RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (Full Version)

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StriderAigis -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/8/2011 23:09:24)

one thing that bothers me is on the leader boared there r 2 random lvl 23 and 25 on there for 2 an 3 and a lvl 33 tac merc for 1 anyways yeaa 2 v2 needs to be fixe

DeathSpawn -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/8/2011 23:13:15)

^ I think there's something wrong with the board anyway. I won 100 matches and lost 7 yesterday and I know it for a fact because I pay very close attention to it. I never got on the board period after playing all day lol what is that?

@Isaiah, Hey bud take a look at page two and see where it started. Callisto was very condescending toward SunGuardian that enjoyed the unpredictableness of the mode and dared to say it. Then she replies to my post naming her friends the so called best? Her and I also didn't see eye to eye in another thread but when I saw her act like that toward a nice player who enjoys this mode I had to step in! That's bull! That's like me telling my Drill SGT errrrr No offense Drill SGT but go **** yourself! Hmmm are aterisks allowed in that context? if not i'm sure i'll hear about it lol.

Her and her friends are in no way the best and I will argue that as I believe high ratios to be best for the reasons previously stated over and over and over again.

Also there's like 15 different peeps surfing these forums in any given week and 6 are her friends so how do you expect a difference in opinion there?

edwardvulture -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/8/2011 23:15:21)

^There is something called leaderboard lag.

@Megachibi, its easier to get on the leaderboard with a lower level and is the only time an f2p can do it.

shadanae -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/8/2011 23:16:29)

hurry up and fix it

StriderAigis -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/8/2011 23:18:36)

yea i know is eaiser i was there once, like last month when i was A TM

Callisto -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/9/2011 1:18:02)


As I stated earlier a 70% win rate is in no way better than a player with an 83% win rate.

Only reason I have lower % than yours is cause I was a mage from the very start,I didn't have varium for 6 months and I never changed class.You cannot even compare to me or any of my friends who have experienced it all.

Callisto you have a lot to learn about real life. Enjoy this forum life and fairy tale in your head while you can girly.

ROFL who do you think you are honestly?I do have a lot to learn,no more than you.I don't live in fairy tales and I'm not a little kid you get to call ''girly''.Grow up.

BUT when ignorant players try to change the only game mode I have any interest in then I'm involved!

We're trying to fix it,not ruin for calling us all

Callisto was very condescending toward SunGuardian that enjoyed the unpredictableness of the mode and dared to say it. Then she replies to my post naming her friends the so called best?

Says a person who dares to call entire community ignorant...I never start fights.When I see something I don't understand,I comment.I ask for explanations.I've never before flamed anybody but now,fighting with ignorant people can sometimes be amusing though...until it just gets annoying.As for my friends,I named best players in 2vs2 all time.You might think you're the you're nowhere near as good as any of them.

Also there's like 15 different peeps surfing these forums in any given week and 6 are her friends so how do you expect a difference in opinion there?

I did not tell my friends to post,they found their own way here.I don't control what they say,they can see what kind of a person you are on their own.

jegaggin -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/9/2011 2:20:07)

on the other hand it is fun playing with a level 5 against 2 level 27s :D when im level 33 XD. i think thaqt was a glitch but it was fun obileterating the 27s XD

.Sir Lazarus. -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/9/2011 4:50:34)

Deathspawn... Why are you so sure you are a good player? Nobody ever heard about you, nobody cares... Face it, you are not that good.

T.D.A.S -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/9/2011 6:00:42)

How about every1 sdfu and get back on topic[:D]

Minus123 -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/9/2011 6:34:03)

Ok, well this post is on topic. About what Deathspawn said about dc's, I agree with him that it is a big problem in 2 vs 2. But what about the people who deliberately leave a match? It's not always disconnects, and I think there should be some kind of penalty for this. Maybe lose 200 credits or so? Sure as hell will lessen the lower lvl players leaving, as they need every penny they can get to upgrade gears, and start putting enhancements. Only problem is, theres no way of telling if ppl hav an honest dc, or just refreshed their browser.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/9/2011 10:16:59)

@Deathspawn "Bud" I am not bud. Honestly Callisto just pwned you once again. You should just stop and stay on topic. Your losing this arguement badly. So please eitheir stay on topic and stop the flaming or leave please. I mean you have the nerve to trash talk them and call them bad players when their on the all time leaderboard with thousands of wins. On top of that they have good ratios rangeing from 62.0% to 70.0% I dont even see you on the Todays Leaderboard. So you should just stop. Like really it is not even funny anymore.

