Question Mark? -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/22/2012 17:16:54)
In the Center of the park, amidst the rubble, there is a small glass table. Around this table are several chairs. The table is set impeccably. With a tablecloth, a teapot, cups, and scones. Seated at the table are Two Persons (Quite Dead), An Iguana (Plush Toy) and One Thing That Is Obviously Humanoid. (Alive) The thing's flesh is a lovely grey, swirled with red and blue pigmentation, producing every possible shade of purple. It is quite marvelous, like the work of some mad painter. Its face is twisted into a bright smile, and its eyes sparkle with glee as it passes the teapot around the table. "Mr. Higgins? Betsy? You've had enough for now? Oh, that's fine. I'll just leave it here. Enjoy yourselves!" He wears a most curious suit of clothes, patched together from scraps of red and black cloth, in a crude checkerboard design. "What about you, Mr. Snoot? Would you like any tea? Mmhm... One lump, or two? Oh, that's delightful! Hah! I would have said the same thing! You are a marvelously witty fellow, Mr. Snoot!" He pours some tea into the Iguana's little pink cup. "What's that Mr. Higgins? Oh no, I'm not going after Bronzy anymore. He decked me like a fighter jet made out of biceps! No, no, Betsy, it wasn't just the conflict of interest, although that is an interesting observation. Here, have another scone Mr Higgins. Where was I? Oh yes, T wasn't cooperating! But that wasn't really the problem, now was it, Mr. Snoot? ... Oh, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You are HYSTERICAL Mr. Snoot! I couldn't have put it better myself! Ol' Bronzy's so strong he probably vomits weddings! Anyhoo, I'm so glad that we have this time together! You lot are like a real family to me!" A tear comes to the odd man's eye as he begins to hug the corpses and the little stuffed iguana close to him and ramble on regarding the importance of friendship, and how one day they would achieve great things and so on. It took several hours, actually.