RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (Full Version)

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Ubear -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 15:08:51)

@gold the energy attack of gamma bot is classed as the special attack, and if you can use that more often then the normal attack then that's abit illogical

Bunshichi -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 15:09:00)

^ Thats what I was thinking but I guess we are subject to be test subjects again.

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 15:12:29)


@gold the energy attack of gamma bot is classed as the special attack, and if you can use that more often then the normal attack then that's abit illogical

IMO i dont think they should classify the second skill as a "special" its just stupid and pointless since in gammabot the energy does just as much damage as the physical one (if players have the same defense) so theres really nothing special about it.

Ubear -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 15:15:13)

@gold: Gamma bot isn't the only bot about and there will most likely be more in the future. The other bot that is available, Assault Bot, has a special attack and doesn't do damage on that attack

altimatum -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 15:18:31)

This update will change how we play competitively [:)] it's a breath of fresh air.

voidance -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 15:18:41)

This is why I like the underdog classes, when I wreck you, you know that build was mine and not some half rate copy n paste build. Anyways, enough boasting, I'm quite happy with the information. This is gonna kill that simple minded 5 focus build, I'm excited to see how caster skills are gonna turn out, don't care about CH's buff because it doesn't effect me in anyway, and tbh I don't think the strength skills nerf is gonna effect blood mages berserker much if any at all.

As far as the lag fix goes idc because I haven't noticed it.

Oh and as far as tesla goes I also don't care much. I'd like to have a set but if I don't get one I'm ok with my bunnyborg and warbots.

altimatum -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 15:21:27)

List of builds I want to retry after focus goes down:

1. support bh
2. caster mage
3.passive bh

Fay Beeee -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 15:23:50)

Thank you for the info Cindy.

And the bug info too :) Very interesting.
Any info on killer Bee's LOL

I can feel a build change coming on Friday.[:D]

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 15:33:12)

Thats interesting, but I don't see a direct nerf to TLM so I'm not exactly satisfied.
EDIT: and I hope you guys are still working on new robots, hopefully a non-varium one.

Larcell -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 15:44:42)

Just when I was going to temporally retire...

How does this work out exactly? Will these skills become passive?

• Percentage based skills (Berzerker, Bludgeon, Double Strike, Massacre) will now work like Deadly Aim, applying to the relevant equipped item instead of the entire attack amount

Drianx -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 15:48:38)

As usual, numerous adjustments, little overall effectiveness. At least half of them I did not understand. They only make the game more complicated -> more people snatching builds instead of creating them themselves.

voidance -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 15:49:03)

Say you have berserker level 1 with a 32 damage weapon, your damage will be your (strength damage)+32+22.4

And if you don't understand still, it adds 70% of your weapon damage just for that one attack.

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 15:50:09)

it will do damage based on ur weapon.
u know how with a +33 damage gun with, deadly aim gives +10 maxxed out?
while +32 is +9 damage when maxxed out?
what this will do is
it will be for example
34 damage X .7 (from berserker) and what u get is the ammoutn of damage u do over ur strike (in this case its 24. so its ur strike damage +24 damage)

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 16:48:55)

@Turkish How is nerfing abunch of 5 Focus Build players and their bots the solution to creativty?! Everything thing else is the same creativty comes from builds nerfing bots does not open up any new original or creative builds everything is still super limited. You still have eitheir 5 Focus Build(Greatly weakened now) or spamming builds.

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 17:06:35)

The grenades both need a buff and plasma rain is the only spell getting buffed?

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 17:17:42)

remove the power from stat spammers beleive it or not that actully lessens the F2P Varium gap nice balance call guys

LambO -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 17:20:26)

LQS Restock

As stated in last week's DNs, we plan on restocking the Telsa and Lady Tesla Armors once again with the new release on Friday. This restock will be small, but we'll try to give everyone who missed out on it last week a chance to grab it! This is the last guaranteed restock. After this weekend, restocks, if they happen, will be very small and entirely random. We want to provide a fair chance to as many players as possible to grab the LQS items, but we also want to retain rarity and value of the item for those who were lucky enough to grab it immediately.

I swear if I miss this again due to work & you guys releasing stuff american based time zones, You'd better be upgrading the Founder amour. I'm not in the mood. "We listen to players." bullcrap. We've stated with want LTS not LQS, this isn't AQW. This is ED, we need amours to be strong, AQW amours are just skins.
THINK before you do something stupid. Seriously, if I miss this restock I hope you're ready to take the credits & varium from my account & implant the amour.

Just came home from a freakin hot day at work, no rest 2 trains home & I come on to read this. Complete joke.

Agiluz -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 17:21:28)


• Buff to Plasma Rain, and Multi-Shot as they will now improve with each 4 points invested in Technology or Dexterity (to match Artillery Strike)

OMG! this is a dream come true!!!! *tears of joy*[:D][:(]

Digital X -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 17:26:34)

I can honestly say, i have never used Multi-shot, or Plasma Rain. Are they actually that good of a skill? I've always avoided those type.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 17:28:32)

Digi Rain is only good in a 2v2 fight if you pair it with Bolt or Overload which uses lots of energy other then that i have never found a successful just Rain build becuase an EMP can easily counter it for a handful of rounds

demonred1 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 17:30:13)

Robot Nerf :This is great it gives non variums more of a chance beating varium players.

Digital X -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 17:32:26)

@OWA, i can see it benefits users in 2v2 greatly, just like Artillery does for Mercs. I'll probably equip my daggers and give it a shot (no pun intended)

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 17:41:06)

its energy and on par wiht Artilery now and Res is ussally more neglected then Def so it should have some promise GL Digi i might just retrain to my old Beta Caster 2v2 build(which did ge me on the daily afew times)

Hun Kingq -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 17:58:29)

What time will the restock happen? How many will be in the restock? Don't tell us 350 and then it is only 75.
Take into consideration players have school and work.
How about for 100 Varium/100 Credits allow players for each account reserve the armor they want per account and if they want both armors then it would be 200 Varium/ 200 credits per account.

Both my accounts just need the energy armors so I would be willing to have 100 varium/100 credits deducted from each account.

Ashari -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 17:58:34)



Just when I was going to temporally retire...

How does this work out exactly? Will these skills become passive?

• Percentage based skills (Berzerker, Bludgeon, Double Strike, Massacre) will now work like Deadly Aim, applying to the relevant equipped item instead of the entire attack amount

Percent based skills like Berzerker, Bludgeon, Double Strike and Massacre will now only give the bonus based off of weapon damage (ie: the +33 or +34). Your base damage from Strength won't be increased as well. The percent bonuses for each skill will be adjusted of course.

Also don't forget that multi skills will be effected by scaling as well, so every multi will be more useful in high level 2v2.

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