RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (Full Version)

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One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/2/2012 17:33:07)

i was gonna do a log on the best gear for stat abuse in the Strat section but that is no longer needed with the finder bot coming

supermasivo -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/3/2012 7:59:44)

SO! DEVS... when technology gonna improve deflections as u said 2 weeks ago? im waiting that couse is the only way to have a change in my build to beat that BM rage with sidearm!

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/3/2012 9:21:49)

^Hopefully they'll never add that.

Wootz -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/3/2012 9:25:57)

It better improve today! :D

gangster a -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/3/2012 9:28:03)

ill decide next week if i want any of the suggetion weps tomorrow i will be on so hope they are good

Wootz -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/3/2012 12:13:54)

A sneaky peeky! :D


Sageofpeace -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/3/2012 12:27:13)

hope they add some balance CHANGE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(not just one)

Fay Beeee -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/3/2012 12:41:40)

SOME of the new player weapons (thanks to Charfade)
NOTE she said SOME

Wootz -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/3/2012 12:43:14)

Too late Fay! ;)
I know one of the people who's weapons are in! :) (Mieteor)

Fay Beeee -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/3/2012 12:48:01)

Sorry Wootz. I could not see them on your one. I do not have Twitter. So I posted this for others like me. :)

Ninja'ed by Wootz

supermasivo -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/3/2012 13:48:10)

@Isaia.. srry 4 u! they will make that technology change "hopefully" =)

On topic: VERY VERY VERY nice weapons... congratz!

XxKirachanXx -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/3/2012 13:51:50)


Aanyway, I can't wait, I wonder if any of those guns will be better than the ones sold by the Exile Leader ;3

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/3/2012 13:51:52)

@Supermasivo Hopefully they wont. Then they can just forget all about balance if they make that update. Because they would be taking one large step back from making this game balanced. Is that what you want?

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/3/2012 14:00:05)

incase anyone missed em

SNEAK PEAK!!!! [fixed link]

ps: Non-var caterpillar bot?

supermasivo -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/3/2012 15:18:47)

@psibertus ur link send me to "" main page nothing else.

Isaia@ i dont know what is ur "idea" of "ballance" couse to me now that support is allmost useless to FM i barely use it... in fact i got 30x support only and the rest on defensive tanker stats on my CH... now going back to the ballance issue: The only way to counter that fast sidearm rage of str BM TO ME and maybe 80% of players that dont use support is making deflection improve with technology... maybe u are a support /5 focus user or maybe a BM user too (havnt see ur ed char yet) now, whats the point of having support to increase rage, crit and deflection if u cant cover ur shields? before that was so irrelevant couse u had a 60 hp lvl 1 F.M heal every 3 turns and defensive wasnt even care about in pvps... now that support got that nerf who cares about support? i dpnt use support... i get more crits? true, i allways start second? true but idk ... most of time i can take advtage with my insane block rate with more than 130 dex.
Now that we all use STR or TANKER and BM is taking advntage of faster rage thanks to zerk and 2 kills builds... WE NEED tech/dex improve that insane sidearm damage ... its the only way to counter STR builds.

Ashari -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/3/2012 16:23:02)

Thanks to RabbleFroth, we managed to fit in a few balance changes in this weeks release. There's much more planned for next week, but here are the changes that are ready. The changes this week shifts focus on the Tech Mage class which has been underpowered at all levels.

Balance Changes
  • Battle rewards now always give the same ratio of credits to experience. The credit to XP ratio is set to 8:3.
  • Deflection chance now improves with Technology. Deflection chance improves by 1% per 3 Technology advantage. The base chance (10%), min chance (2%) and max chance (25%) are unchanged.
  • Strength requirement removed from Plasma Bolt.
  • Strength requirement added to Malfunction (19 +2/Lvl)
  • Plasma Bolt energy is cost reduced by 4 EP at each level.
  • Overload energy cost is reduced by 2 EP at each level.
  • Defense Matrix energy is reduced by 1 EP at each level.
  • Field Commander now scales by 1 Str every 2 levels (down from every 4.5 levels) and has had its base strength bonus increased by 2.

    > Battle rewards now always give the same ratio of credits to experience. The credit to experience ratio is set to 8:3.
      Battle rewards now have a fixed credit to experience ratio. Previously, losing battles or winning battles against higher level opponents left you with a smaller credit to experience ratio than winning a fair match in 1v1 or 2v2. It did not make sense to have a lower reward ratio for winning a tough battle, nor was it feasible to punish players who lost with a lower reward ratio. The credit to experience ratio for losing would leave many players in a downward spiral - losing meant less credits as you leveled, which translated to fewer item upgrades, and even more losing. This change makes losing purely a time penalty. It won't penalize your character in the long run anymore.

      In addition, this change increased 2v2 battle rewards to match the 1v1 reward ratio.

