DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: DragonLord (7/5/2021 0:15:10)
[image][/image] Bulwark DragonLord's widget displaying Dragon's Body (left side) and Dragon's Spirit (right side) combos. Dragon's Body generates up to 2 charges while Dragon's Spirit generates up to 4 charges. At 2 Dragon's Body charges, the next use of any Dragon's Body skill will automatically be empowered. (Pop-ups: Two Body attacks will empower your third. / Next Body attack will be empowered!) At 2 Dragon's Spirit charges, the player is allowed to click the right side of the widget to toggle empowerment on or off before choosing a skill. (Pop-ups: Not enough Dragon Spirits. Have: <0-1> / Empowered with 2 Dragon Spirits. Have: <2-4> / Skill unempowered.) [image][/image][image][/image]Dragon Heart 7 hits x 42.85% damage (300%) +1 Dragon Body. Can only be used when under 20% HP. | (Body Empowered) Can be used above 20% HP; Cooldown of 9. Requirements: Level 14; 7th completion of Mad Skillz to unlock; player below or equal to 20% max HP to use Effect: 7 hits of 42.9% damage, amounting to 300% damage; generates 1 Dragon's Body charge.- If empowered with 2 Dragon's Body charges, this skill can be used without meeting the HP requirement.
Mana Cost: 15 Cooldown: 1; Cooldown becomes 9 if empowered Damage Type: As weapon Element: As weapon [image][/image] Appearance 1 / 1.1 [image][/image][image][/image]Dragon Eye 1 hit x 150% damage Attack with +200 Bonus and +200 Crit. +1 Dragon Body | (Body Empowered) Self: Attack gains +75% base damage. Requirements: Level 13; 6th completion of Mad Skillz to unlock Effect: 1 hit of 150% damage, with +200 Bonus and +200 Crit; generates 1 Dragon's Body charge.- If empowered with 2 Dragon's Body charges, this skill instead performs 1 hit of 225% damage, with +200 Bonus and +200 Crit.
Mana Cost: 35 Cooldown: 7 Damage Type: As weapon Element: As weapon [image][/image] Appearance 1 / 1.1 [image][/image][image][/image]Dragon Tail 1 hit x 120% damage Target: (On hit) Stun for 3 turns. +1 Dragon Body | (Body Empowered) Target: (Auto) -50 Immobility for 1 turn. Requirements: Level 12; 5th completion of Mad Skillz to unlock Effect: 1 hit of 120% damage; applies 'Dragon Tail' to target, stunning it for 3 turns; generates 1 Dragon's Body charge.- If empowered with 2 Dragon's Body charges, additionally automatically applies 'Dragon Tail Crush' (-50 Immobility Resist) to target for 1 turn inclusive.
Mana Cost: 25 Cooldown: 13 Damage Type: As weapon Element: As weapon [image][/image] Appearance [image][/image][image][/image]Water Dragon Spirit Self: Recover 30% max MP. +1 Dragon Spirit | (Spirit Empowered) Self: Purge external effects. Requirements: Level 11; 4th completion of Mad Skillz to unlock Effect: Recovers 30% of player's max MP; generates 1 Dragon's Spirit charge.- If empowered with 2 Dragon's Spirit charges, purges all status effects (excluding 'Stuffed', permanent effects, and any Bulwark DragonLord effects) from player.
Mana Cost: 0 Cooldown: 10 Damage Type: N/A Element: N/A [image][/image] Appearance [image][/image][image][/image]Wind Dragon Spirit Self: Heal 15% max HP, 10% max HP HoT for 2 turns. +1 Dragon Spirit | (Spirit Empowered) Self: +180 Defenses for 1 turn. Requirements: Level 10; 3rd completion of Mad Skillz to unlock Effect: Recovers 15% of player's max HP; applies 'Wind Dragon Spirit', a 10% player's max HP HoT effect, to player for 2 turns; generates 1 Dragon's Spirit charge.- If empowered with 2 Dragon's Spirit charges, additionally applies 'Wind Bulwark' (+180 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense) to player for 1 turn.
Mana Cost: 35 Cooldown: 12 Damage Type: N/A Element: N/A [image][/image] Appearance [image][/image][image][/image]Earth Dragon Spirit Self: +50% Non-Crit/Crit dmg reduction for 4 turns, and +25% Non-Crit/Crit dmg reduction (75% total) for 2 turns. | (Spirit Empowered) Self: +60% Non-Crit/Crit dmg reduction for 4 turns, and +30% (90% total) for 2 turns. +1 Dragon Spirit Requirements: Level 9; 2nd completion of Mad Skillz to unlock Effect: Applies 'Earth Dragon Spirit' (+75% Non-Crit/Crit Damage Reduction for first 2 turns, then +50% Non-Crit/Crit Damage Reduction for next 2 turns) to player for 4 turns; generates 1 Dragon's Spirit charge.- If empowered with 2 Dragon's Spirit charges, instead applies 'Earth Bulwark' (+90% Non-Crit/Crit Damage Reduction for first 2 turns, then +60% Non-Crit/Crit Damage Reduction for next 2 turns) to player for 4 turns.
