=ED= March 20th Design Notes (Full Version)

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Ashari -> =ED= March 20th Design Notes (3/20/2012 16:33:52)


March 20, 2012
Mobile Design Notes
Hi there Epic Duelists! I had the awesome idea of writing design notes from my phone (or rather I was bored during my office hours; if you are my student: visit meeeeeeee!) so please forgive any devious Auto Corrects. This update is going to be pretty story heavy, so those of you who like story are in for a treat (warning: contains me).

Bunny Battles

Over the past week, thanks to your assistance, Mr. Cottontail has been able to construct two rabbit Battle Suits: one for leporid Capensis and one for the Captain Brachylagus. However, the suit lacks an on board computer system; Mr. Cottontail needs the assistance of his colleague -- fan-beloved character Ulysses to program the suits. Mr. Cottontail has informed Ulysses that you will be more than happy to assist him in anything is needs.

This quest line also takes you around to other sciencey-type people all over Delta V... For Science!


Nightwraith isn't going to just be busy with everything I'm giving him for the missions (and there is quite a bit) but several screens are also getting a facelift this week. No longer will these areas be stuck in the recesses of 2009!

Getting Buff

As you know, the Mercenary class was scheduled to receive a buff, but that didn't happen then. But this is not then, it is now! Mercenaries will be receiving a new passive skill affecting rage. I don't have all the details yet, so keep watching this space for more info!

My Fair Lady

A new (to you) face being introduced this update is Ulysses' lovely companion Galatea. After Ulysses lost his eyes in the Incident, surgeon and laser enthusiast (a diamond is a girl's best friend when it's being used to focus a plasma beam) replaced them for him free of charge. Since then, she has remained loyal to the inventor and grew to become the Apple of his cybernetic eye.

What Gall!

A gall is a fleshy outcropping of plant material, usually caused by an insect or fungal parasite, although parasitic plants such as mistletoe can cause galls on the host. Insects that cause galls form them as microhabitats, and the gall provides protection, a starchy food source and a home for the insect. Typically, gall-forming insects live in the gall as larvae and emerge as adults, although this is not necessarily the case in eusocial gall aphids. Insects that cause galls include gall wasps, gall midges, gall flies, and gall aphids. I just learned today that mites, small arachnids closely related to spiders, also form galls in black cherry.

Call for Mods

We have so many qualified applicants for the available positions! The call is still open, but just a reminder: we are not looking for developers, just mods and testers. Any applications lacking a resume/CV will not be accepted, nor will any applications submitted by those under the age of eighteen.

Tags: Cinderella balance Mercenaries Bunnies! War Missions Achievements Ulysses Mythology

Also, here's the new skill Adrenaline that's replacing Blood Shield for mercenaries! ~Practel

Hiddenblade -> RE: =ED= March 20th Design Notes (3/20/2012 16:37:38)


seems pretty awesome mercs are getting a new passive hopefully it will be fun to use and make them more competitive but i wonder. WHAT SKILL ARE THEY GOING TO TAKE OUT? It better not ruin the skill tree lol.

ScarletReaper -> RE: =ED= March 20th Design Notes (3/20/2012 16:40:23)

They will prolly get rid of blood shield since nobody really uses it. Will be interesting to see if mercs make a comeback. :D

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= March 20th Design Notes (3/20/2012 16:43:12)

Yeah Blood Shield is going, that's definitely as it was in previous DNs + Staff told us a while back.

Basicball -> RE: =ED= March 20th Design Notes (3/20/2012 16:44:22)

the new skill will *probably*

a) increase the rate of rage gain for mercs.
b) decrease the rate of rage gain for the opponent.

i'm hoping for b, bacause fighting double mercs is hard enough as it is for juggs.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= March 20th Design Notes (3/20/2012 16:46:00)

new stuff for Ulysses yeah my favorite character has a point once more

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= March 20th Design Notes (3/20/2012 16:58:23)

@trans: they said they will replace Blood Shield but it doesn't mean this is the skill that is replacing it. they might replace something else.

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= March 20th Design Notes (3/20/2012 16:59:27)

Nope, they specifically said Blood Shield is leaving as they aren't finding it useful and replacing with new Passive. It was said once or twice on Forum and few times on IRC/Twitter too.

Lord Machaar -> RE: =ED= March 20th Design Notes (3/20/2012 16:59:30)

Basicball- i guess they want to make it better, not worse and this will really affect JUGGERNAUT battle mode, should i writ JUGGERNAUT battle mode in caps lock: on , so you can notice it.... We was just talking about how juggernauts battle mode is not balanced and look what you are doing? You gonna make the high levels better yes and i agree but when a poor jugg will face 2 mercenaries have rage in second turn with bunker buster, hmm? I think you still didn't realize that i fight double different kind of builds in same battle? different classes? 2 rages? i think you maybe still didn't get what JUGGERNAUT battle mode means.
P.S: i'm agreed with the buff of mercenaries but i disagree if it's going to affect juggernauts in a wrong way...

Fay Beeee -> RE: =ED= March 20th Design Notes (3/20/2012 17:10:05)

I am pleased that the Mercs are getting a boost up. They have been bottom of the pile for quite a long time now.

More missions and a Tech hunt. Will be great to see the new armours.

