RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (Full Version)

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Blade -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/23/2011 9:59:27)

I'm baaaaaack. >:D

*ahem* Anyway, on to cc!

@Demonic sage 23: ooh, very nice concept. Nice work! :)
@Snake the red: Wow, thats pretty cool man!( Or girl, depending on gender of course. :p) I think you need to smooth things out and make things more symmetrical, but good work!

Ok, now on to my designs! :D

Menacing armor
Liquid Shadow
Demon Hood
Assassin of Winds
Shadow Master
Karma Warrior
Living Shadow
Skull armor?

Ok, cc would be nice. :3
Keep in mind that some of them are not shaded or have one leg, that is because i did not know how to properly use flash at the time. As i'm still learning. :3

Also, not all names will stay.

TY! :D

Aura Knight -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/23/2011 11:38:43)

@bladebrawl: very nice armor designs. My favorite is is living shadow. It would match perfectly with a battlepet that blake don made. Here is an image of the battlepet I'm talking about:

All your armors seem good, but some do seem to need more shading. Nonetheless, very nice designs overall.

Blade -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/23/2011 14:08:36)

@Denomic Sage 23: Thank you. :3
And oooh. shadow creatures! :D

Well, at the time, some of the armors i made was when i first got flash, and had no shading technique. :3

Thanks for the cc! :D

just shocking -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/23/2011 21:28:21)

newest armour:
Dragons Breath
And.. Another armour:
cyber Assassin
Tell me what you think!
@bladebrawl, Very nice. Better than me when i first started.... You could edit it a bit more, add shading. But, like i said before. Better than me when i started flash.

Aura Knight -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/23/2011 21:31:15)

@just shocking: I like the shading and design on the dragon's breath armor, but the blue orb at the chestplate doesn't match with the color scheme. Also he loincloth could be wider and longer on the cyber assasin. Other than that, nice shading![:D]

just shocking -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/23/2011 21:33:59)

@demonic sage 23 True, To be honest i didn't really like the loincloth on the Cyber Assassin, i'll try to made it longer and wider. Thanks.

Blade -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/24/2011 13:34:36)

@Just Shocking: Wow, i really like Dragon's breath, although ya might wanna change the color of the orb to more match the armor. :)
Cyber Assassin is ok, but it reminds me too much of the sharkbait armor. :/
I'd change the head. :3

good designs overall! :D

The Braken Bard -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/28/2011 22:31:00)

@just shocking: Cyber Assassin is really rough right now. The limbs have been done well in regards to shading and detail, but the loincloth is too thin, the helmet's sharp end gets too skinny and I don't know why but something feels off with the shoulder. Maybe it needs more detail as it's inconsistent with the rest of the design. Eyes I think are too small/narrow and look like slits from far, so you may want to make them slightly larger. Dragon's Breath, however is really well done and like said before, the orb needs to be changed to red.

@Bladebrawl: You got a lot here so I'll do it in bullet points.
Menacing: It is too lacking in detail. The elbow pad needs to be worked on and definitely needs more armour because no offense it really only looks like the template, but black and with a hood.

Liquid Shadow: I definitely like the liquid/tentacle effects on it, but again it's need armour or something that sets it apart from just being 'the base template, but with X'.

Demon Hood: The teeth are kinda rough but other than that (and shading) it's ok.

Assassin of Winds: Okay. It's too simple and could use a bit more detail and something to set it apart from it looking like a generic steel plate design. The green cape's colour is quite good though.

Shadow Master: Needs more skulls and items that make it relate to being a 'shadow master'. The shoulder needs to be cleaned up and made more clearer, a ragged cape could help with the idea and again more detail. Also, you might consider making the skulls black so they are more 'shadowy'.

Karma Warrior: The concept is not bad! Whilst the face is rough and again there aren't that many details, I can definitely see something that's unique. Cape idea is pretty cool, and I definitely think you could do with a few more runes/orbs. Maybe fix up the foot and face it'd be really good!

Living Shadow: Sorry to have to say this again, but more detail. I can see that your trying to aim for something similar to Nulgath's armour things, but if you are going to aim for that, make the red bits have unique shading rather than using the ones on the base template. The idea is there though, which is good. Eyes need to be fixed up.

Skull armor: It looks okay. Definitely more detailed than some of the other stuff you have, but still needs more. The shoulder's are a little strange looking (are they meant to be wings?) but other than that, it's a decent design. Colour palette could be a bit more interesting.

