RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/18/2012 0:24:17)

Gla: Well that's somewhat good to hear.
Mark: try the door, it might really help.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/18/2012 2:46:53)

Problem is, oddly I don't encounter this in original stories, but whenever I look at HS all I think is "Oh look, i can put a JoJo reference there!"

So pretty much every HS character I thought up is based in JoJo somehow, don't know why that happens for this specific verse. Go figure.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/18/2012 2:53:34)

Gla: Maybe look at things other then JoJo's?

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/18/2012 2:57:09)

It's my current interest :/ Can't help it. Doesn't help that it's also just pretty good. As it's been out for so long, there's a LOT of content to draw inspiration from. The author tends to use a ton of different ideas. I think it also has to do with this being a fanfic sort of thing I can rip off whatever I want! :D I can use inspirations, even that veer FAR too close to the inspire-ees and it won't harm me.

What I find odder is this is only happening with my HS ideas really. As I have 3 other stories, none of which have been heavily (or even moderately) influenced by JoJo at all...

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/18/2012 3:22:04)

Maybe it's because it justs fits with HS? I don't know.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/18/2012 3:26:14)

But then...I know nothing OF HS so that doesn't work either xD

Though perhaps. JoJo has a habit of that anyone could get get literally any power. This HS shared writing-verse has a similar thing, except within reason.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/18/2012 12:30:41)

Interesting findings, Lunarox, most of which I already knew and can confirm, though it is good to hear it coming from your point of view. The animal thing is not so easily explained as that, however. It's a very complex reason, including both body chemistry and spiritual interactions... If it weren't, the animals would have just passed through anyway. Think of the fact that there are humans over there. They have the most complex brains of all animilia, according to many. Besides, the brain's electro-chemical impulses would be treated in a very similar way to the EMF effects of machines, in this instance.

That guy reminds me of a movie projector. ^-^

I like how it didn't use punctuation on the last one. :P

To be fair, with the massive ammount of tropes in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, you could look at almost anything and say it's a reference to it, if you knew enough about it, and it was influencing your thoughts at the time.

The reason you only do it with HS is that you subconciously view it as effectively an open sand box, from what you've seen here, and because you do not know of the game, you cannot possibly even know *how* to moderate your thoughts to the actual flavor and theme of it. The other games you understand the set parameters of. ;)

Yes, I understand things. I am about 90% sure that those are the root causes of it, in combination with the fact that you have been reading Jojo's enough for it to influence you in a large way. This has happened to me with the anime and manga I pay attention to at times.

You are welcome.

Jae10 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/18/2012 16:42:28)


*pokes topic and breaks awkward silence*

Alright, did everybody just fall off the face of the Earth? Trying to set a new record for longest time spent without a response?

Lol, that's an interesting way of puttin it...but I must agree with the Clown - real life has put many of us on, um, 'hold'. XD

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/18/2012 17:16:32)


The reason you only do it with HS is that you subconciously view it as effectively an open sand box, from what you've seen here, and because you do not know of the game, you cannot possibly even know *how* to moderate your thoughts to the actual flavor and theme of it. The other games you understand the set parameters of. ;)

Ah there we go. That describes it perfectly, I simply was not sure how to describe it. Though I do drop references in my DF (and non AE stories) every HS idea I had is somewhat fact, here's how.

Corona:Combination of both Cars (appearance-wise) and Dio Brando (sort of).
Ultimate Chef:Tonio Trussardi
Dimension hopper:Funny Valentine
Demolition Based character:Yoshikage Kira
Reverse Corona:Diego Brando/Everything in Steel Ball Run/Diego Brando from another universe

And the list will probably go on. The Thief is probably my only fully original HS character.

Shadowlight1 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/18/2012 18:22:12)

Body chemistry, maybe. Spiritual interactions, it doesn't explain why matter in contact with animals aren't affected. There is still much that I may never be able to confirm.
But no matter.


Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 1:50:32)

@^:I find that most interesting....spirits seem to be above the effects of Dimension 0.5?

I also figured out a bit more of Corona's story's plot.


