules apply.

GOLDEN RULE: Give as much as you take; Give Advice/Info/ etc before asking for Comments.

Contributions/Programs/Tuts and Info

If you have any Programs or Tuts to suggest/contribute to the thread, please PM me to do so!

P= Program.
+ = Tut

+ Armor Tutorial for GiMP users! Comes with a guide about coloring/shadowing and some templates.

P GiMP - The GNU Image manipulation program. A very simple image manipulation program recommended for starters. - You can use this with the tut above to make armors! Works on ALL Operating systems.

P Adobe Photoshop - A more advanced Image manipulation program - Has a more wider array of tools and options at your disposal.

P Adobe flash - An animation program that you can use to make animations. You can use this to make armors and weapons.

P Microsoft Powerpoint - A basic presentation program recommended for beginners.

+ Pixel-Plushie Tut :D - Shows you how to make plushies in Pixel form!

P Paint.NET - A basic image manipulation program.

+ Weapons concept and creation; MS Paint Guide - A great guide with creating weapons using MS Paint!

+ [Flash/Tutorial] Flash Weapons - A flash tutorial on how to make weapons in Flash

+ Simple Shading Tutorial - Having trouble with shading? Then this is the tut for you! It helps with you with shading in a simple and quick way.

+ [Flash/Tutorial] Weapon Design: How to make weapons! - An informative tutorials for making weapons like katanas and BIG HUGE HAMMERS! They include everything from wire frame to filtering.

P Flash Armour Template for Layering and Animation View | Download - A flash template to study and use for a basic grasp on animation and armour layering.

+ Shading and Coloring Tutorial - Some info, tips and examples about coloring and light sources.

+ Quick Flash Weapon Tutorial - A step by step tutorial on how to make weapons in Flash.

Razackie - For the Armor Tutorial for GiMP users! Comes with a guide about coloring/shadowing and some templates thread
Shadowseeker123 - Suggested to use Microsoft Powerpoint
Reddy - For the Pixel-Plushie Tut
Icetail24 - For the Pixel-Plushie Tut
Josh245 - Suggested Paint.NET
coolboypai - Suggested Tuts
razackie - For Flash Template and Animation Practice
Aguila - For Shading and Coloring Tutorial
Ronin - Quick Flash Weapon Tutorial

Original Thread

soul syth -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (3/29/2011 16:00:55)

ahhh like a Phoenix ,now lets get down to biznes
@soul hunter really it seems like you free handed it

Razen -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (3/29/2011 19:00:08)

Should I continue adding more depth to the serrations and thus the blade entirely?

soul syth -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (3/31/2011 18:41:00)

whooo first art posted goes to syth!) here is a new mash up using using my flame protector ( ) and phoenix lord( ) by xdamian ,icetail24 , & vampire max
i cal it phoenix flame protector :

Aura Knight -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (3/31/2011 19:18:27)

Well, it seems I got another weapon inspiration. This one was inspired by the upcoming Prometheus set.
Prometheus's Valor:
I do realize that there isn't any shading, but that's only because I didn't know where to even shade.
I also made another one with a different color scheme.
Tainted Virtue:
Any thoughts on how I could improve them?
@Shinobi: More depth to the serrations wouldn't be such a bad idea. If it were up to me I would do that exact thing. I'm liking how it looks so far. Adding depth would make the design look better because as of right now, it seems kind of flat.
@soul syth: very nice mash up. I think it would look even better if it were computer drawn, but it looks good even as it is. Nice art!

soul syth -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (3/31/2011 21:58:24)

@sage dude you shouldn't just change the color on items, it does not show creativity

Razen -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (4/2/2011 18:13:15)

I completed Thalack's Sword of Conquer now.

Aguila -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (4/2/2011 18:18:28)

Just a plain Lightsaber set I made on Flash (Cs4).

@Shinobi Shadowmaster - Well the blade looks like a ripped piece of papaer, rather than a metal blade,and the handle is a tad out of proportions. Try to use a reference. The concept is cewl though.
@Demonic Sage 23 : Concept is cewl, but try to shade next time.
@Soul syth - Looks amazingly detailed, you've improved.

Razen -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (4/2/2011 18:53:13)

@Aguila: Simple but good on the light sabers. Also, what do you mean exactly? Height? Width?

An attempt to fix the problem.