New npc too. Fight-able? Level? Guess I will have to wait and see. lol

Nice one guys. Thank you.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: =ED= March 20th Design Notes (3/20/2012 17:15:41)

Can't wait for more missions.
Is the new NPC going to be a 1v1 boss? (I hope so)

Lord Areswe -> RE: =ED= March 20th Design Notes (3/20/2012 17:34:53)

"must be 18"
*twitch twitch*

Bx -> RE: =ED= March 20th Design Notes (3/20/2012 18:54:34)

I think release look good and cant wait to seee how bunny go in story. I also like how merc being buffed because they very weak right now. cant wait to see new passive skill

Basicball -> RE: =ED= March 20th Design Notes (3/20/2012 19:21:41)

off-topic: ^lol, you had me for a moment, i was confused why your typingg style changed to ... idk, slightly worse english i guess (no offence intended, i understand what you're trying to say very clearly) I'm not quite sure if you're allowed to have that name though. Especialy with that avatar, it loks like you're trying to impersonate 8x (you probably are).
I *think* thats against the rules, but oh wel xd

on-topic: i hope we can buy one of these battlesuits[:)]

Bx -> RE: =ED= March 20th Design Notes (3/20/2012 19:27:55)

^lol i not impersonate 8x, i love him. and also he not staff so no rule apply. and yes my english no good. avatar i find in charcater folder on public selection

Midnightsoul -> RE: =ED= March 20th Design Notes (3/20/2012 19:30:41)

I'm very excited for the update! :O
I must have a new armor... e.e


Sipping Cider -> RE: =ED= March 20th Design Notes (3/20/2012 20:21:38)

I hope they new armor is something we can use in battle, now just another achievement.

I like that mercs are getting buffed, but if a skill comes out that affects rage then boosters that boost your rage will probably never come out :(

Hun Kingq -> RE: =ED= March 20th Design Notes (3/20/2012 20:49:07)

This new skill is a huge mistake we will all see second round rage let see what skill can be used in the second round with the right amount of support can be deadly without rage, that is correct folks Artillery Strike. Players of the non merc class will be be furious when they see their 2vs2 losses increase evermore and only class you will see in 2vs2 is nothing but mercs because players will not waste their time losing battle after battle getting no rewards but the merc class. So how many players that plays the tact mercs will jump ship and switch.

For the Blood Mage, Aggressive form of the tech mage, will now have to have a very high defensive build, so the description should be changed to a Defensive form of the tech mage.

The merc was never weak, it was copy cats and bad build makers that done this, and only ones that left that class behind was the class hoppers and now the same class hoppers will switch back to the tact merc and players will complain the tact merc is being left behind and how weak they are and then they get a new skill Leaving the mage classes behind as always.

So really what the point of the mage classes have any offensive skills when they have to concentrate on defensive builds when in the second round of each merc they rage Artillery strike giving an instant win. This will just be virtual reality steroids.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: =ED= March 20th Design Notes (3/20/2012 20:53:29)

@Hun Kingq You barely have any information regarding the new skill except that it increases rage gain and now you assume its going to increase it so much that now Mercs will rage on their second turn? I think you are overeacting a bit. I don't think the devs would do that.

Retrosaur -> RE: =ED= March 20th Design Notes (3/20/2012 21:05:22)

Aww, like the Galatea reference....

Chosen 0ne -> RE: =ED= March 20th Design Notes (3/20/2012 21:26:21)

I still believe that tlm's need another skill besides field comm.

Clutch -> RE: =ED= March 20th Design Notes (3/20/2012 21:27:35)

@Hyped Haha right! I love Greek Mythology.

Anyhow, Mercs needed a buff and i'm glad they'll be receiving one. As for the storyline, I think it'd be cool if we could maybe purchase a version of the battlesuits once we completed the quests.

Hun Kingq -> RE: =ED= March 20th Design Notes (3/20/2012 21:40:11)

IsaiahtheMage, They mentioned it in the past design notes it will be the second round but it really does not matter which round if they rage in the 3rd round then they know all they have to do is use Artillery strike in the 3rd round and if it increases the rage percentage then instead of 47 critical damage with aux they get 57 or 67 or with Bunker buster instead of 40 to 50 with regular rage think 57 or 67 with lower tech. This will be the skill the will not just make things over powered but will be way over killed. There is a whole list of skills that would make this skill over kill think about all the skills that strength mercs use. Think about a skill that has 1 round cool down.

So re-read the past design notes.

Basicball -> RE: =ED= March 20th Design Notes (3/20/2012 21:45:27)


In addition to weapons balancing, the Mercenary class will also be receiving a buff of some kind. According to RabbleFroth's balance data, Mercenaries are having a great deal of trouble at the level cap in 1v1 battles. We've heard many complaints that Blood Shield is not useful enough, so we may be improving it or possible replacing it with a new, more useful skill.

Hun, the previous DN's don't even mention rage

Remorse -> RE: =ED= March 20th Design Notes (3/20/2012 21:52:14)

I Hope the passive, reduces the opponenents rage gain.

Otherwise this skill is likely to have a negative effect on balance.

I dont know if you guys realise but mercs dominate effortless builds at lower levels.
If they also had constant rage then Lower level battles are lickely to be unbalanced.

So they only have a problem at level cap 1v1......

Why not look at the problem which makes all baalnce teriable at the level cap instead of buffing the slightly weaker ones effecting and efectively ruining balance in lower levels and in 2v2.

In my eyes, Mercs are weak beause they made new classes with both a PASSIVE ARMOUR and an ENERGY REGIAN.

Its no wonder people think mercs are weak if they cant fight to the same standard as TLMs and CHs.

As for powerbuilds, Yes they dont have a fully effective powerbuild like the blood mages etc. But that is an example of teriable balance in the first place.

So what should happen is the nerfing of powerbuilds. AND CH and TLMs should lose there passive armours, but as a trade off TLMs get back smoke screen and CHs get back a decent static charge.

I have nothing agianst mercs getting buffed here, But it just anoys me that they seem to be making balance worse or neglecting the MAJOR balance problems at the level cap.
Like for example powerbuilds/glass cannons.

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