So the sun, it is no longer some cosmic horror as I originally planned. Instead it of many that unfortunately for us, resides in our sun. As such, once defeated its siblings will be notified and will start coming after Corona...and with him being able to destroy a car at best it does not look very fair to him.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 2:28:33)

Gla: Looks like Corona had better get some backup then. Oh and I know of a few things that could distract your creative subconscious from JoJos. Probably can't name them due to forum rules though, they are pretty dark.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 2:34:51)

PMs are always good. I don't mind dark as long as it doesn't stray into sexually explicit territory.

In a way, he will. I have several characters planned for him to meet (Ultimate Chef is his mentor of sorts, and he will eventually meet an incredibly crucial gravity manipulator who he becomes good friends with for example) Though the story involving the "Oldest Brother" should be really fun. In a way he's inspired by JoJo (appearance is similar to Silver Chariot Requiem) but personality and power-wise he is nothing the same.

Still, the backup will likely not exceed his own powers, as I'd rather figure a creative way to defeat these enemies rather than amp up the protagonists' power levels to ridiculous areas.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 2:48:58)

Gla: Well it's good that you have plans, If you need help with a little bit of the creativity I'd gladly help.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 2:53:03)

Well yeah, even if things inspire me, I always do my best to take them in a different direction. Would be rather disgraceful otherwise. And I'd appreciate any help.

The problem I am confronted with now is how much of the plot I want to reveal for the purpose of getting outside help. Wouldn't want to spoil everything obviously.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 3:04:12)

Gla: Remember that inspiration can come from any place. You could always PM me about the planned plots, I'm good at keeping writing secrets (especially about my own writings).

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 3:11:48)

Ah right, you would be the perfect confidante (sorry, just saw this word and felt like using it) as since you don't seem to write on the forums, you're the closest to completely neutral (despite the bias against Delta, and even then you read through one of his stories).

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 3:25:25)

Gla:I guess that's is right. I thought about writing here a few times but I rarely finish anything in my mass of idea, and I hate to even have to think about how I have to write. For me it just all comes to me naturally. I will admit that there are some types of stories that I love more then others, but unless it delves into a pure romance thing I'm usually fine with anything. I actually read through David's older stories a while ago, and can you honestly blame me for hating him?

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 3:35:35)

Well I'm not gonna take sides. I've stated my thoughts on the specific story of his in his thread where it belongs. Plus, I don't know him. At all. Even internetically speaking.

His older stories looked too long for me to read (plus sifting through commentary and seeing "Born with 400 IQ" or something like that seemed well beyond ridiculous. It's one thing when it's Cars, who's a main antagonist. Protagonists need their limits in my opinion). Plus, as I have no real base in the HS Verse, it's hard for me to invest my time into an HS story. I just feel lost in it. DF on the other hand, I know all about so it's easier to immerse myself in its fanfics. Heck, the only reason I was able to latch onto Antithesis' story was because the setting...reminded me of my favorite JoJo Part, Battle Tendency ._.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 3:45:20)

Gla: Count yourself lucky on that, and yes his first stories were even more annoying the the aspects I pointed out numerous times before. HS doesnt have much of a storylinr so most of the fics have less grounding to the game then you would expect.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 3:48:10)

That's good. Eh, can't say mine will be any different, in fact I wouldn't expect any real relation to the game at all. I only came here interested in the vast amount of writers working together, the actual game has little bearing on me.

And ok, well still haven't read em myself so can't really say anything there...

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 3:51:18)

Gla: I personally think that a loose grounding works out great. You can just have more room to work with. To get a summary just read Clown and Gray's first story, most other fics go by the events in it.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 3:58:20)

I've wanted to read Clown's story for ages actually, simply because I find the idea of a Carnival/Jester villain to be incredibly awesome. Thing is, when he writes chapters he writes SERIOUS chapters. As in, 1-4 of them probably =1/3-1/2 of my entire story. I've heard his recent planned chapter is 25 pages long. Mine average I think 8 ._. It really depends on time I have to read.

So he somewhat set up the canon though? I want to be involved because collabs are fun, but I don't want to risk having my own stories restricted...

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 4:16:31)

Gla: Yeah his chapters are long, but they don't cone out that often. It should be an easy read if you're dedicated to it. Copy pasting it into word and deleting paragraphs as you read them could also help. If you don't want to/can't read it I could gladly give you a summary of sorts.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/19/2012 4:21:29)

A summary would greatly be appreciated. It's not that I don't want to read it, but as of now I can't see myself finding the time to.

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