Anyways, here's my current, probably last WIP before I have to go off and do some important RL stuff. I KNOW it's not done, so please no tips about shading because I'm totally aware it needs more of it. Just want some ideas on how I can finish it, whether the colours are good or not.
I WAS going to do the other one and I was just fiddling around in Flash to practice (I only recently found it again) yet I suddenly ended up with this and it looked way better so... I wonder what I should call it.
More Improvements here:

Clavus -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/29/2011 21:23:11)

Alright I'm a little new to this.

@Just shocking: (Regarding Cyber Assassin) I really like the shading on this and the gradients, but the helmet seems a little off center, and I think if you raised the shoulder pads a bit higher it would fit more. But besides that I really lie his leg and the helmet concept.

This is my first attempt at an Aqw based Armor "Clavus Dread The Ice Elf" please tell me what you guys think :D


lordkaho -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/29/2011 23:41:10)

Good day, every one.


I agree with Braken Bard. The Cyber Assassin's shading is very well done. I like how you did the glossy metallic look to it. But my qualms to it is that, as pointed above, the back portion of the helm is rather too pointy, the loin cloth is too thin and the top armor piece that supposedly covers the jaw and chin is raised too high and is disproportionate to the armor's shoulder level. It makes it look like the neck piece is too long.

The Dragon's Breath armor is alright. The loin cloth is a bit plain and the armor needs some curves and shaping especially n the limbs and the chest, but other than that the lighting is good.


Here's my take on the Soul Weaver armor. What do you think?

The Braken Bard -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/30/2011 7:00:43)

@lordkaho and Clavus: I'm usually used to giving comments on AQW Armours done in GIMP or Flash, not weapons or other types of pictures, so apologies if these comments aren't right for this style of art.

@lordkaho: For some reason I'm squinting to see it properly. I think you may have to tone down on the hair or brighten up the Soul Weaver outfit and the pitch black details (like the sword) a bit. There's nothing necessarily wrong with them seperately, but together they make a squinty combination. The details on the coat are really nice but the white gaps make it feel a bit rough (I don't really know whether you're going for that effect though). I definitely like the ideas and the effects on the hands (like the phantoms on the left and fiery claw on the right) are pretty cool.

@Clavus: That is REALLY cool, no ice pun intended. I haven't seen many Armours done like that, they've mostly been just black and white sketches, or coloured pixel/vector pictures but never handdrawn, hand coloured kind of stuff. There are definitely some cool details there. The only gripe I have is that there isn't a whole lot of decoration on the armour plating on the legs, but that's really just a personal preference. How did you colour that?

Anyway I'm pretty much done. I'm going to have to leave for some important RL stuff soon, so this'll probably be my last for a few months. Any comments? Is it good? Did I overload on the orange? Should it be called Brakomancer? A lot of CC would be appreciated! Braken Sorceror?

Ninjudo -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/30/2011 10:21:35)

Hey guys! This is my first reply to this thread and I hope I'll keep active xD
Anyway, am here for more feedback on my stuff, especially this one: my N-16k
it's one of my oldest designs, older than shadow breather. I am desperate to get it in game too since of all my old art, it's the only one I won't give up at.
And here's a collab with Mieteor: the Phantom Ranger
And it's a hybrid of a ninja and a ranger.
Tell me what you guys think. :D

@Demonic Sage 23: Blake, right? well I really admire that battle pet, though I won't go for the bald head shape. Hope there'd be a battle pet suggestion thread :)

vrizzle -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/30/2011 14:26:16)
Does this look good?

Aura Knight -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/30/2011 15:43:12)

@ninjudo: I really like both of those armors. The shading on both seem to really fit the designs. And yes, the battle pet I mentioned was created by Blake Don and I posted it since it seemed to match perfectly with an armor that bladebrawl made. The battlepet was made by Blake Don and I do not take any credit whatsoever. Just posted it cuz like I said it matched with an armor i saw.
@braken bard: pretty cool armor you got there.
@Clavus: Cool drawing, though it would look batter if it were flashed.
@vrizzle: Nice sketch. Looks like an evil themed armor due to the skulls on it. looks good. hopefully it will look better if or when it gets flashed.
@lordkaho:Great drawing of soulweaver. There are a few white spots that need to be colored in, but other than that it looks great.

Well, I am too lazy to make or post anything I am working on, so that's all from me at this point.

vrizzle -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/30/2011 16:45:21)

Another Armor
Does this one look good?
@Demonic Sage:
Thanks for the comment.
Can someone flash some of my armors?