Mana Cost: 30 Cooldown: 12 Damage Type: N/A Element: N/A Other information Both Damage Reduction effects of 'Earth Dragon Spirit' and 'Earth Bulwark' are treated as separate status effects.- 'Earth Dragon Spirit': +25% Non-Crit/Crit Damage Reduction and +50% Non-Crit/Crit Damage Reduction.
- 'Earth Bulwark': +30% Non-Crit/Crit Damage Reduction and +60% Non-Crit/Crit Damage Reduction.
[image][/image] Appearance [image][/image][image][/image]Darkness Dragon Spirit Self: +180 Avoidance for 2 turns. +1 Dragon Spirit | (Spirit Empowered) Self: +<x> END for <10+X/5> turns, recover <x> HP. Requirements: Level 8; 1st completion of Mad Skillz to unlock Effect: Applies 'Darkness Dragon Spirit' (+180 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance) to player for 2 turns; generates 1 Dragon's Spirit charge.- If empowered with 2 Dragon's Spirit charges, additionally applies 'Dark Bulwark' (+[Player's Level + 10] END) to player for [10+(X/5)] turns inclusive, where X is equal to the current number of Dragon's Bulwark stacks; upon applying 'Dark Bulwark', adjusts player's HP equal to the amount of HP gained from 'Dark Bulwark', unaffected by Health and/or All Resists.
Mana Cost: 30 Cooldown: 8 Damage Type: N/A Element: N/A [image][/image] Appearance 1 / 1.1 [image][/image][image][/image]Attack 1 hit x 120% damage. Gain 1 Stack of Dragon's Bulwark per turn, skills gain +5% base damage per stack (max +150% at 30 stacks) Recover 15 MP. Requirements: Level 8 Effect: 1 hit of 120% damage; recovers 15 MP; 50% chance to perform either one of two different animations. Mana Cost: 0 Cooldown: 0 Damage Type: As weapon Element: As weapon [image][/image] Appearance 1 / 2 [image][/image][image][/image]Dragon Bite 2 hits x 80% damage (160%) (Body Empowered) Self: Attack gains +75 Bonus. Turns into Dragon Claw when used; +1 Dragon Body | Turns into Dragon Claw when used. Requirements: Level 15; 8th completion of Mad Skillz to unlock Effect: 2 hits of 80% damage, amounting to 160% damage; unlocks 'Dragon Claw', replaces this skill with 'Dragon Claw' after use; generates 1 Dragon's Body charge.- If empowered with 2 Dragon's Body charges, attack gains +75 Bonus.
Mana Cost: 0 Cooldown: 0; Cooldown becomes 2 after 'Dragon Claw' is used Damage Type: As weapon Element: As weapon [image][/image] Appearance 1 / 1.1 [image][/image][image][/image]Dragon Claw 3 hits x 70% damage (210%) Self: +5 All resist for 4 turns. | (Body Empowered) Self: +8 All resist for 4 turns. Reverts to Dragon Bite when used, or another attacking skill is used; +1 Dragon Body | Reverts to Dragon Bite when used, or another attacking skill is used. Requirements: Level 15; 8th completion of Mad Skillz to unlock; usage of 'Dragon Bite' Effect: 3 hits of 70% damage, amounting to 210% damage; applies 'Protector's Fray' (+5 All Resist, -5 Health Resist) for 4 turns inclusive; skill reverts back to 'Dragon Bite' after use; generates 1 Dragon's Body charge. (Pop-up: You rein control over the battle! +5 All resist, -5 Health.)- If empowered with 2 Dragon's Body charges, 'Protector's Fray' instead applies +8 All Resist, -8 Health Resist to player for 4 turns inclusive. (Pop-up: You rein control over the battle! +8 All, -8 Health.)
Mana Cost: 0 Cooldown: N/A Damage Type: As weapon Element: As weapon [image][/image] Appearance 1 / 1.1 / 1.2 [image][/image][image][/image]Dragon Breath 1 hit x 125% damage to all targets +1 Dragon Body | (Body Empowered) Self: Attack gains +20% base damage. Requirements: Level 16; 9th completion of Mad Skillz to unlock Effect: 1 hit of 125% damage to all foes; generates 1 Dragon's Body charge.- If empowered with 2 Dragon's Body charges, attack instead deals 1 hit of 145% damage to all foes.
