RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (Full Version)

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One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 18:01:04)

Shari will your STR damage be added into the mix after the X% of your weapon damage

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 18:04:14)

@Hun King 200 Credits or 100 Credits is not equal to 100 or 200 varuim it would be more like 100 Varuim/10,000 Credits and 200 Varuim/20,000 Credits I mean who the heck would use 100,000/200,000 Credits to get a armor or two?! No one exactly.
@Ashari Will a % of your STR damage be added into the overall damage?

Agiluz -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 18:09:03)

@ Ashari

Does this mean Berzerker, Bludgeon, Double Strike, Massacre will be nerfed?

Ashari -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 18:15:56)

@One Winged Angel1357: Yes your normal base damage is still added on, it's just not boosted by those skills. Only the weapon damage is boosted. A Strength build will still get more use out of Berzerker or Massacre than a non-Strength one would, it just no longer receives the doubled effects that it currently does.

As it currently is, these skills scaled already by your base damage (improved by Strength), by your weapon damage (equivalent to the level scaling that flat damage skills are getting) and by the % bonus from the skill itself. The problem was that the boost effected both base and weapon damage so it scaled far too much.

Aguilaz, the numbers for Berzerker, Bludgeon, Double Strike, Massacre are getting adjusted too on top of this change, so it's not going to destroy these skills. It will only be a nerf for very extreme strength builds.

PumKing -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 18:17:58)

This is a very disapointing sounding update, overall. While yes, the CH's static getting boosted, and the multies getting a slight boost, and the plasma shot getting lvled out so it is at least useful, I did not see a single nerf to the TLM class, that ONLY effected them. SO berzerker cut down, that means blood mages lose another good thing. Bots go cold after either kind of use, well I suppost that stops The Wall builds for TLM for 5-focusing it, but that hurts all the other players who use 5-focus gamma bot, because otherwise they lose points from dex and tech to increase str because the bot was their main way to do at least half-way decent damage to the TLMs.

Here's another thing, out of all the moves that the skill tree overwent for TLMs, why is it that a powerful 3rd teir attck like maul, got put up to a 2nd teir attck? I think that is a liitle too much in my oppinion. Sure it gives them def ignorance like bunker buster, but ut also gives them an increased chance to stun with each pt of skill put into it. And with 9 out of 10 TLMs I face being str TLMs, it looks, to me, that the devs really went out of their way to show the ED community just how much they like the TLM class over the rest.

Hun Kingq -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 18:21:08)

No, IsaiahtheMage you are incorrect, instead of assuming ask if you don't understand. I am talking about a layaway plan like you get at the store or like a rain check so if they deduct 100 Varium and 100 credits then you will be guaranteed that you will get an armor of your choice when it is released and this is for the players that works or have school.

So like always you misread. When I put this symbol / it means both are deducted as a down payment if I meant, or, then I would put or.

So if it is 100 Varium/10,000 credits like you want then the player should only have to pay at the time of purchase 895 Varium/4250 credits at the time of the release because why would you have to pay 10,000 credits then at the time of purchase pay 14,250 credits more.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 18:21:23)

i more i read and reread what this say the more i notice that this update punishes a lack of creativity
you can no longer spam all of your stats to teh same affectivity as before
you can no longer sit back with your robot and aux to rule the day as a 5 focus
and those old skills that cost to much energy to use are getting buffs which allows for more creative use of them

State Alchemist -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 18:41:11)

I get a GOOD build for Blood Mage and now its going to be shot to heck?!!!


Kill the Bot builds, Lower beserker, and ANYTHING thats was upped needs energy!

My build went off adding ZERO energy so I could actually stand toe to toe with Tact Mercs..and after Reflex boost it WORKED!

I got up to almost 50-50 when battling equal lvl equally equipped Tact Mercs.

So now we re relugate Blood Mages to the lower classes yet again!

This update is conceptually BAD!

DunkThatOreo -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 18:44:49)

Yay I can finally use my dream build which is maxed multi and reflex boost :D
Hmmm...I wonder houw much damage multi will do with 160 dex now its on par
with artillery strike :D

Cinderella -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 18:55:12)

My bad, forgot to note: we'll be lowering the bot cooldown. That way even though it's a slight nerf, it'll still be useful.