Nerd Sage -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (4/3/2011 13:47:27)

YAY!!! It's back!
while i was gone (very short amount of time) i got better at art.
here's my new armor Machiana Cyborg
i think it would look good in sky gaurd colors :D
@shinobishadowmaster: nice shading :D

Dark Savant -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (4/3/2011 14:40:30)

@sands of blood: That's an incredibly detailed armor. I love it! The gem/light parts look great shading wise. The steam punk-sh skygaurd colors fit steam punk-ish armors. Personally I think it would look good chrome because it look more techno to me, but meh, that's just my opinion. I suppose the cyborg part would be with internal organs? Much like General Grievous(Spelling?) from Star Wars looks complete robot, but he's a cyborg because they used his brain and eyes(and more parts, I think?).

@Shinobi Shadowmaster: The hilt, as Aguila mentioned, does look a bit off kilter. I think I can see you were trying to make a slight perspective on it, but all the different extrusions make it look "off kilter". Either that or you were trying to make the back section of the hilt lower to complement the front part, because it has a guard. Again, as Aguila mentioned (and put it, for that matter), the blade does look more like ripped paper than a blade. I can see little parts of it trying to make it look 3-dimensional but they're just too small. However, what I DO like about the sword, is the similarity in each side of the blade, and the handle (Aside from that sharp bit on the bottom).
Also, I'm sorry that I gave this to you AFTER you stop working on the sword. DX

@Aguila: I can't tell if the handles are from the "Real" versions, or not. The blue handle looks the most real. O_o But great flashing, animation, design(Even though it's pretty heavily influenced from Star Wars?), shading. The whole enchilada. The only piece of "bad" criticism I have is that, if they are indeed supposed to be exactly like Star Wars, they are a little thin in the handles, and the blades(Whatever you call them on light sabers =I) are roughly half the thickness they should be. On top of the same criteria, the insides should be whiter. Yeah, I can't believe I'm nerdy enough to call that out.
BTW I like your little watermark thing. I know it's not what you're putting up for criticism, but I just felt like pointing it out. XD

@Demonic Sage 23: (The following[telecast does not reflect the... OK sorry. =/] criticism can be taken for both of your blades, because they're so similar.) The Blades both have a great design. They look well-balanced and easy to swing around (Which is just how I like my swords, dunno about other people =P). Of course, as much as you saw this coming, I can't go by idly without saying that they would look thousands of times better with shading.

Aura Knight -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (4/3/2011 15:56:55)

@Aguila: I like the design. It's simple but cool.
@Sands of Blood: The details on the armor are beastly. Even though it is only a drawing, the epicness of the design is greatly shown. Sorry to say that I have no way for you to improve it, but even if you don't make changes, it looks amazing. Great job!
Now, since almost everyone said that my weapon could use improvement with shading, I went and made some modifications to it. Shading seems to be my weak point, but I think I may be getting the hang of it slowly, but surely. The one thing I have difficulty with is where to shade. I have looked at the tutorials, but they do not help me. If anyone can offer advice, it would be most welcome.
Here is the newer version of my weapon.
I only worked on one of the two weapons because as soulsyth said, recoloring the same weapon shows a lack of creativity, and that is not something I want. Any other thoughts on improving it are welcome. Keep in mind that the weapon you see was made on MS Paint and it is the best I could do considering that fact.

soul syth -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (4/3/2011 22:19:51)

@sage good work
hey guys new mash up useing made using shiny phoenix lord( ) by XDamian, VampireMax, & icetail24(a.k.a reddy) and made using my energy protector ( ) so here is my mash up i call energy phoenix protector :

coolboypai -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (4/4/2011 20:37:14)

this thread isnt getting much popularity is it :/
oh well...
i have a new weapon for you all! :D
I call it Shark Attack

@soul syth
nice mash up, looks a bit bulky though

@Demonic Sage 23
the sword looks really awesome! though i recomend darkening one half of the hilt and guard to get some more depth, as you did with the blade

@sands of blood
cool armor! like the details you put into it. but the helm doesnt really suit my taste

@Shinobi Shadowmaster
a good sword, nicely designed and shaded. could use some smoothing though

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (4/4/2011 21:26:44)

no one can kill the artists hub :)
could i get some feed back and perhaps some help on my shop:

Razen -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (4/4/2011 21:29:03)

@Coolboypai: Smoothing? e_o

@Soul Syth: Mashing stuff up while cool in concept, not so cool in reality...

@Sands of blood: Very detailed and mechanical, I like it?

@Snake the Red: I don't think that's a good idea...

Anyways, I did get a NPC done in Flash, It's my first EVER

Zealot of Venoach, Critique?

Ragsrun -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (4/5/2011 4:18:22)

@Razen: Looking fairly good. You've been working on your Flash stuff. :] Briefly off the top of my head right now, I'd have to say that the clothing folds around where their feet should be could use a bit of work--look at cloth curtains or something similar, and you can probably figure out where you could add some more vertical-ish ripples to your NPC's robe.