Mana Cost: 30 Cooldown: 2 Damage Type: As weapon Element: As weapon [image][/image] Appearance [image][/image][image][/image]Energy Dragon Spirit 1 hit x 150% Energy damage Target: (On hit) -25 All for 4 turns. +1 Dragon Spirit | (Spirit Empowered) Target: (Auto) -180 Avd/Def for 3 turns. Requirements: Level 17; 10th completion of Mad Skillz to unlock Effect: 1 hit of 150% damage; applies 'Energy Dragon Spirit' (-25 All Resist, +25 Health Resist) to target for 4 turns inclusive; generates 1 Dragon's Spirit charge.- If empowered with 2 Dragon's Spirit charges, additionally automatically applies 'Energy Bulwark' (-180 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance, -180 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense) to target for 3 turns inclusive.
Mana Cost: 30 Cooldown: 7 Damage Type: As weapon Element: Energy; As weapon if 'Dragon Spirit' is unbound from using 'Dragon Wings' [image][/image] Appearance 1 / 1.1 [image][/image][image][/image]Light Dragon Spirit 1 hit x 150% Light damage Target: (On hit) -60 Bonus for 3 turns. | (Spirit Empowered) Target: (On hit) -60 Bonus for 5 turns. +1 Dragon Spirit Requirements: Level 18; 11th completion of Mad Skillz to unlock Effect: 1 hit of 130% damage; applies 'Light Dragon Spirit' (-60 Bonus) to target for 3 turns; generates 1 Dragon's Spirit charge.- If empowered with 2 Dragon's Spirit charges, instead applies 'Light Bulwark' (-60 Bonus) to target for 5 turns.
Mana Cost: 30 Cooldown: 7 Damage Type: As weapon Element: Light; As weapon if 'Dragon Spirit' is unbound from using 'Dragon Wings' [image][/image] Appearance [image][/image][image][/image]Ice Dragon Spirit 1 hit x 150% Ice damage Target: (On hit) -50 Boost for 3 turns. | (Spirit Empowered) Target: (On hit) -<50-83> Boost for 3 turns. +1 Dragon Spirit Requirements: Level 19; 12th completion of Mad Skillz to unlock Effect: 1 hit of 125% damage; applies 'Ice Dragon Spirit' (-50% Boost) to target for 3 turns; generates 1 Dragon's Spirit charge.- If empowered with 2 Dragon's Spirit charges, 'Ice Dragon Spirit' gains an additional -1% Boost for every 3% of player's missing HP%, capping at -83% Boost.
Mana Cost: 30 Cooldown: 8 Damage Type: As weapon Element: Ice; As weapon if 'Dragon Spirit' is unbound from using 'Dragon Wings' [image][/image] Appearance [image][/image][image][/image]Fire Dragon Spirit 1 hit x 150% Fire damage Target: (On hit) 33% base damage DoT for 5 turns. +1 Dragon Spirit | (Spirit Empowered) Self: +40 Boost for 5 turns. Requirements: Level 20; 13th completion of Mad Skillz to unlock Effect: 1 hit of 130% damage; applies 'Fire Dragon Spirit', a 33% damage Magic Fire DoT effect, to target for 5 turns; generates 1 Dragon's Spirit charge.- If this skill is used after 'Dragon Spirit' is unbound from using 'Dragon Wings', the 'Fire Dragon Spirit' DoT effect will instead use the player's weapon element.
- If empowered with 2 Dragon's Spirit charges, additionally applies 'Fire Bulwark' (+40% Boost) to the player for 5 turns inclusive.
Mana Cost: 25 Cooldown: 6 Damage Type: As weapon Element: Fire; As weapon if 'Dragon Spirit' is unbound from using 'Dragon Wings' [image][/image] Appearance [image][/image][image][/image]Dragon Wings 4 hits x 100% damage (400%) Self: Next 3 Dragon Spirit skills use weapon element. +1 Dragon Body, can only be used after a Dragon Spirit skill. | (Body Empowered) Self: Gain 2 extra stacks of Dragon's Bulwark, can only be used after a Dragon Spirit skill. Requirements: Level 21; 14th completion of Mad Skillz to unlock; Usage of any 'Dragon Spirit' skill Effect: 4 hits of 100% damage, amounting to 400% damage; allows the next 3 'Dragon Spirit' skills (even if they are not attack skills) to use your weapon element; generates 1 Dragon's Body charge. [Pop-ups: Your Dragon Spirit is unbound! Next three Spirits are no longer element locked. / X unbound Dragon Spirit(s) remaining.]- If empowered with 2 Dragon's Body charges, additionally gains 2 stacks of Dragon's Bulwark.
Mana Cost: 30 Cooldown: 12 Damage Type: As weapon Element: As weapon [image][/image] Appearance 1 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 Other information Passive Effect: Applies a stackable +5% total base damage to player at the beginning of each turn, capping at +150% total base damage at 30 stacks. (Pop-up: Dragon's Bulwark shines brightly! +X% damage!) Thanks to Verlyrus for skill effects. Jay for widget and skill buttons.