Stabilis -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/10/2011 15:15:50)
mage is my main, they are awesome, far better than any other class p4p. but they dont have the odds stacked heavily in their favour with support build that has hybrid, reroute, smoke and artillery. and cyber hunters are perfect as they are. the most versatile fun class of the 3 new ones IMO. doing malf, static, multi and then massacre is awesome, plus all the other combinations you can pull off with heal, def matrix etc. but again, they seemed pretty balanced, support is not, and mercs easily benefit the most. you think support mercs would be that awesome if they had the 25 def you usually see them with [minus hybrid] ? you think they would be that good if artillery stacked with dex instead and multi and plasma rain stacked with support? seriously, you wanna play the "im a tactical merc, we are balanced and you have an agenda" crap then go ahead. here are links to my Here is my Cyber reply: Our class looks versatile and misleading because of our balance of skills. True enough, you would think we are passable. Our power will derive from support because the majority of our skills require or improve with... support. But don't be fooled, we are restricted from variety as far as that goes. The best bounty hunter weapons (we can use them as well) that associate themselves with a better cyber hunter build have crude requirements. Take the Dark Star for example, physical guns are good for majorly energy type hunters and Dark Star requires 41 strength. Because of the current set we have to balance our skills and meet the requirements... all causing even skill distribution. You would think that is good but, how can we use them effectively with our current skills? Most of the time we will have moderate malfunctions, moderate field medics, and our passive skill? We don't have many points to spend on dexterity to make shadow arts a thumbs up. We will always lack a critical wall, but holding a critical vulnerability. We are a class, the class, that will fail if we are under heavy fire because we don't have the skills that compensate incoming damage. Defense matrix and technician are charity skills, but they are not frank enough to address the ongoing assault from both attributes. One turn to heighten resistance one turn to heighten defense. No turns to attack and put them into defense and add to our rage. Quite distinctly, shadow arts doesn't make the cut.