Ninjudo -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/30/2011 20:20:55)

@Demonic sage 23: Thanks. And I thought u were Blake, lol sorry.. and what's that armor you're talking about?
@vrizzle: The skully unnamed armor looks good. Can u refine the details?
@Braken: Nice armor u got there though I suggest u use an aqw template
it shall improve designs a lot like what I did ;)

vrizzle -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/30/2011 21:27:29)

I made two armors with skulls, which one?
I gave them names, but they're kinda lame...
NVM I know what you're talking about.

The Braken Bard -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/30/2011 21:32:18)

@Ninjudo: I do use the Template, it's just that I'm too lazy to do the full body lol Maybe I might add the back limbs then since this'll be my last for a while anyway.

Phantom Ranger: It looks quite cool, especially with the Bird and Quiver (are they both part of the body, or is one of them the back item and the other a part of the armour?). I can't really tell what's on the face though; are they eyebrows?. Anyways it's got the right balance between base design and accessories so all in all it's pretty good :D

N-16K: It's definitely a good design and I don't really know what could be improved, design wise. Maybe you could get someone to flash it to improve your chances? Or maybe you could add a weapon and back item to make a full set out of it. Maybe add a colour palette on the side so they know which colours? Sorry it's just that I honestly can't think of anyway to improve that design :/

First Armour (no name): The details on it are quite good. I think you just need to improve on the shin's details since that's sort of disappointing compared to the rest of the Armour. Personally I think a weapon to go with it would complete the design.

Undead Sage: I personally think that it needs a bit more. I'm not really a big fan of the Undead Foot as it looks ugly to me, but that's just a personal preference. Just needs some accessories/extras like maybe skulls on the chest plate and more usage of chains overall.

vrizzle -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (6/30/2011 21:41:19)

Thanks for the advice, I'm drawing a shoe or something and the skulls right now.
Now starting a new armor, it has animal skulls around it, and an eagle on his chest.

The Braken Bard -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (7/1/2011 0:11:54)

Finally done!

Ninjudo -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (7/1/2011 8:04:11)

@Braken: Turned out better. A Hair or hat, and a guitar or something perhaps? :D

vrizzle -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (7/2/2011 11:24:51)

Drew my first Miltonius picture! :D
Does this look good?
Got my unnamed armor, which is now name ShadowDoom, flashed.

The Braken Bard -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (7/4/2011 6:39:43)

Milty Pic: I don't know bodies very well, but it seems a little out of proportion IMO. Chest is a little too large compared to everything else, the legs are too short and he looks kind of stocky and lanky all at the same time. Head is also slightly small compared to the chest, but the ragged cape and sash are quite good.
Flashed Shadow Doom: It looks quite good. Maybe it's just because I've been looking at bright things too much, but it feels a bit too dark for me. Shin looks much better than before and while some details were lost that I particularly liked (like the dots all over some parts) it overall looks nicer with the fixed shin and colours (dark as it may be).
On a side note, you seem to be a Miltonius fan, you should probably check out; it's not that big yet but he's planning his own game and stuff. Over there I am 'Baltru' not Braken Bard if you consider joining [;)]

Braken Caster was meant to be my last but then I heard people are doing up various versions of Pirate and I just got this awesome idea I had to pitch forward. It's a Pirate/Buccaneer and a Braken: a Brakeneer!

I use Buccaneer with Braken since Buccaneer is pretty much synonymous with pirate. It's still a WIP, does anyone have any colour suggestions? I'd like to continue using the colours I currently am using but I feel I may be overdoing the gold and orange too much.

Aura Knight -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (7/4/2011 11:31:24)

@vrizzle: nice drawing and cool armor.
@braken bard: cool armor designs.
@ninjudo: the armor I was referring to was bladebrawl's living shadow armor that he made. I thought that the armor he made would match with the battlepet that blake don made.

Anyway, here is my latest weapon design. Unholy Retribution: I know it lacks shading, but I like the overall design so I suggested it for AQW. Any thoughts on it? I planned to remove the scribbles from the blade itself, but it didn't look right so I kept them on the weapon.

[Aegis] -> RE: Artists Unite! The Rebirth! (7/4/2011 21:23:33)

Having no shading isn't necessarily a bad thing. It gives the piece its own style. Keep the "scribbles;" they look good on it and keep it from looking bare. I would have liked to see some varying colors on the blue orbs (some lighter and darker blues), but other than that, it's a great design. Good job. :)

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