nico0las -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/6/2011 3:35:48)
I'm not going to agree full-heartedly, but to some extent, it is true. I tried to take 2v2 daily champ. but for 12 straight battles, my partners were 29-28. not even a freakin' 30. It frustrated me. I love the mode, but this is why I enjoy juggernaut: it's just you. The enemy leaves? great! free win! if not, kill them, win anyways. 2v2 is, as someone stated earlier, a death-trap. How the all times made 20k wins, who knows. must have been quite a lot of work. We need a smaller lvl range. I love the mode, but I just can't do it. I actually turned around and ripped apart a stack of some 25 pages out of anger after the 16th loss in a row. A smaller level range, and of course, the varium-non varium separation. Sorry, but except for a VERY select few, varium is a whole new league, with the varium noobs champions among the....non variums. Don't get mad at me for that, we're all thinking it. So, again, varium-non varium separation, smaller lvl range, and inviting partners. Either that, or we deal with it and all go Focus build on 2v2. I like option B just as much as A, but y'know.