RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (Full Version)

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vrizzle -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (9/16/2011 18:39:06)

lol, I was just listening to music. Rap music. <-- Still working on it

ChronoPinoyX -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (9/19/2011 13:52:39)

Wow... I haven't seen Artist Unite thread in such a long time!!! While I'm here, I think I may as well post my current drawings for AQWorlds. These drawings are based on the Bloodtusk storyline.

Bloodtusk: Horc
Bloodtusk: Troll

The Horc was made first as a tester so if it looks like the Troll is better, then you now know why :D

Aura Knight -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (9/27/2011 20:14:48)

@vrizzle: nice sketches.
@chrono: some really good drawings you have there.

This is my favorite weapon design that I created.
Comments? Suggestions?

Nerd Sage -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (9/27/2011 20:33:30)

hey it's nice to get back to the forums even if it might be for a little bit
@chrono: nice portraits allthogh i thought the trolls wold be wearing something a little more elegent like a toga but still show the detail you put in on the mucles
@demonic: nice i can only imagion how amazing it would look in depth
this is an armor i made a while back but didnt really get many comments on

Aura Knight -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (9/27/2011 20:55:36)

wow, I'm surprised that someone actually commented within the same week I posted. lol. anyway, thanks for the comment sands of blood. As for your armor, it looks very nice. Is it an armored mummy of some sort? Because that is what it looks like to me. Anyway, it is cool.[:D]

Lord Hades -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (10/3/2011 0:52:54)

@demonic: it's a very good weapon, but not quite as in-depth as many of AQW's recent items. however, it would make a great weapon in AQ! have you considered suggesting it?
@sands: great armor. I agree with demonic, it looks very Sandsea style.

Here's my armor. Haven't got a good name for it yet, so any suggestions for that would be great, too! clicky!

Aura Knight -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (10/4/2011 2:44:14)

@lord hades: Maybe you could call the armor KnightWing? Sorry, but it is late while I am posting this. A name should be easier to come up with if you have a color scheme for it.

They say the best offense is a good defense, so here is a shield I made. On the left it is untriggered. On the right is the triggered version. on what it triggers, I do not know, but I like how it looks. No clue what to name it and has no shading. But still pretty good for MS Paint. Link:

feedback is welcome. thanks![:D]

superjars -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (10/4/2011 10:51:17)

@lord hades: The name that strikes me first when I see it is Rune(ic) Saint. It seems to be taking on a more holy ambiance with the wings and I can imagine it with a white a gold, flecked with a royal red or similar color.

Lord Hades -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (10/7/2011 0:00:03)

@demonic try to finish the borders a bit.otherwise, it just seems a bit open.

My first try at a HS Cosplay Contest submission... (it could use some work.)

EDIT: New set...BattleMage!
Armor, Helm, and Cape along with the Staff.

Nerd Sage -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (11/4/2011 21:25:49)

@lordhades: nice i would totaly get that gandalf armor
i havent been able scan any of my reacent artwork till today so heres a taste of some of it >:D
Tech Suit
Leaf Village Shinobi
Lich King
i also have more aqw armors
i've also gotten better at weapons too
Dragon's Rage
Shell Blade
Atomic Blade
Clean-cut Choppers

.Discipline -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (11/4/2011 21:35:16)

I like to dabble in everything. I'm an artist, an editor, a poet, a writer and a musician.
But as the old adage goes 'Jack of all Trades, Master of None', so there is nothing I can't improve on. I have a very long way to go with everything I do. Which leads me to ask that if any lovely artist or musicians want to comment on my gallery to help me out it would be appreciated.

In return I promise to help anyone who needs poetry coaching or wants to learn how to use Paint.Net. Those are the only things I really know well.

Nerd Sage -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (11/4/2011 22:06:22)

@.Discipline: dude i love techno XD! my favorite was the body change and gamma smash. you need to do one based off of ichigos hollowfacation from bleach. also when posting on this forum you need to comment on others work too before showing your own, its kind of a system that keeps the forum running and would fall apart without it. anyway amazing stuff frankly im more of an sketcher myself but that dosnt stop me from listening to good music :D. keep it up!

.Discipline -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (11/4/2011 22:22:27)

Well apologies there. Your sketches are brilliant, loving the tech suit, the lich king and the illusionist most of all. My only suggestion would be that you draw on plain paper so that it looks more professional and that if you need somebody to color your blank sketches using Paint.Net, I'm your man.

Also, I'm not a big Bleach fan. I know, I know. Blasphemy. xD

@Lord Hades: Loving the Battlemage, the concept is amazing. All I'd say about your art style is that it could use finer detail rather than being heavily penned. What you have is fantastic and skillful, but if you could include textures and shading you'd really get the ideas across to the staff.

Nerd Sage -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (11/4/2011 22:35:53)

ha the reason i sometimes draw on lined paper is i get board and its all i have at school with me (im only a freshman in highschool XD)
oh and if you dont like bleach try the last episode of soul eater when they fight the kishin(master of insanity).

Lord Hades -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (11/21/2011 22:46:49)

@sands: great work! you have tons of talent, but if I could offer one piece of advice, it would be to make crisper borders. your drawings are fantastic, but they still look quite sketchy.
@discipline: the work I would best be able to judge would be the AQW NPC's. they seem a bit...blocky. if you smooth out your lines a bit more and add curves, you should see a good amount of change.

I also finally got a name for the winged knight I posted a while back (Celestial Captain), and made a less ornate mage variant (seen here.)
My Chrono-style armor... here.
I also made a mage-duellist armor.
The concept for the BattleSmith armor was great, but I did a *horrible* job penning it.\
And finally, my most recent work--a weapon. Good-themed, too, because I SUPPORT THE (AQW) MINORITY. Seen here.

Aura Knight -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (11/22/2011 20:32:39)

it seems this thread is on the verge of dying[:(]

@lord hades: nice sketches. would be nice to see them colored.

a weapon i made in MS paint which i suggested for the looming shadows contest in AQ:

Lord Hades -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (11/24/2011 1:03:01)

@demonic sage: I do all my drawings by hand and don't use any computer help other than a scanner. My coloring can be messy at times, so I would have to either draw something so fantastic it needs to be colored or something that needs color to be understood. My comment on your art: It looks like you took a good amount of inspiration from your earlier work Also, I can't tell if it's a shifting weapon with 2 forms, or a weapon and weapon-for shield, or two weapons. Either way though, great job!

EDIT: Finished a new drawing, maybe paired with the Divine Poleaxe? Criticism welcomed.

Aura Knight -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (11/24/2011 23:07:44)

@lord hades: it's a shifting weapon with a light and darkness form. i did take the form from my earlier weapon, but that's only because i liked the design. and thanks! [:D]
as for your armor drawing, it's a nice concept despite the fact that some lines are crooked. but i like the overall design of it. nice work![:)]

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