Carry on.

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 18:56:26)

u crushed my dream :(

DeathSpawn -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 18:56:33)

@Cinderellas post

Yeah that way it's not a nerf and they can focus more on the opponents weakness lol

Oh and now you get to debuff quicker which will hurt debuff builds more

Oh mage where art thou? When shall I see you again oh lovely mage I miss you so :'(

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 19:01:18)

then thats a buff not a nerf.
my my resistance is way lower than defense
then a mage can malf and robot be twice during the malf = a buff
same for BH and smoke.

DeathSpawn -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 19:02:31)

^ My point exactly.

If you haven't noticed myself and sarcasm are twin brothers :)

Polandor -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 19:02:42)

Robot change is ok, don't reduce the cool down (if not it will be an increase in bot effectiveness being able to use it twice on the same side in less time than now), it just one extra attack possibility, and not all player have a robots.

I lika all the balance changes, keep balancing skills, don't forget stats...

Cinderella -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 19:03:06)

I'm not sure what the cooldown is going to definitely be, gold.

DeathSpawn -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 19:04:01)

^ Got a feeling it will be two otherwise it's a huge buff

Polandor -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 19:04:22)

Don't reduce the cool down, it nullified the change and possibly make the robot even better.

LambO -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 19:04:56)

Reply to my post Cinderella.

"LQS Restock

As stated in last week's DNs, we plan on restocking the Telsa and Lady Tesla Armors once again with the new release on Friday. This restock will be small, but we'll try to give everyone who missed out on it last week a chance to grab it! This is the last guaranteed restock. After this weekend, restocks, if they happen, will be very small and entirely random. We want to provide a fair chance to as many players as possible to grab the LQS items, but we also want to retain rarity and value of the item for those who were lucky enough to grab it immediately.

I swear if I miss this again due to work & you guys releasing stuff american based time zones, You'd better be upgrading the Founder amour. I'm not in the mood. "We listen to players." bullcrap. We've stated with want LTS not LQS, this isn't AQW. This is ED, we need amours to be strong, AQW amours are just skins.
THINK before you do something stupid. Seriously, if I miss this restock I hope you're ready to take the credits & varium from my account & implant the amour.

Just came home from a freakin hot day at work, no rest 2 trains home & I come on to read this. Complete joke."

Edit: Going to sleep, don't have time to wait for you to reply. Just fix it, this isn't AQW, we need this amour. I don't get it, be ready to upgrade Founder amour & I'll pay that way.

DeathSpawn -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 19:06:08)

Yep Lamb I've been trying to get a better armor myself but instead I'm stuck with this garbage overrated Founder as well....

Life sucks then you die lol

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 19:07:25)


^ My point exactly.

If you haven't noticed myself and sarcasm are twin brothers :)

ahh, hmm k. ill keep that in mind next time i read ur post.


I'm not sure what the cooldown is going to definitely be, gold.

if its 3 cooldown then its already if its 2 thats already better than it is right now, if its 1 then its gonna be worse than before.
because u can use the robot twice with an active smoke/malf while before it could only be used once

EDIT: got a little confused with the cooldowns.

DeathSpawn -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 19:09:05)


if its 3 cooldown then its already, if its 2 then its gonna be worse than before.
because u can use the robot twice with an active smoke/malf while before it could only be used once

Think that one over bud :)

Only scenario it would be used twice is a 2v2 and your partners first, and debuffs 4th players turn.

OR it glitches and does the 4 turn debuff which still hasn't been fixed xD good times

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 19:12:56)

bleh confused it.
happens when i try to post fast.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 19:17:26)

@Cindy That is awesome. Both items may go into cooldown(Which I dislike) but at least we have a less cooldown.

bluerain28 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes August 03, 2011 - Rebalancing the Equation (8/3/2011 19:48:06)


I don't get it, be ready to upgrade Founder amour & I'll pay that way.


You sure notice what you are doing right? It's seems your willing to pay for your "demand"(not suggestion). :) *peace* [8|]


The Rebalancing is good. And makes the game a bit balance. :)

Keep up the goodwork... Make the cooldown of the robots 3 - 4 [:D]


TLM's aren't OP. I am a BH switched to TLM still i lose a lot. I have a good build :p and im going back to BH :p

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