RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (Full Version)

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Ronin -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (5/4/2011 0:22:07)

@sands of blood: It's a polearm :P Also, make the black to blue on the Zorbak Egg :)
@DS23: It looks like a dagger-scythe xD Anyway, connecting the blade to the mouth would be nice.

Nerd Sage -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (5/4/2011 7:41:43)

@ronin: it is blue, just a darker tone. and i couldnt change it if i wanted to. once you dye the pasanka you cant dye back to any colors behind the color you gust did. you also cant do it cause its already hollowed and polished. if i wanted to do it over i would have to re-sketch my zorbak face on an egg, then go over it in beeswax (wich if you mess up in you cant fix), dye it multiple times, wait a day, polish it, wait a day, then blow the yoke out a hole the size of a needle, and wash out the insides 7 times! not the easiest thing to do while makeing another egg for a grade.

Ronin -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (5/5/2011 4:33:17)

lol, thought so :3 Anyway, you should win a prize for that :o

Nerd Sage -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (5/5/2011 8:10:23)

@ronin: i sure do hope so XD

Ronin -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (5/6/2011 0:35:34)

Anyway, here's a WIP/dropped project (Will most probably be the second)

It's finished, but I was too lazy to animate it, and it doesn't look great anyway :/

The Braken Bard -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (5/6/2011 9:54:15)

@Ronin: The colours are nice, but the blade seems inconsistent with the rest of the weapon.
@Demonic Sage 23: I definitely like the design of the scythe so far; just a bit more detail to the head I think.

Anyway, I tried shading... urgh. What a nightmare; I am just completely rubbish at doing it D:
Maybe I shouldn't make the diamonds glowing... so shading isn't so difficult.
What does anyone else think?

Ronin -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (5/9/2011 5:04:43)

@The Braken Bard: One tip. Don't use gradients plainly w/o linear shading.
Keep trying. You'll get the hang of it soon :)

I made some rawk weaps based on Dage's video:

Ores of Heaven Set
Huge Rock Blade (It's a mace :P So it's supposed to be blunt to bash ppl n' thingz around)

just shocking -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (5/9/2011 17:29:18)

@ronin very nice weapon, the colours compliment eachother, the design is beautful too.
@The draken bard your shading isnt bad, not that bad at all. Better than mine, i downloaded flash and now i'm like ...What the..!?

Now, my picture!

Ronin -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (5/10/2011 0:10:17)

@Just shocking: That is a SUPERB digi-painting. REALLY good. That feeling of darkness is just...there :P

Made this with Reddy/Icetail24. Found one of her old sketches and asked to flash it, and she said yes. Soyeah :3


SNAKE THE RED -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (5/20/2011 0:54:23)

@Just shocking very impressive I love the spin you put on miltonius, your right about making it darker it would look breath taking then.
@Ronin that is a mind blowing armor, i can see a j6 npc wearing it. seems a bit steam punk to me is that on porpoise or happy accident? are you going to be making a weapon for it, your mace thingy: would go good with it. just my 2 cents
@every one i missed, sorry i will come back soon and edit you in.

this is one of my first animation jobs on gimp

Aura Knight -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (5/22/2011 23:02:53)

New weapon: Destiny's Fate:
The weapon was created by me and flashed by fabri17.
What do you think about my new weapon. I drew it and got it flashed. i for one think it turned out great, but I would like some opinions on it.
@just shocking: Very nice picture. The coloring is fantastic.
@ronin: the shading on those weapons is fantastic. Also nice flashed armor.
@snake the red: nice animation.

The Braken Bard -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (5/23/2011 9:58:50)
I've got a new work. I've scrapped the Water Knight, though that's because I'm using it in my major work for my last year of school now.
This is a bit of a first for me, working on both a male and female version that are different; I usually only work on the male version.

@Ronin: Wow, I don't really have much to say. Shading is good. Details are good. The only thing I have a qualm with are the leg belts, because they stick out and can detract from the rest of the work, but other than, really really good. The Rock weapons are different though. The mace feels really flat, though the shading is real nice. I can't really put my finger on why it feels that way, and maybe it's just me. Still... On the other hand, your Ores of Heaven set is extremely well shaded and they look really nice.

@Demonic Sage 23: The design and colours are really nice. Other than the lack of shading, the orb on the bottom is a bit too bright.

@Snake the Red: For the animation, no comment because I can't animate period XD looks pretty good though.

EDIT: Also began working on weaponsmithing.
Braken Staff ftw!

Aguila -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (5/29/2011 19:39:09)

Forged a new style...

Here's Mug Dog. It's Mug Rootbeer-inspired. I coded a button somewhere in there, button activates some animation, and I'm letting you figure out where the button is, shouldn't be too hard.