Scyth789 -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/9/2011 10:52:33)

Yep. A Partner without any gear is a trouble indeed in 2v2. But the actual trouble is a Partner who won't act according to your strategy. That's where the real problem lies. And that's due to inexperience of the newbies. So Lowering the gap would help 2v2 where more experienced players can tag together to form a formidable team.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/9/2011 14:24:37)

@ IsaiahtheMage

I wonder if Deathspawn is one of those players who play 2 vs 2 for 10 minutes and then logs off? It sounds to me that he has no experience whatsoever with this battle mode.

DeathSpawn -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/9/2011 14:28:26)

^ How much exp do you have with it?

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/9/2011 14:30:41)

@ DeathSpawn

Don't just single me out, why don't you also ask Morrigan, Stangchick, Lunamoonfang too?

DeathSpawn -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/9/2011 14:32:46)

^ Didn't we play this game already? Yeah I think so way back on page 2 lol.

How is this thread not locked?

DeathGuard -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/9/2011 14:35:41)

Guys you're losing your time arguing about childiish problems, pm each other or meet or kill between you in a private place but stop it, STOP IT, Angels you're not retarded to understand my words, you got a great mind but don't use it on stupid discussions about win ratio and this goes for the others too.
Death if you got nothing positive to post, don't post here.
GUYS, we must stay on topic, we're forgetting the real point of the topic: FIX 2 VS 2 NOW! It has always been a problem and it needs to be fixed ASAP
Note: I will pm a ak to lock this if you continue with the flamming, I don't care if it's closed since right now it has been off direction.

DeathSpawn -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/9/2011 14:38:03)

^ Lol who brought this back to life with flame? Was that not Angels?

Oh my bad i hit a soft spot? Facts hurt I guess. Lets talk smack to DeathSpawn because he's not popular lmao such childish behavior. I truly wish their were more mature players in this forum to have "Actual" discussions with.....

DeathGuard -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/9/2011 14:52:28)

Death: Calm down fellow forumer, I don't want this stupid war to continue.
Guys I had been thinking what about the 15 sec turn become 10 sec? I think 15 is too long anyways in a fight you must improvise a strategy to defeat your opponent so what do you think? I thinked too about that low levels should always go first in a fight so if 2 33's are fighting a lvl 33 with a lvl 29 partner, he should have chances to defeat their foes[:D]

Lectrix -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/9/2011 14:59:32)

I'm seeing a rather large amount of flaming here. Stay on topic and keep this discussion civil, or it'll be locked.

DeathSpawn -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/9/2011 15:00:55)

@Cyber: Calm down there fellow forumer

Anyway I think 10 secs is a horrible idea as it's hard enough for some peeps to get there turn with 15 secs as it is.

Agreed on the lower level having first turn every game.

DeathGuard -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/9/2011 15:10:08)

Ah I don't have problems with the 10 secs but thats your opinion and yes the 2nd is really needed.

edwardvulture -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/9/2011 15:21:55)

@cyber, that doesn't fix anything- The problem is runners and turn-skippers. So you just want shorter 2 on 2 batters or something?

Laces -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/9/2011 15:42:47)

I'm just spouting things here but could the Devs possibly make it so that when your in a 2v2 game, the level ranges are lower.

Also here are some suggestions out of the top of my head:

In a 2v2 battle, each varium player must have a non-varium partner, unless everyone is varium

Every non-varium has a varium partner, unless everyone is non-varium.

That way its fair and balanced.

Just wondering if it could be done. I dunno if this is possible, again Its just off the top of my head.

DeathGuard -> RE: Seriously Fix 2 v 2 (8/9/2011 15:48:08)

What is the point if 2 of 4 players are afk? No fun true? So 10 secs should make more intense and strategic the battles, in few words make it shorter and about the skipping turns, or runners, what about when a player gets a '' the battle failed to start'', another player in waiting, should join the fight the other player left. It seems to me a good idea.

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