PivotalDisorder -> RE: how to balance the classes (9/21/2011 18:02:08)
No-one said Tac mercs or support mercs in general are unbeatable, just that the odds are heavily stacked in their favour. Support mercs always had ridiculous power, then the devs decided that they should have reroute and smoke screen lol. I beat them regularly with only 44 support on my cyber hunter, I also pwn them on my mage too but It doesn't change the fact that you have to be pro at the game to outsmart them, whereas almost anyone can be successful with a high support tac merc. that is UNBALANCED. if the class wasn't easy to use and very powerful, you wouldn't see half as many, but you do. kids almost cry with joy when they can finally afford to switch to that class. most 33 female players are also support tac mercs. those 2 things tell me all I need to know so yes I can outsmart them, I can beat them, but support definitely needs a fix and tac mercs need their skill tree reviewing. both these facts have been acknowledged by members of the ED Balance Team so who cares if another tac merc says they aren't OP