Are they supposed to look that thin and straight all up and down? I was also going to comment on the shape of the figure if you're going for human-like, but I dare not if they're supposed to be something like that. Nice design so far though!

@Snake: I'd help you out with that shop, but I'm doubting that I'll be getting a lot of free time on my hands soon...pardon. ><;

As for feedback though, it is an interesting idea for a shop, and it seems to be doing well! The dragons do, however, look a bit messy and sometimes not always consistent. Example: Spikes are on the dragon tails, but seemingly only on the side closest to the viewer and not on the other side of the tail as well.

Out of curiosity, what drawing program do you and G Man use?

@pai: Though it looks somewhat simple right now in its current pencil-sketch form, things do tend to look better once they are colored and whatnot.
No particular comments from me right now except that it has an interesting design. I'm looking forward to seeing its final form. :]

Arthur -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (4/5/2011 4:40:04)

Here's some of my art too.
My IceFire Blade.
My Sun Scythe.

My Hybrid Armor
Arthur Dragonlord himself.

Hope you like them and tell me what I lack.[:)]

Nerd Sage -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (4/5/2011 8:25:11)

@pai: you might wanna change the eye, the one on there kinda makes it look like a derp wepon [8|]
@soul syth:nice you should try to add more of the coloring from the phenix onto it
@arthur: dont forget to comment :D, nice syth design
@shinobishadowmaster: im likeing the style of that one!
yay, i got even better at making armors!
Sky Punk

Arthur -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (4/5/2011 10:17:34)

Your machiana armor is ultra detailed.
The other weapons are awesome too.
Shinobi, i can see the same problem.

Razen -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (4/5/2011 17:00:25)

@Arthur DL: First, it's Razen, two, how can I solve a problem when you are saying what it is, at least address who stated the problem, it's kinda difficult otherwise.

Turquoise -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (4/5/2011 19:15:11)

@Arthur Nice job, some proportions look a little funky, but overall well done.
@Razen I personally didn't see a problem, with anything.
@SOB You really need a twitter. Anyway glad you are back. Your armors are incredibly detailed and near perfect. Now all you need is someone to flash your work.
@Pai Its a tad simple, since you're flashing it it shouldn't be a problem.
@Sage Wow, thats my favorite work from you keep it up!
@Soul syth Awesome, but a tad messy.

My new armor click! I forgot some shading in places, but turned out good IMO.

Aguila -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (4/6/2011 0:31:31)

Meh, I've been all techy the past few months, and haven't drawn a skull in forever. Anyways, here is a collab I just finished, original design by Rinma.

and also a contest entry to Vampire Max's contest that was hosted a few days back.
CC, pls.

@Turquoise - I don't get the shading. There are 100 light sources. But the concept is awesome!
@SoB - The right side of the armor doesn't look right, but maybe it's just me. Other than that, amazing armor concept.
@Arthur DragonLord - The ice-fire blade ain't bad, but the scythe may need some work. As for the character design the concept, and perspective looks awesome, but try to shade with your color pencils.
@Razen - It looks right, in terms of human anatomy, but try to shade it just a tad more.
@Pai - Lurv the concept. But I think you can do better, with the Eye, and all.
@Soulsyth - The perspective of the foot needs to be more front view than bird's eye view, but the rest is awesome. ^^

Turquoise -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (4/6/2011 15:33:44)

@Aguila The black and purple one is amazing, really awesome colors.
@Aguila There were only 2 light sources... the rest were creases in the cloth.

Ragsrun -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (4/7/2011 3:49:20)

@Aquila: Firstly, very nice designing and coloring jobs you did on those two weapons! Shapes and depth are generally well made. :]

I think all I have to say to you right now some little parts about the shading? I'm probably just being nit-picky when I mention this, but perhaps something seems a bit peculiar about a few bits? Take The Giant's Tomahawk for a moment, since it's probably a little more obvious there: As much as I love how you have done it, the metal edges of the main blade has this sort of piece-by-piece shading which looks not quite 'right', for lack of a better way to say it. The gradients are good, but something about those front blades seems a bit...odd.

Oh, another thing: Does that blade edge near the top of the tomahawk seem a bit sudden to you? About three other pieces of metal near the glowing sphere in the tomahawk have the same abrupt change of colors.

Again, I'm likely just being picky about the smallest issues. ^^;

@Turquoise: The armor idea isn't bad, but yes, shading is definitely missing, as you already said.
When you give it some more depth, I'm sure it will look great. :]

Only commented two people this time for me--I have to get off soon. ><" Pardon, Arthur Dragonlord and sands of blood.

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