Here are two collabs with Ronin, Valencia and The Blue Handaxe.

@The Braken Bard - Lookin' nice so far.
@Demonic Sage - Nice concept, not too sure about the blade, though.
@Snake - Nice anim.
@Ronin - Awesome work as always, I don't think I commented on that on twitpic.

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (5/30/2011 15:59:48)

wow every one is doing such good work around here....
@Aguila give me a moment to find my jaw i just droped it. anyways the first sword is prefect poetry not a signal flaw. as for the second one its an amazing peace of art but is it suppose to be si fi or frozen battle axe style?
@The Braken Bard love the staff could do with a bit of shading though
@Demonic Sage 23 looks sky guard to me, thats a good thing btw

the fallowing project is not really completed but i have planes to use it for other projects and animations

Aura Knight -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/1/2011 17:44:22)

@braken bard: I like both designs, but they lack in shading as i'm sure you know. Great concepts btw. My guess is they will look epic when they are shaded.
@aguila: I really like the design on the Mug Dog. The one thing that looks awkward is on the left side of the hilt when the animation is activated. The words on the can is mirrored. I think it should be written the same way as the other side's can. As for your other two weapons, very nice shading.
@snake the red: I like the shading on the cliff. The dragon also looks good, but there needs to be more shading and the outline should be less thick.

Anyway, here is a new set of weapons that I made. I understand that they lack shading, but i like the concept. In the picture there are two hammers, an axe, a sword, and a shield. I plan to make a different weapon using the design for the hammer as the handle. Let me know what you think.
Draconic Spectre Set:

just shocking -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/5/2011 5:39:10)

@demonic sage 23 you could have done better.
@Aguila good as always, you always have great animations.

I... have started a new armour, and posted a teaster picture. i Posted this ages ago. And i have finished, the torso, the thigh and almost the Shin. Oh, and another picture. The Miltonius picture, UPDATED!!

Dragon's breath armour:

Aura Knight -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/5/2011 18:48:30)

@just shocking: I guess you're right I could have done better, but I was just too lazy to. lol. The shading on the armor is looking great so far. Nice color choice too. The Miltonius/Nulgath picture has a nice look. Coloring is great. It really amplifies the true evil of Miltonius/Nulgath. Only thing I would advise you to change is perhaps making the lines and colors a little bit brighter because it is a little hard to distinguish between the portrait of Milt/Nulgath and the background. Maybe make the background a different color. Other than that the pic is fine.

Well, I have never bothered to make an armor because I didn't think I could make one. I figured there's a first time for everything right? So without further ado, I present my progress on an armor I am working on. I am using MS paint to draw it, so it may take a while to finish it. Plus I am making this design off the top of my head. So far all I have is the lineart for the shoulder. Any thoughts on it so far?

This is just a preview and my first armor ever. Will continue to work on it.

Edit: here is the completed armor. Am now waiting to get it flashed.

The Braken Bard -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/8/2011 7:02:50)


Spikester Plate
I decided to make a HS Armour/Suit (what do you call it?) after trying out HS and thoroughly enjoying it. The weapon is a shield and the name is a throwback to my old, other username that I use, 'spikester108', when I don't want to roleplay, just play games.

I made a suggestion in the HS, and here it is.
I decided to work on it as I needed something simple to work on as, the AQW template confuses me and I often get the view wrong making me waste time, and also because I learnt the hard way from AQW that you have to get in early in regards to Player Suggested Stuff [;)]

Will edit in criticism as my laptop is really laggy right now and needs to cooldown.
@Demonic Sage: Your armour is looking really good. Did you use white for your lineart? Because it's kind of difficult to see some details. Other than that, the spikes on the legs are inconsistent with the spike on the arm as they are green whilst the arm is grey. If you intended it, though, then all that really needs to be done is shading.
@just shocking: Eh Nulgath picture is way too dark. IMO if you have to strain your eyes to see the outline properly, it needs to be brighter. I understand that you want Nulgath to be obscured, but I think that it would be better if it were a brighter colour (not too bright) and then moved to a more subtle transition to the dark, rather than having an overall dark colour palette. Preview armour is looking good though, especially the shading.
@snake the red: I definitely think that you should make sure that everything is consistent; I noticed the cliff had no lines, whilst the dragon did. I think it'd look better if both used lines, or both didn't use line. The dragon looks good though, and the colours you used are quite nice.