    > Deflection chance now improves with Technology. Deflection chance improves by 1% per 3 Technology advantage. The base chance (10%), min chance (2%) and max chance (25%) are unchanged.
      Deflection has been removed from Support as we felt Support affected far too many battle mechanics. This created a jack-of-all trades stat that gave small improvements in many aspects of battle, but did not give a significant bonus in any of these mechanics. Technology is primarily a defensive stat, so we decided to pair it up with this defensive effect. Support will receive several improvements in the coming week to offset the loss of Deflect.
    > Plasma Bolt: Removed strength requirement. Energy cost reduced by 4 across all skill levels.
    > Overload: Energy cost reduced by 2 across all skill levels.
      Both Plasma Bolt and Overload are meant to be the bread-and-butter of Tech Mage's damage output. These skills proved too costly to be consistent damage dealers that could be used several times per battle, especially at the low to mid level range (10-25). The strength requirement of Plasma Bolt was removed to allow lower level Tech Mages to create caster build that rely primarily on skills for damage.
    > Defense Matrix energy cost is reduced by 1 EP at each level.
      Defense Matrix proved to be too costly at low skill levels for early levels. The defense boost gained at these levels did not justify a 10 EP energy cost.
    > Malfunction now requires Strength (19 at skill level 1, +2 / level).
      Since the Strength requirement was removed from Plasma Bolt, it was added to Malfunction where it would have less of an impact at low levels. The Strength requirement is primarily to prevent Tank and Support builds from completely neglecting the Strength stat. This should be far less restrictive than the Strength requirement on Plasma Bolt given Malfunction's tier 3 position and its effectiveness at mid skill levels.
    > Field Commander now scales by 1 Str every 2 levels (down from every 4.5 levels) and has had its base strength bonus increased by 2.
      The current Field Commander quickly loses its effectiveness in the high level range as weapon damage overshadows the bonus damage gained from this skill. This improvement in scaling is a small buff to make the skill more effective near the max level. The strength bonus at low levels will remain approximately the same.

  • ashtonsdad -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/3/2012 16:27:12)

    everything sounds good, i didn't notice any mention of a new super bowl achievement though. is it to be assumed there is always one this time of year? curious mind wanting to know.

    DeathGuard -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/3/2012 16:29:06)

    @Ashari:At first thanks for the information, and second those changes maked me happy.

    Digital X -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/3/2012 16:31:55)

    This might give me the incentive to play on my mage again. As well as a new build when i obtain the creds (i am unbelievably poor on him now >.>)

    TurkishIncubus -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/3/2012 16:41:01)


    2 problems,

    1)Now Malf decrease smoke which is very normal cause Smoke inc/dec blocking chance but Malf doesnt inc/dec any thing besides robot dmg, but after update Malf will dec/inc Deflection + decrease robot dmg + resistance + Smoke. Its too much unfair for Smoke users. Why Malf can decrease Smoke but SMoke cant decrease Malf :S. Than with Tank CH they will block with Shadow arts and also keep deflecting because of Malf so how can other classes hit them? Unblockables will deflect and Blockables will be block. Atleast Malf shouldnt decrease Smoke power so we can decrease their blocking :S

    2)Field Commander is still not a usefull skill, MODs already told they are looking ways to buff Merc than why not make Field Commander a passive skill. Even if at Max field commander will give lets say +36 str whcih means +6 dmg in 4 turns 24 more dmg so instead of using field commander if i striked i would probably do 15-20 dmg(if oponents def/res is slow maybe +25-30 dmg) so whats the point of spending 20 energy to field commander ???

    Lord Machaar -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/3/2012 16:43:57)

    Yeah! Taking Deflection from Support to Technology is really !! where did u came up with this idea? .... I don't even see a point of doing that? just give me one reasonable Reason to do that? Are you trying to make Tanks Op again or what?

    Stabilis -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/3/2012 16:46:21)

    I read the entire post. Even though I had used malf in the past frequently, and today less so... I still think it was a good idea. No nerfing skill should be powerful enough to double your own damage or half your enemy's.

    My next suggestion is to fix CH... my class (my children), with... NERFS. Shadow arts and plasma armour beckon for the use of dexterity and the latter tier of blocking. On behalf of some or most CH I thank the team for buffing us with the plasma armour passive. However, armour promotes a tank trait being purely defensive. Some CH may be the next OP. I suggest flipping our passives to prevent this from happening. Look along the lines of turning our thick skin into blades of war. Perhaps switching our passives with ones resembling deadly aim? After all, a true CH acts defensive when endangered, not reckless. We can rely on our defense matrix and if you give us energy shield we can watch our resistance. After all, we have fast flowing unlimited energy at our disposal, why not put it to tactical usage?

    Shadronica -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/3/2012 16:46:57)

    These Design Notes are at last providing me with incentive to play again. Finderbot will be a wonderful addition too. Nice one team. [;)]

    DeathGuard -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/3/2012 16:50:19)

    @Shadronica: When I saw you post here, I said she will post once again they're goign the wrong way, it seems I was wrong, they have done a great work with suggestion items and minor balance changes.

    PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Feb 1st Design Notes - Heart Breaker preview (2/3/2012 17:04:15)

    so TMs got a small buff, ty :) Blood Mages also got buffed [Overload] but Cybers got buffed twice? .... just ugh!
    [Cyber buffs were Defence Matrix cost and Tech effecting deflections]

    Cybers went from being my no2 class to being one I feel ashamed to even login on. and I was smashing TLMs with Cyber
    long before any passive armors made them OP, and long before a thousand scrubs class changed to them. But when people
    see me on my CH, they just presume I am one of those scrubs. very lame.

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