Aura Knight -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/9/2011 22:08:05)

@braken bard: Yes, I did intend for the colors to be the way they are. You wondered if I used white lineart, and to answer your question I did. I had a black outline first, but to me it didn't seem that great, so I made it white. Underneath the armor, some parts of skin would show, like on the arm, and parts of the chest, etc. The parts that are white in the picture. Your HS armor looks very well drawn and the design is good too. Interesting choice of colors. Only thing I would say is perhaps shade a little bit more. You seem to have shaded already, but it needs more.

Well, since I am still waiting for my armor to get flashed, I was getting bored so I decided to make some weapons. These weapons are not completed yet, as they need shading, but here they are so far. I have not done a good themed weapon before, so these are my first. All done on MS Paint and they were not pre-drawn.
I like the look, but the outline color seems to bother me. Does anyone have any thoughts as to what to change it into? Also what are your thoughts on this weapon set? When I decide how to shade them, I will, but for now, this is all that I can show.

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/11/2011 16:15:41)

@Demonic Sage 23
the color thream is wonderfull and the shape is perfect it could use a little more shading however. other then that its perfect.

now for mine, this is a bit of a master peace of mine, i plane on animating it latter

Aura Knight -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/14/2011 10:47:48)

@snake the red: I like the shading. The lines on it seem too crooked though. Try smoothening them out if you can. Also shade the water a little. And make the fill in the color of the stars. Other than that it looks great.

Newest thing I made: Infinite Cyber Set:

In this weapon set, the following weapons are present.
1. Twin Headed Battle Staff of Infinity
2. Cybernetic Daggers of the Infinite
3. Axe of Infinity
4. Shield of Infinity V.1
5. Claymore of the Infinite Cyber
6. Shield of Infinity V.2
7. Dirk of the Infinite Cyber

I don't have the corresponding pictures numbered, but you can probably figure out which one is which. I realize that the weapons lack shading, but I did the best I could with MS Paint. None of the designs were predrawn. Did it all off the top of my head and I like the result. I was also thinking of making the blue part cc. Should I? Also any thoughts on the weapon set? I am also working on another weapon but it is nowhere near ready yet. Will post when finished. For now, I am going to make an armor to go with these weapons. Perhaps will also make a helm and cape as well, and who knows maybe a pet of some sort.

edit: forget it. won't make armor, but will make helm and cape (maybe).

The Braken Bard -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/20/2011 10:30:55)

@Demonic Sage 23: Pretty good designs! The colours are good, though there are a few curvy bits I don't like (though that's just my personal preference). To finish it off, maybe you could add some shading to the orbs. Also I'm not sure if that small knife thing is a weapon or not, but it's awfully plain; could do with more work.
@Snake the Red: It's pretty rough and the castle walls aren't very clean. However the mountain/rock shading is very well done :D The waterfall needs more shading and maybe it could be darkened a bit; if the main focus is the castle, well the current colour for the water catches my eye more than the castle itself.

I lost my Flash D: so now I can only sketch, maybe use Gimp again (though I'm not particularly good with that). So here's a few sketches anyway.
One is an idea for a set, the other is just some AQW fanart.

Also the reason it's messy is because I use pen for sketches. I don't like pencil because I have to sharpen it every five seconds (because it breaks or because it goess dull quick) and also because I don't really have any pencils. Closest thing I have to a pencil is graphite :/

Aura Knight -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/20/2011 10:55:04)

@braken bard: For hand drawn things, they seem pretty good. I like the concepts you have there. the designs are still rough and need work to become great, but nonetheless they are still pretty good. Also, that is a pretty decent sketch of discordia.

Well after a long time of experiencing artists's block, I have finally found an inspiration to make some new weapons again.
Here is one of them now:
Not too fond of the handle as it doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the rest of the weapon, so I might change that. I want to add some runes on the blade itself, but since I don't know any, I just made some random designs on the blade. Will probably edit that out as it doesn't look good. Thoughts?

*I have many other designs ready, but the drawings I made of them are horrible. I will need to redraw them, but will post them as soon as they are ready.[:D]

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/20/2011 21:31:26)

@The Braken Bard and Demonic Sage 23
wow amazing feed back guys, your right about the water of course but i wanted it look look as if people acutely lived in the castle in stead of a rock floating in space. I will try to give as good of feed back.
@Demonic Sage 23 hhhhmmmmmm once again very nice, epic shield. very nice looks si-fi to me. is the number 8 the Infinity sing or just something that looks cool.

here is my newest set spent all weekend on it

Aura Knight -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/20/2011 21:56:05)

@snake the red: Yes, the number 8 is supposed to be the infinity sign. Part of the name is infinite, so the symbol plays a major role in the design. Your armor and weapon looks great. Aside from the fact that it needs more shading, it looks good. I do understand that there is shading, but I feel it could use more. You have a name for the set?
Btw, thanks for saying nice things about my weapons.[:D]

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